Search for memory leaks in STAR software

This page is intended to help people solving their problems with memory leaks in their STAR software. It's a summary of what I've learned by debugging StRoot/StFtpcTrackMaker and StRoot/StFtpcClusterMaker. Therefore it doesn't cover all possible problems!

It is always a good idea to make sure that you have done everything alright in your code (concerning memory allocation). For myself I was 100% sure that we were leak free in our software. I thought Insure++ did not know what it was talking about... But I had to realize that we had several severe problems (ie. leaks) and that Insure++ kept quiet after fixing these. Conclusion: If Insure++ tells you something is wrong, you have a problem! Fix it.

Tools to use

There are several (more or less) usefull tools to help you finding problems in your code. To get started I suggest to compile your code with Insure++ and to run it. How to do this can be found on this page set up by Akio (see also here). Usually Insure++ produces lots of lines of output. Sometimes the messages you get are so cryptic that you don't know what to do, but believe me: Insure++ is right in (almost) every statement. Still, the only thing I learned from using Insure++ was that I had problems in my code. To track these problems down is another story.
The problem of getting a good advice from Insure++ arises because of the memory management of ROOT. Especially TObjArray and TClonesArray allocate memory themselves and while they are doing that they confuse Insure++.

What I did was to use StRoot/StarClassLibrary/StMemoryInfo. Documentation on that can be found here (StarClassLibrary p. 71). I took two StMemoryInfo::snapshot()'s for every new and delete command and then I did StMemoryInfo::print(). (Look at 'total allocated space'. Only the differences are important.) I took these snapshots before and after every new and delete statement to be sure to count only the bytes allocated from that specific command.

I know, usually you have hundreds of executions of new's and delete's, especially if they are within loops. But I can't help it. You may start with putting snapshots in StRoot/StChain/StMaker.cxx before and after ret = maker->Make() (in Int_t StMaker::Make()). (Make sure you print the name of the current Maker as well, otherwise you get confused by the output of every maker.) I don't think this will help you a lot because as soon as you write something in some StAF tables the memory isn't released before the next cycle, so you count a lot of bytes you usually don't care about. Still, by running several events you get a feeling if memory usage is growing all the time and which piece of code to blame.

Analysis of output

If you have prepared your code with all these snapshots and print commands you run it... and you end up with several lines of output. I redirected this output stream to a file. This was necessary because generally I produced 1.3 million lines of output for processing one event! As a result I had to develop a small macro to handle all that stuff. Therefore I printed not only 'StMemoryInfo::print()' but also some unique line to identify the position in the code. The macro should add up everything which belongs together (like all occurrences of 'new Track'). This should cancel with everything like 'delete Track'. Unfortunately this isn't so easy because some (most?) classes allocate memory internally as well. But that's life.

My macro cooked down these 1.3 million lines to something about 10 pages of output. Within these 10 pages I looked for lines which canceled themselves to 0. Again: usually it doesn't but it should! Finally (after several weeks of working on that) I was able to find every missing byte. Or let's say it like this: I realized where my leaking bytes went!

Known problems and traps

With the method explained above several things make your search for memory leaks a difficult task. This is due to the usage of code not equipped with 'snapshots' (usally outside of your own classes). Here I present a list of what I've found to be difficult to track down:

  • StMessageManager:
  • TClonesArray:
  • Templates:
  • Arrays:
  • StAF tables:

    If you have traced down every byte and found every leak you should run Inure++ again. There should be no messages left over except for cases were you pass arrays to functions and the usage of templates, probably.

    That's it. Good luck.

    Markus Oldenburg
    Last modified: Wed Apr 20 11:25:17 CEST 2005