# This is a sample command file for doEvents.C # # at the beginning of a line starts a comment line # // can be used anywhere in a line as in C++ code -configure /star/data10/gc/wrk/bin2/gca.rc -verbose 6 # The name used to denote the storage sitename for RHIC machine is BNL # on PDSF machines, this is LBL. # If you are not at either of these computer centers, then this value # depends on whether there is a file catalog for your facility. If there # is one, it should have assigned a name for your site, otherwise, do not # specify this option (comment the following line out). -diskfarm BNL # Output OID processed to a file with the following prefix. # The full name of the file is -, where the # short host name is the portion of `hostname` before the frist period. -oidoutput sample-output # If you are away from either RHIC or PDSF, you need to specify the name # of the HRM/DRM using the following option. The following is actually # the main HRM at RHIC. Do NOT use it unless your program can read # /star/data10 at RHIC. # The following line might require a # in the middle of the line. # The function doEvents.C:gcReadCommands should only treat # at the # beginning of a line as comment -hrm corbaloc::stargrid03.rcf.bnl.gov:6171/rhicHRMForGridCollector # The following Grid (X509) proxy belongs to user kewu. # Computer center policy prohibits sharing of such security information. # You may leave this argument out for testing purposes. For normal # operation, please acquire your own Grid certificate. -proxy /star/data10/gc/wrk/var/surrogate.x509 # select MuDst files -select MuDst # only process from tables whose names start with P04ih -from P04ih% # The parser tries to treat the last argument (without prefix '-') as the # query conditions. We might as well put the where clause last. -where "zdc1Energy>40 and 100<=standardNegativeChargedMultiplicity+chargedMultiplicity<200"