How affects the the AssociatorMaker Cuts in the Track and Hit association Efficiency?

    Using the AssociatorMaker to associate reconstructed hits to the MonteCarlo hits we set two threshold where to look for the associated hit.
Obviously, our association hit efficiency as well as our association track efficiency will depend in this values.
We studied a set of Windows and we calculated the hit and track efficiency without ANY quality cut in our FTPC tracks. The study was carry out in our AuAu min. bias Embedding.
The size we will use for future association is the size 4 ( Window Phi =  0.80 degrees  Window in R =   0.30 cm  ).

The result could be summarized as follow:

Size 1:     Window Phi =  0.32 degrees  Window in R =   0.12 cm
Size 2:     Window Phi =  0.48 degrees  Window in R =   0.18 cm
Size 2.5:  Window Phi =  0.56 degrees  Window in R =   0.21 cm
Size 3:     Window Phi =  0.64 degrees  Window in R =   0.24 cm
Size 3.5:  Window Phi =  0.72 degrees  Window in R =   0.27 cm
Size 4:     Window Phi =  0.80 degrees  Window in R =   0.30 cm
Size 5:     Window Phi =  0.96 degrees  Window in R =   0.36 cm
Size 6:     Window Phi =  1.12 degrees  Window in R =   0.42 cm
Size 7:     Window Phi =  1.28 degrees  Window in R =   0.48 cm

The Ratio between the number of Ass Hit/ MonteCarlo hits and the number of Total Asshits/ MonteCarlo hits (because in one region I can find more than one associated hit). Yes, the red/green point should never be smaller that the blue ones... by definition. Something is still wrong here. Anyway, we say a deviation from the linear behavior around size 4.


The Ratio of the Ass Tracks/ MonteCarlo Tracks. Again, the see a deviation from the linear behavior ~ size 4.

Percent of track where the MC charge and the Primary Reconstructed and associated track are not the same. That does not change too much with the size. This is a problem in our momentum fit.


By the way... where are this "wrong charge" tracks located?. At high Pt and also at high eta. We need to be careful here!!