Plots to monitor P16ij run 2016 production performance and characteristics
Maintained by Lidia Didenko

Distribution of submitted jobs in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Distribution of completed jobs in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Distribution of the number of events produced in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Efficiency of P16ij production run 2016 for the last 6 months period

Fall in the curve on the right site is due to submitted jobs are still running and not completed

Distribution of production data size (daq & MuDst) transferred from/to HPSS for the last 6 months period

Distribution of CPU/evt for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Average of CPU/evt for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 productions for the last 6 months period

Distribution of ratios RealTime/CPU for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Average of Rtime/CPU for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 productions for the last 6 months period

Distribution of jobs execution time for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 production for the last 6 months period

Average of jobs execution time for different stream data in P16ij run 2016 productions for the last 6 months period