When and what dE/dx prediction for P10 has to be used

Now we have five different dE/dx (GeV/cm) predictions for P10:

  1. static method BetheBloch::Girrf in StarClassLibrary is GEANT3 calculation for dE/dx, to be used for Simulation only
    Double_t dEdx = 1e-6*BetheBloch::Girrf (p/m);
  2. BetheBloch class in StarClassLibrary which is the Year 0 parameterization of data, to be used for production P00hm only
    BetheBloch m_BetheBloch; Double_t dEdx = m_BetheBloch(p/m);
  3. static method BetheBloch::Sirrf in StarClassLibrary which is the Year 1 parameterization of data, to be used for productions after P00hm and before P03h
    Double_t dEdx = 1e-6*BetheBloch::Sirrf (p/m);
  4. Bichsel class in StBichsel library which is Hans Bichsel model prediction to be used for all productions starting with P03h and after
    Bichsel *m_Bichsel = new Bichsel(); Double_t dEdx = 1e-6*m_Bichsel->GetI70(TMath::Log10(p/m))
  5. Hans Bichsel model prediction corrected for STAR TPC saturation effect to be used for all productions starting with P05id and after
    Bichsel *m_Bichsel = new Bichsel(); Double_t dEdx = 1e-6*m_Bichsel->GetI70M(TMath::Log10(p/m))
    This prediction differs from previous one only for βγ < 0.4.
See plots obtained with $STAR/StRoot/macros/analysis/bichselP.C.
Yuri Fisyak
Last modified: Mon Aug 29 12:31:30 EDT 2005