solo-pi0 pi0 finder based on EEMC towers

  • A very basic code finding pi0 can be run on ezTree's. The whole algo is encoded in EEezGames/EEsoloPi0.cxx/h
  • The driving script is macros/sortSoloPi0.C
    with the CTB sum range, sector range , and seed energy as input params
    sortSoloPi0( int ctb1=70, int ctb2=800,   int mxEve=100000,
    	     int firstSec=1,  int lastSec=12,   float seedEnergy=0.8,
    	     char *runL="R5041059-101  R5041059-102 R5041059-103 "
    Other parameters are hardcoded in the .C script
      float scaleFactor=1; (not needed this year :)
      float shapeLimit=.7;
      float massLo=0.07, massHi=0.22;
  • The output histogram file has the name
    The estimated number of pi0 is printed at the end of the job
     EEsoloPi0::finish() TotN2g=0, totPi0=1836 totXPi0=1417 
     Npi0=419 + / - 57 ,  s2b=0.30 + / - 0.010  for invm=[0.07, 0.22]
  • To view plots use
    root.exe macros/plPi0Solo.C

    Other auxiliary histos can be displayed with

    root[] plPi0Solo(2)  or 3,4,5
  • Note, this algo is not final, the code & params may change with time. I do not intend to update this page. (Jan)