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How to run GSTAR with standard kumacs
Offline computing tutorial Maintained by Kathy Turner

  The following pertains to the 98j version of STAR software.  I've
  copied this info from the file $STAR/kumacs/sim/README.

To run the standard way: 
 Use  $STAR/kumacs/sim/run_gstar_g2t.kumac or
         -> uses geometry & physics setups specified in
         which one can't change (have to ask Pavel).

To run the way where you get more control:
  Use $STAR/kumacs/sim/run_gstar_g2t_full.kumac
        -> uses geometry & physics setups specified in
           You can pull these kumacs to your area and
           change them if you want to - easier to create
           a non-standard way of running (but you must be