In case of DAQ problem and/or  HV trip in PMD or CPV plane.


A. In case of DAQ problems :


a.  Dead time is more than 95% when TPC and/or FTPC included in run with PMD

1.     Stop the Run.

2.     Check the HV trip for both the plane ( PMD and CPV ), if trip CLEAR the trip ( sec. B ).

3.     Set the Pedestal voltage in both PMD  ( CH00-CH11=1000V ) and CPV ( Press ‘PEDESTAL’ button ).

4.      Check the LV currents of Crates 3,4 and 5 as per LV lookup table

5.     If the current of some of the channels say, U2,U3 of Crate-3 is not matching ( +/- 0.5 V) with LV lookup table, POWER cycle that Crate only (Do not power cycle Crate-6, 7 and 8, until it is instructed). After power cycling check the currents comparing with LV lookup table. If it matches fine, otherwise  also continue step 5 onwards and inform PMD expert.

6.     Take a fresh pedestal at Pedestal voltage.

7.     Set PHYSICS Voltage in both PMD ( CH00 to CH11 = 1400V) and CPV ( press ‘PHYSICS’ button )

8.     Start RUN.


b. If Error more than 5%

1.     Stop the run.

2.     Reboot PMD from DAQ run Control

3.     Start Run again


c. If the problem still continues, CALL PMD EXPERT


B. In case of HV Trip :


a. For PMD plane

1.     Check which SM has been tripped .

2.     Clear the trip ( pressing ‘N’ from main menu of PMD HV control)

3.  Bring the HV to 1000 V, i.e in Pedestal Voltage

4.     Turn on the tripped SM ( by pressing ‘N’ from Display/Modify Parameters menu )


b. For CPV plane

1.     Check which SM has been tripped.

2.     Clear trip.

3.     Press ‘PEDESTAL’ button to bring the voltage at Pedestal Voltage.


Wait till it reaches 1000V in PMD plane and displays ‘Pedestal Voltage Set= Successful’ in CPV plane

You may continue taking data taking PMD out from the run till it reaches the PEDESTAL voltage.


c. Now take fresh Pedestal.. ( stop the run if it continues for other detectors. )


d. PHYSICE mode for both PMD and CPV plane.

1.     Raise the HV of PMD to PHYSICS voltage ( CH00 to CH11 =1400V )

2.     Press ‘PHYSICS’ button in CPV plane


    Wait till it reaches 1400V in PMD plane  and  displays ‘Operating Voltage  Successful’ in CPV plane

You may continue taking data taking PMD out from the run till it reaches to PHYSISCS Voltage.


e. Include PMD and start Run. .. ( stop the run if it continues for other detectors. )


f. Check Panitkin plots.


g. If satisfied continue with the run.