STAR   Computing  
Understanding and Writing Root Makers
Offline computing tutorial Maintained by G. Van Buren

The primary environment for analysis within the Root for STAR framework is the Maker. Makers are "links" in the analysis chain. They must have one or more of the following parts (implemented as member functions):

Examples of many makers can be found in the directory: $STAR/StRoot. HTML documentation should be available at /STAR/comp/root/html/St_dst_Maker.html (where you can replace the St_dst_Maker portion with whichever Maker you want).

If you want to make your own Maker, Akio Ogawa has written a detailed diary of his efforts for taking the St_TLA_Maker template and creating a new Maker. I found some new problems of my own when I decided to follow Akio's path. When making your own Maker, you may wish to look here for some of the details you might need to know: