Ground Integrity Detector (GID)

There are stringent requirements for the STAR ground. The requirements for the grounding system is described in CSN202A. To monitor whether there is an inadvertent object that jeopardizes the ground, we have designed a Ground Integrity Detector (GID). This device is sensitive to a DC short, but cannot detect a capacitive short.

The detector is located next to the STAR ground column. A circuit diagram shows how the detector is connected to the ground wires. The chassis has a meter and an audio alarm to determine if there is an improper ground connection. The chassis needs to be programmed to watch for deviations from the proper limits. Paul Salz has prepared a document for this purpose. A cheat sheet for proper programming is also available.

The detector is read out by Slow Controls from a module in row DC2. A diagram describes how the cable should be terminated.

The detector was designed by Paul Salz of LBNL. For questions please contact Howard Matis.