Final calibration of Tower, SMD, pre, post
for 2005 run
using MIPS with 00xx00 signature in SMD

  1. used ~360K+400K CuCu200 minB events from runs: 6049091 6049092 6049126 6049129 6049130 6049131 + 6050016 6050017 6050018 6050019 6050020

  2. STEP: just SMD , slopes relative, MIPs average absolute
  3. STEP: pre , post-shower , MIPs absolute
  4. STEP: TOWER absolute gains , MIPs absolute
    CuCu data are calibrated!

  5. STEP: ETOW absolute gains , MIPs from pp for 720 towers, used only for 19 w/ new HV

  6. STEP: Absolute ETOW scale is defined by pp_MIP response

  7. FINAL gains loaded to DB for 2005 run , as of September ~20, 2005
  8. Xcheck of DB content - replay of ~the same events using only DB records
    * CuCu events , day49: summary plots , MIP yields per tower , using masks for SMD and tiles
    * pp events , days171-3: summary plots , MIP yields per tower , using auxiliary masks.

  9. MIP response for M-C vs. real data , side-by-side comparions
    --> SMD gain correction=1.46, pre/post/tower correction=NONE

  10. M-C MIP response vs. pre/post MIP cut

  11. Correction of SMD gains of 1.02 , due to WSF tunel not encoded in M-C, formula

  12. Corrected SMD gains loaded to DB for 2004 & 2005 runs , as of September 28, 2005