Access to DSM data from ezTree

    It is assumed, the ezTree with DSM trigger data is created from the STAR DAQ file . The packet described below allows for trigger sorted display of DSM data. (for now only input to level-0)

  1. It is assumed you have already produce ezTree from .daq files using 'siew'.
  2. login to RCF and go to ezGames directory, where all programs are set up.
    ssh eemcdb@rcas6nnn       (e.g. rcas6010)
    cd ezGames
  3. to sort events from run 5019022 execute
     root -b -q  'macros/sortDsm.C("R5019022",1000)'
    The output histo file is 'out/R5019022Dsm.hist.root'
    At the moment all trigger types are sorted together and histos saved to 'allTrig' subdirectory in this file.
  4. to view histos lunch GUI by typing
    cd ezGames

    Select histo file with 'openFile' and trigger type with 'selectTrigger'.

    To view individual jet patches use 'plot patch' and pick the jet ID, HT/TP, and lin/log Z-scale. The example below shows TP sums for jet patch #4 (using Steve's convention from his diagram with 'everything')

    You may also view all 2 X 90 channels of TP & HT in Hank's representation using 'other plots : Hank'