Misc Notes related to 206 run


  1. Fast offline : data09
  2. PPlot: on evp go to ~/sorensen/online/Run6/ , To: prsorensen@bnl.gov
  3. ENDCAP disk space: /star/data07/EEMC
  4. trigger DSM documentation http://www.star.bnl.gov/STAR/html/trg_l/TSL/Software/EMC.pdf
  5. online-->offline mogration: http://online.star.bnl.gov/DbData/status.php
  6. Monitoring luminosity & FOM, Jamie:

    Expert phone numbers

  1. Jeff L.: My Cell is (631) 813-9432

    Threshold changes

  2. 03/13/2006 04:38 PM
    Set 6 production triggers as of sunday:
            bht2-mb  @ 5GeV 
            bjp1-mb  @ 7.8GeV
            eht2-mb @ 3.5GeV,
            ejp1-mb @ 8.0GeV

    Tier1 file changes

  3. trg_060316.bin. has masked out upper Endcap, http://www.star.bnl.gov/STAR/html/trg_l/TSL/Software/l1_ld301_pedestal_2006.pdf
  4. Web browser is reporting integrated luminosity per run , requested by Bill 03/27/2006 02:36 PM
    Sampled Luminosity = [(# of mb evts)(25)(Run Control mb Prescale 
    value)]/(25 x 10**6)   (units of nb-1)
       An example calculation, for Run 7080002 is:
     - # mb evts = 2,074
     - Run Control mb Prescale value = 4,064
    Sampled luminosity = [(2074)(25)(40640]/(25 x 10**6) = 8.43 nb-1

other unsorted stuff
Preparation for the fast offline
  • BEMC perfect stat tables loaded to ofl DB on Jan-1-2006
  • BTOW MIP gains:
    mip_adc[i] = avgMip[etaBin]*avgSlope[etaBin]/slope[i]
    scale set to 56 GeV max
    gain[i] = 0.261*(1.+0.056*eta[i]*eta[i])/(sin(theta[i])*mip_adc[i])
    so in that case your XXX[etaBin] is
    XXX[etaBin] = 0.261*(1.+0.056*eta2)/(sin(theta)*avgMip[etaBin])
    I'll post the numbers in this format a little later, but you can also  
    calculate it yourself using avgMip ADC numbers from
        Also, http://www.star.bnl.gov/webdatanfs/pub/overall.html
    is up-to-date as per indicating where FastOflfine is (and this for the past few hours).  I will update as well http://www.star.bnl.gov/STAR/comp/prod/fast-offline.html

    Triggers set on March 7
    ppEmcCheck contained 4 triggers:
           BHT1 & Minbias
           BJP1 & Minbias
           EHT1 & Minbias
           EJP1 & Minbias
    ppEmcBackgroundCheck contained 5 triggers:
           BHT2 & BY sync (no minbias)
           BJP2 & BY
           EHT2 & BY
           EJP2 & BY
           minbias (prescaled @ ~10hz)

    chain for 2006 production - real data: root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(0,50,"pp2006a,ittf,ezTree","/star/data03/daq/2006/068/7068064/st_physics_7068064_raw_1040001.daq")' > & log4 &
    Location of fast ezTree: find /star/data09/reco/minbiasSetup/FullField/dev/2006/ -name \*.Mu\* -ctime -1

    On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, chris perkins wrote:
    > > hi - i made a small change to trgStructures.h in CVS. I added the
    > > following defines:
    > >
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_TRG         0
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_EMC_CHECK   1
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_JPSI        2
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_UPS         8
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_DIJET       14
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_EMC_PED     19
    > > #define L2RESULTS_OFFSET_PIG         20
    > >
    > > NO modifications were made to the structure itself so I left the version
    > > number at 0x22

    Subsys DC-chan Cr-ID Device(for ref. only)
    ------ ------- ----- ------
    BTOW 0 0x12 EC6W
     1 0x11 EC4W
     2 0x10 EC2W
     3 0x1e EC30W
     4 0x1d EC28W
     5 0x1c EC26W
     6 0x1b EC24W
     7 0x1a EC22W
     8 0x19 EC20W
     9 0x18 EC18W
     10 0x17 EC14W
     11 0x16 EC13W
     12 0x15 EC12W
     13 0x14 EC10W
     14 0x13 EC7W
     15 0x01 EC2E
     16 0x0f EC30E
     17 0x0e EC28E
     18 0x0d EC26E
     19 0x0c EC24E
     20 0x0b EC22E
     21 0x0a EC20E
     22 0x09 EC18E
     23 0x08 EC14E
     24 0x07 EC13E
     25 0x06 EC12E
     26 0x05 EC10E
     27 0x04 EC7E
     28 0x03 EC6E
     29 0x02 EC4E
    ETOW 0 0x01 crate_1
     1 0x02 crate_2
     2 0x03 crate_3
     3 0x04 crate_4
     4 0x05 crate_5
     5 0x06 crate_6
    ESMD 0 0x40 12S1
     1 0x41 12S2
     2 0x42 12S3
     3 0x43 12P1
     4 0x44 1S1
     5 0x45 1S2
     6 0x46 1S3
     7 0x47 1P1
     8 0x48 2S1
     9 0x49 2S2
     10 0x4a 2S3
     11 0x4b 2P1
     12 0x4c 3S1
     13 0x4d 3S2
     14 0x4e 3S3
     15 0x4f 3P1
     16 0x50 4S1
     17 0x51 4S2
     18 0x52 4S3
     19 0x53 4P1
     20 0x54 5S1
     21 0x55 5S2
     22 0x56 5S3
     23 0x57 5P1
     24 0x58 6S1
     25 0x59 6S2
     26 0x5a 6S3
     27 0x5b 6P1
     28 0x5c 7S1
     29 0x5d 7S2
     30 0x5e 7S3
     31 0x5f 7P1
     32 0x60 8S1
     33 0x61 8S2
     34 0x62 8S3
     35 0x63 8P1
     36 0x64 9S1
     37 0x65 9S2
     38 0x66 9S3
     39 0x67 9P1
     40 0x68 10S1
     41 0x69 10S2
     42 0x6a 10S3
     43 0x6b 10P1
     44 0x6c 11S1
     45 0x6d 11S2
     46 0x6e 11S3
     47 0x6f 11P1

    Hi again, Carl,
       Just to pick up on your postscript, regarding how we get from where
    we're running now to desired jet trigger rates:
    1) We're currently running bemc-jp0-etot-mb-L2 and eemc-jp0-etot-mb-L2
    with prescale factors of 10.0.  Combined, they give 15 Hz of L0 rate at 
    220 kHz
    BBC AND rate.  Currently, only half the endcap is giving jet triggers 
    with the
    tier1 file in use.  So allowing for complete endcap and 325 kHz goal BBC AND
    rate, this gives anticipated L0 rate of dijet input triggers = 25 Hz, 
    vs. desired 10 Hz.
    I think thresholds (jp0 at 4 GeV, Etot at 14 GeV) are already as high as 
    we want
    to run them, so I suggest accomplishing the desired L0 rate reduction by 
    a prescale
    by factor of 2.  That is, for longitudinal running, prescale these 
    triggers by 20, for
    transverse running prescale by 2.
    2) For both barrel and endcap triggers, L2 is currently passing 25% of 
    L0 input
    events.  10% are accepted at random.  As Carl suggests, we should reduce
    this to 1% accepted at random.  Another 3% are accepted as monojets 
    at 8.0 GeV, equivalent to JP1 L0 thresholds), but ~half of these overlap 
    JP1 events.  So reducing random rates and taking into account the 
    overlap with
    JP1, L2 accept rate will be reduced to 15%.  To get to desired 10%, we can
    raise current L2 thresholds from 3.1 GeV jet 1 and 3.0 GeV jet 2 to 3.6 
    GeV jet
    1 and 3.5 GeV jet 2.
       With the above changes, I think we'll be very close to desired rates for
    dijet triggers.

    int l2_alg_emul_l0(TrgDataType *evt, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
      static unsigned short onbits;
      static unsigned short offbits;
      static unsigned short lastDSM;
      onbits = i0;
      offbits = i1;
      // Does this need to be swapped?
      lastDSM = evt->EvtDesc.DSMInput;
      if(lastDSM & onbits != onbits) return 0;
      if(~lastDSM & offbits != offbits) return 0;
      if(i4 <= 1) return 1;
      onbits = i2;
      offbits = i3;
      if(lastDSM & onbits != onbits) return 0;
      if(~lastDSM & offbits != offbits) return 0;
      return 1;
    >>    2.  Do I have to swap the value in : evt->EvtDesc.DSMInput, before
    >> using it?  I know it comes from the big-endian L1 cpu, but I don't know
    >> if you swap the event descriptor data as a service for the L2 algorithms.
    yes, the event descriptor (and other relevant pieces) are swapped for the 
    L2 algorithms. your code looks fine the way it is.  i'll add it to L2 
    tonight and be around after the 10am meeting tuesday.

    Scaler board files archived in HPSS
    right - boards 4,6,10,11,12 (sequence number, S, in jeff's previous email) 
    are read out periodically throughout a run.  boards 3,5,7,8,9 integrate 
    over the entire run and are only written at the end of the run (these were 
    the problematic ones).  so you would need to look for scaler files from 
    these boards to know that the scalers were written properly.  i agree, 
    tonko's log message is the simplest indication that all scaler files have 
    been written
    On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Jeff Landgraf wrote:
    >> Be careful about this conclusion.   The filename convention for the
    >> scaler files is:
    >>    runNNNNNNN_S_TTTTTTTT.sca
    >> where NNNNNN is run number,  S a sequence number and TTTTTT a time.