hxBrowser Distribution Page

What is it?
hxBrowser is a tool to visualize helices and test their software implementation including various algorithms - or simply allow to understand what a helix is all about. Click here for a screen shot of hxBrowser in action.
Supported Platforms
hxBrowser is supported currently on 2 platforms only: Windows XP and Red Hat Linux 9.0 (or higher). It also compiles and runs smoothly on Mac OS X but has few layout problems in the GUI that need some work. It will run on different Linux flavors and Windows versions but I have no time to support any other platform than the ones above.
Current Version 1.00 (February 2005)
Windows XP
  1. Download setup.exe program (4,228 kB)
  2. Run setup.exe program. This will install hxBrowser on your machine. Use the defaults.
  3. After installation you can safely remove the setup up program; it's no longer needed.
Compiles and works on Red Hat 9.0 but I had no time to create the RPM yet. The executable and documentation are available as a tar ball (1,8 MB). You need Qt 3.2 (or higher) and OpenGL, i.e., the shared libraries must be in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If the graphics doesn't work your graphic card most likely cannot deal with OpenGL. Type glxinfo and read the output carfully. If it complains about missing GLX your graphic cards does not support OpenGL. One way out is to use MESA; it's free software and provides a complete OpenGL API based on X11. All you need to do is to put the path to the MESA lib in your path. No need to recompile. In bash shell do:
Sources (Linux/Mac OS X)
If you want to install hxBrowser on a system where no binaries are available (or you are simply interested in how it is is written) you need to download the source code and compile and install it yourself. The compressed tar file (709 kB) contains all the sources, icons, help files, and project files needed. To compile simply do:
gunzip hxBrowser-src.tar.gz
tar -xf hxBrowser-src.tar
cd hxBrowser
qmake -o Makefile hxBrowser.pro
 If the make fails you might have to edit the Makefile to modify the paths so they work on your system. In general qmake does a good job setting up the Makefile but sometimes it fails finding the right include path for GL. If you have trouble running it with OpenGL please look in the troubleshooting section in the online help (that works even if the graphics doesn't). Where to install it is up to you but do not forget to hold the executable and the doc directory together.

by tu