Search for MIPs in Pre+Postshower layers Using Tracks
Awesome web page formatting by Jan and Murad ;)

  • Input: 10 million events from 62 GeV production.


  • TPC tracks

    * use Piotr's code to match TPC tracks to tower layers
    * record the energy of the tower and of each pre-/post-shower layer for every track
    * no cuts made on adjacency
    * used Piotr's default cuts:
    Maximum CTB Sum is 1000
    Minimum Track Length is 20 cm
    Minimum Number of Track Hits is 5
    Minimum Track Pt is 0.5
    Minimum Track Eta is 0.7
    Maximum Track Eta is 2.2
    Track is no farther than 0.7 from the tower center (as a fraction of tower width in eta)
    Track is no farther than 0.7 from the tower center (as a fraction of tower width in phi)

  • Pre-/Post-shower response

    * require tower energy > 0.1 GeV
    * require pre-/post-shower ADC counts > 0

    Figure 1. The energy in all towers hit by tracks.

    Figure 2. A zoom on figure 1, to show that a cut of 0.1 GeV seems appropriate.

    Figure 3. The ADC counts of preshower 1, after the tower energy cut. Two channels with odd pedestals have been suppressed.

    Figure 4. A zoom on Figure 3.

    Figure 5. The same kind of plot for preshower 2.

    Figure 6. The same kind of plot for the postshower. No obvious Landau distribution is observed.

    Figure 7. Hits by raw channel number. With 12 eta bins, 5 subsectors, and 4 sectors (5 through 8), this amounts to 240 channels, starting at channel 240.

    Figure 8. Hits by eta bin. All eta bins above 4 seem to have enough statistics for calibration.

    Figure 9. The MPV of the Landau distribution for each individual channel by channel number.
    Channels with low statistics were set to negative one.

    Figure 10. The width of the Landau distribution for each individual channel by channel number.
    Channels with low statistics were set to negative one.

    Figure 11. The width of the Landau distribution for each individual channel vs its MPV.
    Note that there is no apostrophe in the word "its", as it's used in the possessive.

    Here are the text files containing the preshower 1 and 2 Landau MPVs and sigmas.
    Preshower 1 Landau text file
    Preshower 2 Landau text file