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Scientific program (pdf)

2:00 pm

Opening Remarks
Tom Ludlam (BNL)

2:20 pm

"The First Voyage of STAR: Guanahani or Miami?"
Tim Hallman (BNL)

3:00 pm

“Jet Quenching in STAR”
Jamie Dunlop (BNL)

3:40 - 4:00 pm

Coffee Break

4:00 pm

"STAR Upgrades in the Past, Present and Future"
Zhangbu Xu (BNL)

4:40 pm

"The Future of RHIC"
Berndt Mueller (Duke)

5:20 pm

Closing Remarks
Nu Xu (LBL)

5:40 pm

Reception (Physics Lounge)

7:00 pm

Dinner (TBD)

At this event we celebrate Tim Hallman’s leadership as Spokesperson of the STAR experiment at RHIC for the past six years.  We chronicle the experiment’s success, and look forward towards its bright future.

Sponsored by the Department of Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory

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