Examples of W-events

  1. Pythia setup:
    detp geom upgr13
    gexec .sl305_gcc323/lib/pythia_6410.so
    * Collision energy
    ENER 500.0        
    MSEL 12	
    vsig 0.0 20.0
    * CDF Tune A 
     I                                  I                            I            I
     I   0 All included subprocesses    I         9643         33325 I  1.204E-06 I
     I   2 f + fbar' -> W+/-            I         9643         33325 I  1.204E-06 I
     I                                  I                            I            I

  2. Event filtering: e+ or e- w/ pT>20 GeV heading toward the endcap
           DO I=9,N
            IF(ABS(K(I,2)).EQ.24 ) THEN
               print *,"W=", K(i,2), px,py,pz
             IF(ABS(K(I,2)).NE.11) goto 555
             pt=sqrt(px**2 + py**2)
             print *,"e",K(i,2), px,py,pz, tgth
             if ( pt<20. ) goto 555
             if ( pz<0. ) goto 555
             if ( tgth<0.18 ) goto 555
             if ( tgth>0.93 ) goto 555
             if( abs(px) > abs(py)/3 ) goto 555 
     555     continue

    eve1 KF px py pz W= 24 0.886124561 7.36487994 -39.4642142 e -11 -1.18027299 18.0656682 21.6474994 (no pT cut)
    eve2 W= 24 -0.338797978 0.850200073 -22.5178981 e -11 0.410689453 -15.8469566 26.7821815 (no pT cut)
    eve3 W= -24 8.37281104 -7.81886198 35.6179776 e 11 2.66923907 -36.6429571 44.016802 0.834682361
    eve4 W= 24 -5.903924 10.3999605 100.688746 e -11 -11.1676828 37.9483439 93.0556122 0.425095011
    eve5 W= 24 1.04780395 -5.62831701 107.82601 e -11 10.3536606 -40.7675103 68.3501955 0.615385494
    eve6 W= -24 2.67172449 16.5637708 38.6027164 e 11 0.529830011 31.6899813 58.2752566 0.543874226
    eve7 W= -24 -2.87218012 2.13131366 16.0934291 e 11 -8.84883738 28.4504883 37.1991739 0.800954219
    eve8 W= -24 1.51638979 0.518884015 30.8108479 e 11 -0.888738246 21.2010985 35.018864 0.605951068
    eve9 W= 24 2.06453523 -1.29355911 124.215282 e -11 -9.66548 -39.4960623 50.8830744 0.799117106
    eve10 W= -24 -1.2956478 -0.505558716 41.4540051 e 11 -4.92851503 35.5300075 38.7129424 0.926568841