Scan of track & charge reconstruction for high energy electrons using geometry UPGR12
Updated Wed Jan 10 12:07:16 EST 2007

  1. Input events:
    *fixed PT=5,10,...,50 GeV
    *fixed zVertex=-30cm, 0, +30 cm
    *uniform eta[0,3], bined by 0.2 in histos
    *uniform phi in 2 pi, integrated

  2. Tracking uses: vertex+FST+FGT+TPC+ESMD.
    Here is more details of the analysis

  3. The following detector configuartions have been considered
    Config Prim
    TPC Endcap
    A yes all all yes yes
    B yes - - yes yes
    C yes - - yes -
    D yes 1+4 1+3 yes yes
    E yes - 1+3 yes yes
    F yes all all yes -

  4. Config A, FST=all, FGT=all, ESMD=yes , table w/ charge reco effi. Primary vertex & TPC are used in all configurations.
    Reconstruction efficiency
    Top row of plots: track reco efficiency, bottom row: charge reco efficiency.
    3 columns of plots: zVertex=-30 cm, 0, +30 cm.
    Z scale range set to [0.45,1.0]
    Note, electrons were thrown for eta up to 3.0 in all cases.

  5. Config B, FST=no, FGT=no, ESMD=yes , table w/ charge reco effi.

  6. Config C FST=no, FGT=no, ESMD=no , table w/ charge reco effi.

  7. Config D FST=1+4, FGT=1+3, ESMD=yes, table w/ charge reco effi.

  8. Config E FST=no, FGT=1+3, ESMD=yes, table w/ charge reco effi.

  9. Config F FST=all, FGT=all, ESMD=no , table w/ charge reco effi.

Used macros: scanEff.C , plScanEff.C .