TOFp System Procedure:
DAQ System Shutdown

This is the procedure to shut down the software that runs on the DAQ PC and enables it to act as the TOFp to STAR DAQ and TOFp to STAR TRG Interface.
   Related Documentation:
  1. TOFp Glossary
  2. Local DAQ User's Guide
  3. DAQ PC Reboot After Crash Procedure
  1. Seat at TOFp Station in STAR Control Room.
  2. Password Information (posted at TOF Station in STAR Control Room).
  1. To shut down the TOFp DAQ program, first locate the terminal window that is running the DAQ programs.
  2. In that window, enter: tofpdaq stop
  3. The TOFp DAQ program is now stopped.
  4. Contact TOFp Control to inform them about this action.
  5. Note the action in the Shift Log Book.
  1. Contact TOFp Control to inform that procedure is complete, and with any end-of-procedure comments that are necessary.
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