EEMC QA in Panitkin's plots
updated 2004-03-13

  • Disclosure : Plots show below should not be used for any reference. The detector is not yet debugged and various flaws show up in the spectra. Hal's description of these spectra can be loaded from here.

  • EEMC daq displays ADC values recorded in the ETOW or ESMD data blocks.

    1. Errors : plots A,B,C,D
      A - frequency of n256 per event for ETOW
      B - the same for ESMD
      C - token/ID/n256 corruption for each ETOW crate (more details needed, JB)
      D - the same for each ESMD box
    2. Counts/Tower : plots for towers, pres1, pres2, post-shower
      X=phi bin 0-59, Y=eta bin 1-12,
      Z incremented if ADC>ped+50
    3. Towers : 6 plots for ETOW crates
      X=raw ADC 0-1000, 100 bins;
      Y=fee channel 0-127
    4. Hot Towers : 6 plots for ETOW crates
      Channel is incremented if raw ADC> 4*feePed+256
      'eemcPed4.dat' file is loaded at the execution time. It can be used to mask out individual channels.
      X=channel 0-127

      Fit of a constant added.
    5. Towers/event ADC>ped+50 : plots for towers, pres1, pres2, post-shower
      X= multiplicity

  • EEMC daq displays ADC values recorded in the ESMD data

    1. hits per MAPMT ADC>ped+50
      X= crate ID, Y -tube ID
      Z incremented if ADC>ped+50
    2. SMD sec 5,6 (or 7,8) : total 16 plots for EMD boxes
      4 2D plots for a sector per raw. 3 SMD boxes go first, the pre/post box is the last.
      X=raw ADC 0-1000, 100 bins;
      Y=fee channel 0-191
    3. SMD : 8 plots for 05U, 05V, 06U, 06V, 07U, 07V 08U , 08V
      The total counts per strip for ADC> ped+50.
      X=strip ID, range 1-288
    4. SMD : 8 plots for 05U, 05V, 06U, 06V, 07U, 07V 08U , 08V
      Number strips with ADC> ped+50 per plane per event
      X= multiplicity

  • EEMC trig displays info recorded in the trigger data.

    1. DSM-0 Hank's : plots A,B
      All input to DSM level-0.

      There is 9 boards with 10 channels each.
      X-axis = chan + 10 * board , counting both from zero, range 0-89
      A - high tower values on Y-axis , range 0-63
      B - trigger patches sums, Y-axis range 0-63

    2. DSM-0 HT : plots A-F
      HT input to DSM level-0.

      It is the same data as in ' DSM-0 Hanks plot A' , but channels are renamed according to EEMC jet patches ID and trigger patches ID.

      X-axis =high tower values, range 0-63.
      Y-axis =trigger patch ID within given jet patch, range 1-15
      A-F - jet patch #1 - #6
      Common Z-max for all plots

    3. DSM-0 TP : plots A-F
      HT input to DSM level-0.

      It is the same data as in ' DSM-0 Hanks plot B' , but channels are renamed according to EEMC jet patches ID and trigger patches ID.

      X-axis =trigger patch ADC sum , range 0-63
      Y-axis =trigger patch ID within given jet patch, range 1-15
      A-F - jet patch #1 - #6
      Common Z-max for all plots

    4. DSM-1 HT : 12 plots
      Comparison of D vs. E from the pannel 'DSM-1 QA', shown for each half-jet channel separately. The 3 thresholds on HT (set in level-0) should be well visible.

      X-axis =emulated HT 6-bit value based on level-0 inputs, range truncated to 0-31
      Y-axis =real HT 2-bit value on input to level-1, range 0-3
      Common Z-max for all plots

    5. DSM-1 TP : 12 plots
      Comparison of A vs. B from the pannel 'DSM-1 QA', shown for each half-jet channel separately. If the math in level-0 is correct one should see 1:1 correlation.

      X-axis =emulated TP sum based on level-0 inputs, range truncated to 0-400 , 40 bins
      Y-axis = real TP sum on input to level-1, range truncated to 0-400, 40 bins
      Common Z-max for all plots

    6. DSM-2 & 3 HT , plots A,B,C
      Comparison of real & emulated HT 2-bit values in level-2 and level-3.

      plot A - level-2 board1 serving JP Falk(0,1,2) or Steve(3,4,5)
      plot B - level-2 board2 serving JP Falk(3,4,5) or Steve(6,1,2)
      plot C - level-3 trigger board, max HT out of 6 EEMC JP
      X-axis =emulated HT 2-bit value based on level-(N-1) inputs, range 0-3
      Y-axis =real HT 2-bit value on input to level-N, range 0-3

    7. DSM-2 JP , 6 plots
      Comparison of real JP 2-bit values in level-2 with emulated 11-bit JP sums based on input to level-1.
      6 plots follow Falks JP numbering 0-5. The corresponding Steve's numbering is 3,4,5,6,1,2.

      X-axis =emulated JP sum 11-bit value based on level-1 inputs, range trancated 0-1000
      Y-axis =real JP 2-bit value on input to level-2, range 0-3

    8. Emulated Jet Patch Sums (Internal to DSM1) , 6 plots
      The 12 jet sub patches (6. or .3 in eta) inputs to DSM1 are summed to give the 6 Jet Patch sums that the jet patch thresholds are set on.
      6 plots follow Steve's numbering scheme, 1-6 with 1 near 12 o'clock and continuing clockwise. These equal the FEE crate number. Falks JP numbering, based on the input order to the DSMs, goes 4,5,0-3. Pedestals should be at channel 45. One ADC channel = 0.24 GeV Etrans. Examples of the jet patch spectra for AuAu can be found here.

      X-axis =emulated JP sum 11-bit value based on level-1 inputs, range trancated 0-500. Only the 1st 200 channels are displayed. This should be changed for AuAu.
      Y-axis = number of counts

    9. Jet patches over threshold , 5 plots
      Software thresholds (54, 62 and 70) are applied to the emulated jetpatch sums and the number of times each patch crosses the threshold are plotted. If things are working well these should be relatively flat across the 6 patches. IN this example there was a hot trigger patch in JP3. The bins are labeled by Steve's convention, 1-6. (This corresponds to dsm input order 4,5,0-3). The 1st 4 histos are below threshold, passing thr0, then thr1 and finally thr2. The last is for pairs of adjacent patches where both patches pass th0. Thus ch 1=> jp1 and jp2 were both over th0, ch 2=> jp2 and jp3 over th0 etc.

      X-axis = Jet patch number
      Y-axis = number of counts

    10. Adjacent Jet Patch Sums , 6 plots
      If two adjacent patches are over th0 their sum is constructed from the emulated patch sums. Numbering is with Steve's convention.

      X-axis = Sum of adjacent jet patches. Only 75-275 displayed for p-p. Show full plot for Au- Au
      Y-axis = number of counts

    11. Adjacent Jet Patch Correlations , 6 plots
      The emulated jet patch sum for adjacent pairs of jet patches are plotted. For central AuAu these fill up. But in pp it is hoped that ghost pedestals will show up as correlations at high energy in this plot. Numbering of patches is by Steve's convention.

      X-axis = Jet patch sum n Au
      Y-axis = Jet patch sum n+1

    12. Setup :
      since February 16, (day 47) the plots with ADC counts per tower
      crate/channel are incremented in Panitkin's plots, page 52. e.g. run 50470
      Current threshold is set as
       ADC - 4*feePed4 > 100,
       as indicated in the titles of spectra.
      Crate #4 is still cold.
      We have the option to change feePed4 by editing
      which is a soft link to
       eemcPed4.dat -> eemcPed4-feb7.dat
      on spin@evp.starp
      The eemcPed4.dat file is produced as a by product by feePed and edited by
      to mask the hot towers. At the moment there is only one identified hot
      tower in crate 4 ch 46.
      cr ch ped feePed4
      4 44 12.0 3
      4 45 13.1 2
      4 46 9.5 3000
      4 47 15.9 2
      4 48 9.6 3
      4 49 10.4 3
      If by any reason you change this table of peds make sure to:
      - switch symbolic link
      - protect the new file by chmod a-w xxx.dat
      - use meaningful names ("new", "latest", "tmp", etc. are prohibited :)
      In case of any error while reading from  eemcPed4.dat
      _all_ pedestals will be reseted to zero and program will _not_ crash.
      You need to fix the .dat file and restart Panitkin's programs.

      Database access from the ASCII dump. The input file is located at
      In case of any reading error, the whole DB is erased and respective histos are empty.