Release "dev" (SL99j) -> "new"

December 21, 1999, "dev" (SL99j) version of library has been tagged as SL99j_1 and moved to new.

Former "new" SL99g_7 has been left alone.

SL98j and SL99g have been removed.

 The present release assignment:
             SL98l (SL98l_1)   ROOT_LEVEL 2.20
             SL99b             ROOT_LEVEL 2.21   MDC2 production release
        old- SL99e (SL99e)     ROOT_LEVEL 2.21.08      
        pro- SL99f (SL99f_7)   ROOT_LEVEL 2.22.10               
             SL99g_7 (SL99g_7) ROOT_LEVEL 2.22.10
             SL99h             ROOT_LEVEL 2.22.10
             SL99i             ROOT_LEVEL 2.23
        new- SL99j_1 (SL99j_1) ROOT_LEVEL 2.23.09  
        dev- SL99j             ROOT_LEVEL 2.23.09
       .dev- SL99k             ROOT_LEVEL 2.23.09  

New features:

 create one Table which contains parameters for timestamps, chains, options, makers;

 enumerated option types replaced by GetOption() function;

 added subchains for tpc, ftpc, svt, emc and l3 (global subchain was before);

New Makers:

StEventUtilities - new repository for analysis utilities and helper functions/classes based on StEvent.




Signed by Torre, Yuri, Victor, Valeri and Lidia .

Lidia Didenko

Last modified: 12/22/99 1:32 PM