Nuclear Physics Group
FTPC PadMonitor Code Documentation

Physics Department, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616

PadMonitor Java Code Library

  • Code Library
    Browse through the source code for the GUI.

  • Compiling the GUI is a guide to setting up your system to compile and run the source code.

  • DAQ Format Reader

  • StDaqLib in the STAR CVS Repository is the most up to date version of the "Official" Format Reader software.
  • The official Format Reader Specification is linked to the DAQ Home Page. The document is a User Class Library and it describes how to implement a simple data reader program.

  • The Format Reader code adapted to the FTPC is also currently available through StDaqLib. In the FTPC implementation, the user accesses data by asking for a specific sector, numbered 1 through 60 (1-30 are FTPC1, 31-60 are FTPC2). The program internally converts to the Raw Data Format pointers and accesses the requested banks. The reason for this choice was to hide the pointer path from the user to keep the program simple and parallel to the main TPC implementation. For more detailed information about how to use the code, and a basic class library description, refer to the Format Reader Specification.

  • Compiling the Format Reader explains how to compile the Format Reader either as a stand-alone executable or as a shared library to use with the GUI.

  • Mock Data Writer

    The mock data writer is a C program written by Herb Ward to write out fake TPC data events following the DAQ Raw Data Format specification. This has been modified to write out FTPC events to test the PadMonitor and the FTPC Format Reader code. The files written out by this code contain FTPC events, TPC events, TRG information or any combination of the three. The Usage function (called if the program is incorrectly executed) explains the expected format of input files.

  • Full Release (tar file)

  • Compiling the Mock Data Writer explains how to compile and run the source code.

  • Last update: 17-AUG-2000.

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