Relative SMD gains from integrals
( fastFood quality method)

  • used eemcCalib runs 5067047+51, 130K events total
  • Assumptions:
    - only MIP's are collected in inclusive spectra for strips
    - full MIP energy is recorded by a single strip
    - on average 1 p.e. is 8 channels above peds for every strip .
    - parameterization of Bob's curve with # of p.e. per MIP vs. strip ID (eLog 457) is given by 3 trapezoids defined by the constrains:
    stripID  --> # p.e./MIP
    1   --> 2
    20  --> 4
    250 --> 6
    290 --> 9
    DETALIS of the code:
     Lets "05U221" denotes  inclusive spectrum of ADC-ped
     TH1F * h=(TH1F*) fd->Get("05U221"); 
     float sum=h->Integral();
     float rYield=sum/h->GetEntries();
     gain [ch/MIP] = rYield/ avr{rYield over same stripID} * 8[ch] * avr{ # p.e./MIP for stripID } 
     # MIP = (ADC-ped)/gain
  • Limitations:
    - ~week old pedestals are used
    - an unknown overall factor, perhaps depending weekly on strip-ID, is still possible.
  • Examples of ADC-ped for strip with different lenght & eta location

    strip sum rYield rYield/avr gain (ch/MIP)
    05U050 4573 0.0347 1.095 37.3
    05U150 2191 0.0166 0.979 40.2
    05U250 532 0.0040 0.576 27.7

  • cumulative spectrum of rYield vs. strip ID for 8 planes from sectors 5-8

    Note, strip ~60 is the last one exiting at the eta=2.0 edge, strip~140 is the longest one.

    Parameterization of averaged relative yields ('rYield') vs. strip-ID with 3 trapezoids:

    stripID  --> rYield
    1   --> 0.006
    60  --> 0.037
    150 --> 0.017
    290 --> 0.003

  • Averaged rYields for all MAPMT's
    sector 5 table & plots CSV spread sheet
    sector 6 table & plots CSV spread sheet
    sector 7 table & plots CSV spread sheet
    sector 8 table & plots CSV spread sheet

  • rYields & gains for all strips
    plane 5U table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 5V table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 6U table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 6V table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 7U table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 7V table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 8U table & plots CSV spread sheet
    plane 8V table & plots CSV spread sheet

    Used scripts:
    - do integrals mapmtInt.C
    - assemble web page smdInt2html.tcl