A detector response simulation has been developed for this hit counting methodology. In the present simulations the MWC has again been subdivided into 96 regions so that each region contains 85 wires. This has been done so that direct comparisons with charge integration techniques can be made. Corrections to multiplicity from the number of wires hit in a given region are made based on Poisson statistics. Thus, occupancies of wires hit in a given region are required to be less than 1, preferably much smaller than 1. Figure 1 displays the occupancy results from the simulation for 100 central FRITIOF events. The average occupancy is approximately 27%. In Figure 2 the resolution of the MWC using the hit counting methodology is displayed, where resolution is defined as the sigma of the distribution of multiplicity determined from the detector response simulation divided by the multiplicity obtained directly from GEANT hits. A resolution of slightly more than 1.3% is obtained. One concern from these results arises from the event at greater than 1.3. This event results in spuriously large multiplicities and could be mistaken by Level 0 multiplicity algorithms as a non-standard event, although this should not pose a problem if only a small percentage of these "normal" events pass Level 0 analysis.