Slopes for isolated towers from MinB AuAu collisions

  • Data Taken with HV set B files:

    1. HV files used located on eemc-sc in /home/online/VxWorks/indiana/HVSys/HVset_iv_B
    2. HVset_iv_B files contain gain matched Voltages for 5TA-8TE. Towers without calibration in those sectors are set to 800 V. Sectors 9TA-4TE are set to Sasha/Piotrs nominal values. Tower with zero nominal values were set to 755 V.
    3. run used 5011048,50,51,54,55,56,58, total ~130K events
    4. pedestals were subtracted, however ped are 10 days old and may by off by + / - 1-2 channels
    5. only data from towers with all empty neighbours are used
    6. towers with ADC-ped <=5 channels are counted as empty
    7. X range for the fit is 8-25 channels, the same as last year
    8. integral & RMS are calculated over the above range
    9. if integral of the spectrum is below 200 the slope is set to 0.
    10. if integral <200 or RMS <2 tower is tagged in the table
    11. X-axis on spectra plots is [0,50]
    12. Y-axis on the slope plots is fixed [-0.3,0]

    Spectra of slopes for all Towers : spectra
    Jan's Slope Output File : slopes.
    Format: index, tower, tube , slope, errSlope, integral, RMS
    Slope Analysis for HV set B here