Preliminary gains of PRES-2 from MIP's
(found with with 00xx00 in SMD and Tower=MIP)

  • Input: ~1.6M minB pp events from 2004 run. Only data from sector 5 are analyzed below.
  • 8 '0' before and after 'x' in the SMD pattern.
  • MIP response from towers: ADC-ped in [0.5,1.5]*predicted_MIP_response
  • Pres-1 and Post : ADC>ped+3*sigPed
  • no conditions on Pres-2

  • Conclusions:
    * MPV is even more accurate determine then for pres-1

    Fig 1.Example of one pres2 tile response (05QD04). Inclusive spectrum on the top, MIP gated one on the bottom. Gaussian shape was fitted to pedestal (blue), Landau to the spectrum above pedestal (red). Simultaneous fit is in green.

    60 plots for every tile of preshower-2 in etaBin=1, etaBin=2, etaBin=3, etaBin=4, etaBin=5, etaBin=6, etaBin=7, etaBin=8, etaBin=9, etaBin=10, etaBin=11, etaBin=12,

    Fig 2. Summary of results for the whole sector 5 (~60 tiles).
    Top left : MPV of Landau. Most of MPV is within 14 +/-7 ADC channels.
    Top right: relative error of MPV - precision of gains with 1.6 M eve would be of 7%
    Bottom left: ratio of width of Landau peak to its MPV.
    Bottom right correlation between MPV from the inclusive spec vs. from the one gated with MIP is visible.

    Sum over all subsectors for each η Bin