
#include <iostream.h>
#include "StDbManager.hh"
#include "StDbConfigNode.hh"
#include "StDbTable.h"
#include "StDbDefs.hh"
#include "RunLog/daqRunTag.h"

//  Simple example code that connects to the database
//  & reads a specific c-struct of data... This process can
//  be "automated" for an ensemble of c-structs in 2 ways (after
//   mgr->setRequestTime(unsigned int t); // OR
//   mgr->setRequestTime(const char* dataTime); // year-mo-dy hr:mi:sc )  
//  1. Requesting via the ensemble contained within StDbConfigNode 
//  2. This example: single table request
//    MyCstruct* c; 
//    StDbConfigNode* node= mgr->initConfig(dbType,dbDomain);
//    StDbTable* table=node->addDbTable("myCstructName","myVersion");
//    mgr->fetchDbTable(table);
//    c = (MyCstruct*)table->GetTable();

main(int argc, char** argv)

// Here I will request the daqRunTag table from the database RunLog_daq

//->get the singleton manager

StDbManager* mgr = StDbManager::Instance();

//->set the db enumerations

StDbType type = RunLog;
StDbDomain domain = Daq; 

//-> connect to the db & get an empty container
//   (Note: To get a full container, one adds a string "key" arguement
//    to this same 'initConfig' member function)

StDbConfigNode* configNode = mgr->initConfig(type,domain);

//-> add a table to the container with descriptor given by Database 
//   (Notes: 
//           configNode->addTable("daqRunTag"); doesn't get DB-descriptor
//           configNode->addDbTable("daqRunTag","aVersion"); gets a specific version

StDbTable* tab1 = configNode->addDbTable("daqRunTag");

// set the request time. (need to be only once for an ensemble of tables)

mgr->setRequestTime("1999-09-22 00:00:11");

// fetch the data & use it. 


daqRunTag* b1 = (daqRunTag*)tab1->GetTable();

 cout << endl << " Here are some data associated with this instance of" << endl;
 cout << " TableName = " << tab1->getTableName() << endl;
 cout << " Run = " << b1->run << endl;
 cout << " startTime     = " << b1->startTime << endl;
 cout << " runType    = " << b1->runType << endl;
 cout << endl << " Here are some meta data associated with this instance" << endl;
 cout << " My Request Time = " << mgr->getDateCheckTime() << endl;
 cout << " BeginTime = " << tab1->getBeginDateTime() << endl;
 cout << " EndTime = " << tab1->getEndDateTime() << endl;
 cout << " version = " << tab1->getVersion() << endl;
 cout << " DataBaseType = " << mgr->getDbTypeName(tab1->getDbType())<< endl;
 cout << " DataBaseDomain = " << mgr->getDbDomainName(tab1->getDbDomain())<< endl;


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