The macro dictionary
The analysis chains
Below you will find examples of the analysis chain. Only the names which should appear in the chain variable of your local copy of bfc.kumac. Links to their descriptions in the dictionary are established. Some of the names in the dictionary are not mentioned here.
To create events with hijing
rhij  egout
To process generated event through gstar
evgin rgst fzout
To process gstar event through to the TPC analysis chain
fzin rg2t tpg tfs tpt tid tte_e evout
 To apply the SVT (3 layers) analysis chain starting from the TPC
evin svg srs sgr spr evout
 To apply the SVT +SSD analysis chain starting from the TPC
evin svg srs est evout
The dictionary
This dictionary describes the name which can be used in the variable chain of the bfc.kumac macro and its various copies. For each name, the domain which should be called and the modules called are described. Most of the time, only the domain directly related to the module is mentioned however it is clear that some modules use routine from other modules which are not in the same domain. In this case the needed  domains have to be specified otherwise unresolved symbols may appear during the loading of the library. There is a list of modules for each domain here. The input and output tables used can be accessed by clicking on the module name.

name domain short description modules called comments
rhij gen/hij calls hijing generator hijjet Hijing expects input file hijev.inp in top directory (more information can be found here). If  events are not passed through gstar, "field_only" is needed for the gstar_settings. 
rgst geometry 
geometry loads the detector geometry modules. 
sim/gstar calls GEANT for STAR  package.
none To be completed 
rg2t sim/g2t ... none ...
svg svt loads the svt geometry none the module svg_am was called.  Now the geometry is loaded with the file $STAR/params/svt/svgpars
srs svt calls the svt simulator srs_am supress hits in inactive areas 
can run in three modes : hit positions from gstar, gaussian smearing or detailed simulation (only svt)
sgr svt calls the grouper followed by the stk tracker stk_am_init 
sgr is first used for high pt primary tracks. stk is the "follow you nose" method for low pt particles and secondaries 
spr svt calls the svt pid  module spr_svt calculates the de/dx (log mean) and a pid for the svt tracks 
tpg tpc loads the tpc geometry none the module tpg_main was called. Now the geometry is loaded with the file $STAR/params/tpc/tpgpars
tfs tpc calls the tpc fast simulator tfs_g2t 
tpt tpc calls the tpc tracker tpt forms tracks in the tpc filling the tptrack table. tracks with negative flag should not be considered
tid tpc calls the tpc pid module tde_new calculates a pid (e,pi,k,p) by considering the de/dx and the track momentum
tte_e tpc calls the tpc tracker evaluator tte ...
evgin none loads an event after the generator none the module loads an xdf file which should contain a particle table in the evgen dataset
egout none writes an event after the generator none the module writes an xdf file which contains a particle table in the evgen dataset
evin none loads an event  none the module loads an xdf file which contains the following datasets : 
run and event
evout none writes an event none the module writes an event into a xdf file which contains the  datasets : 
run and event
fzin none loads an event in the zebra format none this module is called to read the ouput of gstar in zebra format (.fzd)
fzout none writes an event in the zebra format none this module is called to write the ouput of gstar in zebra format (.fzd)