
These instructions on the installation, configuration and usage of MonaLisa are for the STAR Monitoring Group. A complete guide on how to install and configure MonALISA can be found in the MonALISA Users Guide at the MonALISA web site.

MonALISA Monitoring Service Installation

General Requirements

On the host that you plan to run the MonALISA Monitoring Service you need J2SDK version 1.4.2 or higher. JAVA_HOME must be defined and $JAVA_HOME/bin must be in your PATH:
           export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01
           export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Firewall Requirements

If you plan to run the Monitoring Service behind a firewall, three sequential TCP ports must be opened. The exact ports are set in a configuration file (, see below). Default ports are 9000 through 9002. Also, if you plan to use the Monitoring service to monitor interconnection bandwitch with other MonALISA Services, UDP port 9000 must also be open.
Finally, if you plan to deploy the ML Web Service you must also open TCP port 6004 (The port number for the Web Service is also configurable in For more info look in The MonALISA Web Service).


You can download the MonALISA service from the MonALISA web site.
Under the Download tag select Monitoring Service and get the tar file MonALISA.tar.gz.
Untar the MonALISA.tar.gz file. Set MonaLisa_HOME to the directory where you untarred:
            export MonaLisa_HOME=$HOME/MonaLisa.v1.0.1

Initial Configuration

There are two parts in the configuration of the MonaLisa Monitoring Service: The Global configuration part and the Farm configuration part.
For the Global configuration you need to edit $MonaLisa_HOME/Service/CMD/ml_env to set some configuration parameters: For the Farm configuration part: Go to $MonaLisa_Home/Service and create the directory for you Farm (it should match what you have set the parameter FARM_HOME above):
           cd $MonaLisa_HOME/Service
           mkdir STAR
In your FARM_HOME directory you will need three configuration files: one is the FARM_CONF_FILE that you set above (FARM_CONF_FILE="${FARM_HOME}/star.conf") the db.conf.embedded and the You can copy these three files from the TEST directory $MonaLisa_Home/Service/TEST. For the initial configuration I left db.conf.embedded unchanged and I renamed test.conf to star.conf.
In file you specify the JINI lookup Services and the group that your Monitoring Service will join. The MonALISA developers have set up a group for STAR, so set your parameter to star:
Here you also set the port range for the firewall (see above Firewall Requirements)
You must set the parameter lia.Monitor.useIPaddress to your host IP. Otherwise your service will show up as localhost in the Global Client:

You may also set the following parameters:
          MonaLisa.ContactName=Your Name
          MonaLisa.ContactEmail=Your Email 
          MonaLisa.Location=Your Town
          MonaLisa.Country=Your Country

Running the Monitoring Service

After the above initial configuration you should be able to start the Monitoring Service:
          cd $MonaLisa_HOME/Service/CMD
          ./ML_SER start
You can also stop or restart the Monitoring Service using the same ML_SER script:
          ./ML_SER restart
          ./ML_SER stop

Monitoring Modules

monProc Modules

The monProc modules provide information that can be obtained from the /proc virtual filesystem of the host that runs the MonaLisa Service (localhost). I came across the following monProc modules: Again, this modules will provide info from the /proc filesystem and thus can only be used on the host where MonaLisa is running.
The %10 indicates that these modules will be invoked every 10 seconds.

Other Modules

Stratos Efstathiadis - page was last modified