class EEBlueLedBox; EEBlueLedBox *led; TFile *f; TCanvas *c; //============================================= //============================================= init() { gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); gSystem -> Load("../ezGames/EEBlueLedBox/"); led= new EEBlueLedBox(); // led->print(); f=new TFile("smdCal-Xe.hist.root"); } //============================================= plBlue(int iuv=0,int sect=1) { gStyle->SetOptStat(11); init(); //plBlue1(iuv, sect); // plPre(); } //============================================= plSmd() { int iuv,sec=8; for(sec=1;sec<=12;sec++) for(iuv=0;iuv<2;iuv++){ plBlue1(iuv,sec); c->Print(); } } //============================================= plPre(float zMax=15.) { int sec=8; c=new TCanvas("xy","xy",590,600); for(sec=1;sec<=12;sec++) { TString opt="col z"; // if(sec%2==0) opt="box"; if(sec>1) opt="col same"; char txt[100]; sprintf(txt,"xy%02d",sec); printf("=%s=%s\n",txt,opt.Data()); TH2F *h=(TH2F *)f->Get(txt); assert(h); h->Draw(opt.Data()); h->SetMaximum(zMax); if(sec==1) { h->SetStats(0); h->SetTitle("MIP position, UxV only");} } gPad->SetGrid(); } //============================================= plBlue1(int iuv=0,int sect=1) { char txt[100]; sprintf(txt,"fr%02d%c",sect,iuv+'U'); printf("=%s=\n",txt); TH1F *h0=f->Get(txt); assert(h0); c=new TCanvas(txt,txt,600,700); c->Divide(1,4); h0->SetFillColor(kGreen); int i; for(i=1;i<=4;i++) { c->cd(i); h=(TH1F*) h0->Clone(); // h->SetMaximum(ym); h->Draw("b"); h0->Draw("same e"); h->SetAxisRange((i-1)*80,i*80); float ym=h->GetMaximum(); gPad->SetLogy(); // fr05U->Draw(); plotLed(iuv,ym*.8); } TString Txt=txt; // c->Print(Txt+".gif"); } //============================================= //============================================= plotLed(int iuv=0,float ym) { int colA[]={kBlack,kRed,kBlue,kMagenta}; Int_t board = 0; Int_t iplane =iuv; int totStrip=0; for ( Int_t board = 0; board < 8; board++ ) { TObjArray fibers = led->getFibersToSmdPlane( board, iplane ); std::cout << "Strips illuminated by LED board " << board+1 << std::endl; // Loop over all fibers and draw a box where we "expect" // a signal from the LED's. for ( Int_t ifiber = 0; ifiber < fibers.GetEntries(); ifiber++ ) { EEBlueLedFiber *fiber = (EEBlueLedFiber *)fibers[ifiber]; std::cout << "min strip = " << fiber->getMinStrip() << " " << "max strip = " << fiber->getMaxStrip() << " " << "led board = " << fiber->getLedBoard() << " " << "led fiber = " << fiber->getLedFiber() << " " <getMaxStrip()-fiber->getMinStrip(); float y1=0.1,y2=log(ym)/2.; float x1=fiber->getMinStrip()-0.4; float x2=fiber->getMaxStrip()+0.4; TBox *box = new TBox(x1,y1,x2,y2); int col=colA[board%4]; box -> SetLineColor(col); box -> SetFillStyle(0); // 75% transparent // box -> SetFillColor(2); box -> Draw(); char txt[100]; sprintf(txt,"br=%d fb=%d", fiber->getLedBoard(),fiber->getLedFiber() ); tt=new TText(x1+1.,y2*1.01,txt); // tt->Draw(); }// end of one beoard }// endo fo loop over boards cout <<" totStrip="<