<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created by Jerome LAURET (Brookhaven National Laboratories) -->
<!-- W3C Schema for the Star Unified Meta Scheduler [SUMS]       -->
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <xs:complexType name="stdType">
                        <xs:documentation>I/O streams: "stdin" "stdout" "stderr" elements.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="URL" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>This complex type tells the scheduler to which file redirect the standard input, output
or error. The URL must be of the file protocol (that means that is a local file, accessible
via file system), and it should be visible on all machines (for example, a file on NFS or

Remember that the stdout and the stderr must be different for every process,
otherwise all the process that the scheduler will divide your job in will overwrite the
same file. To achieve that, you can use the $JOBID environment variable.

For the input element, tells the scheduler which input files to associate to the processes.

Network file. To specify a file that is accessible on all machines on the same file path,
you should write "file:/path/name".

File on local disk. To specify a file that is resident on a target machine, that is a
machine on which the scheduler is allowed to submit the job, you should write

Filelist on Network disk. You can specify a text file that is going to contain a list
of files on which to run your analysis. You should write "filelist:/path/name".

Catalog query. To specify a query to the file catalog, you should write
"catalog:star.bnl.gov?query". catalog: tells that the URL is a catalog query;
star.bnl.gov tells you are querying the catalog for star at BNL, and query is
the actual query. The query is a comma separated keyword value pair
("keyword1=value1, keyword2=value2") that will be forwarded to the file
catalog. The syntax is the same allowed for the command line interface of the
file catalog at the -cond parameter.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="discard" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>The discard attributes tells the scheduler to discard the stream, that is, to get
rid of it. This attribute is meaningfull only for stdout and stderr (and will be ignored

Be careful when using this option: when using the GRID you don't know where
your job is going to run, and the standard output/error are crucial to understand
what went wrong.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:complexType name="mapType">
                        <xs:documentation>Describes any action to be done on a input/output. This complex type has a reference (ref)
and a pointer to a reference. Those references should be viewed (and used) as a reference
to the URI attribute. For example, output has an ID (attribute name ref), copy may refer to its
value via an IDREF (attribute idref) and define a final target via the URI which becomes the
reference (ref) for that action.
Retries etc ... are handled inside the 'script' performing those operation since
the failure /success may depend on the service (like register would require
perhaps to check in the catalog if registered or just chekc the return status,
a service may require to wait for a call back etc ...)</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>The reference for this object. This is used in case of a sequence of information.
                <xs:attribute name="referto" type="xs:IDREF" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>A reference to another object of this kind so the URI of the previous
object would be taken instead of the default output (transformations)</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="to" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>A URI describing the final product.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="storage" use="optional">
                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                        <xs:enumeration value="HPSS"/>
                                        <xs:enumeration value="NFS"/>
                                        <xs:enumeration value="local"/>
                <xs:attribute name="retries" type="xs:int" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>The number of times this operation would need to be retried until giving up</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="sleep" type="xs:int" use="optional">
                                <xs:documentation>The number of secondes to sleep between retries</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="job">
                        <xs:documentation>The top of the Scheduler submission description schema is the "job" element. This element MUST be present and
all other specifications relates to it. the "job" element however has many characteristics defined via attributes
documented herein.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                        <xs:documentation>Previous schema used a sequence but this broke user's old XML not respecting strict ordering.
To make a step forward, the model was changed from sequence to multiple choice. All optional
elements were reverted to non-optional (which makes no difference within a multiple choice
                                <xs:element ref="command"/>
                                <xs:element ref="SandBox" minOccurs="0"/>
                                <xs:element name="stdin" type="stdType">
                                                <xs:documentation>Standard input</xs:documentation>
                                <xs:element name="stdout">
                                                <xs:documentation>Standard output</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:extension base="stdType"/>
                                <xs:element name="stderr" type="stdType">
                                                <xs:documentation>Standard error</xs:documentation>
                                <xs:element ref="input" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                                <xs:element ref="output" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                                <xs:element name="Generator" minOccurs="0">
                                                <xs:documentation>This element wil be used to indicate and control the generation of files such as report files, list files, script files.
All path could be specified either as relative or absolute paths. ReportLocation should be used with care.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="Location" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>Default location for all generated files. Default is the current directory where SUMS is executed.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="ReportLocation" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>If specified, default location where the report files would be located. Default location is the current directory or the
location defined by the Location element.       WARNING: If specified, be aware that you may not be able to easily re-submit
failed jobs or a task. Use this with care.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="ScriptLocation" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>If specified, indicates where the script files should be placed and generated. The default location is the current directory
or the location specified by the Location element.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="ListLocation" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>If specified, indicates where the list files (file lists) should be placed and generated. The default directory is the
current directory or the location specified by the Location element.</xs:documentation>
                                <xs:element name="Action" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                <xs:documentation>An action to be performed before or after the task or the jobs.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="Exec" type="xs:string"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="position">
                                                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="FIRST"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="BEFORE"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="AFTER"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="LAST"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="frequency" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="0">
                                                                <xs:documentation>A task is a composition of N jobs i.e. T={J1,J2,...,Ji,...Jn}=={Ji}i:1->N.

We have four different keywords. FIRST and LAST relates to the task while BEFORE and AFTER relates to the jobs.
Each of the four keywords have a frequency indicating how often the command should be executed (and where/when).
The meanings are as follow:

* For FIRST and LAST, ony frequency 0 and 1 are meaningful at the moment as we do not have the possibility to execute
  multiple task (this may change in future). A value of 0 means the FIRST or LAST command must be bound to SUMS executing
  flow (i.e. the command is executed within SUMS and may be blocking). Frequency 1 means an addition job BEFORE (J0) and
  AFTER (JN+1) would be dispatched. In other words, there is a lose connection to the job execution but a strict order comparing
  to the job scheduling.

* BEFORE and AFTER relates to jobs. The meaning of frequency=K is "once every K jobs".
  BEFORE and AFTER imply a strict tightening to the job _execution_ flow (not only the job dispatching sequence).
  Examples and functional requirements (including special cases) are as follow:
  - K=1 equates to once every one job so once every job. The meaning implies a one command execution BEFORE or AFTER
    each job.
  - K=2 would have for meaning once every two jobs. In the case of BEFORE, a strict DAG would execute an additiona job
    Bf2 executed within the sequence Bf2+J1+J2 while AFTER would generate an addiitonal job Af2 and ensure a sequence
  - Any other frequency have the same meaning than the illustrated K=2 case that is, once every K jobs
  - Special cases include K &gt; N.
    In this case, there will be one BEFORE and AFTER command repectively before and after the job execution flow.
  - K=0 would default to BEFORE an undefined number of jobs and AFTER an undefined number of jobs and would
    (definition) cause the execution of one and only one command as in the case K &gt;&gt; N</xs:documentation>
                                <xs:element name="storageService" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                <xs:attribute name="storageType" use="required">
                                                                <xs:documentation>When multiple copies are available for one file, this attribute is used to choose which
particular copy to get. This attribute has meaning if singleCopy is not set to false.
If more than one copy is available which the preferred storage (for example, a file
is available on two different machines), one copy is chosen at random.

This attribute was introduced because small jobs on small set of files are penalized
when dispatched on local files: they have to wait for a particular machine to free
up, and that might take a long time even if the rest of the farm is free. Executing on
local files make each job faster, but it might increase the waiting time before the job
gets executed. Therefore, NFS is recommended only for testing your analysis on a
small set and local when you run on the entire set.

Remember that the query might return local files even if you chose NFS. If you want
_only_ NFS or local files, then put "storage=NFS" inside your query.</xs:documentation>
                                                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="local"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="NFS"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="HPSS"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="serviceSyntax" use="required">
                                                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="paths"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="rootd"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="xrootd"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="srm"/>
                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="dCache"/>
                                <xs:element name="ResourceUsage" minOccurs="0">
                                                <xs:documentation>TRANSITION. Too many attributes to 'Job', we start moving to elements under a resource specifications tag.</xs:documentation>
                                                <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                        <xs:element name="Times" minOccurs="0">
                                                                                <xs:element name="MinWallTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>
                                                                                <xs:element name="MaxWallTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>
                                                        <xs:element name="StorageSpace" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>This element may pass a RSL specification or a batch system specifier.
                                                                                <xs:element name="MinStorage" type="xs:long">
                                                                                                <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler the minimal storage space (disk most likely) a job will need to run. A job should not be scheduled
on a node having less space than this specified number.
                                                                                <xs:element name="MaxStorage" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
                                                                                                <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler the maximum storage space (disk most likely) a job will need to run. If not specified the job may
fail if it has not enough space. This value may be used for advanced reservation of storage space.
This is necessary to determine the correct usage of  resources.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="Memory" minOccurs="0">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>This element may pass a RSL specification or a batch system specifier. </xs:documentation>
                                                                                <xs:element name="MinMemory" type="xs:long">
                                                                                                <xs:documentation>Minimum memory expected for an individual job (in MB).
Setting this value will affect the scheduling priority.</xs:documentation>
                                                                                <xs:element name="MaxMemory" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
                                                                                                <xs:documentation>Maximum memory an individual job is expected to use (in MB).
Setting this value will affect scheduling priority.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="simulateSubmission" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler whether to dispatch the actual jobs. If true, the file scripts are
created, but they are not actually submitted. This is useful to check whether everything
is functioning correctly.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Gives the job a name by which it can be identified in the underlying batch system.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="mail" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler whether to allow the submission of a job that will returns it's output
by mail. If not this is not set, or is not equal to true, the scheduler will fail if a stdout
wasn't specified. This option is here to prevent a user to accidentally send himself all
the outputs by mail.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="nProcesses" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>[New field]</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="inputOrder" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>This attributes tells the scheduler that you want your input files ordered according
to the value of some catalog attribute. This is not going to provide the filelists always
in sequence: there can always be gaps. It's only going to reorder the filelists after
they are produced. This options is only possible if all the inputs are catalog queries.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="fileListSyntax" use="optional" default="paths">
                                        <xs:documentation>This attribute tells the scheduler which syntax to use for the file list. There are
only a few possible values imposed by the schema. There are currently: paths,

"paths" syntax returns both files on local disk and on distributed disk as a normal
path used by the filesystem. This syntax is useful within scripts. The "paths"
syntax looks like this /path1/file1 /path2/file2 /path3/file3 ...

"rootd" syntax returns files on distributed disk with paths, and files on local disk
with the rootd syntax. It also appends the number of events contained in each
file. This file syntax is designed to work with the MuDST makers, and has two
(1) It allows root to access files that are on the local disk of a different node, making
      it possible to guarantee the minFilesPerProcess
(2) By giving the number of events in the files, the MuDST maker doesn't have to
      pre-scan the files, slightly improving performance.
The "rootd" syntax looks like this /NFSpath1/file1 nEvents1 /NFSpath2/file2 nEvents2
root://machine//path3/file3 nEvents3 root://machine//path4/file4 nEvents4 ...</xs:documentation>
                                        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                <xs:enumeration value="paths"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="rootd"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="xrootd"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="xrootddev"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="rfio"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="minFilesPerProcess" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler the minimum number of files each process should run on. The
scheduler  will do its best to keep this requirement, but it's not guaranteed to succeed.
If a correct distribution is not found, the user will be asked to validate it.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="maxFilesPerProcess" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler how many input files to assign to each process at maximum.
This number should represent the number of files that your program, by design, is
not allowed to have (e.g. after 150 files memory use has increased too much due to
a memory leak). The actual number of files dispatched to the process is decided by
the scheduler, which takes into account user requirements (i.e. minFiles, maxFiles
and filesPerHour) and farm resources (i.e. length of the different queues). </xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="logControl" use="optional" default="standard">
                                        <xs:documentation>logControl will add features on top of STDOUT / STDERR and possibly enable
additional vertically integrated services within the application being run. The service may be
enabled via internal logic to SUMS. Examples:
- standard is the default and implies standard STD channels (no special enabler assumed)
- UCM will enable UCM logging, a Tech-X/STAR project.</xs:documentation>
                                        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                <xs:enumeration value="standard"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="UCM"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="filesPerHour" type="xs:double" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler how many input files per hour the job is going to analyze.
This information is used by the scheduler to determine an estimate of the job
execution time. This is necessary to determine the correct usage of resources
(e.g. use the long or short queue). By combining the use of filesPerHour and
minFilesPerProcess, you can basically tell the scheduler what is the minimum time
required by your job, and force the use of long queues. If this attribute is not
provided, the job is assumed to be instantaneous (e.g. the processes will be
dispatched to the short queue no matter how many input files it has).</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="minStorageSpace" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                        <xs:attribute name="maxStorageSpace" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                        <xs:attribute name="minMemory" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                        <xs:attribute name="maxMemory" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                        <xs:attribute name="minWallTime" type="xs:long" use="optional">
                        <xs:attribute name="maxWallTime" type="xs:long" use="optional">
Here is an example of the <job> element with all valid attributes
        <job simulateSubmission ="true" mail="true">
        <xs:element name="output">
                        <xs:documentation>The output element is used to specify the output produced by your code. With this tag, you will be able to write
your output on a local scratch directory on the node the job will be dispatched to, and the scheduler will copy
your output at the end of the job. This will make better use of I/O resources. The environment variable $SCRATCH
will contain a path available for your job. This space is unique for each process your job will be divided into, and
will be deleted after you job ends. With the output element you are able to specify which files you want to bring
back. You don't need to bring everything back, of course, but the output won't be available anymore later.

Remember that your job will be divided into different processes, and that all the processes should use different
output filenames, or otherwise they will rewrite their outputs. You can always use the $JOBID to create unique
                        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                <xs:element name="copy">
                                                <xs:documentation>A physical file copy from A to B service.</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:extension base="mapType">
                                                                <xs:attribute name="Type" use="required">
                                                                                <xs:documentation>If an extraneous attributes appears, its value should be passed verbatim to
the script associated to the service. This MUST be as first arguments (the
base class defining the ending arguments within a convention).</xs:documentation>
                                                                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="local"/>
                                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="grid"/>
                                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="srm"/>
                                <xs:element name="link">
                                                <xs:documentation>Soft or hard link files ...</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:extension base="mapType">
                                                                <xs:attribute name="kind" use="required">
                                                                                <xs:documentation>Just the type of links</xs:documentation>
                                                                                <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="soft"/>
                                                                                        <xs:enumeration value="hard"/>
                                <xs:element name="register" type="mapType">
                                                <xs:documentation>A registration service for datasets or files (physical or logical)</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="fromScratch" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>With this attribute you specify either a file, a wildcard or a directory to be copied
back. The file, wildcard or directory must be expressed relative to the $SCRATCH

That is, to retrieve all the .root files your job saved in the $SCRATCH, simply use
*.root in this attribute</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="toURL" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>Tells the scheduler where to copy the output. The URL must represent either a
network file or directory.

Network file. To specify a file, you should write "file:/path/name". You can specify
a file here only if the output you specified is a file (you are not allowed to copy a
directory in one file). You can specify a different name so that the file will be brought
back with the different name.

Network directory. To specify a directory, you should write "file:/path/".</xs:documentation>
Some examples are:
        <stdin URL="file:/star/u/user/pion/central/myinput.in"/>
        <stdout URL="file:/star/u/user/pion/central/$JOBID.out"/>
        <stderr URL="file:/star/u/user/pion/central/$JOBID.err"/>
        <stdin URL="file:/star/u/user/scheduler/inputs/goldFullField.param"/>
        <stdout URL="file:/star/u/user/scheduler/gold/fullField/$JOBID.out"/>
        <stderr URL="file:/star/u/user/scheduler/err/goldFullField$JOBID.err"/>
        <stdout discard="true" />
        <xs:element name="input">
                        <xs:documentation>The input element is used to specify data input files. Input files can be specified by either a path and filename
resident on network mounted disks, such as AFS or NFS; it can be a file on a local disk; it can be a query to the
file catalog. We suggest that you use the latter, because it provides the system more flexibility on how to allocate
your process. One can specifies more than one input file element. You can mix NFS files with local files and catalog
queries. You can have more than one catalog query. To specify the location of the input files, you still use an
                        <xs:attribute name="URL" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="nFiles" type="xs:string" use="optional" default="100">
                                        <xs:documentation>The number of files returned by the query</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="singleCopy" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="true">
                                        <xs:documentation>Specify if the query should return one copy for each file, or it should return multiple
copies if they are available.

For example, suppose one file has two copies: one on rcas6060.star.bnl.gov and
one on NFS. By selecting "true", only one of them is returned. By selecting "false",
both of them can be returned. In the second case, you job will actually run on two
copies of the same file.

By default only one copy of the same file is returned.</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="preferStorage" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>When multiple copies are available for one file, this attribute is used to choose which
particular copy to get. This attribute has meaning if singleCopy is not set to false.
If more than one copy is available which the preferred storage (for example, a file
is available on two different machines), one copy is chosen at random.

This attribute was introduced because small jobs on small set of files are penalized
when dispatched on local files: they have to wait for a particular machine to free
up, and that might take a long time even if the rest of the farm is free. Executing on
local files make each job faster, but it might increase the waiting time before the job
gets executed. Therefore, NFS is recommended only for testing your analysis on a
small set and local when you run on the entire set.

Remember that the query might return local files even if you chose NFS. If you want
_only_ NFS or local files, then put "storage=NFS" inside your query. </xs:documentation>
                                        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
                                                <xs:enumeration value="local"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="NFS"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="HPSS"/>
Some more examples of inputs are
        <input URL="file:/star/data15/reco/productionCentral/FullField/P02ge/2001/322/st_physics_2322006_raw_0016.MuDst.root" />
        <input URL="file:/star/data15/reco/productionCentral/FullField/P02ge/2001/*/*.MuDst.root" />
        <input URL="file://rcas6078.rcf.bnl.gov/home/starreco/reco/productionCentral/FullField/P02gd/2001/279/st_physics_2279005_raw_0285.MuDst.root" />
        <input URL="filelist:/star/u/user/username/filelists/mylist.list" />
        <input URL="catalog:star.bnl.gov?production=P02gd,filetype=daq_reco_mudst,storage=local" nFiles="2000" />
The file catalog is actually a separate tool from the scheduler. You can find the documentation 
for the file catalog, specifying all the keywords and options, a
If the URL represents a file catalog, more attributes are available to better specify the query.
        <xs:element name="command" type="xs:string">
                        <xs:documentation>The command element doesn't have any attributes, and the data that it contains is the actual command script that
will be submitted using a csh script. You can use environment variable to retrieve special information, such as the
JOBID, the FILELIST, or more. But remember that the command line will be passed as it is, and therefore if csh doesn't
perform the substitution (for example, because part of your command containing the variable is between '...'), the
scheduler won't. Refer to csh man pages. If you have doubts on the correct execution of your command, you can
simulate the submission and manually check the script.</xs:documentation>
Some examples of the command element are:
        <command>echo test</command>
        <command>root4star -q -b numberOfEventsList.C\(\"$FILELIST\"\)</command>
        root4star -q -b findTheHiggs.C\(234,\"b\",\"$JOBID\",\"$FILELIST\"\)

//TODO add loop example
        <xs:element name="SandBox">
                        <xs:documentation>A list of packages to be deployed at the remote site. Note that in case of an implementation like a Unix archive (ZIP for
                        example), the condor / RSL input would be used to transfer the archive. In case of PACMAN, nothing needs to be
                        <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                <xs:element name="Package">
                                                <xs:documentation>The name attribute is optional. If unspecified, the package name will be handled automatically.
The repository attribute will indicate where to check first if the package exists. Note that it could be specified
without the presence of the 'name' attribute (in such case, archives or packages could be created using a
smart scheme of unique names).</xs:documentation>
                                                        <xs:element name="File" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                                                <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI"/>
                                                        <xs:element name="Directory" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                                        <xs:documentation>Path could be specified as relative or absolute. If relative, files will be added in the package and restored
preserving the relative path. If absolute, all path will be stripped and all files will become local.</xs:documentation>
                                                <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="installdir" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
                                                <xs:attribute name="repository" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional" default="./"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="installer" use="optional">
                                        <xs:documentation>When unspecified, the behavior is to use the implementation (of the base class) which is to use soft links.</xs:documentation>
                                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                                <xs:enumeration value="ZIP"/>
                                                <xs:enumeration value="PACMAN"/>