Basic spectra from EHT6 trigger, CuCu 200

  • used ~390,000 eve of trig=endcapRamp, CuCu200, run R6041011-6041026
  • pedestals from R6026058
  • tower gains: ideal 60 GeV E_T=4096
  • Endcap trigger was only 10-20% dead as shown at:
    Plots of CTB sum , energy per tower, total endcap energy per event
  • Estimated MIP yiled in the endcap from CTBsum: 4000/5/2/=400 mips
  • Estimated tower ocupancy from energy 145 GeV/0.6 GeV= 240 tower
    Conclusion: the occupancy in the endcap is high, there is not many isolated MIP's

    Pi0 yield from tower only algo.
  • Tower lost in sector 12 are due to stuck fee channels in crate 1
  • 55K pi0 reconstructed after background subtraction, S/B=0.21, pi0 yiled 14% per triggered event. (PS)

    Eta dependence of pi0 mass

    Mass, resolution and yiled of pi0 vs. eta