Tower slopes day 67
  • HV used : set vi_A
  • 250K minB events, i.e. ~50% of events form minB runs 7067089-93
  • Procedure:
    * rebin(2)
    * find ped
    * fit slope ADC [ped+12, ped+38], all in initial channels despite rebinning
    * report: slope, error, integral

  • PDF with 720 spectra.
    Page1 30 towers @ etaBin=1,
    Page2 another 30 towers @ etaBin=1,
    Page24 30 towers @ etaBin=12

  • Table with slopes & integrals

  • Distribution of slopes vs. eta bin. (X is the 7-th column in the table)

  • Outliers excluded from the plot
    #name   slope   err      ped   integ eta  spiral
    #06TA03 0.0694  0.0011   0.5   70062  3   3.300000 
    #07TC05 0.0285  0.0229   12.5   50  5   5.370000 
    #08TC05 0.0000  1.4142   22.5   0  5   5.420000 
    #12TC05 0.0000  1.4142   0.5   0  5   5.620000 
    #06TD11 -0.4481  0.2518   12.5   19  11   11.330000 

  • Histo location: /star/data09/EEMC/balewski/slopes2006A/hist/sum.hist.root

  • Used script fitSlopes.C