This page describes the HV calibration of the eemc

  1. setF .epics file
    1. Sector 1
    2. Sector 2
    3. Sector 3
    4. Sector 4
    5. Sector 5
    6. Sector 6
    7. Sector 7
    8. Sector 8
    9. Sector 9
    10. Sector 10
    11. Sector 11
    12. Sector 12

  2. Macros
    1. fitCrSlopes.C
      Run this macro first. This macro uses R6035106-66007.hist.root as input. Gains of the channels are calculated using the slope of an exponentially fitted line to the various channels. Output file gives crate,channel,mapmtID,gain,errGain,slope,errSlope,flagA,sum. flagA = 0 for channel with too few events to use, 1 for good gain calculated, 2 for enough events but error too high. These correspond to 1-green, 2-yellow, 0-red as found below in crate80.pdf etc. This macro makes the ps files which are used to make crate80.pdf etc.
    2. findGainRatio.C
      Run this macro second. Input is the output from above macro found in the tables below. gainCr80.dat etc. Output is a table of gainRatio for each tube. found below in tables. Plots of the boxes are also made.
    3. ChangeVolt.C
      Run this macro third. Input is the output of findGainRatio.C. Output is the new epics files as well a summary table.

  3. Plots
    1. Gain (pdf) Page 1 (.jpg) Page 2 (.jpg) Page 3 (.jpg)
      Plot of gain found from fitCrSlopes.C. Sorted by tube. Gain's are in black and are plotted regardless of flagA's value. Average gain for flagA=1 is plotted in yellow. A pink line representing the ideal gain is on each plot. Ideal gain is based on boxes 84-87 (5S1-5P1). 3 pages with plots labeled 4S1 etc.
      1. 5S1: ideal gain = 54.07
      2. 5S2: ideal gain = 49.38
      3. 5S3: ideal gain = 46.41
      4. 5P1 pre-shower (chan 1,3,5,7): ideal gain = 25.98
      5. 5P1 post-shower (remaining chans): ideal gain = 66.98
    2. (12S1)
      latest files showing fit to ADC spectrum for measuring gain.
      files which contain the ADC spectrum for the 192 channels for various boxes. 24 pages with 16 plots per page. First 12 pages show a broader spectrum with the fit line for the MAPMT's. Last 12 pages are the plots zoomed in to show the line, along with the plot drawn with error bars. Each page represents a MAPMT. Marking of tubes is as follows:
      1. Green: Number of events > 500 and gain error < 10%
      2. Yellow: Number of events > 500 and gain error > 10%
      3. Red: Number of events < 500
      A fitted line as well as slope, gain, errGain, sum are included on the plots for the first 12 pages. pdf files for all boxes are located at /star/data05/scratch/millane/analysis/HV_calibration/boxes/
    3. (12S3)
      channels 176-191 (p.9) have many red gains. Looks like pedestal peak on top of 1 p.e. peak (very low gain). Need to use red boxes in calculating average for this mapmt.
    4. 4S1
      Spectrum of crate 80 (4S1). High resolution.
    5. macro (.gif) (.ps)
      macro which plots 1/raio vs gain. Output should be a straight line with the slope of the line ideal gain.
    6. macro (.gif) (.ps)
      Gain distribution histogram for each depth. Old Gain is above in red, projected new gain is below in blue
    7. macro (.gif) (.ps)
      Plots oldGain/newGain vs oldHV/newHV on log log scale
    8. macro (.gif) (.ps)
      Plots newHV-oldHV vs old gain for the 5 depths

  4. Tables
    1. directory of all csv files for boxes
      Data tables with box,channel,mamptID,gain,errGain,slope,errSlope for crate 64 (12S1). Input to findGainRatio.C. Output of fitCrSlopes.C .csv and .dat files are created for each box, but only box 64's file is listed here.
    2. Corrections
      file which contains corrections to above csv files. It's used to set some red gains to green and some green gains to red.
    3. Ouput of findGainRatio.c
      (.dat) File gives: tube oldGain gainRatio flagG flagY flagR
    4. Summary table
      (.csv) File gives Tube,sector,depth,mapmt,oldGain,gChangeFactor,Old_hv,new_hv,hvChangeFactor,flagG,newGain
      1. flagG: number of tubes used to calculate old gain
      2. newGain: projected gain of tube with new hv set
      3. depth: S1, S2, S3, pre (P1 chan 1,3,5,7), post (P1 chan 2,4,6,8-12)