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4. Window in fig. 1 is particularly used to monitor HV on CPV
plane. Buttons seen in fig.1  have the following meaning :
This button is pressed to take pedestal run which
is set presently at 1000V. So inorder to take
pedestal at 1000V, just press this button and CPV
plane will be set at 1000V. After pressing this button please
wait for the message “Pedestal Voltage Set=>Successful
flashed on the top of the window (see fig.1).  Button on each
supermodule can now be seen in blue colour as shown in fig. 1.
Green coloured Button has to be pressed to bring
CPV plane at the operating voltage which is
presentaly set at 1400V. Again after pressing this
button please wait for the message “Ramping up of voltage
Yellow colour in fig 1 signifies “stand by” state of
the supermodules. In fig. 1 PMD side is shown in
yellow colour as Le Croy does not supply high voltage to PMD.
Hence please ingore PMD side for operations. To learn about
PMD plane operations please refer to section A of the
operation manual.
5. Rows at the bottom in fig. 1 shows monitored voltage and
current of CPV (please ignore PMD).
6. Meaning of some more buttons seen in fig.1 is as follows  :