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1 // is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
2 // Copyright (C) 2020 Stefan Prestel, Torbjorn Sjostrand.
3 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
4 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
6 // Function definitions (not found in the header) for the DireSpace class.
8 #include "Pythia8/DireSpace.h"
9 #include "Pythia8/DireTimes.h"
10 #include "Pythia8/DireHistory.h"
12 namespace Pythia8 {
14 //==========================================================================
16 // The DireSpace class.
18 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not.
21 // These are of technical nature, as described for each.
23 // Leftover companion can give PDF > 0 at small Q2 where other PDF's = 0,
24 // and then one can end in infinite loop of impossible kinematics.
25 const int DireSpace::MAXLOOPTINYPDF = 10;
27 // Minimal allowed c and b quark masses, for flavour thresholds.
28 const double DireSpace::MCMIN = 1.2;
29 const double DireSpace::MBMIN = 4.0;
31 // Switch to alternative (but equivalent) backwards evolution for
32 // g -> Q Qbar (Q = c or b) when below QTHRESHOLD * mQ2.
33 const double DireSpace::CTHRESHOLD = 2.0;
34 const double DireSpace::BTHRESHOLD = 2.0;
36 // Renew evaluation of PDF's when the pT2 step is bigger than this
37 // (in addition to initial scale and c and b thresholds.)
38 const double DireSpace::EVALPDFSTEP = 0.1;
40 // Lower limit on PDF value in order to avoid division by zero.
41 //const double DireSpace::TINYPDF = 1e-15;
42 const double DireSpace::TINYPDF = 1e-5;
44 // Lower limit on estimated evolution rate, below which stop.
45 const double DireSpace::TINYKERNELPDF = 1e-15;
47 // Lower limit on pT2, below which branching is rejected.
48 const double DireSpace::TINYPT2 = 0.25e-6;
50 // No attempt to do backwards evolution of a heavy (c or b) quark
51 // if evolution starts at a scale pT2 < HEAVYPT2EVOL * mQ2.
52 const double DireSpace::HEAVYPT2EVOL = 1.1;
54 // No attempt to do backwards evolution of a heavy (c or b) quark
55 // if evolution starts at a x > HEAVYXEVOL * x_max, where
56 // x_max is the largest possible x value for a g -> Q Qbar branching.
57 const double DireSpace::HEAVYXEVOL = 0.9;
59 // When backwards evolution Q -> g + Q creates a heavy quark Q,
60 // an earlier branching g -> Q + Qbar will restrict kinematics
61 // to M_{Q Qbar}^2 > EXTRASPACEQ * 4 m_Q^2. (Smarter to be found??)
62 const double DireSpace::EXTRASPACEQ = 2.0;
64 // Never pick pT so low that alphaS is evaluated too close to Lambda_3.
65 const double DireSpace::LAMBDA3MARGIN = 1.1;
67 // Do not warn for large PDF ratios at small pT2 scales.
68 const double DireSpace::PT2MINWARN = 1.;
70 // Cutoff for f_e^e at x < 1 - 10^{-10} to be used in z selection.
71 // Note: the x_min quantity come from 1 - x_max.
72 const double DireSpace::LEPTONXMIN = 1e-10;
73 const double DireSpace::LEPTONXMAX = 1. - 1e-10;
75 // Stop l -> l gamma evolution slightly above m2l.
76 const double DireSpace::LEPTONPT2MIN = 1.2;
78 // Enhancement of l -> l gamma trial rate to compensate imperfect modelling.
79 const double DireSpace::LEPTONFUDGE = 10.;
81 // Overestimation extra factors by branching type
82 const double DireSpace::HEADROOMQ2G = 1.35;
83 const double DireSpace::HEADROOMQ2Q = 1.15;
84 const double DireSpace::HEADROOMG2Q = 1.35;
85 const double DireSpace::HEADROOMG2G = 1.35;
87 const double DireSpace::TINYMASS = 1e-3;
89 const double DireSpace::DPHI_II = 2./3.;
90 const double DireSpace::DPHI_IF = 2./3.;
92 // pT2 below which PDF overestimates should be larger.
93 const double DireSpace::PT2_INCREASE_OVERESTIMATE = 2.;
95 const double DireSpace::KERNEL_HEADROOM = 1.;
97 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 // Initialize alphaStrong, alphaEM and related pTmin parameters.
101 void DireSpace::init( BeamParticle* beamAPtrIn,
102  BeamParticle* beamBPtrIn) {
104  dryrun = false;
106  // Colour factors.
107  CA = settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:CA") > 0.0
108  ? settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:CA") : 3.0;
109  CF = settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:CF") > 0.0
110  ? settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:CF") : 4./3.;
111  TR = settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:TR") > 0.
112  ? settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:TR") : 0.5;
113  NC = settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:NC") > 0.
114  ? settingsPtr->parm("DireColorQCD:NC") : 3.0;
116  // Store input pointers for future use.
117  beamAPtr = beamAPtrIn;
118  beamBPtr = beamBPtrIn;
120  // Main flags to switch on and off branchings.
121  doQCDshower = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:QCDshower");
122  doQEDshowerByQ = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:QEDshowerByQ");
123  doQEDshowerByL = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:QEDshowerByL");
124  doDecaysAsShower = settingsPtr->flag("DireSpace:DecaysAsShower");
126  // Matching in pT of hard interaction to shower evolution.
127  pTmaxMatch = settingsPtr->mode("SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch");
128  pTdampMatch = settingsPtr->mode("SpaceShower:pTdampMatch");
129  pTmaxFudge = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge");
130  pTmaxFudgeMPI = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTmaxFudgeMPI");
131  pTdampFudge = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTdampFudge");
132  pT2minVariations= pow2(max(0.,settingsPtr->parm("Variations:pTmin")));
133  pT2minEnhance = pow2(max(0.,settingsPtr->parm("Enhance:pTmin")));
134  pT2minMECs = pow2(max(0.,settingsPtr->parm("Dire:pTminMECs")));
135  Q2minMECs = pow2(max(0.,settingsPtr->parm("Dire:QminMECs")));
136  nFinalMaxMECs = settingsPtr->mode("Dire:nFinalMaxMECs");
137  suppressLargeMECs = settingsPtr->flag("Dire:suppressLargeMECs");
139  // Optionally force emissions to be ordered in rapidity/angle.
140  doRapidityOrder = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:rapidityOrder");
142  // Charm, bottom and lepton mass thresholds.
143  mc = max( MCMIN, particleDataPtr->m0(4));
144  mb = max( MBMIN, particleDataPtr->m0(5));
145  m2c = pow2(mc);
146  m2b = pow2(mb);
148  // Parameters of scale choices (inherited from Pythia).
149  renormMultFac = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:renormMultFac");
150  factorMultFac = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:factorMultFac");
151  useFixedFacScale = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:useFixedFacScale");
152  fixedFacScale2 = pow2(settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:fixedFacScale"));
154  // Parameters of alphaStrong generation.
155  alphaSvalue = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:alphaSvalue");
156  alphaSorder = settingsPtr->mode("SpaceShower:alphaSorder");
157  alphaSnfmax = settingsPtr->mode("StandardModel:alphaSnfmax");
158  alphaSuseCMW = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:alphaSuseCMW");
159  alphaS2pi = 0.5 * alphaSvalue / M_PI;
160  asScheme = settingsPtr->mode("DireSpace:alphasScheme");
162  // Set flavour thresholds by default Pythia masses, unless zero.
163  double mcpy = particleDataPtr->m0(4);
164  double mbpy = particleDataPtr->m0(5);
165  double mtpy = particleDataPtr->m0(6);
166  if (mcpy > 0.0 && mbpy > 0.0 && mtpy > 0.0)
167  alphaS.setThresholds(mcpy, mbpy, mtpy);
169  // Initialize alpha_strong generation.
170  alphaS.init( alphaSvalue, alphaSorder, alphaSnfmax, alphaSuseCMW);
172  // Lambda for 5, 4 and 3 flavours.
173  Lambda5flav = alphaS.Lambda5();
174  Lambda4flav = alphaS.Lambda4();
175  Lambda3flav = alphaS.Lambda3();
176  Lambda5flav2 = pow2(Lambda5flav);
177  Lambda4flav2 = pow2(Lambda4flav);
178  Lambda3flav2 = pow2(Lambda3flav);
180  // Regularization of QCD evolution for pT -> 0. Can be taken
181  // same as for multiparton interactions, or be set separately.
182  useSamePTasMPI = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:samePTasMPI");
183  if (useSamePTasMPI) {
184  pT0Ref = settingsPtr->parm("MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref");
185  ecmRef = settingsPtr->parm("MultipartonInteractions:ecmRef");
186  ecmPow = settingsPtr->parm("MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow");
187  pTmin = settingsPtr->parm("MultipartonInteractions:pTmin");
188  } else {
189  pT0Ref = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pT0Ref");
190  ecmRef = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:ecmRef");
191  ecmPow = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:ecmPow");
192  pTmin = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTmin");
193  }
195  // Calculate nominal invariant mass of events. Set current pT0 scale to zero.
196  sCM = m2( beamAPtr->p(), beamBPtr->p());
197  eCM = sqrt(sCM);
198  pT0 = 0.;
200  // Restrict pTmin to ensure that alpha_s(pTmin^2 + pT_0^2) does not blow up.
201  double pTminAbs = sqrtpos(pow2(LAMBDA3MARGIN) * Lambda3flav2 / renormMultFac
202  - pT0*pT0);
203  if (pTmin < pTminAbs) {
204  pTmin = pTminAbs;
205  ostringstream newPTmin;
206  newPTmin << fixed << setprecision(3) << pTmin;
207  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::init: pTmin too low",
208  ", raised to " + newPTmin.str() );
209  infoPtr->setTooLowPTmin(true);
210  }
212  // Derived parameters of QCD evolution.
213  pT20 = pow2(pT0);
214  pT2min = pow2(pTmin);
216  m2min = pT2min;
217  mTolErr = settingsPtr->parm("Check:mTolErr");
219  double pT2minQED = pow2(settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTminChgQ"));
220  pT2minQED = max(pT2minQED, pow2(settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:pTminChgL")));
222  pT2cutSave = create_unordered_map<int,double>
223  (21,pT2min)
224  (1,pT2min)(-1,pT2min)(2,pT2min)(-2,pT2min)
225  (3,pT2min)(-3,pT2min)(4,pT2min)(-4,pT2min)
226  (5,pT2min)(-5,pT2min)(6,pT2min)(-6,pT2min)
227  (22,pT2minQED)
228  (11,pT2minQED)(-11,pT2minQED)(13,pT2minQED)(-13,pT2minQED)
229  (15,pT2minQED)(-15,pT2minQED)
230  (900032,pT2minQED)(900012,pT2minQED)
231  (900040,pT2minQED);
233  bool_settings = create_unordered_map<string,bool>
234  ("doQEDshowerByL",doQEDshowerByL)
235  ("doQEDshowerByQ",doQEDshowerByQ);
237  usePDFalphas = settingsPtr->flag("ShowerPDF:usePDFalphas");
238  useSummedPDF = settingsPtr->flag("ShowerPDF:useSummedPDF");
239  usePDF = settingsPtr->flag("ShowerPDF:usePDF");
240  BeamParticle& beam = (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamAPtr->id())) ?
241  *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
242  alphaS2piOverestimate = (usePDFalphas) ? beam.alphaS(pT2min) * 0.5/M_PI
243  : (alphaSorder > 0) ? alphaS.alphaS(pT2min) * 0.5/M_PI
244  : 0.5 * 0.5/M_PI;
245  usePDFmasses = settingsPtr->flag("ShowerPDF:usePDFmasses");
246  BeamParticle* bb = ( particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamAPtr->id())) ? beamAPtr
247  : ( particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamBPtr->id())) ?
248  beamBPtr : NULL;
249  m2cPhys = (usePDFalphas && bb != NULL)
250  ? pow2(max(0.,bb->mQuarkPDF(4))) : alphaS.muThres2(4);
251  m2bPhys = (usePDFalphas && bb != NULL)
252  ? pow2(max(0.,bb->mQuarkPDF(5))) : alphaS.muThres2(5);
253  useSystems = true;
255  // Allow massive incoming particles. Currently not supported by Pythia.
256  useMassiveBeams = false;
258  // Create maps of accept/reject weights
259  string key = "base";
260  rejectProbability.insert( make_pair(key, multimap<double,double>() ));
261  acceptProbability.insert( make_pair(key, map<double,double>() ));
262  doVariations = settingsPtr->flag("Variations:doVariations");
263  splittingSelName="";
264  splittingNowName="";
266  // Set splitting library, if already exists.
267  if (splittingsPtr) splits = splittingsPtr->getSplittings();
268  overhead.clear();
269  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
270  it != splits.end(); ++it ) overhead.insert(make_pair(it->first,1.));
272  nFinalMax = settingsPtr->mode("DireSpace:nFinalMax");
273  useGlobalMapIF = settingsPtr->flag("DireSpace:useGlobalMapIF");
275  forceMassiveMap = settingsPtr->flag("DireSpace:forceMassiveMap");
277  // Mode for higher-order kernels.
278  kernelOrder = settingsPtr->mode("DireSpace:kernelOrder");
279  kernelOrderMPI = settingsPtr->mode("DireSpace:kernelOrderMPI");
281  // Various other parameters.
282  doMEcorrections = settingsPtr->flag("Dire:doMECs")
283  || settingsPtr->flag("Dire:doMOPS");
284  doMEafterFirst = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:MEafterFirst");
285  doPhiPolAsym = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:phiPolAsym");
286  doPhiIntAsym = settingsPtr->flag("SpaceShower:phiIntAsym");
287  strengthIntAsym = settingsPtr->parm("SpaceShower:strengthIntAsym");
288  nQuarkIn = settingsPtr->mode("SpaceShower:nQuarkIn");
290  // Possibility of two predetermined hard emissions in event.
291  doSecondHard = settingsPtr->flag("SecondHard:generate");
293  // Optional dampening at small pT's when large multiplicities.
294  enhanceScreening
295  = settingsPtr->mode("MultipartonInteractions:enhanceScreening");
296  if (!useSamePTasMPI) enhanceScreening = 0;
298  // Possibility to allow user veto of emission step.
299  hasUserHooks = (userHooksPtr != 0);
300  canVetoEmission = (userHooksPtr != 0)
301  ? userHooksPtr->canVetoISREmission() : false;
303  // Done.
304  isInitSave = true;
306 }
308 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 // Initialize bookkeeping of shower variations.
312 void DireSpace::initVariations() {
314  // Create maps of accept/reject weights
315  for ( int i=0; i < weights->sizeWeights(); ++i) {
316  string key = weights->weightName(i);
317  if ("base") == 0) continue;
318  if ( key.find("fsr") != string::npos) continue;
319  rejectProbability.insert( make_pair(key, multimap<double,double>() ));
320  acceptProbability.insert( make_pair(key, map<double,double>() ));
321  }
323  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
324  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
325  it->second.clear();
326  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
327  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
328  it->second.clear();
330  // Done.
331 }
333 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 // Find whether to limit maximum scale of emissions.
336 // Also allow for dampening at factorization or renormalization scale.
338 //bool DireSpace::limitPTmax( Event& event, double Q2Fac, double) {
339 bool DireSpace::limitPTmax( Event& event, double, double) {
341  // Find whether to limit pT. Begin by user-set cases.
342  bool dopTlimit = false;
343  dopTlimit1 = dopTlimit2 = false;
344  int nHeavyCol = 0;
345  if (pTmaxMatch == 1) dopTlimit = dopTlimit1 = dopTlimit2 = true;
346  else if (pTmaxMatch == 2) dopTlimit = dopTlimit1 = dopTlimit2 = false;
348  // Always restrict SoftQCD processes.
349  else if (infoPtr->isNonDiffractive() || infoPtr->isDiffractiveA()
350  || infoPtr->isDiffractiveB() || infoPtr->isDiffractiveC() )
351  dopTlimit = dopTlimit1 = dopTlimit2 = true;
353  // Look if any quark (u, d, s, c, b), gluon or photon in final state.
354  // Also count number of heavy coloured particles, like top.
355  else {
356  int n21 = 0;
357  for (int i = 5; i < event.size(); ++i) {
358  if (event[i].status() == -21) ++n21;
359  else if (n21 == 0) {
360  int idAbs = event[i].idAbs();
361  if (idAbs <= 5 || idAbs == 21 || idAbs == 22) dopTlimit1 = true;
362  if ( (event[i].col() != 0 || event[i].acol() != 0)
363  && idAbs > 5 && idAbs != 21 ) ++nHeavyCol;
364  } else if (n21 == 2) {
365  int idAbs = event[i].idAbs();
366  if (idAbs <= 5 || idAbs == 21 || idAbs == 22) dopTlimit2 = true;
367  }
368  }
369  dopTlimit = (doSecondHard) ? (dopTlimit1 && dopTlimit2) : dopTlimit1;
370  }
372  // Dampening at factorization or renormalization scale; only for hardest.
373  dopTdamp = false;
374  pT2damp = 0.;
376  // Done.
377  return dopTlimit;
379 }
381 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 // Function to reset generic things (called from DireTimes::prepareGlobal!)
385 void DireSpace::resetWeights() {
387  // Clear accept/reject weights.
388  weights->reset();
389  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
390  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
391  it->second.clear();
392  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
393  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
394  it->second.clear();
396  return;
397 }
399 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 // Prepare system for evolution; identify ME.
402 // Routine may be called after multiparton interactions, for a new subystem.
404 void DireSpace::prepare( int iSys, Event& event, bool limitPTmaxIn) {
406  // Calculate remainder shower weight after MPI.
407  if (nMPI < infoPtr->getCounter(23) && iSys == infoPtr->getCounter(23)) {
408  weights->calcWeight(pow2(infoPtr->pTnow()));
409  weights->reset();
410  // Clear accept/reject weights.
411  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
412  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
413  it->second.clear();
414  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
415  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
416  it->second.clear();
417  }
418  // Store number of MPI, in case a subsequent MPI forces calculation and
419  // reset of shower weights.
420  nMPI = infoPtr->getCounter(23);
422  // Find positions of incoming colliding partons.
423  int in1 = getInA(iSys);
424  int in2 = getInB(iSys);
426  // Rescattered partons cannot radiate.
427  bool canRadiate1 = !(event[in1].isRescatteredIncoming());
428  bool canRadiate2 = !(event[in2].isRescatteredIncoming());
430  // Reset dipole-ends list for first interaction. Also resonances.
431  if (iSys == 0) {dipEnd.resize(0); idResFirst = 0;}
432  else if (iSys == 1) idResSecond = 0;
434  // Set splitting library.
435  splits = splittingsPtr->getSplittings();
436  overhead.clear();
437  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
438  it != splits.end(); ++it ) overhead.insert(make_pair(it->first,1.));
440  // Find matrix element corrections for system.
441  int MEtype = 0;
443  // In case of DPS overwrite limitPTmaxIn by saved value.
444  if (doSecondHard && iSys == 0) limitPTmaxIn = dopTlimit1;
445  if (doSecondHard && iSys == 1) limitPTmaxIn = dopTlimit2;
447  // Find dipole ends for QCD radiation.
448  // Note: colour type can change during evolution, so book also if zero.
449  if (doQCDshower) {
451  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
452  int colTag = event[in1].col();
453  if (canRadiate1 && colTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 1, colTag, 1, event,
454  MEtype, limitPTmaxIn);
455  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
456  int acolTag = event[in1].acol();
457  if (canRadiate1 && acolTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 1, acolTag, -1, event,
458  MEtype, limitPTmaxIn);
459  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
460  colTag = event[in2].col();
461  if (canRadiate2 && colTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 2, colTag, 1, event,
462  MEtype, limitPTmaxIn);
463  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
464  acolTag = event[in2].acol();
465  if (canRadiate2 && acolTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 2, acolTag, -1, event,
466  MEtype, limitPTmaxIn);
467  }
469  // Now find non-QCD dipoles and/or update the existing dipoles.
470  getGenDip( iSys, 1, event, limitPTmaxIn, dipEnd);
471  getGenDip( iSys, 2, event, limitPTmaxIn, dipEnd);
473  // Store the z and pT2 values of the last previous splitting
474  // when an event history has already been constructed.
475  if (iSys == 0 && infoPtr->hasHistory()) {
476  double zNow = infoPtr->zNowISR();
477  double pT2Now = infoPtr->pT2NowISR();
478  for (int iDipEnd = 0; iDipEnd < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDipEnd) {
479  dipEnd[iDipEnd].zOld = zNow;
480  dipEnd[iDipEnd].pT2Old = pT2Now;
481  ++dipEnd[iDipEnd].nBranch;
482  }
483  }
485  // Now update all dipoles.
486  updateDipoles(event, iSys);
488  // Counter of proposed emissions.
489  nProposedPT.clear();
490  if ( nProposedPT.find(iSys) == nProposedPT.end() )
491  nProposedPT.insert(make_pair(iSys,0));
493  splittingSelName="";
494  splittingNowName="";
495  dipEndSel = 0;
497  // Clear weighted shower book-keeping.
498  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
499  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
500  it->second.clear();
501  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
502  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
503  it->second.clear();
505 }
507 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 void DireSpace::clear() {
511  dipEnd.resize(0);
512  weights->reset();
513  dipEndSel = 0;
515  splittingSelName="";
516  splittingNowName="";
518  // Clear weighted shower book-keeping.
519  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
520  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
521  it->second.clear();
522  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
523  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
524  it->second.clear();
526 }
528 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
530 // Setup a dipole end for a QCD colour charge.
532 void DireSpace::setupQCDdip( int iSys, int side, int colTag, int colSign,
533  const Event& event, int MEtype, bool limitPTmaxIn) {
535  // Initial values. Find if allowed to hook up beams.
536  int iRad = (side == 1) ? getInA(iSys) : getInB(iSys);
537  int iPartner = 0;
538  int sizeAllA = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSys);
539  int sizeOut = partonSystemsPtr->sizeOut(iSys);
540  int sizeAll = sizeAllA;
541  int sizeIn = sizeAll - sizeOut;
542  int sizeInA = sizeAllA - sizeIn - sizeOut;
544  // Colour: other end by same index in final state or opposite in beam.
545  if (colSign > 0)
546  for (int j = 0; j < sizeAll; ++j) {
547  int iRecNow = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSys, j + sizeInA);
548  if (iRecNow == iRad) continue;
549  if ( ( j >= sizeIn && event[iRecNow].col() == colTag
550  && event[iRecNow].isFinal() )
551  || ( j < sizeIn && event[iRecNow].acol() == colTag
552  && !event[iRecNow].isRescatteredIncoming() ) ) {
553  iPartner = iRecNow;
554  break;
555  }
556  }
558  // Anticolour: other end by same index in final state or opposite in beam.
559  if (colSign < 0)
560  for (int j = 0; j < sizeAll; ++j) {
561  int iRecNow = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSys, j + sizeInA);
562  if (iRecNow == iRad) continue;
563  if ( ( j >= sizeIn && event[iRecNow].acol() == colTag
564  && event[iRecNow].isFinal() )
565  || ( j < sizeIn && event[iRecNow].col() == colTag
566  && !event[iRecNow].isRescatteredIncoming() ) ) {
567  iPartner = iRecNow;
568  break;
569  }
570  }
572  // Check for failure to locate any recoiler
573  if ( iPartner == 0 ) {
574  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in DireSpace::setupQCDdip: "
575  "failed to locate any recoiling partner");
576  return;
577  }
579  // Store dipole colour end(s).
580  // Max scale either by parton scale or by half dipole mass.
581  double pTmax = event[iRad].scale();
582  if (limitPTmaxIn) {
583  if (iSys == 0 || (iSys == 1 && doSecondHard)) pTmax *= pTmaxFudge;
584  else if (sizeIn > 0) pTmax *= pTmaxFudgeMPI;
585  //} else pTmax = 0.5 * m( event[iRad], event[iPartner]);
586  } else pTmax = m( event[iRad], event[iPartner]);
588  // Force maximal pT to LHEF input value.
589  if ( abs(event[iRad].status()) > 20 && abs(event[iRad].status()) < 24
590  && settingsPtr->flag("Beams:setProductionScalesFromLHEF")
591  && event[iRad].scale() > 0.)
592  pTmax = event[iRad].scale();
594  // Force maximal pT to LHEF scales tag value.
595  double mups = infoPtr->getScalesAttribute("mups");
596  if ( abs(event[iRad].status()) > 20
597  && abs(event[iRad].status()) < 24
598  && settingsPtr->flag("Beams:setProductionScalesFromLHEF")
599  && !isnan(mups) )
600  pTmax = mups;
602  int colType = (event[iRad].id() == 21) ? 2 * colSign : colSign;
603  dipEnd.push_back( DireSpaceEnd( iSys, side, iRad, iPartner, pTmax, colType,
604  0, 0, MEtype));
605  dipEnd.back().init(event);
607 }
609 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
611 // Setup a dipole end for a QCD colour charge.
613 void DireSpace::getGenDip( int iSys, int side, const Event& event,
614  bool limitPTmaxIn, vector<DireSpaceEnd>& dipEnds) {
616  // Initial values.
617  int iRad = (iSys > -1) ? ((side == 1) ? getInA(iSys) : getInB(iSys))
618  : side;
619  int sizeAllA = (iSys > -1) ? partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSys) : event.size();
620  int sizeOut = (iSys > -1) ? partonSystemsPtr->sizeOut(iSys) : event.size();
621  int sizeAll = (iSys > -1) ? sizeAllA : event.size();
622  int sizeIn = (iSys > -1) ? sizeAll - sizeOut : 0;
623  int sizeInA = (iSys > -1) ? sizeAllA - sizeIn - sizeOut : 0;
625  for (int i = 0; i < sizeAll; ++i) {
626  int iRecNow = (iSys > -1) ?
627  partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSys, i + sizeInA) : i;
628  if ( !event[iRecNow].isFinal()
629  && event[iRecNow].mother1() != 1
630  && event[iRecNow].mother1() != 2) continue;
631  // Skip radiator.
632  if ( iRecNow == iRad) continue;
633  // Skip if dipole already exists, attempt to update the dipole end (a)
634  // for the current a-b dipole.
635  vector<int> iDip;
636  for (int j = 0; j < int(dipEnds.size()); ++j)
637  if ( dipEnds[j].iRadiator == iRad && dipEnds[j].iRecoiler == iRecNow )
638  iDip.push_back(j);
639  if ( int(iDip.size()) > 0) {
640  for (int j = 0; j < int(iDip.size()); ++j)
641  updateAllowedEmissions(event, &dipEnds[iDip[j]]);
642  continue;
643  }
645  double pTmax = abs(2.*event[iRad].p()*event[iRecNow].p());
646  if (limitPTmaxIn) {
647  if (iSys == 0 || (iSys == 1 && doSecondHard)) pTmax *= pTmaxFudge;
648  else if (sizeIn > 0) pTmax *= pTmaxFudgeMPI;
649  } else pTmax = m( event[iRad], event[iRecNow]);
651  appendDipole( event, iSys, side, iRad, iRecNow, pTmax, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, 0,
652  vector<int>(), vector<double>(), dipEnds);
653  }
655  // Done.
656  return;
658 }
660 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
662 // Setup a dipole end for a QCD colour charge.
664 void DireSpace::getQCDdip( int iRad, int colTag, int colSign,
665  const Event& event, vector<DireSpaceEnd>& dipEnds) {
667  int iPartner = 0;
669  // Colour: other end by same index in final state or opposite in beam.
670  if (colSign > 0)
671  for (int iRecNow = 0; iRecNow < event.size(); ++iRecNow) {
672  if (iRecNow == iRad) continue;
673  if ( ( event[iRecNow].col() == colTag && event[iRecNow].isFinal() )
674  || ( event[iRecNow].acol() == colTag && !event[iRecNow].isFinal() ) ) {
675  iPartner = iRecNow;
676  break;
677  }
678  }
680  // Anticolour: other end by same index in final state or opposite in beam.
681  if (colSign < 0)
682  for (int iRecNow = 0; iRecNow < event.size(); ++iRecNow) {
683  if (iRecNow == iRad) continue;
684  if ( ( event[iRecNow].acol() == colTag && event[iRecNow].isFinal() )
685  || ( event[iRecNow].col() == colTag && !event[iRecNow].isFinal() ) ) {
686  iPartner = iRecNow;
687  break;
688  }
689  }
691  // Store dipole colour end(s).
692  // Max scale either by parton scale or by half dipole mass.
693  double pTmax = abs(2.*event[iRad].p()*event[iPartner].p());
694  int side = (event[iRad].pz() > 0.) ? 1 : 2;
695  int colType = (event[iRad].id() == 21) ? 2 * colSign : colSign;
697  if (iPartner > 0) {
698  dipEnds.push_back( DireSpaceEnd( 0, side, iRad, iPartner, pTmax, colType));
699  dipEnds.back().init(event);
700  }
701 }
703 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 // Function to set up and append a new dipole.
707 bool DireSpace::appendDipole( const Event& state, int sys, int side,
708  int iRad, int iRecNow, double pTmax, int colType, int chgType, int weakType,
709  int MEtype, bool normalRecoil, int weakPol, vector<int> iSpectator,
710  vector<double> mass, vector<DireSpaceEnd>& dipEnds) {
712  // Check and reset color type.
713  if (colType == 0 && state[iRad].colType() != 0) {
714  vector<int> shared = sharedColor(state[iRad], state[iRecNow]);
715  // Loop through dipoles to check if a dipole with the current rad, rec
716  // and colType already exists. If not, reset colType.
717  int colTypeNow(0);
718  for ( int i=0; i < int(shared.size()); ++i) {
719  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 2 && state[iRad].col() == shared[i])
720  colTypeNow = 2;
721  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 2 && state[iRad].acol() == shared[i])
722  colTypeNow =-2;
723  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 1 && state[iRad].id() > 0
724  && state[iRad].col() == shared[i])
725  colTypeNow = 1;
726  if ( state[iRad].colType() ==-1 && state[iRad].id() < 0
727  && state[iRad].acol() == shared[i])
728  colTypeNow =-1;
729  bool found = false;
730  for ( int j=0; j < int(dipEnds.size()); ++j) {
731  if ( dipEnds[j].iRadiator == iRad && dipEnds[j].iRecoiler == iRecNow
732  && dipEnds[j].colType == colTypeNow) { found = true; break; }
733  }
734  // Reset if color tag has not been found.
735  if (!found) break;
736  }
737  colType = colTypeNow;
738  }
740  // Construct dipole.
741  DireSpaceEnd dipNow = DireSpaceEnd( sys, side, iRad, iRecNow, pTmax, colType,
742  chgType, weakType, MEtype, normalRecoil, weakPol,
743  DireSingleColChain(), iSpectator, mass);
745  dipNow.clearAllowedEmt();
746  dipNow.init(state);
747  if (updateAllowedEmissions(state, &dipNow)) {
748  dipEnds.push_back(dipNow);
749  return true;
750  }
751  // Done.
752  return false;
753 }
755 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
757 vector<int> DireSpace::sharedColor(const Particle& rad, const Particle& rec) {
758  vector<int> ret;
759  int radCol(rad.col()), radAcl(rad.acol()),
760  recCol(rec.col()), recAcl(rec.acol());
761  if ( rad.isFinal() && rec.isFinal() ) {
762  if (radCol != 0 && radCol == recAcl) ret.push_back(radCol);
763  if (radAcl != 0 && radAcl == recCol) ret.push_back(radAcl);
764  } else if ( rad.isFinal() && !rec.isFinal() ) {
765  if (radCol != 0 && radCol == recCol) ret.push_back(radCol);
766  if (radAcl != 0 && radAcl == recAcl) ret.push_back(radAcl);
767  } else if (!rad.isFinal() && rec.isFinal() ) {
768  if (radCol != 0 && radCol == recCol) ret.push_back(radCol);
769  if (radAcl != 0 && radAcl == recAcl) ret.push_back(radAcl);
770  } else if (!rad.isFinal() && !rec.isFinal() ) {
771  if (radCol != 0 && radCol == recAcl) ret.push_back(radCol);
772  if (radAcl != 0 && radAcl == recCol) ret.push_back(radAcl);
773  }
774  return ret;
775 }
777 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
779 // Function to update the list of all dipoles.
781 void DireSpace::saveSiblings(const Event& state, int iSys) {
783  int sizeAllSys = partonSystemsPtr->sizeSys();
784  for (int iSystem=0; iSystem < sizeAllSys; ++iSystem) {
786  if (iSys > -1 && iSystem != iSys) continue;
788  vector<int> q, qb, g;
789  int sizeSystem(partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSystem)), nFinal(0);
790  for ( int i = 0; i < sizeSystem; ++i) {
792  int iPos = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSystem, i);
793  if ( state[iPos].isFinal()) nFinal++;
795  if (!state[iPos].isFinal()
796  && state[iPos].mother1() != 1
797  && state[iPos].mother1() != 2) continue;
799  if ( state[iPos].isFinal() && state[iPos].colType() == 1
800  && find(q.begin(),q.end(),iPos) == q.end())
801  q.push_back(iPos);
803  if (!state[iPos].isFinal() && state[iPos].colType() ==-1
804  && find(q.begin(),q.end(),iPos) == q.end())
805  q.push_back(iPos);
807  if ( state[iPos].isFinal() && state[iPos].colType() ==-1
808  && find(qb.begin(),qb.end(),iPos) == qb.end())
809  qb.push_back(iPos);
811  if (!state[iPos].isFinal() && state[iPos].colType() == 1
812  && find(qb.begin(),qb.end(),iPos) == qb.end())
813  qb.push_back(iPos);
815  if ( abs(state[iPos].colType()) == 2
816  && find(g.begin(),g.end(),iPos) == g.end())
817  g.push_back(iPos);
818  }
820  // Find all chains of gluon-connected dipoles.
821  DireColChains chains;
822  // Start with quark ends.
823  for (int i = 0; i < int(q.size()); ++i) {
824  if (chains.chainOf(q[i]).size() != 0) continue;
825  chains.addChain( DireSingleColChain(q[i],state, partonSystemsPtr));
826  }
827  // Try all antiquark ends.
828  for (int i = 0; i < int(qb.size()); ++i) {
829  if (chains.chainOf(qb[i]).size() != 0) continue;
830  chains.addChain( DireSingleColChain(qb[i],state, partonSystemsPtr));
831  }
832  // Try all gluon ends.
833  for (int i = 0; i < int(g.size()); ++i) {
834  if (chains.chainOf(g[i]).size() != 0) continue;
835  chains.addChain( DireSingleColChain(g[i],state, partonSystemsPtr));
836  }
838  // For each radiator, store siblings (dipole and next adjacent dipole)
839  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDip) {
840  if (dipEnd[iDip].system != iSystem) continue;
841  if (dipEnd[iDip].colType == 0) dipEnd[iDip].clearSiblings();
842  else {
843  int col = dipEnd[iDip].colType > 0
844  ? state[dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator].col()
845  : state[dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator].acol();
846  dipEnd[iDip].setSiblings(chains.chainFromCol( dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator,
847  col, 2, state));
848  }
849  }
850  }
852  // Done.
853 }
855 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
857 // Function to set up and append a new dipole.
859 void DireSpace::updateDipoles(const Event& state, int iSys) {
861  // Update the dipoles, and if necesarry, flag inactive dipoles for removal.
862  vector<int> iRemove;
863  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDip) {
864  if (!updateAllowedEmissions(state, &dipEnd[iDip])) iRemove.push_back(iDip);
865  dipEnd[iDip].init(state);
866  }
867  // Now remove inactive dipoles.
868  for (int i = iRemove.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
869  dipEnd[iRemove[i]] = dipEnd.back();
870  dipEnd.pop_back();
871  }
873  // Now go through dipole list and perform rudimentary checks.
874  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDip) {
875  DireSpaceEnd* dip = &dipEnd[iDip];
876  int iRad = dip->iRadiator;
877  int iRecNow = dip->iRecoiler;
878  // Check and reset color type.
879  if (dip->colType == 0 && state[iRad].colType() != 0) {
880  vector<int> shared = sharedColor(state[iRad], state[iRecNow]);
881  // Loop through dipoles to check if a dipole with the current rad, rec
882  // and colType already exists. If not, reset colType.
883  int colTypeNow(0);
884  for ( int i=0; i < int(shared.size()); ++i) {
885  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 2 && state[iRad].col() == shared[i])
886  colTypeNow = 2;
887  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 2 && state[iRad].acol() == shared[i])
888  colTypeNow =-2;
889  if ( state[iRad].colType() == 1 && state[iRad].id() > 0
890  && state[iRad].col() == shared[i])
891  colTypeNow = 1;
892  if ( state[iRad].colType() ==-1 && state[iRad].id() < 0
893  && state[iRad].acol() == shared[i])
894  colTypeNow =-1;
895  }
896  dip->colType = colTypeNow;
897  }
898  }
900  saveSiblings(state, iSys);
902 }
904 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
906 bool DireSpace::updateAllowedEmissions(const Event& state, DireSpaceEnd* dip) {
907  // Clear any allowed emissions.
908  dip->clearAllowedEmt();
909  // Append all possible emissions.
910  return appendAllowedEmissions(state, dip);
911 }
913 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
915 // Function to set up and append a new dipole.
917 bool DireSpace::appendAllowedEmissions(const Event& state, DireSpaceEnd* dip) {
919  // Now loop through all splitting kernels to find which emissions are
920  // allowed from the current radiator-recoiler combination.
921  bool isAllowed = false;
922  int iRad(dip->iRadiator), iRecNow(dip->iRecoiler);
923  pair<int,int> iRadRec(make_pair(iRad, iRecNow));
924  pair<int,int> iRecRad(make_pair(iRecNow, iRad));
926  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
927  it != splits.end(); ++it ) {
929  // Check if splitting is allowed.
930  bool allowed = it->second->useFastFunctions()
931  ? it->second->canRadiate(state,iRad,iRecNow)
932  : it->second->canRadiate(state,iRadRec,bool_settings);
933  if (!allowed) continue;
935  // Get emission id.
936  vector<int> re = it->second->radAndEmt( state[iRad].id(), dip->colType);
938  for (int iEmtAft=1; iEmtAft < int(re.size()); ++iEmtAft) {
939  int idEmtAft = re[iEmtAft];
940  if (it->second->is_qcd) {
941  idEmtAft = abs(idEmtAft);
942  if (idEmtAft<10) idEmtAft = 1;
943  }
945  if (!it->second->isPartial()) {
946  dip->appendAllowedEmt(idEmtAft);
947  isAllowed = true;
948  } else {
950  // Now check that emission also allowed when radiating from recoiler.
951  bool isPartialFractioned = false;
952  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator itRec =
953  splits.begin();
954  itRec != splits.end(); ++itRec ) {
956  if ( isPartialFractioned ) break;
957  bool allowedRec = itRec->second->useFastFunctions()
958  ? itRec->second->canRadiate(state,iRecNow,iRad)
959  : itRec->second->canRadiate(state,iRecRad,bool_settings);
960  if (!allowedRec) continue;
962  // Get emission id.
963  int colTypeRec
964  = state[iRecNow].isFinal() ? -dip->colType : dip->colType;
965  vector<int> reRec
966  = itRec->second->radAndEmt( state[iRecNow].id(), colTypeRec);
968  for (int iEmtAftRec=1; iEmtAftRec<int(reRec.size()); ++iEmtAftRec) {
969  int idEmtAftRec = reRec[iEmtAftRec];
970  if (itRec->second->is_qcd) {
971  idEmtAftRec = abs(idEmtAftRec);
972  if (idEmtAftRec<10) idEmtAftRec = 1;
973  }
974  if (idEmtAftRec == idEmtAft) { isPartialFractioned = true; break;}
975  }
976  }
978  // Only allow if the emission can be performed from both dipole ends.
979  if (isPartialFractioned) {
980  dip->appendAllowedEmt(idEmtAft);
981  isAllowed = true;
982  }
983  }
984  }
985  }
987  // Done.
988  return isAllowed;
989 }
991 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
993 // Update dipole list after each ISR emission (so not used for resonances).
995 void DireSpace::update( int iSys, Event& event, bool) {
997  // Find positions of incoming colliding partons.
998  int in1 = getInA(iSys);
999  int in2 = getInB(iSys);
1001  // Rescattered partons cannot radiate.
1002  bool canRadiate1 = !(event[in1].isRescatteredIncoming()) && doQCDshower;
1003  bool canRadiate2 = !(event[in2].isRescatteredIncoming()) && doQCDshower;
1005  // Find matrix element corrections for system.
1006  int MEtype = 0;
1008  dipEnd.resize(0);
1009  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
1010  int colTag = event[in1].col();
1011  if (canRadiate1 && colTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 1, colTag, 1, event,
1012  MEtype, false);
1013  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
1014  int acolTag = event[in1].acol();
1015  if (canRadiate1 && acolTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 1, acolTag, -1, event,
1016  MEtype, false);
1018  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
1019  colTag = event[in2].col();
1020  if (canRadiate2 && colTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 2, colTag, 1, event,
1021  MEtype, false);
1022  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
1023  acolTag = event[in2].acol();
1024  if (canRadiate2 && acolTag > 0) setupQCDdip( iSys, 2, acolTag, -1, event,
1025  MEtype, false);
1027  // Now find non-QCD dipoles and/or update the existing dipoles.
1028  getGenDip( iSys, 1, event, false, dipEnd);
1029  getGenDip( iSys, 2, event, false, dipEnd);
1031  // Now update all dipoles.
1032  updateDipoles(event, iSys);
1034 }
1036 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1038 // Select next pT in downwards evolution of the existing dipoles.
1040 double DireSpace::newPoint(const Event& inevt) {
1042  int asOrderSave = alphaSorder;
1043  double pT2minMECsSave = pT2minMECs;
1044  alphaSorder = 0.;
1045  pT2minMECs = 0.;
1046  double tFreeze = 1.;
1048  Event event(inevt);
1050  // Starting values: no radiating dipole found.
1051  double pT2sel = 0.;
1052  iDipSel = 0;
1053  iSysSel = 0;
1054  dipEndSel = 0;
1055  splittingNowName="";
1056  splittingSelName="";
1057  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1058  it != splits.end(); ++it ) it->second->splitInfo.clear();
1059  splitInfoSel.clear();
1060  kernelSel.clear();
1061  kernelNow.clear();
1062  auxSel = overSel = auxNow = overNow = 0.;
1063  splittingSel = 0;
1065  int nTrials=0;
1066  int nTrialsMax=200;
1067  while (pT2sel==0.) {
1069  nTrials++;
1070  if (nTrials>=nTrialsMax) break;
1072  // Loop over all possible dipole ends.
1073  for (int iDipEnd = 0; iDipEnd < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDipEnd) {
1075  iDipNow = iDipEnd;
1076  dipEndNow = &dipEnd[iDipEnd];
1077  iSysNow = dipEndNow->system;
1079  // Check whether dipole end should be allowed to shower.
1080  double pT2begDip = m2Max(iDipNow, event);
1082  if (pT2begDip > pT2sel) {
1083  double pT2endDip = 0.;
1085  // Find properties of dipole and radiating dipole end.
1086  sideA = ( abs(dipEndNow->side) == 1 );
1087  bool finalRec = event[dipEndNow->iRecoiler].isFinal();
1088  BeamParticle& beamNow = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
1089  BeamParticle& beamRec = (sideA) ? *beamBPtr : *beamAPtr;
1090  iNow = beamNow[iSysNow].iPos();
1091  iRec = (finalRec) ? dipEndNow->iRecoiler
1092  : beamRec[iSysNow].iPos();
1093  idDaughter = beamNow[iSysNow].id();
1094  xDaughter = beamNow[iSysNow].x();
1095  x1Now = (sideA) ? xDaughter : beamRec[iSysNow].x();
1096  x2Now = (sideA) ? beamRec[iSysNow].x() : xDaughter;
1098  // Note dipole mass correction when recoiler is a rescatter.
1099  m2Rec = (dipEndNow->normalRecoil) ? 0. : event[iRec].m2();
1100  m2Dip = abs(2.*event[iNow].p()*event[iRec].p());
1102  // Dipole properties.
1103  dipEndNow->m2Dip = m2Dip;
1104  // Reset emission properties.
1105  dipEndNow->pT2 = 0.0;
1106  dipEndNow->z = -1.0;
1107  dipEndNow->phi = -1.0;
1108  // Reset properties of 1->3 splittings.
1109  dipEndNow->sa1 = 0.0;
1110  dipEndNow->xa = -1.0;
1111  dipEndNow->phia1 = -1.0;
1113  // Now do evolution in pT2, for QCD
1114  if (pT2begDip > pT2endDip) {
1116  if ( dipEndNow->canEmit() ) pT2nextQCD( pT2begDip, 0.,
1117  *dipEndNow, event, 0., tFreeze, true);
1119  // Update if found larger pT than current maximum.
1120  if (dipEndNow->pT2 > pT2sel) {
1121  pT2sel = dipEndNow->pT2;
1122  iDipSel = iDipNow;
1123  iSysSel = iSysNow;
1124  dipEndSel = dipEndNow;
1125  splittingSelName = splittingNowName;
1126  splittingSel = splits[splittingSelName];
1128  kernelSel = kernelNow;
1129  auxSel = auxNow;
1130  overSel = overNow;
1131  boostSel = boostNow;
1132  }
1133  }
1134  }
1135  // End loop over dipole ends.
1136  }
1138  if (dipEndSel) {
1139  bool hasBranched = false;
1140  if ( event[dipEndSel->iRecoiler].isFinal())
1141  hasBranched = branch_IF(event, true, &splitInfoSel);
1142  else hasBranched = branch_II(event, true, &splitInfoSel);
1143  if (!hasBranched) {
1144  dipEndSel = 0;
1145  iDipSel =-1;
1146  pT2sel = 0.;
1147  splitInfoSel.clear();
1148  splittingSel = 0;
1149  }
1150  }
1152  }
1154  alphaSorder = asOrderSave;
1155  pT2minMECs = pT2minMECsSave;
1157  // Unable to produce splitting.
1158  if (dipEndSel == 0) return 0.;
1160  // Return nonvanishing value if found pT bigger than already found.
1161  return sqrt(pT2sel);
1163 }
1165 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1167 // Select next pT in downwards evolution of the existing dipoles.
1169 double DireSpace::pTnext( Event& event, double pTbegAll, double pTendAll,
1170  int nRadIn, bool doTrialIn) {
1172  direInfoPtr->message(1) << "Next ISR starting from " << pTbegAll << endl;
1174  // Current cm energy, in case it varies between events.
1175  sCM = m2( beamAPtr->p(), beamBPtr->p());
1176  eCM = sqrt(sCM);
1177  pTbegRef = pTbegAll;
1179  // Starting values: no radiating dipole found.
1180  nRad = nRadIn;
1181  double pT2sel = pow2(pTendAll);
1182  iDipSel = 0;
1183  iSysSel = 0;
1184  dipEndSel = 0;
1185  splittingNowName="";
1186  splittingSelName="";
1187  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1188  it != splits.end(); ++it ) it->second->splitInfo.clear();
1189  splitInfoSel.clear();
1190  kernelSel.clear();
1191  kernelNow.clear();
1192  auxSel = overSel = auxNow = overNow = 0.;
1193  splittingSel = 0;
1195  // Remember if this is a trial emission.
1196  doTrialNow = doTrialIn;
1198  // Loop over all possible dipole ends.
1199  for (int iDipEnd = 0; iDipEnd < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDipEnd) {
1200  iDipNow = iDipEnd;
1201  dipEndNow = &dipEnd[iDipEnd];
1202  iSysNow = dipEndNow->system;
1203  double pTbegDip = min( pTbegAll, dipEndNow->pTmax );
1205  // Limit final state multiplicity. For debugging only
1206  int nfmax = settingsPtr->mode("DireSpace:nFinalMax");
1207  int nFinal = 0;
1208  for (int i=0; i < event.size(); ++i)
1209  if (event[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
1210  if (nfmax > -10 && nFinal > nfmax) continue;
1212  // Check whether dipole end should be allowed to shower.
1213  double pT2begDip = pow2(pTbegDip);
1215  if (pT2begDip > pT2sel) {
1216  double pT2endDip = 0.;
1218  // Determine lower cut for evolution for QCD
1219  pT2endDip = max( pT2cutMin(dipEndNow), pTendAll*pTendAll);
1220  pT2endDip = max(pT2endDip, pT2sel);
1222  // Find properties of dipole and radiating dipole end.
1223  sideA = ( abs(dipEndNow->side) == 1 );
1224  bool finalRec = event[dipEndNow->iRecoiler].isFinal();
1225  BeamParticle& beamNow = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
1226  BeamParticle& beamRec = (sideA) ? *beamBPtr : *beamAPtr;
1227  iNow = beamNow[iSysNow].iPos();
1228  iRec = (finalRec) ? dipEndNow->iRecoiler
1229  : beamRec[iSysNow].iPos();
1230  idDaughter = beamNow[iSysNow].id();
1231  xDaughter = beamNow[iSysNow].x();
1232  x1Now = (sideA) ? xDaughter : beamRec[iSysNow].x();
1233  x2Now = (sideA) ? beamRec[iSysNow].x() : xDaughter;
1235  // Note dipole mass correction when recoiler is a rescatter.
1236  m2Rec = (dipEndNow->normalRecoil) ? 0. : event[iRec].m2();
1237  m2Dip = abs(2.*event[iNow].p()*event[iRec].p());
1239  // Dipole properties.
1240  dipEndNow->m2Dip = m2Dip;
1241  // Reset emission properties.
1242  dipEndNow->pT2 = 0.0;
1243  dipEndNow->z = -1.0;
1244  dipEndNow->phi = -1.0;
1245  // Reset properties of 1->3 splittings.
1246  dipEndNow->sa1 = 0.0;
1247  dipEndNow->xa = -1.0;
1248  dipEndNow->phia1 = -1.0;
1250  // Now do evolution in pT2, for QCD
1251  if (pT2begDip > pT2endDip) {
1253  if ( dipEndNow->canEmit() ) pT2nextQCD( pT2begDip, pT2endDip,
1254  *dipEndNow, event);
1256  // Update if found larger pT than current maximum.
1257  if (dipEndNow->pT2 > pT2sel) {
1258  pT2sel = dipEndNow->pT2;
1259  iDipSel = iDipNow;
1260  iSysSel = iSysNow;
1261  dipEndSel = dipEndNow;
1262  splittingSelName = splittingNowName;
1263  splittingSel = splits[splittingSelName];
1265  kernelSel = kernelNow;
1266  auxSel = auxNow;
1267  overSel = overNow;
1268  boostSel = boostNow;
1269  }
1270  }
1271  }
1272  // End loop over dipole ends.
1273  }
1275  // Insert additional weights.
1276  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
1277  itR = rejectProbability.begin(); itR != rejectProbability.end(); ++itR)
1278  weights->insertWeights(acceptProbability[itR->first], itR->second,
1279  itR->first);
1280  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
1281  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
1282  it->second.clear();
1283  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
1284  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
1285  it->second.clear();
1287  resetOverheadFactors();
1289  // Spacelike shower tries to propose state changes last. If no state change
1290  // occurs and timelike showers have also terminated, finalize the event with
1291  // e.g. decaying resonances etc.
1292  if (dipEndSel == 0) {
1293  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1294  it != splits.end(); ++it ) {
1295  if (it->second->fsr && it->second->fsr->dipSel == 0) {
1296  it->second->fsr->finalize(event);
1297  break;
1298  }
1299  }
1300  }
1302  // Return nonvanishing value if found pT is bigger than already found.
1303  return (dipEndSel == 0) ? 0. : sqrt(pT2sel);
1305 }
1308 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1310 // Select next pT in downwards evolution of the existing dipoles.
1312 double DireSpace::noEmissionProbability( double pTbegAll, double pTendAll,
1313  double m2dip, int idA, int type, double s, double x) {
1315  useSystems = false;
1317  // Current cm energy, in case it varies between events.
1318  sCM = s;
1319  eCM = sqrt(s);
1320  pTbegRef = pTbegAll;
1322  double x1 = x;
1323  double x2 = m2dip/s/x1;
1325  // Starting values: no radiating dipole found.
1326  splittingNowName="";
1327  splittingSelName="";
1328  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1329  it != splits.end(); ++it ) it->second->splitInfo.clear();
1331  // Make dummy event with two entries.
1332  Event state;
1333  state.init("(dummy event)", particleDataPtr);
1334  // Setup two dipole ends for each flavor combination.
1335  Vec4 pA(0., 0., 0.5*sqrt(m2dip), 0.5*sqrt(m2dip)), pB;
1336  if (type < 0) pB.p(0., 0.,-0.5*sqrt(m2dip), 0.5*sqrt(m2dip));
1337  if (type > 0) pB.p(0., 0.,0.5*sqrt(m2dip), 0.5*sqrt(m2dip));
1339  int colA = 1;
1340  int acolA = 2;
1341  if (particleDataPtr->colType(idA) == 1) {colA = 1; acolA = 0;}
1342  if (particleDataPtr->colType(idA) ==-1) {colA = 0; acolA = 1;}
1344  // Add recoiler. For 1->3 splitting, attach "dummy" recoiler.
1345  state.append( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, pA+pB, 0.0, sqrt(m2dip) );
1346  state.append( idA, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, colA, acolA, pA, 0.0, sqrt(m2dip) );
1348  // Now loop through possible recoilers.
1349  int idB = (idA == 21) ? 21
1350  : ((type < 0) ? -idA : idA);
1351  vector<int> recids; recids.push_back(idB);
1352  vector<int> recpos;
1354  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < recids.size(); ++i) {
1355  int colB(2), acolB(1);
1356  if ( type < 0
1357  && particleDataPtr->colType(idA) == 1
1358  && particleDataPtr->colType(recids[i]) ==-1) {colB = 0; acolB = colA;}
1359  if ( type < 0
1360  && particleDataPtr->colType(idA) ==-1
1361  && particleDataPtr->colType(recids[i]) == 1) {colB = acolA; acolB = 0;}
1363  if ( type < 0
1364  && particleDataPtr->colType(idA) == 2
1365  && particleDataPtr->colType(recids[i]) ==-1) {colB = 0; acolB = colA;}
1366  if ( type < 0
1367  && particleDataPtr->colType(idA) == 2
1368  && particleDataPtr->colType(recids[i]) == 1) {colB = acolA; acolB = 0;}
1370  if (type < 0) state.append( recids[i], -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, colB, acolB,
1371  pB, 0.0, sqrt(m2dip) );
1372  if (type > 0) state.append( recids[i], 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, colB, acolB,
1373  pB, 0.0, sqrt(m2dip) );
1374  recpos.push_back(i+1);
1375  }
1377  beamAPtr->clear();
1378  beamBPtr->clear();
1379  beamAPtr->append( 1, idA, x1);
1380  beamBPtr->append( 2, idB, x2);
1381  beamAPtr->xfISR( 0, idA, x1, pTbegAll*pTbegAll);
1382  int vsc1 = beamAPtr->pickValSeaComp();
1383  beamBPtr->xfISR( 0, idB, x2, pTbegAll*pTbegAll);
1384  int vsc2 = beamBPtr->pickValSeaComp();
1385  infoPtr->setValence( (vsc1 == -3), (vsc2 == -3));
1387  // Store participating partons as first set in list of all systems.
1388  partonSystemsPtr->clear();
1389  partonSystemsPtr->addSys();
1390  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(0, 1);
1391  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(0, 2);
1392  partonSystemsPtr->setSHat( 0, m2dip);
1393  partonSystemsPtr->setPTHat( 0, pTbegAll);
1395  // Find positions of incoming colliding partons.
1396  int in1 = 1;
1397  vector<DireSpaceEnd> dipEnds;
1398  int colTag = state[in1].col();
1399  if (colTag > 0) getQCDdip( in1, colTag, 1, state, dipEnds);
1400  int acolTag = state[in1].acol();
1401  if (acolTag > 0) getQCDdip( in1, acolTag, -1, state, dipEnds);
1403  // Set starting scale.
1404  double startingScale = pTbegAll;
1406  // Set output.
1407  double wt = 1.;
1409  while ( true ) {
1411  // Reset process scale so that shower starting scale is correctly set.
1412  state.scale(startingScale);
1414  // Get pT before reclustering
1415  double minScale = pTendAll;
1417  mergingHooksPtr->setShowerStoppingScale(minScale);
1419  // If the maximal scale and the minimal scale coincide (as would
1420  // be the case for the corrected scales of unordered histories),
1421  // do not generate Sudakov
1422  if (minScale >= startingScale) break;
1424  // Get trial shower pT.
1425  double pTtrial = pTnext( dipEnds, state, startingScale, minScale,
1426  m2dip, type, s, x);
1428  pair<double,double> wtShower
1429  = weights->getWeight( (pTtrial <= 0.) ? pow2(minScale) : pow2(pTtrial));
1431  double enhancement = 1.;
1432  if ( pTtrial > minScale) enhancement
1433  = weights->getTrialEnhancement( pow2(pTtrial));
1435  weights->reset();
1436  weights->clearTrialEnhancements();
1438  // Done if evolution scale has fallen below minimum
1439  if ( pTtrial < minScale ) { wt *= wtShower.second; break;}
1441  // Reset starting scale.
1442  startingScale = pTtrial;
1444  if ( pTtrial > minScale) wt *= wtShower.first*wtShower.second
1445  * (1.-1./enhancement);
1446  if ( wt == 0.) break;
1447  if ( pTtrial > minScale) continue;
1449  // Done
1450  break;
1452  }
1454  beamAPtr->clear();
1455  beamBPtr->clear();
1456  partonSystemsPtr->clear();
1458  // Done
1459  double res = wt;
1460  return res;
1462 }
1464 double DireSpace::pTnext( vector<DireSpaceEnd> dipEnds, Event event,
1465  double pTbegAll, double pTendAll, double m2dip, int, double s,
1466  double x) {
1468  double x1 = x;
1469  double x2 = m2dip/s/x1;
1470  int iSys = 0;
1472  // Starting values: no radiating dipole found.
1473  double pT2sel = pow2(pTendAll);
1474  iDipSel = 0;
1475  iSysSel = 0;
1476  dipEndSel = 0;
1477  splittingNowName="";
1478  splittingSelName="";
1479  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1480  it != splits.end(); ++it ) it->second->splitInfo.clear();
1481  splitInfoSel.clear();
1482  kernelSel.clear();
1483  kernelNow.clear();
1484  auxSel = overSel = auxNow = overNow = 0.;
1485  splittingSel = 0;
1488  // Set splitting library.
1489  splits = splittingsPtr->getSplittings();
1490  overhead.clear();
1491  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1492  it != splits.end(); ++it ) overhead.insert(make_pair(it->first,1.));
1494  // Counter of proposed emissions.
1495  nProposedPT.clear();
1496  if ( nProposedPT.find(iSys) == nProposedPT.end() )
1497  nProposedPT.insert(make_pair(iSys,0));
1499  splittingSelName="";
1500  splittingNowName="";
1501  dipEndSel = 0;
1503  // Clear weighted shower book-keeping.
1504  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
1505  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
1506  it->second.clear();
1507  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
1508  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
1509  it->second.clear();
1511  // Loop over all possible dipole ends.
1512  for (int iDipEnd = 0; iDipEnd < int(dipEnds.size()); ++iDipEnd) {
1514  iDipNow = iDipEnd;
1515  dipEndNow = &dipEnds[iDipEnd];
1516  double pTbegDip = min( pTbegAll, dipEndNow->pTmax );
1518  // Limit final state multiplicity. For debugging only
1519  int nFinal = 0;
1520  for (int i=0; i < event.size(); ++i)
1521  if (event[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
1522  if (nFinalMax > -10 && nFinal > nFinalMax) continue;
1524  // Check whether dipole end should be allowed to shower.
1525  double pT2begDip = pow2(pTbegDip);
1526  double pT2endDip = 0.;
1527  // Determine lower cut for evolution for QCD
1528  pT2endDip = max( pT2cutMin(dipEndNow), pTendAll*pTendAll);
1529  pT2endDip = max(pT2endDip, pT2sel);
1531  // Find properties of dipole and radiating dipole end.
1532  sideA = ( abs(dipEndNow->side) == 1 );
1533  iNow = dipEndNow->iRadiator;
1534  iRec = dipEndNow->iRecoiler;
1535  idDaughter = event[dipEndNow->iRadiator].id();
1536  xDaughter = x1;
1537  x1Now = (sideA) ? x1 : x2;
1538  x2Now = (sideA) ? x2 : x1;
1539  // Note dipole mass correction when recoiler is a rescatter.
1540  m2Rec = (dipEndNow->normalRecoil) ? 0. : event[iRec].m2();
1541  m2Dip = abs(2.*event[iNow].p()*event[iRec].p());
1543  // Dipole properties.
1544  dipEndNow->m2Dip = m2Dip;
1545  // Reset emission properties.
1546  dipEndNow->pT2 = 0.0;
1547  dipEndNow->z = -1.0;
1548  dipEndNow->phi = -1.0;
1549  // Reset properties of 1->3 splittings.
1550  dipEndNow->sa1 = 0.0;
1551  dipEndNow->xa = -1.0;
1552  dipEndNow->phia1 = -1.0;
1554  // Now do evolution in pT2, for QCD
1555  if (pT2begDip > pT2endDip) {
1557  if ( dipEndNow->canEmit() ) pT2nextQCD( pT2begDip, pT2endDip,
1558  *dipEndNow, event);
1560  // Update if found larger pT than current maximum.
1561  if (dipEndNow->pT2 > pT2sel) {
1562  pT2sel = dipEndNow->pT2;
1563  iDipSel = iDipNow;
1564  iSysSel = iSys;
1565  dipEndSel = dipEndNow;
1566  splittingSelName = splittingNowName;
1567  splittingSel = splits[splittingSelName];
1569  kernelSel = kernelNow;
1570  auxSel = auxNow;
1571  overSel = overNow;
1572  boostSel = boostNow;
1573  }
1575  }
1576  // End loop over dipole ends.
1577  }
1579  // Insert additional weights.
1580  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
1581  itR = rejectProbability.begin(); itR != rejectProbability.end(); ++itR){
1582  weights->insertWeights(acceptProbability[itR->first], itR->second,
1583  itR->first);
1584  }
1586  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
1587  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
1588  it->second.clear();
1589  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
1590  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
1591  it->second.clear();
1593  resetOverheadFactors();
1595  // Return nonvanishing value if found pT is bigger than already found.
1596  return (dipEndSel == 0) ? 0. : sqrt(pT2sel);
1598 }
1600 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1602 double DireSpace::enhanceOverestimateFurther( string name, int,
1603  double tOld) {
1605  if (tOld < pT2minEnhance) return 1.;
1606  double enhance = weights->enhanceOverestimate(name);
1607  return enhance;
1609 }
1611 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1613 double DireSpace::overheadFactors( string name, int idDau, bool isValence,
1614  double m2dip, double pT2Old ) {
1616  double factor = 1.;
1618  // Additional weight to smooth out valence bump.
1619  if (isValence && name.find("isr_qcd_1->1&21") != string::npos)
1620  factor *= log(max(2.71828,16/(pT2Old/m2dip)));
1622  // Additional enhancement for G->QQ, to smooth out PDF factors.
1623  if (name.find("isr_qcd_21->1&1") != string::npos)
1624  factor *= log(max(2.71828,log(max(2.71828,m2dip/pT2Old))
1625  + pow(m2dip/pT2Old,3./2.)));
1627  // Artificial constant increase of overestimate.
1628  double MARGIN = 1.;
1629  if (name.find("isr_qcd_1->1&21") != string::npos && !isValence)
1630  MARGIN = 1.65;
1631  if (name.find("isr_qcd_1->21&1") != string::npos && !isValence)
1632  MARGIN = 1.65;
1633  if (name.find("isr_qcd_21->1&1") != string::npos)
1634  MARGIN = 1.65;
1635  if (name.find("isr_qcd_21->21&21a") != string::npos && pT2Old < 2.0)
1636  MARGIN = 1.25;
1637  if (name.find("isr_qcd_21->21&21b") != string::npos && pT2Old < 2.0)
1638  MARGIN = 1.25;
1640  // For very low cut-offs, do not artificially increase overestimate.
1641  if (pT2Old < pT2min*1.25) MARGIN = 1.0;
1643  factor *= MARGIN;
1645  // Further enhance charm/bottom conversions close to threshold.
1646  if ( abs(idDau) == 4 && name.find("isr_qcd_21->1&1") != string::npos
1647  && pT2Old < 2.*m2cPhys) factor *= 1. / max(0.01, abs(pT2Old - m2cPhys));
1648  if ( abs(idDau) == 5 && name.find("isr_qcd_21->1&1") != string::npos
1649  && pT2Old < 2.*m2bPhys) factor *= 1. / max(0.01, abs(pT2Old - m2bPhys));
1651  // Multiply dynamically adjusted overhead factor.
1652  if ( overhead.find(name) != overhead.end() ) factor *= overhead[name];
1654  return factor;
1656 }
1658 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 // Function to generate new user-defined overestimates to evolution.
1662 void DireSpace::getNewOverestimates( int idDau, DireSpaceEnd* dip,
1663  const Event& state, double tOld, double xDau, double zMinAbs,
1664  double zMaxAbs, multimap<double,string>& newOverestimates ) {
1666  // Get beam for correction factors.
1667  BeamParticle& beam = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
1668  bool isValence = (usePDF) ? beam[iSysNow].isValence() : false;
1669  pair<int,int> iRadRec(make_pair(dip->iRadiator, dip->iRecoiler));
1671  double sum=0.;
1673  // Loop over splitting names and get overestimates.
1674  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::iterator it = splits.begin();
1675  it != splits.end(); ++it ) {
1677  string name = it->first;
1679  // Check if splitting should partake in evolution.
1680  bool allowed = it->second->useFastFunctions()
1681  ? it->second->canRadiate(state,dip->iRadiator,dip->iRecoiler)
1682  : it->second->canRadiate(state,iRadRec,bool_settings);
1684  // Skip if splitting is not allowed.
1685  if (!allowed) continue;
1687  // Check if dipole end can really radiate this particle.
1688  vector<int> re = it->second->radAndEmt(state[dip->iRadiator].id(),
1689  dip->colType);
1690  if (int(re.size()) < 2) continue;
1692  for (int iEmtAft=1; iEmtAft < int(re.size()); ++iEmtAft) {
1693  int idEmtAft = re[iEmtAft];
1694  if (it->second->is_qcd) {
1695  idEmtAft = abs(idEmtAft);
1696  if (idEmtAft<10) idEmtAft = 1;
1697  }
1698  if (find(dip->allowedEmissions.begin(), dip->allowedEmissions.end(),
1699  idEmtAft) == dip->allowedEmissions.end() ) allowed = false;
1700  // Disallow below cut-off.
1701  if ( pT2cut(idEmtAft) > tOld) allowed = false;
1702  }
1703  // Skip if splitting is not allowed.
1704  if (!allowed) continue;
1706  // No 1->3 conversion of heavy quarks below 2*m_q.
1707  if ( tOld < 4.*m2bPhys && abs(idDau) == 5
1708  && it->second->nEmissions() == 2) continue;
1709  else if ( tOld < 4.*m2cPhys && abs(idDau) == 4
1710  && it->second->nEmissions() == 2) continue;
1712  // Get kernel order.
1713  int order = kernelOrder;
1714  // Use simple kernels for showering secondary scatterings.
1715  bool hasInA = (getInA(dip->system) != 0);
1716  bool hasInB = (getInB(dip->system) != 0);
1717  if (dip->system != 0 && hasInA && hasInB) order = kernelOrderMPI;
1719  it->second->splitInfo.set_pT2Old ( tOld );
1720  it->second->splitInfo.storeRadBef(state[dip->iRadiator]);
1721  it->second->splitInfo.storeRecBef(state[dip->iRecoiler]);
1723  // Discard below the cut-off for the splitting.
1724  if (!it->second->aboveCutoff( tOld, state[dip->iRadiator],
1725  state[dip->iRecoiler], dip->system, partonSystemsPtr)) continue;
1727  // Get overestimate (of splitting kernel only)
1728  double wt = it->second->overestimateInt(zMinAbs, zMaxAbs, tOld,
1729  dip->m2Dip, order);
1731  // Calculate numerator of PDF ratio, and construct ratio.
1732  // PDF factors for Q -> GQ.
1733  double pdfRatio = getPDFOverestimates(idDau, tOld, xDau, it->first,
1734  false, -1., re[0], re[0]);
1736  // Include PDF ratio for Q->GQ or G->QQ.
1737  wt *= pdfRatio;
1739  // Include artificial enhancements.
1740  double headRoom =
1741  overheadFactors(name, idDau, isValence, dip->m2Dip, tOld);
1742  wt *= headRoom;
1744  // Now add user-defined enhance factor.
1745  double enhanceFurther = enhanceOverestimateFurther(name, idDau, tOld);
1746  wt *= enhanceFurther;
1748  if (!dryrun && it->second->hasMECBef(state, tOld)) wt *= KERNEL_HEADROOM;
1749  int nFinal = 0;
1750  for (int i=0; i < state.size(); ++i) if (state[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
1751  if (!dryrun) wt *= it->second->overhead
1752  (dip->m2Dip*xDau, state[dip->iRadiator].id(), nFinal);
1754  // Save this overestimate.
1755  // Do not include zeros (could lead to trouble with lower_bound?)
1756  if (wt != 0.) {
1757  sum += abs(wt);
1758  newOverestimates.insert(make_pair(sum,name));
1759  }
1761  }
1763 }
1765 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1767 // Function to generate new user-defined overestimates to evolution.
1769 double DireSpace::getPDFOverestimates( int idDau, double tOld, double xDau,
1770  string name, bool pickMother, double RN, int& idMother, int& idSister) {
1772  BeamParticle& beam = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
1773  DireSplitting* splitNow = splits[name];
1775  // Get old PDF for PDF weights.
1776  double PDFscale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac*tOld;
1777  PDFscale2 = max(PDFscale2, pT2min);
1778  bool inD = (hasPDF(idDau)) ? beam.insideBounds(xDau, PDFscale2) :
1779  true;
1780  double xPDFdaughter = getXPDF( idDau, xDau, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1781  // Make PDF ratio overestimate larger close to threshold.
1782  if (abs(idDau) == 4 && m2cPhys > 0. && tOld < 4.*m2cPhys) {
1783  double xPDFthres = getXPDF( idDau, xDau, m2cPhys+0.1, iSysNow, &beam);
1784  xPDFdaughter = min(xPDFdaughter, xPDFthres);
1785  }
1786  if (abs(idDau) == 5 && m2bPhys > 0. && tOld < 4.*m2bPhys) {
1787  double xPDFthres = getXPDF( idDau, xDau, m2bPhys, iSysNow, &beam);
1788  xPDFdaughter = min(xPDFdaughter, xPDFthres);
1789  }
1791  // Calculate numerator of PDF ratio, and construct ratio.
1792  // PDF factors for Q -> GQ.
1793  double pdfRatio = 1.;
1794  if (splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_1_to_21_and_1)) {
1796  // Get sum of PDFs for all potential quark mothers to a g.
1797  double xPDFmotherSum = 0.;
1798  double xPDFmother[21] = {0.};
1799  for (int iQuark = -nQuarkIn; iQuark <= nQuarkIn; ++iQuark) {
1800  if (iQuark == 0) {
1801  xPDFmother[10] = 0.;
1802  } else {
1803  xPDFmother[iQuark+10] = getXPDF(iQuark,xDau,PDFscale2,iSysNow,&beam);
1804  xPDFmotherSum += xPDFmother[iQuark+10];
1805  }
1806  }
1808  if (pickMother) {
1809  // Pick flavour for Q -> GQ (picked here, as kernel might depend on
1810  // flavour)
1811  double temp = xPDFmotherSum * RN;
1812  idMother = -nQuarkIn - 1;
1813  do { temp -= xPDFmother[(++idMother) + 10]; }
1814  while (temp > 0. && idMother < nQuarkIn);
1815  idSister = idMother;
1816  pdfRatio = xPDFmother[idMother + 10]/xPDFdaughter;
1817  } else {
1818  pdfRatio = xPDFmotherSum/xPDFdaughter;
1819  }
1821  // PDF factors for G -> QQ
1822  } else if (splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_21_to_1_and_1)){
1824  double xPDFmother = getXPDF(21, xDau, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1825  if ( xPDFmother != 0. && abs(xPDFmother) < tinypdf(xDau) ) {
1826  int sign = (xPDFmother >= 0.) ? 1 : -1;
1827  xPDFmother = sign*tinypdf(xDau);
1828  }
1829  pdfRatio = xPDFmother / xPDFdaughter;
1831  // PDF factors for q --> q' splitting.
1832  } else if (splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_1_to_2_and_1_and_2)) {
1834  // Sum over all potential mothers q'.
1835  multimap<double, pair<int,double> > xPDFmother;
1836  double xPDFmotherSum = 0.;
1837  for (int i =-nQuarkIn; i <= nQuarkIn; ++i)
1838  if (abs(i) != abs(idDau) && i != 0) {
1839  double temp = getXPDF( i, xDau, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1840  // Make overestimate larger if heavy quark converts to valence quark.
1841  if (particleDataPtr->isHadron( && (i == 1 || i == 2)) {
1842  if (abs(idDau) == 4 && m2cPhys > 0. && tOld < 4.*m2cPhys) {
1843  double xPDFval = getXPDF(i, 0.25, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1844  temp = max(temp, xPDFval);
1845  }
1846  if (abs(idDau) == 5 && m2bPhys > 0. && tOld < 4.*m2bPhys) {
1847  double xPDFval = getXPDF( i, 0.25, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1848  temp = max(temp, xPDFval);
1849  }
1850  }
1851  xPDFmotherSum += temp;
1852  xPDFmother.insert(make_pair(xPDFmotherSum, make_pair(i, temp) ) );
1853  }
1855  if (pickMother) {
1856  // Pick flavour.
1857  double R = xPDFmotherSum * RN;
1858  if (xPDFmother.lower_bound(R) == xPDFmother.end()) {
1859  idMother = xPDFmother.rbegin()->second.first;
1860  pdfRatio = xPDFmother.rbegin()->second.second / xPDFdaughter;
1861  } else {
1862  idMother = xPDFmother.lower_bound(R)->second.first;
1863  pdfRatio = xPDFmother.lower_bound(R)->second.second / xPDFdaughter;
1864  }
1865  idSister = idMother;
1866  } else {
1867  pdfRatio = xPDFmotherSum / xPDFdaughter;
1868  }
1870  // PDF factors for q --> qbar splitting.
1871  } else if (splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_1_to_1_and_1_and_1)) {
1873  double xPDFmother = getXPDF( -idDau, xDau, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1874  if ( xPDFmother != 0. && abs(xPDFmother) < tinypdf(xDau) ) {
1875  int sign = (xPDFmother >= 0.) ? 1 : -1;
1876  xPDFmother = sign*tinypdf(xDau);
1877  }
1878  pdfRatio = xPDFmother / xPDFdaughter;
1880  } else if ( tOld < PT2_INCREASE_OVERESTIMATE
1881  && ( splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_21_to_21_and_21a)
1882  || splitNow->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_21_to_21_and_21b))) {
1883  double xPDFmother = xPDFdaughter;
1884  int NTSTEPS(3), NXSTEPS(3);
1885  for (int i=1; i <= NTSTEPS; ++i) {
1886  double tNew = pT2min + double(i)/double(NTSTEPS)*(max(tOld, pT2min)
1887  - pT2min);
1888  for (int j=1; j <= NXSTEPS; ++j) {
1889  double xNew = xDau + double(j)/double(NXSTEPS)*(0.999999-xDau);
1890  double xPDFnew = getXPDF( 21, xNew, tNew, iSysNow, &beam);
1891  xPDFmother = max(xPDFmother, xPDFnew);
1892  }
1893  }
1894  pdfRatio = xPDFmother/xPDFdaughter;
1896  // All other cases, e.g. for user-defined kernels.
1897  } else {
1898  double xPDFmother = getXPDF(idMother,xDau, PDFscale2, iSysNow, &beam);
1900  int NTSTEPS(3), NXSTEPS(3);
1901  for (int i=0; i <= NTSTEPS; ++i) {
1902  double tNew = pT2min + double(i)/double(NTSTEPS)*(max(tOld, pT2min)
1903  - pT2min);
1904  for (int j=1; j <= NXSTEPS; ++j) {
1905  double xNew = xDau + double(j)/double(NXSTEPS)*(0.999999-xDau);
1906  double xPDFnew = getXPDF(idMother, xNew, tNew, iSysNow, &beam);
1907  xPDFmother = max(xPDFmother, xPDFnew);
1908  }
1909  }
1910  pdfRatio = xPDFmother/xPDFdaughter;
1911  }
1913  if (pdfRatio < 0. || abs(xPDFdaughter) < tinypdf(xDau)) pdfRatio = 0.;
1914  if (!inD) pdfRatio = 0.;
1916  return pdfRatio;
1918 }
1920 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1922 // Function to generate new user-defined overestimates to evolution.
1924 void DireSpace::getNewSplitting( const Event& state, DireSpaceEnd* dip,
1925  double tOld, double xDau, double t, double zMinAbs, double zMaxAbs,
1926  int idDau, string name, bool forceFixedAs, int& idMother, int& idSister,
1927  double& z, double& wt, unordered_map<string,double>& full, double& over ) {
1929  BeamParticle& beam = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
1930  bool isValence = (usePDF) ? beam[iSysNow].isValence() : false;
1931  // Pointer to splitting for easy/fast access.
1932  DireSplitting* splitNow = splits[name];
1934  splitNow->splitInfo.storeRadBef(state[dip->iRadiator]);
1935  splitNow->splitInfo.storeRecBef(state[dip->iRecoiler]);
1936  bool canUseSplitInfo = splitNow->canUseForBranching();
1939  vector<int> re = splitNow->radAndEmt(idDau, dip->colType);
1940  idMother = re[0];
1941  idSister = re[1];
1943  // Reject below cut-off.
1944  if ( pT2cut(idSister) > t) { wt = over = 0.; full.clear(); return; }
1946  // Return auxiliary variable, overestimate, mother and sister ids.
1947  if(z< 0.) z = splitNow->zSplit(zMinAbs, zMaxAbs, dip->m2Dip);
1948  over = splitNow->overestimateDiff(z, dip->m2Dip);
1950  // Discard below the cut-off for the splitting.
1951  if (!splitNow->aboveCutoff( t, state[dip->iRadiator], state[dip->iRecoiler],
1952  dip->system, partonSystemsPtr)) { wt = over = 0.; full.clear(); return; }
1954  // Calculate numerator of PDF ratio, and construct ratio.
1955  double RNflav = rndmPtr->flat();;
1956  double pdfRatio = getPDFOverestimates(idDau, tOld, xDau, name, true, RNflav,
1957  idMother, idSister);
1959  // Get particle masses.
1960  double m2Bef = 0.0;
1961  double m2r = 0.0;
1962  double m2s = 0.0;
1963  int type = (state[dip->iRecoiler].isFinal()) ? 1 : -1;
1964  if (type == 1) {
1965  m2s = particleDataPtr->isResonance(state[dip->iRecoiler].id())
1966  ? getMass(state[dip->iRecoiler].id(),3,
1967  state[dip->iRecoiler].mCalc())
1968  : (state[dip->iRecoiler].idAbs() < 6)
1969  ? getMass(state[dip->iRecoiler].id(),2)
1970  : getMass(state[dip->iRecoiler].id(),1);
1971  }
1973  // Force emission massless for now.
1974  double m2e = 0.0;
1976  // Upate type if this is a massive splitting.
1977  if (type == 1 && (m2Bef > TINYMASS || m2r > TINYMASS || m2e > TINYMASS
1978  || m2s > TINYMASS)) type = 2;
1979  if (type ==-1 && (m2Bef > TINYMASS || m2r > TINYMASS || m2e > TINYMASS
1980  || m2s > TINYMASS)) type =-2;
1982  // Adjust the dipole kinematical mass to accomodate masses after branching.
1983  double m2dipCorr = dip->m2Dip - m2Bef + m2r + m2e;
1985  // Set kinematics mapping, as needed to check limits.
1986  // 1 --> Dire
1987  // 2 --> Catani-Seymour
1988  int kinType = splitNow->kinMap();
1990  dip->z = z;
1991  dip->pT2 = t;
1992  // Already pick phi value here, since we may need to construct the
1993  // momenta to evaluate the splitting probability.
1994  dip->phi = 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat();
1996  dip->mass.clear();
1998  double m2i = getMass(idMother,2);
1999  double m2j = getMass(idSister,2);
2000  bool physical = true;
2001  // Generate additional variables for 1->3 splitting.
2002  if ( splitNow->nEmissions() == 2 ) {
2003  dip->mass.push_back(m2r);
2004  dip->mass.push_back(m2i);
2005  dip->mass.push_back(m2j);
2006  dip->mass.push_back(m2s);
2007  // Choose xa flat in [z, 1.0]
2008  zCollNextQCD( dip, dip->z, 1. );
2009  // Choose sai flat in [0.0, m2Dip]
2010  physical = virtNextQCD( dip, 0.0, dip->m2Dip);
2011  // Choose phi flat in [0, 2Pi]
2012  dip->phia1 = 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat();
2013  }
2015  // Set correct variables for 1->3 splitting.
2016  vector <double> aux;
2017  if ( splitNow->nEmissions() == 2 ) {
2018  type = (state[dip->iRecoiler].isFinal()) ? 2 : -2;
2019  aux.push_back( dip->m2Dip );
2020  if (type > 0) aux.push_back( (state[dip->iRadiator].p()
2021  -state[dip->iRecoiler].p()).m2Calc() );
2022  else aux.push_back( (state[dip->iRadiator].p()
2023  +state[dip->iRecoiler].p()).m2Calc() );
2024  aux.push_back(dip->pT2);
2025  aux.push_back(dip->sa1);
2026  aux.push_back(dip->z);
2027  aux.push_back(dip->xa);
2028  aux.push_back(m2Bef);
2029  aux.push_back(m2r);
2030  aux.push_back(m2i);
2031  aux.push_back(m2j);
2032  aux.push_back(m2s);
2033  }
2035  // Setup splitting information.
2036  int nEmissions = splitNow->nEmissions();
2037  splitNow->splitInfo.storeInfo(name, type, dip->system, dip->system,
2038  dip->side, dip->iRadiator, dip->iRecoiler, state, idSister, idMother,
2039  nEmissions, m2dipCorr, dip->pT2, dip->pT2Old, dip->z, dip->phi, m2Bef,
2040  m2s, m2r, (nEmissions == 1 ? m2e : m2i), dip->sa1, dip->xa, dip->phia1,
2041  m2j, xDau, -1.);
2043  if (canUseSplitInfo) {
2044  splitNow->splitInfo.setRadAft(re[0]);
2045  splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft(re[1]);
2046  if (nEmissions==2) splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft2(re[2]);
2047  splitNow->splitInfo.canUseForBranching(true);
2048  } else {
2049  splitNow->splitInfo.setRadAft(idMother);
2050  splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft(idSister);
2051  if (nEmissions==2) splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft2(-idSister);
2052  }
2054  // Check phase space limits.
2055  double zcheck(z), tcheck(t);
2056  if (kinType==99) {
2057  zcheck = (type<0)
2058  ? splitNow->zdire_ii(z, t, m2dipCorr)
2059  : splitNow->zdire_if(z, t, m2dipCorr);
2060  tcheck = (type<0)
2061  ? splitNow->tdire_ii(z, t, m2dipCorr)
2062  : splitNow->tdire_if(z, t, m2dipCorr);
2063  }
2064  if ( !physical || !inAllowedPhasespace( kinType, zcheck, tcheck, m2dipCorr,
2065  xDau, type, m2Bef, m2r, m2s, m2e, aux ) )
2066  { wt = over = 0.; full.clear(); return; }
2068  // Get kernel order.
2069  int order = kernelOrder;
2070  // Use simple kernels for showering secondary scatterings.
2071  bool hasInA = (getInA(dip->system) != 0);
2072  bool hasInB = (getInB(dip->system) != 0);
2073  if (dip->system != 0 && hasInA && hasInB) order = kernelOrderMPI;
2075  // Set splitting colors, if necessary.
2076  if (canUseSplitInfo) {
2077  vector< pair<int,int> > cols
2078  = splitNow->radAndEmtCols( dip->iRadiator, dip->colType, state);
2079  splitNow->splitInfo.setRadAft(re[0], cols[0].first, cols[0].second);
2080  splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft(re[1], cols[1].first, cols[1].second);
2081  if (nEmissions==2) splitNow->splitInfo.setEmtAft2(re[2], cols[2].first,
2082  cols[2].second);
2083  }
2085  // Return overestimate.
2086  over = splitNow->overestimateDiff(z, dip->m2Dip, order);
2088  // Get complete kernel.
2089  if (splitNow->calc( state, order) ) full = splitNow->getKernelVals();
2091  if (!dryrun && splitNow->hasMECBef(state, tOld)) over *= KERNEL_HEADROOM;
2092  if (!dryrun && splitNow->hasMECBef(state, dip->pT2))
2093  for (unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it=full.begin();
2094  it != full.end(); ++it) it->second *= KERNEL_HEADROOM;
2096  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
2097  << " " << __LINE__ << " : New splitting "
2098  << setw(15) << name << " at pT="
2099  << setw(15) << sqrt(dip->pT2) << " z = "
2100  << setw(15) << dip->z << " prob = "
2101  << setw(15) << full["base"] << endl;
2103  // Reweight with coupling factor if necessary.
2104  double coupl = splitNow->coupling(dip->z, dip->pT2, m2dipCorr, -1.,
2105  make_pair(state[dip->iRadiator].id(), state[dip->iRadiator].isFinal()),
2106  make_pair(state[dip->iRecoiler].id(), state[dip->iRecoiler].isFinal()));
2107  // Retrieve argument of alphaS.
2108  double scale2 = splits[splittingNowName]->couplingScale2(dip->z, dip->pT2,
2109  m2dipCorr,
2110  make_pair (state[dip->iRadiator].id(), state[dip->iRadiator].isFinal()),
2111  make_pair (state[dip->iRecoiler].id(), state[dip->iRecoiler].isFinal()));
2112  if (scale2 < 0.) scale2 = dip->pT2;
2113  double talpha = max(scale2, pT2min);
2114  double renormMultFacNow = renormMultFac;
2115  if (forceFixedAs) renormMultFacNow = 1.0;
2117  if (coupl > 0.) {
2118  full["base"] *= coupl / alphasNow(talpha, renormMultFacNow, dip->system);
2119  if (name.find("qcd") == string::npos) {
2120  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = full.begin();
2121  it != full.end(); ++it ) {
2122  if (it->first == "base") continue;
2123  it->second *= coupl / alphasNow(talpha, renormMultFacNow, dip->system);
2124  }
2125  }
2126  }
2128  vector <int> in, out;
2129  for (int i=0; i < state.size(); ++i) {
2130  if (i == dip->iRadiator) continue;
2131  if (state[i].isFinal()) out.push_back(state[i].id());
2132  if (state[i].mother1() == 1 && state[i].mother2() == 0)
2133  in.push_back(state[i].id());
2134  if (state[i].mother1() == 2 && state[i].mother2() == 0)
2135  in.push_back(state[i].id());
2136  }
2137  in.push_back(re[0]);
2138  for (size_t i=1; i < re.size(); ++i) out.push_back(re[i]);
2139  bool hasME = dip->pT2 > pT2minMECs && doMEcorrections
2140  && weights->hasME(in,out);
2141  if (hasME) for (unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it=full.begin();
2142  it != full.end(); ++it) it->second = abs(it->second);
2144  double mecover=1.;
2145  int nFinal = 0;
2146  for (int i=0; i < state.size(); ++i) if (state[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
2147  if (!dryrun) mecover = splitNow->
2148  overhead(dip->m2Dip*xDau, state[dip->iRadiator].id(), nFinal);
2149  for (unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it=full.begin();
2150  it != full.end(); ++it) it->second *= mecover;
2151  over *= mecover;
2153  // Calculate accept probability.
2154  wt = full["base"]/over;
2156  // Divide out PDF ratio used in overestimate.
2157  if (pdfRatio != 0.) wt /= pdfRatio;
2158  else wt = 0.;
2159  over *= pdfRatio;
2161  // Divide out artificial enhancements.
2162  double headRoom = overheadFactors(name, idDau, isValence, dip->m2Dip, tOld);
2163  wt /= headRoom;
2164  over *= headRoom;
2166  // Ensure positive weight.
2167  wt = abs(wt);
2169 }
2171 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2173 pair<bool, pair<double, double> > DireSpace::getMEC ( const Event& state,
2174  DireSplitInfo* splitInfo) {
2176  double MECnum(1.0), MECden(1.0);
2178  bool hasME
2179  = weights->hasME(makeHardEvent(max(0,splitInfo->system), state, false));
2181  if (hasME) {
2183  // Store previous mergingHooks setup.
2184  mergingHooksPtr->init();
2186  // For now, prefer construction of ordered histories.
2187  mergingHooksPtr->orderHistories(false);
2188  // For pp > h, allow cut on state, so that underlying processes
2189  // can be clustered to gg > h
2190  if ( mergingHooksPtr->getProcessString().compare("pp>h") == 0)
2191  mergingHooksPtr->allowCutOnRecState(true);
2193  // Prepare process record for merging. If Pythia has already decayed
2194  // resonances used to define the hard process, remove resonance decay
2195  // products.
2196  Event newProcess( mergingHooksPtr->bareEvent(
2197  makeHardEvent(max(0,splitInfo->system), state, false), false) );
2198  // Store candidates for the splitting V -> qqbar'
2199  mergingHooksPtr->storeHardProcessCandidates( newProcess );
2201  // Calculate number of clustering steps
2202  int nSteps = mergingHooksPtr->
2203  getNumberOfClusteringSteps( newProcess, true);
2204  // Set dummy process scale.
2205  newProcess.scale(0.0);
2206  // Generate all histories
2207  DireHistory myHistory( nSteps, 0.0, newProcess, DireClustering(),
2208  mergingHooksPtr, (*beamAPtr), (*beamBPtr), particleDataPtr, infoPtr,
2209  NULL, splits.begin()->second->fsr, splits.begin()->second->isr, weights,
2210  coupSMPtr, true, true, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0);
2211  // Project histories onto desired branches, e.g. only ordered paths.
2212  myHistory.projectOntoDesiredHistories();
2214  MECnum = myHistory.MECnum;
2215  MECden = myHistory.MECden;
2217  // Restore to previous mergingHooks setup.
2218  mergingHooksPtr->init();
2220  }
2222  if (abs(MECden) < 1e-15) direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " "
2223  << __func__
2224  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Small MEC denominator="
2225  << MECden << " for numerator=" << MECnum << endl;
2226  if (abs(MECnum/MECden) > 1e2) {direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " "
2227  << __func__
2228  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large MEC. Denominator="
2229  << MECden << " Numerator=" << MECnum << " at pT="
2230  << sqrt(splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2) << " "
2231  << endl;
2232  }
2234  return make_pair(hasME, make_pair(MECnum,MECden));
2236 }
2238 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2240 bool DireSpace::applyMEC ( const Event& state, DireSplitInfo* splitInfo,
2241  vector<Event> auxState) {
2243  // Get value of ME correction.
2244  pair<bool, pair<double, double> > mec = getMEC ( state, splitInfo);
2245  bool hasME = mec.first;
2246  double MECnum = mec.second.first;
2247  double MECden = mec.second.second;
2248  double MECnumX = mec.second.first;
2249  double MECdenX = mec.second.second;
2251  if (!hasME) return false;
2253  double kernel = kernelSel["base"];
2254  bool reject = false;
2256  if (abs(MECnum/MECden) > 5e0 && auxState.size()>0) {
2257  pair<bool, pair<double, double> > mec1 = getMEC ( auxState[0], splitInfo);
2258  pair<bool, pair<double, double> > mec2 = getMEC ( auxState[1], splitInfo);
2259  double MECnum1 = mec1.second.first;
2260  double MECden1 = mec1.second.second;
2261  double MECnum2 = mec2.second.first;
2262  double MECden2 = mec2.second.second;
2263  if (MECnum/MECden > MECnum1/MECden1) {MECnum = MECnum1; MECden = MECden1;}
2264  if (MECnum/MECden > MECnum2/MECden2) {MECnum = MECnum2; MECden = MECden2;}
2265  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
2266  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large MEC weight=" << MECnumX/MECdenX
2267  << " " << MECnum/MECden
2268  << "\t\t" << splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2/splitInfo->kinematics()->m2Dip
2269  << " " << splitInfo->kinematics()->z << endl;
2270  if (MECnum/MECden > (MECnum+MECnum1)/(MECden+MECden1))
2271  { MECnum += MECnum1; MECden += MECden1; }
2272  if (MECnum/MECden > (MECnum+MECnum2)/(MECden+MECden2))
2273  { MECnum += MECnum2; MECden += MECden2; }
2274  }
2276  // Remember O(alphaS^2) term and remove from list of variations.
2277  double oas2 = 0.;
2278  if (kernelSel.find("base_order_as2") != kernelSel.end() ) {
2279  oas2 = kernelSel["base_order_as2"];
2280  kernelSel.erase(kernelSel.find("base_order_as2"));
2281  }
2282  double baseNew = ((kernel - oas2) * MECnum/MECden + oas2);
2284  // Now check if the splitting should be vetoed/accepted given new kernel.
2285  double auxNew = kernel;
2286  double overNew = kernel;
2288  int nFinal = 0;
2289  for (int i=0; i < state.size(); ++i)
2290  if (state[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
2292  if (dryrun) splittingSel->storeOverhead(
2293  splitInfo->kinematics()->m2Dip*splitInfo->kinematics()->xBef,
2294  splitInfo->kinematics()->xBef, state[splitInfo->iRadBef].id(), nFinal-1,
2295  max(baseNew/overNew,1.1));
2297  // Ensure that accept probability is positive.
2298  if (baseNew/auxNew < 0.) auxNew *= -1.;
2300  if (suppressLargeMECs) while (baseNew/auxNew < 5e-2) auxNew /= 5.;
2302  // Reset overestimate if necessary.
2303  if (baseNew/auxNew > 1.) {
2304  double rescale = baseNew/auxNew * 1.15;
2305  auxNew *= rescale;
2306  }
2307  double wt = baseNew/auxNew;
2309  // New rejection weight.
2310  double wvNow = auxNew/overNew * (overNew - baseNew) / (auxNew - baseNew);
2312  // New acceptance weight.
2313  double waNow = auxNew/overNew;
2315  if (abs(wvNow) > 1e0) {
2316  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
2317  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large reject weight=" << wvNow
2318  << "\t for kernel=" << baseNew << " overestimate=" << overNew
2319  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNew << " at pT2="
2320  << splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2
2321  << " for " << splittingSelName
2322  << endl;
2323  }
2324  if (abs(waNow) > 1e0) {
2325  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
2326  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large accept weight=" << waNow
2327  << "\t for kernel=" << baseNew << " overestimate=" << overNew
2328  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNew << " at pT2="
2329  << splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2
2330  << " for " << splittingSelName
2331  << endl;
2332  }
2334  if (wt < rndmPtr->flat()) {
2336  // Loop through and reset weights.
2337  for (unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it= kernelSel.begin();
2338  it != kernelSel.end(); ++it) {
2339  // Get old accept weight.
2340  double waOld = weights->getAcceptWeight( splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2,
2341  it->first);
2342  // Remove previous acceptance weight and replace rejection weight.
2343  weights->eraseAcceptWeight(splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2, it->first);
2344  weights->resetRejectWeight(splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2, wvNow*waOld,
2345  it->first);
2346  }
2347  reject = true;
2348  } else {
2349  // Loop through and reset weights.
2350  for (unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = kernelSel.begin();
2351  it != kernelSel.end(); ++it) {
2352  // Get old accept weight.
2353  double waOld = weights->getAcceptWeight( splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2,
2354  it->first);
2355  // Remove previous reject weight and replace accept weight.
2356  weights->eraseRejectWeight(splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2, it->first);
2357  weights->resetAcceptWeight(splitInfo->kinematics()->pT2, waOld*waNow,
2358  it->first);
2359  }
2360  }
2362  // Done.
2363  return reject;
2365 }
2367 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2369 // Check if variables are in allowed phase space.
2370 // Note that the vector of auxiliary inputs "aux" (needed to check the phase
2371 // space of 1->3 splittings) has the following ordering:
2372 // +2.pRadBef*pRecBef, (pRadBef +- pRecBef)^2, pT2, sa1, za, xa, m_{0,a12)^2,
2373 // m_{0,a}^2, m_{0,1}^2, m_{0,2}^2, m_{0,b}^2
2375 bool DireSpace::inAllowedPhasespace( int kinType, double z, double pT2,
2376  double m2dip, double xOld, int splitType, double m2RadBef, double m2r,
2377  double m2s, double m2e, vector<double> aux) {
2379  double xIncoming = usePDF ? xOld : 0.;
2381  // splitType == 1 -> Massless IF
2382  if (splitType == 1) {
2384  // Calculate CS variables.
2385  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2dip;
2386  double xCS = z;
2387  double uCS = kappa2/(1-z);
2389  // CS variables directly.
2390  if (kinType == 2) {
2391  xCS = z;
2392  uCS = 0.5*xCS*( 1. - sqrt( 1. - 4.*xCS*kappa2 / pow2( 1- xCS)) );
2393  }
2395  // Forbidden emission if outside allowed z range for given pT2.
2396  if ( xCS < xIncoming || xCS > 1. || uCS < 0. || uCS > 1. ) return false;
2398  // splitType == 2 -> Massive IF
2399  } else if (splitType == 2 && aux.size() == 0) {
2401  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2dip;
2402  double xCS = z;
2403  double uCS = kappa2/(1-z);
2404  // Construct massive phase space boundary for uCS
2405  double pijpa = m2dip - m2r - m2e + m2RadBef;
2406  double mu2Rec = m2s / pijpa * xCS;
2407  double uCSmax = (1. - xCS) / (1. - xCS + mu2Rec );
2409  // Forbidden emission if outside allowed z range for given pT2.
2410  if (xCS < xIncoming || xCS > 1. || uCS < 0. || uCS > uCSmax) return false;
2412  // splitType == 2 -> Massive 1->3 IF
2413  } else if (splitType == 2 && aux.size() > 0) {
2415  // Not correctly set up!
2416  if ( int(aux.size()) < 11) return false;
2418  double q2 = aux[1];
2419  double t = aux[2];
2420  double sai = aux[3];
2421  double za = aux[4];
2422  double xa = aux[5];
2423  double m2a = aux[7];
2424  double m2i = aux[8];
2425  double m2j = aux[9];
2426  double m2k = aux[10];
2427  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
2429  // Check that IF-part is possible.
2430  double uCS = za*(m2ai-m2a-m2i) / q2;
2431  double xCS = uCS + xa - (t*za) / (q2*xa);
2432  double m2jk = t/xa + q2*( 1. - xa/za ) - m2ai;
2434  if ( m2jk < 0. ) return false;
2436  double mu2Rec = m2jk/(-q2+m2jk) * xCS;
2437  double uCSmax = (1. - xCS) / (1. - xCS + mu2Rec );
2439  // Forbidden emission if outside allowed z range for given pT2.
2440  if (xCS < xIncoming || xCS > 1. || uCS < 0. || uCS > uCSmax) return false;
2442  // Check that kinematical kT is valid.
2443  double s_i_jk = (1. - 1./xCS)*(q2 - m2a) + (m2i + m2jk) / xCS;
2444  double zbar = (q2-s_i_jk-m2a) / bABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
2445  *( uCS - m2a / gABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
2446  * (s_i_jk + m2i - m2jk) / (q2 - s_i_jk - m2a));
2447  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*s_i_jk - (1-zbar)*m2i - zbar*m2jk;
2448  if (kT2 < 0.) return false;
2450  // Check that FF part is possible
2451  double zCS = t/xa / ( t/xa - q2*xa/za);
2452  double yCS = (m2jk - m2k - m2j)
2453  / (m2jk - m2k - m2j + t/xa - q2*xa/za);
2455  double q2_2 = m2ai + m2jk + t/xa - q2*xa/za;
2456  // Calculate derived variables.
2457  double sij = yCS * (q2_2 - m2ai) + (1.-yCS)*(m2j+m2k);
2458  zbar = (q2_2-sij-m2ai) / bABC(q2_2,sij,m2ai)
2459  * (zCS - m2ai/gABC(q2_2,sij,m2ai)
2460  *(sij + m2j - m2k)/(q2_2-sij-m2ai));
2461  kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sij - (1.-zbar)*m2j - zbar*m2k;
2463  if (kT2 < 0.) return false;
2465  // splitType ==-1 -> Massless II
2466  } else if (splitType == -1) {
2468  // Calculate CS variables.
2469  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2dip;
2470  double xCS = (z*(1-z)- kappa2)/(1-z);
2471  double vCS = kappa2/(1-z);
2473  // CS variables directly.
2474  if (kinType == 2) {
2475  xCS = z;
2476  vCS = 0.5*xCS*( 1. - sqrt( 1. - 4.*xCS*kappa2 / pow2( 1- xCS)) );
2477  }
2479  // Forbidden emission if outside allowed z range for given pT2.
2480  if (xCS < xIncoming || xCS > 1. || vCS < 0. || vCS > 1.) return false;
2481  if (1.-xCS-vCS < 0.) return false;
2483  // splitType ==-2 -> Massive II
2484  } else if (splitType == -2 && aux.size() == 0) {
2486  // Calculate CS variables.
2488  double q2 = m2dip + m2s + m2RadBef;
2489  double m2DipCorr = m2dip - m2RadBef + m2r + m2e;
2490  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2DipCorr;
2491  double xCS = (z*(1-z)- kappa2)/(1-z);
2492  double vCS = kappa2/(1-z);
2494  // Calculate derived variables.
2495  double sab = (q2 - m2e)/xCS + (m2r+m2s) * (1-1/xCS);
2496  double saj = -vCS*(sab - m2r-m2s) + m2r + m2e;
2497  double zbar = (sab - m2r - m2s) / bABC(sab,m2r,m2s)
2498  *( (xCS + vCS) - m2s / gABC(sab,m2r,m2s)
2499  * (saj + m2r - m2e) / (sab - m2r - m2s));
2500  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2r - (1-zbar)*saj - zbar*m2e;
2502  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
2503  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) return false;
2505  // splitType ==-2 -> Massive 1->3 II
2506  } else {
2508  // Massive II only possible for 1->3 splitting, thus more complicated.
2510  // Not correctly set up!
2511  if ( int(aux.size()) < 11) return false;
2513  // Retrieve necessary variables for 1->3 splitting.
2514  double q2_1 = aux[1];
2515  double t = aux[2];
2516  double sai = aux[3];
2517  double za = aux[4];
2518  double xa = aux[5];
2519  double m2a = aux[7];
2520  double m2i = aux[8];
2521  double m2j = aux[9];
2522  double m2k = aux[10];
2523  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
2525  if (za < xIncoming || za > 1.) return false;
2527  // Check "first" step.
2528  double p2ab = q2_1/za + m2a + m2k;
2529  double zbar = (p2ab - m2a - m2k) / bABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)
2530  *( xa - m2k / gABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)
2531  * (m2ai + m2a - m2i) / (p2ab - m2a - m2k));
2532  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2a - (1-zbar)*m2ai - zbar*m2i;
2534  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
2535  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) return false;
2537  // Check "second" step.
2538  double m2rec = m2ai;
2539  double m2emt = q2_1;
2540  double m2rad = m2j;
2541  double zCS = t/xa / (q2_1*xa/za + 2.*m2ai);
2542  double yCS = 1. / ( 1. + (q2_1*xa/za + 2.*m2ai)
2543  / (q2_1*(xa/za - 1.) + m2ai + m2k - m2j));
2544  double q2_2 = 4.*m2ai + 2.*q2_1*xa/za + m2k;
2546  // Not possible to find sensible final-final variables.
2547  if (yCS < 0. || yCS > 1. || zCS < 0. || zCS > 1.) return false;
2549  // Calculate derived variables.
2550  double sij = yCS * (q2_2 - m2rec) + (1.-yCS)*(m2rad+m2emt);
2551  zbar = (q2_2-sij-m2rec) / bABC(q2_2,sij,m2rec)
2552  * (zCS - m2rec/gABC(q2_2,sij,m2rec)
2553  *(sij + m2rad - m2emt)/(q2_2-sij-m2rec));
2554  kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sij - (1.-zbar)*m2rad - zbar*m2emt;
2556  // Not possible to construct kinematics if kT2 < 0.0
2557  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) return false;
2559  }
2561  return true;
2563 }
2565 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2567 // Function to add user-defined overestimates to old overestimate.
2569 void DireSpace::addNewOverestimates( multimap<double,string> newOverestimates,
2570  double& oldOverestimate ) {
2572  // No other tricks necessary at the moment.
2573  if (!newOverestimates.empty())
2574  oldOverestimate += newOverestimates.rbegin()->first;
2576  // Done.
2578 }
2580 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2582 // Function to attach the correct alphaS weights to the kernels.
2584 void DireSpace::alphasReweight(double, double talpha, int iSys,
2585  bool forceFixedAs, double& weight, double& fullWeight, double& overWeight,
2586  double renormMultFacNow) {
2588  if (forceFixedAs) {
2589  overWeight *= alphaS2piOverestimate;
2590  weight *= alphasNow(pT2min, 1., iSys) / alphaS2piOverestimate;
2591  fullWeight *= alphasNow(pT2min, 1., iSys);
2592  return;
2593  }
2594  talpha = max(talpha, pT2min);
2596  double scale = talpha*renormMultFacNow;
2597  scale = max(scale, pT2min);
2599  // Get current alphaS value.
2600  double asPT2piCorr = alphasNow(talpha, renormMultFacNow, iSys);
2602  // Begin with multiplying alphaS to overestimate.
2603  double asOver = 1.;
2604  if (usePDFalphas) asOver = alphaS2piOverestimate;
2605  else if (alphaSorder==0) asOver = alphaS2pi;
2606  else asOver = asPT2piCorr;
2607  // Multiply alphaS to full splitting kernel.
2608  double asFull = 1.;
2609  if (alphaSorder == 0) asFull = alphaS2pi;
2610  else asFull = asPT2piCorr;
2612  fullWeight *= asFull;
2613  overWeight *= asOver;
2614  weight *= asFull/asOver;
2616  // Done.
2618 }
2620 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2622 // Evolve a QCD dipole end.
2624 void DireSpace::pT2nextQCD( double pT2begDip, double pT2endDip,
2625  DireSpaceEnd& dip, Event& event, double pT2endForce, double pT2freeze,
2626  bool forceBranching) {
2628  if (event[dip.iRecoiler].isFinal()) {
2629  pT2nextQCD_IF(pT2begDip, pT2endDip, dip, event, pT2endForce, pT2freeze,
2630  forceBranching);
2631  } else {
2632  pT2nextQCD_II(pT2begDip, pT2endDip, dip, event, pT2endForce, pT2freeze,
2633  forceBranching);
2634  }
2636  // Done
2637 }
2639 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2641 // Evolve a QCD dipole end.
2643 bool DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_II( double pT2begDip, double pT2sel,
2644  DireSpaceEnd& dip, Event& event, double pT2endForce, double pT2freeze,
2645  bool forceBranching) {
2647  // Lower cut for evolution. Return if no evolution range.
2648  double pT2endDip = max( pT2sel, pT2cutMin(&dip));
2649  if (pT2endForce >= 0.) pT2endDip = pT2endForce;
2650  if (pT2begDip < pT2endDip) return false;
2652  // Reset dipole mass.
2653  int iRadi = dip.iRadiator;
2654  int iReco = dip.iRecoiler;
2655  m2Dip = abs(2.*event[iRadi].p()*event[iReco].p());
2656  dip.m2Dip = m2Dip;
2658  // Some properties and kinematical starting values.
2659  BeamParticle& beam = (sideA) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
2660  double tnow = pT2begDip;
2661  double xMaxAbs = beam.xMax(iSysNow);
2662  double zMinAbs = xDaughter;
2664  if (usePDF && xMaxAbs < 0.) {
2665  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_II: "
2666  "xMaxAbs negative");
2667  return false;
2668  }
2670  // Variables used inside evolution loop. (Mainly dummy starting values.)
2671  int nFlavour = 3;
2672  double Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
2673  int idMother = 0;
2674  int idSister = 0;
2675  double znow = 0.;
2676  double zMaxAbs = 0.;
2677  double xPDFdaughter = 0.;
2678  double kernelPDF = 0.;
2679  double xMother = 0.;
2680  double wt = 0.;
2681  double mSister = 0.;
2682  double m2Sister = 0.;
2683  double pT2corr = 0.;
2684  double teval = pT2begDip;
2685  bool needNewPDF = true;
2686  bool hasPDFdau = hasPDF(idDaughter);
2687  if (!hasPDFdau) zMinAbs = 0.;
2689  multimap<double,string> newOverestimates;
2690  unordered_map<string,double> fullWeightsNow;
2691  double fullWeightNow(0.), overWeightNow(0.), auxWeightNow(0.), daux(0.);
2693  // Begin evolution loop towards smaller pT values.
2694  int loopTinyPDFdau = 0;
2695  int nContinue(0), nContinueMax(10000);
2696  bool hasTinyPDFdau = false;
2697  do {
2699  wt = 0.;
2700  //tnow = (!forceBranching) ? dip.pT2 : pT2begDip;
2701  tnow = (!forceBranching) ? tnow : pT2begDip;
2702  znow = -1.;
2703  dip.phi = -1.;
2704  dip.phia1 = -1.;
2706  // Force exit if non-Sudakov style forced branching is stuck.
2707  if (forceBranching && nContinue >= nContinueMax) {
2708  wt = 0.0; dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.;
2709  break;
2710  }
2712  // Update event weight after one step.
2713  if ( fullWeightNow != 0. && overWeightNow != 0. ) {
2714  double enhanceFurther
2715  = enhanceOverestimateFurther(splittingNowName, idDaughter, teval);
2716  if (doTrialNow) enhanceFurther = 1.;
2717  kernelNow = fullWeightsNow;
2718  auxNow = auxWeightNow;
2719  overNow = overWeightNow;
2720  boostNow = enhanceFurther;
2722  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
2723  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it ) {
2725  // No weight bookkeeping for non-variation components of kernel vector.
2726  if (it->first == "base_order_as2") continue;
2728  double wv = auxWeightNow/overWeightNow
2729  * (overWeightNow- it->second/enhanceFurther)
2730  / (auxWeightNow - fullWeightNow);
2731  if (abs(wv) > 1e0) {
2732  direInfoPtr->message(1)
2733  << scientific << setprecision(15)
2734  << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
2735  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large reject weight=" << wv
2736  << "\t for kernel=" << it->second
2737  << " " << fullWeightNow << " overestimate=" << overNow
2738  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNow << " at pT2="
2739  << tnow
2740  << " for " << splittingNowName << endl;
2741  }
2742  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow,wv));
2743  }
2744  }
2746  splittingNowName="";
2747  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2748  fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2750  // Leave unconverted for now.
2751  if (abs(idDaughter)==4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false;}
2752  if (abs(idDaughter)==5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false;}
2754  // Finish evolution if PDF vanishes.
2755  double tnew = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac*tnow;
2756  tnew = max(tnew, pT2min);
2757  bool inNew = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xDaughter, tnew) : true;
2758  if (hasPDFdau && !inNew) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
2760  // Bad sign if repeated looping with small daughter PDF, so fail.
2761  // (Example: if all PDF's = 0 below Q_0, except for c/b companion.)
2762  if (hasTinyPDFdau) ++loopTinyPDFdau;
2763  if (hasPDFdau && loopTinyPDFdau > MAXLOOPTINYPDF) {
2764  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD: "
2765  "small daughter PDF");
2766  dip.pT2 = 0.0;
2767  return false;
2768  }
2770  // Initialize integrals of splitting kernels and evaluate parton
2771  // densities at the beginning. Reinitialize after long evolution
2772  // in pT2 or when crossing c and b flavour thresholds.
2773  if (needNewPDF
2774  || tnow < evalpdfstep(event[iRadi].id(), tnow, m2cPhys, m2bPhys)*teval) {
2776  teval = tnow;
2777  hasTinyPDFdau = false;
2779  newOverestimates.clear();
2780  kernelPDF = 0.;
2782  // Determine overestimated z range; switch at c and b masses.
2783  if (tnow > m2b) {
2784  nFlavour = 5;
2785  Lambda2 = Lambda5flav2;
2786  } else if (tnow > m2c) {
2787  nFlavour = 4;
2788  Lambda2 = Lambda4flav2;
2789  } else {
2790  nFlavour = 3;
2791  Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
2792  }
2794  // A change of renormalization scale expressed by a change of Lambda.
2795  Lambda2 /= renormMultFac;
2796  zMinAbs = (hasPDFdau) ? xDaughter : 0.;
2797  zMaxAbs = 1.;
2799  // Parton density of daughter at current scale.
2800  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac*tnow;
2801  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, pT2min);
2802  xPDFdaughter = getXPDF(idDaughter, xDaughter, pdfScale2, iSysNow, &beam);
2803  if ( hasPDFdau && xPDFdaughter != 0.
2804  && abs(xPDFdaughter) < tinypdf(xDaughter)) {
2805  int sign = (xPDFdaughter > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
2806  xPDFdaughter = sign*tinypdf(xDaughter);
2807  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
2808  }
2810  // Calculate and add user-defined overestimates.
2811  getNewOverestimates( idDaughter, &dip, event, teval,
2812  xDaughter, zMinAbs, zMaxAbs, newOverestimates);
2813  addNewOverestimates(newOverestimates, kernelPDF);
2815  // Store pT at which overestimate has been evaluated.
2816  dip.pT2Old = teval;
2818  // End evaluation of splitting kernels and parton densities.
2819  needNewPDF = false;
2820  }
2822  if (kernelPDF < TINYKERNELPDF) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
2823  if (newOverestimates.empty()) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
2825  // Generate next evolution scale.
2826  bool forceFixedAs = (tnow < pT2min);
2827  tnow = tNextQCD( &dip, kernelPDF, tnow, pT2endDip, pT2freeze,
2828  (forceBranching ? -1 : 1));
2829  if (tnow < 0.) {
2830  wt = dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.;
2831  double R0 = kernelPDF*rndmPtr->flat();
2832  if (!newOverestimates.empty()) {
2833  if (newOverestimates.lower_bound(R0) == newOverestimates.end())
2834  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.rbegin()->second;
2835  else
2836  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.lower_bound(R0)->second;
2837  }
2838  break;
2839  }
2841  // Abort evolution if below cutoff scale, or below another branching.
2842  if ( tnow <= pT2endDip) { dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break; }
2844  // Check for pT2 values that prompt special action.
2845  // If crossed b threshold, continue evolution from this threshold.
2846  if (nFlavour == 5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) {
2847  needNewPDF = true;
2848  // If crossed c threshold, continue evolution from this threshold.
2849  } else if (nFlavour == 4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) {
2850  needNewPDF = true;
2851  }
2853  // Leave heavy quarks below threshold unconverted for now.
2854  if (abs(idDaughter) == 5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) {
2855  dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break;
2856  } else if (abs(idDaughter) == 4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) {
2857  dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break;
2858  }
2860  double xMin = xDaughter;
2861  if (!hasPDFdau) xMin = 0.;
2863  // Select z value of branching to g, and corrective weight.
2864  // User-defined splittings.
2865  double R = kernelPDF*rndmPtr->flat();
2866  if (!newOverestimates.empty()) {
2867  if (newOverestimates.lower_bound(R) == newOverestimates.end())
2868  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.rbegin()->second;
2869  else
2870  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.lower_bound(R)->second;
2871  getNewSplitting( event, &dip, teval, xMin, tnow, zMinAbs,
2872  zMaxAbs, idDaughter, splittingNowName, forceFixedAs, idMother,
2873  idSister, znow, wt, fullWeightsNow, overWeightNow);
2874  }
2876  // Impossible emission (e.g. if outside allowed z range for given pT2).
2877  if ( wt == 0.) {
2878  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2879  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2880  nContinue++; continue;
2881  }
2883  fullWeightNow = fullWeightsNow["base"];
2885  // Disallow gluon -> heavy quark, heavy quark --> light quark and
2886  // light quark -> heavy quark if pT has fallen below 2*mQuark.
2887  if ( tnow <= 4.*m2bPhys
2888  && ( (abs(idDaughter) == 21 && abs(idSister) == 5)
2889  || (abs(idDaughter) == 5 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2)
2890  || (abs(idSister) == 5 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2))) {
2891  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2892  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2893  nContinue++; continue;
2894  } else if ( tnow <= 4.*m2cPhys
2895  && ( (abs(idDaughter) == 21 && abs(idSister) == 4)
2896  || (abs(idDaughter) == 4 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2)
2897  || (abs(idSister) == 4 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2))) {
2898  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2899  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2900  nContinue++; continue;
2901  }
2903  // Get particle masses.
2904  double m2Bef = 0.0;
2905  double m2r = 0.0;
2906  // Force emission massless for now.
2907  double m2e = 0.0;
2908  double m2s = 0.;
2909  double q2 = (event[iRadi].p()+event[iReco].p()).m2Calc();
2911  // Discard this 1->3 splitting if the pT has fallen below mEmission (since
2912  // such splittings would not be included in the virtual corrections to the
2913  // 1->2 kernels. Note that the threshold is pT>mEmission,since alphaS is
2914  // evaluated at pT, not virtuality sa1).
2915  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 )
2916  if ( (abs(idSister) == 4 && tnow < m2cPhys)
2917  || (abs(idSister) == 5 && tnow < m2bPhys)) {
2918  needNewPDF = true;
2919  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2920  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2921  nContinue++; continue;
2922  }
2924  // Pick remaining variables for 1->3 splitting.
2925  double m2a(m2r), m2i(getMass(idMother,2)),
2926  m2j(getMass(-event[iRadi].id(),2)), m2aij(m2Bef), m2k(m2s);
2928  // Adjust the dipole kinematical mass to accomodate masses after branching.
2929  double m2DipCorr = m2Dip - m2Bef + m2r + m2e;
2930  // Calculate CS variables.
2931  double kappa2 = tnow / m2DipCorr;
2932  double xCS = (znow*(1-znow)- kappa2)/(1-znow);
2934  // Jacobian for 1->3 splittings, in CS variables.
2935  double jacobian(1.);
2937  bool canUseSplitInfo = splits[splittingNowName]->canUseForBranching();
2938  if (canUseSplitInfo) {
2939  jacobian
2940  = splits[splittingNowName]->getJacobian(event,partonSystemsPtr);
2941  unordered_map<string,double> psvars
2942  = splits[splittingNowName]->
2943  getPhasespaceVars( event, partonSystemsPtr);
2944  xMother = psvars["xInAft"];
2945  } else {
2946  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 ) {
2947  double za = dip.z;
2948  double xa = dip.xa;
2949  xCS = za * (q2 - m2a - m2i - m2j - m2k) / q2;
2951  // Calculate Jacobian.
2952  double sab = q2/za + m2a + m2k;
2953  jacobian = (sab-m2a-m2k) / sqrt(lABC(sab, m2a, m2k) );
2954  double sai = dip.sa1;
2955  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
2956  double sjq = q2*xa/za + m2ai + m2k;
2957  jacobian *= (sjq-m2ai-m2k) / sqrt(lABC(sjq, m2ai, m2k) );
2958  // Additional factor from massive propagator.
2959  jacobian *= 1. / (1. - (m2ai + m2j - m2aij) / (dip.pT2/dip.xa)) ;
2960  }
2961  xMother = xDaughter/xCS;
2962  }
2964  // Evaluation of new daughter and mother PDF's.
2965  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac * tnow;
2966  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, tnow);
2967  double pdfScale2Old = pdfScale2;
2968  double pdfScale2New = pdfScale2;
2969  if (forceBranching) pdfScale2Old = pdfScale2New = infoPtr->Q2Fac();
2970  bool inD = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xDaughter, pdfScale2Old) : true;
2971  bool inM = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xMother, pdfScale2New) : true;
2972  double xPDFdaughterNew = getXPDF( idDaughter, xDaughter, pdfScale2Old,
2973  iSysNow, &beam, false, znow, m2Dip);
2974  double xPDFmotherNew = getXPDF( idMother, xMother, pdfScale2New,
2975  iSysNow, &beam, false, znow, m2Dip);
2976  if ( hasPDFdau && xPDFdaughterNew != 0.
2977  && abs(xPDFdaughterNew) < tinypdf(xDaughter) ) {
2978  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
2979  needNewPDF = true;
2980  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2981  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2982  nContinue++; continue;
2983  }
2985  // Extreme case of low-scale gluon, for which denominator rapidly
2986  // approaches zero. In this case, cut off branching probability if
2987  // daughter PDF fell too rapidly, to avoid large shower
2988  // weights. (Note: Last resort - would like something more
2989  // physical here!)
2990  double xPDFdaughterLow = getXPDF( idDaughter, xDaughter,
2991  pdfScale2Old*pdfScale2Old/max(teval,pT2min), iSysNow, &beam);
2992  if ( hasPDFdau && idDaughter == 21
2993  && ( abs(xPDFdaughterNew/xPDFdaughter) < 1e-4
2994  || abs(xPDFdaughterLow/xPDFdaughterNew) < 1e-4) ) {
2995  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
2996  needNewPDF = true;
2997  fullWeightsNow.clear();
2998  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
2999  nContinue++; continue;
3000  }
3002  // Set PDF ratio to zero if x-/pT-values are out-of-bounds.
3003  double pdfRatio = (inD && inM) ? xPDFmotherNew/xPDFdaughterNew : 0.;
3005  // More last resort.
3006  if (hasPDFdau && idDaughter == 21 && pdfScale2 == pT2min && pdfRatio>50.)
3007  pdfRatio = 0.;
3009  fullWeightNow *= pdfRatio*jacobian;
3011  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3012  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it )
3013  it->second *= pdfRatio*jacobian;
3015  // Before generating kinematics: Reset sai if the kernel fell on an
3016  // endpoint contribution.
3017  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 )
3018  dip.sa1 = splits[splittingNowName]->splitInfo.kinematics()->sai;
3020  if ( fullWeightNow == 0. ) {
3021  needNewPDF = true;
3022  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3023  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3024  nContinue++; continue;
3025  }
3027  // Retrieve argument of alphaS.
3028  double scale2 = splits[splittingNowName]->couplingScale2 ( dip.z, tnow,
3029  m2DipCorr,
3030  make_pair (event[dip.iRadiator].id(), event[dip.iRadiator].isFinal()),
3031  make_pair (event[dip.iRecoiler].id(), event[dip.iRecoiler].isFinal()));
3032  if (scale2 < 0.) scale2 = tnow;
3033  double talpha = max(scale2, pT2min);
3035  // Reweight to match PDF alpha_s, including corrective terms for
3036  // renormalisation scale variation.
3037  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, wt, fullWeightNow,
3038  overWeightNow, renormMultFac);
3040  // Create muR-variations.
3041  double asw = 1.;
3042  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3043  renormMultFac);
3044  fullWeightsNow["base"] *= asw;
3045  if (fullWeightsNow.find("base_order_as2") != fullWeightsNow.end())
3046  fullWeightsNow["base_order_as2"] *= asw;
3047  if (doVariations) {
3048  if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") != string::npos
3049  && settingsPtr->parm("Variations:muRisrDown") != 1.) {
3050  asw = 1.;
3051  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3052  (tnow > pT2minVariations) ? settingsPtr->parm
3053  ("Variations:muRisrDown")*renormMultFac
3054  : renormMultFac);
3055  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrDown"] *= asw;
3056  } else if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") == string::npos )
3057  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrDown"] *= asw;
3058  if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") != string::npos
3059  && settingsPtr->parm("Variations:muRisrUp") != 1.) {
3060  asw = 1.;
3061  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3062  (tnow > pT2minVariations) ? settingsPtr->parm
3063  ("Variations:muRisrUp")*renormMultFac
3064  : renormMultFac);
3065  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrUp"] *= asw;
3066  } else if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") == string::npos )
3067  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrUp"] *= asw;
3069  // PDF variations.
3070  if (hasPDFdau && settingsPtr->flag("Variations:PDFup") ) {
3071  int valSea = (beam[iSysNow].isValence()) ? 1 : 0;
3072  if( beam[iSysNow].isUnmatched() ) valSea = 2;
3073  beam.calcPDFEnvelope( make_pair(idMother, idDaughter),
3074  make_pair(xMother, xDaughter), pdfScale2, valSea);
3075  PDF::PDFEnvelope ratioPDFEnv = beam.getPDFEnvelope();
3076  double deltaPDFplus
3077  = min(ratioPDFEnv.errplusPDF / ratioPDFEnv.centralPDF, 10.);
3078  double deltaPDFminus
3079  = min(ratioPDFEnv.errminusPDF / ratioPDFEnv.centralPDF, 10.);
3080  fullWeightsNow["Variations:PDFup"] = fullWeightsNow["base"]
3081  * ((tnow > pT2minVariations) ? (1.0 + deltaPDFplus) : 1.0);
3082  fullWeightsNow["Variations:PDFdown"] = fullWeightsNow["base"]
3083  * ((tnow > pT2minVariations) ? (1.0 - deltaPDFminus) : 1.0);
3084  }
3085  }
3087  // Set auxiliary weight and ensure that accept probability is positive.
3088  auxWeightNow = overWeightNow;
3090  // Ensure that accept probability is positive.
3091  if (fullWeightNow < 0.) {
3092  auxWeightNow *= -1.;
3093  }
3095  // Reset overestimate if necessary.
3096  if ( fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow > 1.) {
3097  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
3098  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large acceptance weight="
3099  << fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow
3100  << " for splitting " << splittingNowName << " at pT2=" << tnow
3101  << " and z=" << znow << "\t(PDF ratio=" << pdfRatio << ")" << endl;
3102  double rescale = fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow * 1.15;
3103  auxWeightNow *= rescale;
3104  infoPtr->errorMsg("Info in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_II: Found large "
3105  "acceptance weight for " + splittingNowName);
3106  }
3108  wt = fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow;
3110  // Iterate until acceptable pT (or have fallen below pTmin).
3111  } while (wt < rndmPtr->flat()) ;
3113  // Not possible to find splitting.
3114  if ( wt == 0.) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
3116  // Update accepted event weight. No weighted shower for first
3117  // "pseudo-emission" step in 1->3 splitting.
3118  if ( fullWeightNow != 0. && overWeightNow != 0. ) {
3119  double enhanceFurther
3120  = enhanceOverestimateFurther(splittingNowName, idDaughter, teval);
3121  if (doTrialNow) {
3122  weights->addTrialEnhancement(tnow, enhanceFurther);
3123  enhanceFurther = 1.;
3124  }
3125  kernelNow = fullWeightsNow;
3126  auxNow = auxWeightNow;
3127  overNow = overWeightNow;
3128  boostNow = enhanceFurther;
3129  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3130  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it ) {
3132  // No weight bookkeeping for non-variation components of kernel vector.
3133  if (it->first == "base_order_as2") continue;
3135  acceptProbability[it->first].insert(make_pair(tnow,
3136  auxWeightNow/overWeightNow * 1./enhanceFurther
3137  * it->second/fullWeightNow ) );
3138  if (auxWeightNow == fullWeightNow && overWeightNow == fullWeightNow)
3139  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow, 1.0));
3140  else {
3141  double wv = auxWeightNow/overWeightNow
3142  * (overWeightNow- it->second/enhanceFurther)
3143  / (auxWeightNow - fullWeightNow);
3144  if (abs(wv) > 1e0) {
3145  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
3146  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large reject weight=" << wv
3147  << "\t for kernel=" << it->second << " overestimate=" << overNow
3148  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNow << " at pT2="
3149  << tnow
3150  << " for " << splittingNowName << endl;
3151  }
3152  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow, wv));
3153  }
3154  }
3155  }
3157  double zStore = dip.z;
3158  double xaStore = dip.xa;
3159  double pT2Store = dip.pT2;
3160  double sa1Store = dip.sa1;
3161  double Q2store = 0.;
3163  // Save values for (so far) acceptable branching.
3164  dipEndNow->store( idDaughter,idMother, idSister,
3165  x1Now, x2Now, m2Dip, pT2Store, zStore, sa1Store, xaStore, xMother,
3166  Q2store, mSister, m2Sister, pT2corr, dip.phi, dip.phia1);
3168  // Done
3169  return true;
3171 }
3173 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3175 // Evolve a QCD dipole end.
3177 bool DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_IF( double pT2begDip, double pT2sel,
3178  DireSpaceEnd& dip, Event& event, double pT2endForce, double pT2freeze,
3179  bool forceBranching) {
3181  // Lower cut for evolution. Return if no evolution range.
3182  double pT2endDip = max( pT2sel, pT2cutMin(&dip));
3183  if (pT2endForce >= 0.) pT2endDip = pT2endForce;
3184  if (pT2begDip < pT2endDip) return false;
3186  // Reset dipole mass.
3187  int iRadi = dip.iRadiator;
3188  int iReco = dip.iRecoiler;
3189  m2Dip = abs(2.*event[iRadi].p()*event[iReco].p());
3190  dip.m2Dip = m2Dip;
3192  // Some properties and kinematical starting values.
3193  BeamParticle& beam = (sideA && particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamAPtr->id()))
3194  ? *beamAPtr
3195  : (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamBPtr->id()) ? *beamBPtr
3196  : *beamAPtr );
3197  double tnow = pT2begDip;
3198  double xMaxAbs = beam.xMax(iSysNow);
3199  double zMinAbs = xDaughter;
3201  // Get momentum of other beam, since this might be needed to calculate
3202  // the Jacobian.
3203  int iOther = sideA ? getInB(iSysNow) : getInA(iSysNow);
3204  Vec4 pOther(event[iOther].p());
3206  if (usePDF && xMaxAbs < 0.) {
3207  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_IF: "
3208  "xMaxAbs negative");
3209  return false;
3210  }
3212  // Variables used inside evolution loop. (Mainly dummy starting values.)
3213  int nFlavour = 3;
3214  double Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
3215  int idMother = 0;
3216  int idSister = 0;
3217  double znow = 0.;
3218  double zMaxAbs = 0.;
3219  double xPDFdaughter = 0.;
3220  double kernelPDF = 0.;
3221  double xMother = 0.;
3222  double wt = 0.;
3223  double mSister = 0.;
3224  double m2Sister = 0.;
3225  double pT2corr = 0.;
3226  double teval = pT2begDip;
3227  bool needNewPDF = true;
3228  bool hasPDFdau = hasPDF(idDaughter);
3229  if (!hasPDFdau) zMinAbs = 0.;
3231  multimap<double,string> newOverestimates;
3232  unordered_map<string,double> fullWeightsNow;
3233  double fullWeightNow(0.), overWeightNow(0.), auxWeightNow(0.), daux(0.);
3235  // Begin evolution loop towards smaller pT values.
3236  int loopTinyPDFdau = 0;
3237  int nContinue(0), nContinueMax(10000);
3238  bool hasTinyPDFdau = false;
3239  do {
3241  wt = 0.;
3242  znow = -1.;
3243  dip.phi = -1.0;
3244  dip.phia1 = -1.0;
3245  tnow = (!forceBranching) ? tnow : pT2begDip;
3247  // Force exit if non-Sudakov style forced branching is stuck.
3248  if (forceBranching && nContinue >= nContinueMax) {
3249  wt = 0.0; dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.;
3250  break;
3251  }
3253  // Update event weight after one step.
3254  if ( fullWeightNow != 0. && overWeightNow != 0. ) {
3255  double enhanceFurther
3256  = enhanceOverestimateFurther(splittingNowName, idDaughter, teval);
3257  if (doTrialNow) enhanceFurther = 1.;
3258  kernelNow = fullWeightsNow;
3259  auxNow = auxWeightNow;
3260  overNow = overWeightNow;
3261  boostNow = enhanceFurther;
3262  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3263  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it ) {
3265  // No weight bookkeeping for non-variation components of kernel vector.
3266  if (it->first == "base_order_as2") continue;
3268  double wv = auxWeightNow/overWeightNow
3269  * (overWeightNow- it->second/enhanceFurther)
3270  / (auxWeightNow - fullWeightNow);
3271  if (abs(wv) > 1e0) {
3272  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
3273  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large reject weight=" << wv
3274  << "\t for kernel=" << it->second << " overestimate=" << overNow
3275  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNow << " at pT2="
3276  << tnow
3277  << " for " << splittingNowName << endl;
3278  }
3279  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow,wv));
3280  }
3281  }
3283  splittingNowName="";
3284  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3285  fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3287  // Leave unconverted for now.
3288  if (abs(idDaughter)==4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false;}
3289  if (abs(idDaughter)==5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false;}
3291  // Finish evolution if PDF vanishes.
3292  double tnew = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac*tnow;
3293  tnew = max(tnew, pT2min);
3294  bool inNew = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xDaughter, tnew) : true;
3295  if (!inNew && hasPDFdau) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
3297  // Bad sign if repeated looping with small daughter PDF, so fail.
3298  // (Example: if all PDF's = 0 below Q_0, except for c/b companion.)
3299  if (hasTinyPDFdau) ++loopTinyPDFdau;
3300  if ( hasPDFdau && loopTinyPDFdau > MAXLOOPTINYPDF) {
3301  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_IF: "
3302  "small daughter PDF");
3303  dip.pT2 = 0.0;
3304  return false;
3305  }
3307  // Initialize integrals of splitting kernels and evaluate parton
3308  // densities at the beginning. Reinitialize after long evolution
3309  // in pT2 or when crossing c and b flavour thresholds.
3310  if ( needNewPDF
3311  || tnow < evalpdfstep(event[iRadi].id(), tnow, m2cPhys, m2bPhys)*teval) {
3312  teval = tnow;
3313  hasTinyPDFdau = false;
3315  newOverestimates.clear();
3316  kernelPDF = 0.;
3318  // Determine overestimated z range; switch at c and b masses.
3319  if (tnow > m2b) {
3320  nFlavour = 5;
3321  Lambda2 = Lambda5flav2;
3322  } else if (tnow > m2c) {
3323  nFlavour = 4;
3324  Lambda2 = Lambda4flav2;
3325  } else {
3326  nFlavour = 3;
3327  Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
3328  }
3330  // A change of renormalization scale expressed by a change of Lambda.
3331  Lambda2 /= renormMultFac;
3332  zMinAbs = (hasPDFdau) ? xDaughter : 0.;
3333  zMaxAbs = 1.;
3335  // Parton density of daughter at current scale.
3336  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac*tnow;
3337  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, pT2min);
3338  xPDFdaughter = getXPDF(idDaughter, xDaughter, pdfScale2, iSysNow, &beam);
3339  if ( hasPDFdau && xPDFdaughter != 0.
3340  && abs(xPDFdaughter) < tinypdf(xDaughter)) {
3341  int sign = (xPDFdaughter > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
3342  xPDFdaughter = sign*tinypdf(xDaughter);
3343  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
3344  }
3346  // Calculate and add user-defined overestimates.
3347  getNewOverestimates( idDaughter, &dip, event, teval,
3348  xDaughter, zMinAbs, zMaxAbs, newOverestimates );
3349  addNewOverestimates(newOverestimates, kernelPDF);
3351  // End evaluation of splitting kernels and parton densities.
3352  needNewPDF = false;
3354  // Store pT at which overestimate has been evaluated.
3355  dip.pT2Old = teval;
3357  }
3359  if (kernelPDF < TINYKERNELPDF) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
3360  if (newOverestimates.empty()) return false;
3362  // Generate next evolution scale.
3363  bool forceFixedAs = (tnow < pT2min);
3364  tnow = tNextQCD( &dip, kernelPDF, tnow, pT2endDip, pT2freeze,
3365  (forceBranching ? -1 : 1));
3366  if (tnow < 0.) {
3367  wt = dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.;
3368  double R0 = kernelPDF*rndmPtr->flat();
3369  if (!newOverestimates.empty()) {
3370  if (newOverestimates.lower_bound(R0) == newOverestimates.end())
3371  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.rbegin()->second;
3372  else
3373  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.lower_bound(R0)->second;
3374  }
3375  break;
3376  }
3378  // Abort evolution if below cutoff scale, or below another branching.
3379  if (tnow <= pT2endDip) { dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break; }
3381  // Check for pT2 values that prompt special action.
3382  // If crossed b threshold, continue evolution from this threshold.
3383  if (nFlavour == 5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) {
3384  needNewPDF = true;
3385  // If crossed c threshold, continue evolution from this threshold.
3386  } else if (nFlavour == 4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) {
3387  needNewPDF = true;
3388  }
3390  // Leave heavy quarks below threshold unconverted for now.
3391  if (abs(idDaughter) == 5 && tnow <= m2bPhys) {
3392  dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break;
3393  } else if (abs(idDaughter) == 4 && tnow <= m2cPhys) {
3394  dip.pT2 = tnow = 0.; break;
3395  }
3397  double xMin = xDaughter;
3398  if (!hasPDFdau) xMin = 0.;
3400  // Select z value of branching, and corrective weight.
3401  double R = kernelPDF*rndmPtr->flat();
3402  if (!newOverestimates.empty()) {
3403  if (newOverestimates.lower_bound(R) == newOverestimates.end())
3404  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.rbegin()->second;
3405  else
3406  splittingNowName = newOverestimates.lower_bound(R)->second;
3407  getNewSplitting( event, &dip, teval, xMin, tnow, zMinAbs,
3408  zMaxAbs, idDaughter, splittingNowName, forceFixedAs, idMother,
3409  idSister, znow, wt, fullWeightsNow, overWeightNow);
3411  }
3413  // Impossible emission (e.g. if outside allowed z range for given pT2).
3414  if ( wt == 0.) {
3415  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3416  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3417  nContinue++; continue;
3418  }
3420  fullWeightNow = fullWeightsNow["base"];
3422  // Disallow gluon -> heavy quark, heavy quark --> light quark and
3423  // light quark -> heavy quark if pT has fallen below 2*mQuark.
3424  if ( tnow <= 4.*m2bPhys
3425  && ( (abs(idDaughter) == 21 && abs(idSister) == 5)
3426  || (abs(idDaughter) == 5 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2)
3427  || (abs(idSister) == 5 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2))) {
3428  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3429  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3430  nContinue++; continue;
3431  } else if ( tnow <= 4.*m2cPhys
3432  && ( (abs(idDaughter) == 21 && abs(idSister) == 4)
3433  || (abs(idDaughter) == 4 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2)
3434  || (abs(idSister) == 4 && splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions()==2))) {
3435  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3436  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3437  nContinue++; continue;
3438  }
3440  // Get particle masses.
3441  double m2Bef = 0.0;
3442  double m2r = 0.0;
3443  // Emission mass (here only used to calculate argument of alphas)
3444  double m2e = (abs(idSister)<6) ? getMass(idSister,2) : getMass(idSister,1);
3445  if (!forceMassiveMap) m2e = 0.0;
3446  double m2s = particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[dip.iRecoiler].id())
3447  ? getMass(event[dip.iRecoiler].id(),3,
3448  event[dip.iRecoiler].mCalc())
3449  : (event[dip.iRecoiler].idAbs() < 6)
3450  ? getMass(event[dip.iRecoiler].id(),2)
3451  : getMass(event[dip.iRecoiler].id(),1);
3453  // Discard this 1->3 splitting if the pT has fallen below mEmission (since
3454  // such splittings would not be included in the virtual corrections to the
3455  // 1->2 kernels. Note that the threshold is pT>mEmission,since alphaS is
3456  // evaluated at pT, not virtuality sa1).
3457  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 )
3458  if ( (abs(idSister) == 4 && tnow < m2cPhys)
3459  || (abs(idSister) == 5 && tnow < m2bPhys)) {
3460  needNewPDF = true;
3461  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3462  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3463  nContinue++; continue;
3464  }
3466  // Pick remaining variables for 1->3 splitting.
3467  double jacobian(1.), m2aij(m2Bef), m2ai(0.), m2a(m2r),
3468  m2i(getMass(idMother,2)),
3469  m2j(getMass(-event[iRadi].id(),2)), m2k(m2s);
3470  m2ai = -dip.sa1 + m2a + m2i;
3471  double q2 = (event[iRadi].p()-event[iReco].p()).m2Calc();
3473  bool canUseSplitInfo = splits[splittingNowName]->canUseForBranching();
3474  if (canUseSplitInfo) {
3475  jacobian
3476  = splits[splittingNowName]->getJacobian(event,partonSystemsPtr);
3477  unordered_map<string,double> psvars = splits[splittingNowName]->
3478  getPhasespaceVars( event, partonSystemsPtr);
3479  xMother = psvars["xInAft"];
3480  } else {
3482  // Jacobian for 1->3 splittings, in CS variables.
3483  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 ) {
3484  double m2jk = dip.pT2/dip.xa + q2*( 1. - dip.xa/dip.z) - m2ai;
3486  // Construnct the new initial state momentum, as needed to
3487  // calculate the Jacobian.
3488  double uCS = dip.z*(m2ai-m2a-m2i)/q2;
3489  double xCS = uCS + dip.xa - (dip.pT2*dip.z)/(q2*dip.xa);
3490  Vec4 q( event[iRadi].p() - event[iReco].p() );
3491  double sHatBef = (event[iRadi].p() + pOther).m2Calc();
3492  double sijk = q2*(1.-1./dip.z) - m2a;
3494  // sHat after emission depends on the recoil scheme if the incoming
3495  // particles have non-zero mass.
3496  // Local scheme.
3497  double sHatAft(0.);
3498  if (!useGlobalMapIF) {
3500  // Get transverse and parallel vectors.
3501  Vec4 pTk_tilde(event[iReco].p().px(), event[iReco].p().py(), 0., 0.);
3502  Vec4 qpar( q + pTk_tilde );
3503  // Calculate derived variables.
3504  double q2par = qpar.m2Calc();
3505  double pT2k = -pTk_tilde.m2Calc();
3506  double s_i_jk = (1. - 1./xCS)*(q2 - m2a) + (m2i + m2jk) / xCS;
3507  // Construct radiator after branching.
3508  Vec4 pa( ( event[iRadi].p() - 0.5*(q2-m2aij-m2k)/q2par * qpar )
3509  * sqrt( (lABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a) - 4.*m2a*pT2k)
3510  / (lABC(q2,m2k,m2aij) - 4.*m2aij*pT2k))
3511  + qpar * 0.5 * (q2 + m2a - s_i_jk) / q2par);
3512  // Now get changed eCM.
3513  sHatAft = (pa + pOther).m2Calc();
3515  // Global scheme.
3516  } else {
3518  // Construct radiator after branching.
3519  // Simple massless case.
3520  Vec4 pa;
3522  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
3523  Vec4 pb_tilde( event[iReco].p() );
3524  Vec4 pa12_tilde( event[iRadi].p() );
3525  q.p(pb_tilde-pa12_tilde);
3527  // Calculate derived variables.
3528  double zbar = (q2-m2ai-m2jk) / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
3529  *( (xCS - 1)/(xCS-uCS) - m2jk / gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
3530  * (m2ai + m2i - m2a) / (q2 - m2ai - m2jk));
3531  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2ai - (1-zbar)*m2i - zbar*m2a;
3533  // Now construct recoiler in lab frame.
3534  Vec4 pjk( (pb_tilde - q*pb_tilde/q2*q)
3535  *sqrt(lABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)/lABC(q2,m2aij,m2k))
3536  + 0.5*(q2+m2jk-m2ai)/q2*q );
3538  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
3539  Vec4 pai(-q+pjk);
3541  // Set up kT vector by using two perpendicular four-vectors.
3542  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pai, pjk);
3543  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(dip.phi)*pTvecs.first
3544  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(dip.phi)*pTvecs.second);
3546  // Construct new emission momentum.
3547  Vec4 pi( - zbar *(gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)*pai + m2ai*pjk)
3548  / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
3549  + ( (1.-zbar)*m2ai + m2i - m2a) / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
3550  * (pjk + m2jk/gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)*pai)
3551  + kTmom);
3553  // Contruct radiator momentum by momentum conservation.
3554  pa.p(-q+pjk+pi);
3556  // Now get changed eCM.
3557  sHatAft = (pa + pOther).m2Calc();
3558  }
3560  // Now calculate Jacobian.
3561  double m2Other = pOther.m2Calc();
3562  double rho_aij = sqrt( lABC(sHatBef, m2a, m2Other)
3563  /lABC(sHatAft, m2a, m2Other));
3564  jacobian = rho_aij / dip.z * (sijk + m2a - q2)
3565  / sqrt(lABC(sijk, m2a, q2));
3566  // Additional jacobian for non-competing steps.
3567  jacobian *= -q2 * dip.xa / dip.z / sqrt(lABC(m2jk, m2ai, q2));
3568  // Additional factor from massive propagator.
3569  jacobian *= 1. / (1. - (m2ai + m2j - m2aij) / (dip.pT2/dip.xa)) ;
3570  }
3572  // Calculate CS variables.
3573  double xCS = znow;
3574  xMother = xDaughter/xCS;
3575  }
3577  // Multiply with Jacobian.
3578  fullWeightNow *= jacobian;
3579  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3580  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it )
3581  it->second *= jacobian;
3583  // Evaluation of new daughter and mother PDF's.
3584  double pdfRatio = 1.;
3585  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac * tnow;
3586  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, pT2min);
3587  double pdfScale2Old = pdfScale2;
3588  double pdfScale2New = pdfScale2;
3589  if (forceBranching) pdfScale2Old = pdfScale2New = infoPtr->Q2Fac();
3590  bool inD = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xDaughter, pdfScale2Old) : true;
3591  bool inM = (hasPDFdau) ? beam.insideBounds(xMother, pdfScale2New) : true;
3592  double xPDFdaughterNew = getXPDF( idDaughter, xDaughter, pdfScale2Old,
3593  iSysNow, &beam, true, znow, m2Dip);
3594  double xPDFmotherNew = getXPDF( idMother, xMother, pdfScale2New,
3595  iSysNow, &beam, true, znow, m2Dip);
3597  if ( hasPDFdau && xPDFdaughterNew != 0.
3598  && abs(xPDFdaughterNew) < tinypdf(xDaughter) ) {
3599  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
3600  needNewPDF = true;
3601  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3602  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3603  nContinue++; continue;
3604  }
3606  // Extreme case of low-scale gluon, for which denominator rapidly
3607  // approaches zero. In this case, cut off branching probability if
3608  // daughter PDF fell too rapidly, to avoid large shower weights.
3609  // (Note: Last resort - would like something more physical here!)
3610  double xPDFdaughterLow = getXPDF( idDaughter, xDaughter,
3611  pdfScale2Old * pdfScale2Old/max(teval,pT2min), iSysNow, &beam);
3612  if ( hasPDFdau && idDaughter == 21
3613  && ( abs(xPDFdaughterNew/xPDFdaughter) < 1e-4
3614  || abs(xPDFdaughterLow/xPDFdaughterNew) < 1e-4) ) {
3615  hasTinyPDFdau = true;
3616  needNewPDF = true;
3617  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3618  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3619  nContinue++; continue;
3620  }
3622  // Set PDF ratio to zero if x-/pT-values are out-of-bounds.
3623  pdfRatio = (hasPDFdau) ?
3624  ((inD && inM) ? xPDFmotherNew/xPDFdaughterNew : 0.) : 1.;
3626  // More last resort.
3627  if (idDaughter == 21 && pdfScale2 < 1.01 && pdfRatio > 50.) pdfRatio = 0.;
3629  fullWeightNow *= pdfRatio;
3630  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3631  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it )
3632  it->second *= pdfRatio;
3634  // Before generating kinematics: Reset sai if the kernel fell on an
3635  // endpoint contribution.
3636  if ( splits[splittingNowName]->nEmissions() == 2 )
3637  dip.sa1 = splits[splittingNowName]->splitInfo.kinematics()->sai;
3639  if (fullWeightNow == 0.) {
3640  needNewPDF = true;
3641  fullWeightsNow.clear();
3642  wt = fullWeightNow = overWeightNow = auxWeightNow = 0.;
3643  nContinue++; continue;
3644  }
3646  // Retrieve argument of alphaS.
3647  double m2DipCorr = dip.m2Dip - m2Bef + m2r + m2e;
3648  double scale2 = splits[splittingNowName]->couplingScale2 (
3649  dip.z, tnow, m2DipCorr,
3650  make_pair (event[dip.iRadiator].id(), event[dip.iRadiator].isFinal()),
3651  make_pair (event[dip.iRecoiler].id(), event[dip.iRecoiler].isFinal()));
3652  if (scale2 < 0.) scale2 = tnow;
3653  double talpha = max(scale2, pT2min);
3655  // Reweight to match PDF alpha_s, including corrective terms for
3656  // renormalisation scale variation.
3657  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, wt, fullWeightNow,
3658  overWeightNow, renormMultFac);
3660  // Create muR-variations.
3661  double asw = 1.;
3662  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3663  renormMultFac);
3664  fullWeightsNow["base"] *= asw;
3665  if (fullWeightsNow.find("base_order_as2") != fullWeightsNow.end())
3666  fullWeightsNow["base_order_as2"] *= asw;
3667  if (doVariations) {
3668  if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") != string::npos
3669  && settingsPtr->parm("Variations:muRisrDown") != 1.) {
3670  asw = 1.;
3671  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3672  (tnow > pT2minVariations) ? settingsPtr->parm
3673  ("Variations:muRisrDown")*renormMultFac
3674  : renormMultFac);
3675  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrDown"] *= asw;
3676  } else if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") == string::npos )
3677  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrDown"] *= asw;
3678  if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") != string::npos
3679  && settingsPtr->parm("Variations:muRisrUp") != 1.) {
3680  asw = 1.;
3681  alphasReweight(tnow, talpha, dip.system, forceFixedAs, daux, asw, daux,
3682  (tnow > pT2minVariations) ? settingsPtr->parm
3683  ("Variations:muRisrUp")*renormMultFac
3684  : renormMultFac);
3685  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrUp"] *= asw;
3686  } else if ( splittingNowName.find("qcd") == string::npos )
3687  fullWeightsNow["Variations:muRisrUp"] *= asw;
3689  // PDF variations.
3690  if (hasPDFdau && settingsPtr->flag("Variations:PDFup") ) {
3691  int valSea = (beam[iSysNow].isValence()) ? 1 : 0;
3692  if( beam[iSysNow].isUnmatched() ) valSea = 2;
3693  beam.calcPDFEnvelope( make_pair(idMother, idDaughter),
3694  make_pair(xMother, xDaughter), pdfScale2, valSea);
3695  PDF::PDFEnvelope ratioPDFEnv = beam.getPDFEnvelope();
3696  double deltaPDFplus
3697  = min(ratioPDFEnv.errplusPDF / ratioPDFEnv.centralPDF, 10.);
3698  double deltaPDFminus
3699  = min(ratioPDFEnv.errminusPDF / ratioPDFEnv.centralPDF, 10.);
3700  fullWeightsNow["Variations:PDFup"] = fullWeightsNow["base"]
3701  * ((tnow > pT2minVariations) ? (1.0 + deltaPDFplus) : 1.0);
3702  fullWeightsNow["Variations:PDFdown"] = fullWeightsNow["base"]
3703  * ((tnow > pT2minVariations) ? (1.0 - deltaPDFminus) : 1.0);
3704  }
3705  }
3707  auxWeightNow = overWeightNow;
3709  // Ensure that accept probability is positive.
3710  if (fullWeightNow < 0.) {
3711  auxWeightNow *= -1.;
3712  }
3714  // Reset overestimate if necessary.
3715  if ( fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow > 1.) {
3716  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
3717  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large acceptance weight="
3718  << fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow
3719  << " for splitting " << splittingNowName << " at pT2=" << tnow
3720  << " and z=" << znow << "\t(PDF ratio=" << pdfRatio << ")" << " "
3721  << xMother << endl;
3722  double rescale = fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow * 1.15;
3723  auxWeightNow *= rescale;
3724  needNewPDF = true;
3725  infoPtr->errorMsg("Info in DireSpace::pT2nextQCD_IF: Found large "
3726  "acceptance weight for " + splittingNowName);
3727  }
3729  wt = fullWeightNow/auxWeightNow;
3731  // Iterate until acceptable pT (or have fallen below pTmin).
3732  } while (wt < rndmPtr->flat()) ;
3734  // Not possible to find splitting.
3735  if ( wt == 0.) { dip.pT2 = 0.0; return false; }
3737  // Update accepted event weight. No weighted shower for first
3738  // "pseudo-emission" step in 1->3 splitting.
3739  if ( fullWeightNow != 0. && overWeightNow != 0. ) {
3740  double enhanceFurther
3741  = enhanceOverestimateFurther(splittingNowName, idDaughter, teval);
3742  if (doTrialNow) {
3743  weights->addTrialEnhancement(tnow, enhanceFurther);
3744  enhanceFurther = 1.;
3745  }
3746  kernelNow = fullWeightsNow;
3747  auxNow = auxWeightNow;
3748  overNow = overWeightNow;
3749  boostNow = enhanceFurther;
3750  for ( unordered_map<string,double>::iterator it = fullWeightsNow.begin();
3751  it != fullWeightsNow.end(); ++it ) {
3753  // No weight bookkeeping for non-variation components of kernel vector.
3754  if (it->first == "base_order_as2") continue;
3756  acceptProbability[it->first].insert(make_pair(tnow,
3757  auxWeightNow/overWeightNow * 1./enhanceFurther
3758  * it->second/fullWeightNow ) );
3759  if (auxWeightNow == fullWeightNow && overWeightNow == fullWeightNow)
3760  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow, 1.0));
3761  else {
3762  double wv = auxWeightNow/overWeightNow
3763  * (overWeightNow- it->second/enhanceFurther)
3764  / (auxWeightNow - fullWeightNow);
3765  if (abs(wv) > 1e0) {
3766  direInfoPtr->message(1) << __FILE__ << " " << __func__
3767  << " " << __LINE__ << " : Large reject weight=" << wv
3768  << "\t for kernel=" << it->second << " overestimate=" << overNow
3769  << "\t aux. overestimate=" << auxNow << " at pT2="
3770  << tnow
3771  << " for " << splittingNowName << endl;
3772  }
3773  rejectProbability[it->first].insert( make_pair(tnow, wv));
3774  }
3775  }
3776  }
3778  double zStore = dip.z;
3779  double xaStore = dip.xa;
3780  double pT2Store = dip.pT2;
3781  double sa1Store = dip.sa1;
3782  double Q2store = 0.;
3784  // Save values for (so far) acceptable branching.
3785  dipEndNow->store( idDaughter, idMother, idSister,
3786  x1Now, x2Now, m2Dip, pT2Store, zStore, sa1Store, xaStore, xMother,
3787  Q2store, mSister, m2Sister, pT2corr, dip.phi, dip.phia1);
3789  // Done
3790  return true;
3792 }
3794 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3796 double DireSpace::tNextQCD( DireSpaceEnd*, double overestimateInt,
3797  double tOld, double tMin, double tFreeze, int algoType) {
3799  bool forceFixedAs = (tOld < pT2min);
3800  double asOver = (usePDFalphas || forceFixedAs)
3801  ? alphaS2piOverestimate : alphaS2pi;
3802  // Return if below cut-off.
3803  double rnd = rndmPtr->flat();
3804  // Use cut-off on random numbers to account for minimal t. Only implemented
3805  // for t-independent overestimates.
3806  if (usePDFalphas || alphaSorder == 0) {
3807  double rndMin = pow( tMin/tOld, asOver * overestimateInt);
3808  if (rnd < rndMin) return -1.*tMin;
3809  }
3811  // Determine LambdaQCD.
3812  double b0 = 4.5;
3813  double Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
3814  if (tOld > m2b) {
3815  b0 = 23./6.;
3816  Lambda2 = Lambda5flav2;
3817  } else if (tOld > m2c) {
3818  b0 = 25./6.;
3819  Lambda2 = Lambda4flav2;
3820  } else {
3821  b0 = 27./6.;
3822  Lambda2 = Lambda3flav2;
3823  }
3824  // A change of renormalization scale expressed by a change of Lambda.
3825  Lambda2 /= renormMultFac;
3827  // Generate next evolution scale.
3828  double Q2alphaS;
3829  double tnow = tOld;
3831  if (algoType<0)
3832  return pow(tMin+tFreeze,rnd) / pow(tnow+tFreeze,rnd-1) - tFreeze;
3834  if (usePDFalphas || forceFixedAs)
3835  tnow = (tnow+tFreeze) * pow( rnd,
3836  1. / (alphaS2piOverestimate * overestimateInt)) - tFreeze;
3838  else if (alphaSorder == 0)
3839  tnow = (tnow+tFreeze) * pow( rnd,
3840  1. / (alphaS2pi * overestimateInt) ) - tFreeze;
3842  else if (alphaSorder == 1)
3843  tnow = Lambda2 * pow( (tnow+tFreeze) / Lambda2,
3844  pow( rnd, b0 / overestimateInt) ) - tFreeze;
3846  else {
3847  do {
3848  tnow = Lambda2 * pow( (tnow+tFreeze) / Lambda2,
3849  pow(rndmPtr->flat(), b0 / overestimateInt) ) - tFreeze;
3850  Q2alphaS = renormMultFac * max( tnow+tFreeze,
3851  pow2(LAMBDA3MARGIN) * Lambda3flav2);
3852  } while (alphaS.alphaS2OrdCorr(Q2alphaS) < rndmPtr->flat()
3853  && tnow > tMin);
3854  }
3856  // Done.
3857  return tnow;
3859 }
3861 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3863 // Get auxiliary variable for branching of a QCD dipole end.
3865 bool DireSpace::zCollNextQCD( DireSpaceEnd* dip, double zMin, double zMax,
3866  double, double ) {
3868  // Choose logarithmically.
3869  dip->xa = zMax * pow( zMax/zMin, -rndmPtr->flat());
3871  // Done
3872  return true;
3874 }
3876 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3878 // Evolve a QCD dipole end.
3880 bool DireSpace::virtNextQCD( DireSpaceEnd* dip, double, double,
3881  double, double) {
3883  double v = (dip->z/dip->xa) * rndmPtr->flat();
3884  double m2j = dip->mass[2];
3885  dip->sa1 = v / (dip->z/dip->xa-v) * ( dip->pT2/dip->xa - m2j);
3886  if (abs(dip->z/dip->xa-v) < 1e-10) return false;
3888  // Done
3889  return true;
3891 }
3893 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3895 // Kinematics of branching.
3896 // Construct mother -> daughter + sister, with recoiler on other side.
3898 bool DireSpace::branch( Event& event) {
3900  if (abs(dipEndSel->pT2 - pT2cutMin(dipEndSel)) < 1e-10) return false;
3902  // This function is a wrapper for setting up the branching
3903  // kinematics.
3904  bool hasBranched = false;
3905  if ( event[dipEndSel->iRecoiler].isFinal() )
3906  hasBranched = branch_IF(event, false, &splitInfoSel);
3907  else hasBranched = branch_II(event, false, &splitInfoSel);
3909  // Done.
3910  return hasBranched;
3912 }
3914 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3916 // Kinematics of branching.
3917 // Construct mother -> daughter + sister, with recoiler on other side.
3919 bool DireSpace::branch_II( Event& event, bool trial,
3920  DireSplitInfo* split ) {
3922  Event auxevent1 = event;
3923  Event auxevent2 = event;
3925  // Side on which branching occured.
3926  int side = (!trial) ? abs(dipEndSel->side) : split->side;
3928  // Read in flavour and colour variables.
3929  int iDaughter = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->iRadiator : split->iRadBef;
3930  int iRecoiler = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->iRecoiler : split->iRecBef;
3931  int idDaughterNow = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idDaughter : split->radBef()->id;
3932  int idMother = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idMother : split->radAft()->id;
3933  int idSister = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idSister : split->emtAft()->id;
3934  int colDaughter = event[iDaughter].col();
3935  int acolDaughter = event[iDaughter].acol();
3936  int colRecBef = event[iRecoiler].col();
3937  int acolRecBef = event[iRecoiler].acol();
3938  bool colMatch = (acolRecBef == colDaughter);
3939  bool acolMatch = (colRecBef == acolDaughter);
3941  // Name of the splitting.
3942  string name = (!trial) ? splittingSelName : split->splittingSelName;
3943  int nEmissions = splits[name]->nEmissions();
3945  if ( nEmissions == 2 ) idSister = -event[iDaughter].id();
3947  // Read in kinematical variables.
3948  double pT2 = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->pT2 : split->kinematics()->pT2;
3949  double z = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->z : split->kinematics()->z;
3950  splits[name]->*split);
3951  unordered_map<string,double> psp(splits[name]->getPhasespaceVars
3952  (event, partonSystemsPtr));
3953  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
3954  if (split->useForBranching) { pT2 = psp["pT2"]; z = psp["z"]; }
3956  // Get particle masses.
3957  double m2Bef = 0.0, m2r = 0.0, m2s = 0.0;
3958  // Emission.
3959  double m2ex = (abs(idSister) < 6) ?
3960  getMass(idSister, 2) : getMass(idSister, 1);
3961  double m2e = (!trial) ? m2ex
3962  : ( (split->kinematics()->m2EmtAft > 0.) ? split->kinematics()->m2EmtAft
3963  : m2ex);
3964  // Radiator mass.
3965  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idDaughter) == 11 || abs(idDaughter) == 13
3966  || abs(idDaughter) > 900000))
3967  m2Bef = getMass(idDaughter,1);
3968  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idMother) == 11 || abs(idMother) == 13
3969  || abs(idMother) > 900000))
3970  m2r = getMass(idMother,1);
3971  // Recoiler mass
3972  if ( useMassiveBeams && (event[iRecoiler].idAbs() == 11
3973  || event[iRecoiler].idAbs() == 13
3974  || event[iRecoiler].idAbs() > 900000))
3975  m2s = getMass(event[iRecoiler].id(),1);
3976  // Emission mass
3977  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idSister) == 11 || abs(idSister) == 13
3978  || abs(idSister) > 900000))
3979  m2e = getMass(idSister,1);
3981  // Force emission massless by default.
3982  if (!forceMassiveMap) m2e = 0.0;
3983  double m2dip = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->m2Dip : split->kinematics()->m2Dip;
3984  double m2DipCorr = m2dip - m2Bef + m2r + m2e;
3985  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2DipCorr;
3986  double xCS = (z*(1-z)- kappa2)/(1-z);
3987  double vCS = kappa2/(1-z);
3988  double sai = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->sa1 : split->kinematics()->sai;
3989  double xa = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->xa : split->kinematics()->xa;
3990  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
3991  if (split->useForBranching) { sai = psp["sai"]; xa = psp["xa"]; }
3992  double m2Rad = m2r;
3993  double m2Emt = m2e;
3995  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
3996  Vec4 paj_tilde(event[iDaughter].p());
3997  Vec4 pb_tilde(event[iRecoiler].p());
3998  Vec4 q(pb_tilde+paj_tilde);
3999  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
4001  // Current event and subsystem size.
4002  int eventSizeOld = event.size();
4003  int iSysSelNow = (!trial) ? iSysSel : split->system;
4004  int systemSizeOld = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSysSelNow);
4006  // Save properties to be restored in case of user-hook veto of emission.
4007  int beamOff1 = 1 + beamOffset;
4008  int beamOff2 = 2 + beamOffset;
4009  int ev1Dau1V = event[beamOff1].daughter1();
4010  int ev2Dau1V = event[beamOff2].daughter1();
4011  vector<int> statusV, mother1V, mother2V, daughter1V, daughter2V;
4013  // Check if the first emission should be checked for removal.
4014  bool physical = true;
4015  bool canMergeFirst = (mergingHooksPtr != 0)
4016  ? mergingHooksPtr->canVetoEmission() : false;
4017  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
4018  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSelNow, iCopy);
4019  statusV.push_back( event[iOldCopy].status());
4020  mother1V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].mother1());
4021  mother2V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].mother2());
4022  daughter1V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].daughter1());
4023  daughter2V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].daughter2());
4024  }
4026  // Take copy of existing system, to be given modified kinematics.
4027  // Incoming negative status. Rescattered also negative, but after copy.
4028  int iMother(0), iNewRecoiler(0);
4029  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
4030  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSelNow, iCopy);
4031  int statusOld = event[iOldCopy].status();
4032  int statusNew = (iOldCopy == iDaughter
4033  || iOldCopy == iRecoiler) ? statusOld : 44;
4034  int iNewCopy = event.copy(iOldCopy, statusNew);
4035  auxevent1.copy(iOldCopy, statusNew);
4036  auxevent2.copy(iOldCopy, statusNew);
4037  if (iOldCopy == iDaughter) iMother = iNewCopy;
4038  if (iOldCopy == iRecoiler) iNewRecoiler = iNewCopy;
4039  if (statusOld < 0) {
4040  event[iNewCopy].statusNeg();
4041  auxevent1[iNewCopy].statusNeg();
4042  auxevent2[iNewCopy].statusNeg();
4043  }
4044  }
4046  // For 1->3 splitting, intermediate mother is a gluon.
4047  int idMotherNow = idMother;
4048  if ( nEmissions == 2 ) idMotherNow = 21;
4050  // Define colour flow in branching.
4051  // Default corresponds to f -> f + gamma.
4052  int colMother = colDaughter;
4053  int acolMother = acolDaughter;
4054  int colSister = 0;
4055  int acolSister = 0;
4057  double RN2 = rndmPtr->flat();
4058  if (idSister == 22 || idSister == 23 || idSister == 25) ;
4060  // q -> q + g and 50% of g -> g + g; need new colour.
4061  else if (idSister == 21 && ( (idMotherNow > 0 && idMotherNow < 9)
4062  || ( idMother == 21 && colMatch && acolMatch && RN2 < 0.5) ) ) {
4063  colMother = event.nextColTag();
4064  colSister = colMother;
4065  acolSister = colDaughter;
4066  // qbar -> qbar + g and other 50% of g -> g + g; need new colour.
4067  } else if (idSister == 21 && ( (idMotherNow < 0 && idMotherNow > -9)
4068  || ( idMotherNow == 21 && colMatch && acolMatch) ) ) {
4069  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
4070  acolSister = acolMother;
4071  colSister = acolDaughter;
4072  } else if (idMotherNow == 21 && idSister == 21 && colMatch && !acolMatch) {
4073  colMother = event.nextColTag();
4074  acolMother = acolDaughter;
4075  colSister = colMother;
4076  acolSister = colDaughter;
4077  } else if (idMotherNow == 21 && idSister == 21 && !colMatch && acolMatch) {
4078  colMother = colDaughter;
4079  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
4080  acolSister = acolMother;
4081  colSister = acolDaughter;
4082  // q -> g + q.
4083  } else if (idDaughterNow == 21 && idMotherNow > 0) {
4084  colMother = colDaughter;
4085  acolMother = 0;
4086  colSister = acolDaughter;
4087  // qbar -> g + qbar
4088  } else if (idDaughterNow == 21) {
4089  acolMother = acolDaughter;
4090  colMother = 0;
4091  acolSister = colDaughter;
4092  // g -> q + qbar.
4093  } else if (idDaughterNow > 0 && idDaughterNow < 9) {
4094  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
4095  acolSister = acolMother;
4096  // g -> qbar + q.
4097  } else if (idDaughterNow < 0 && idDaughterNow > -9) {
4098  colMother = event.nextColTag();
4099  colSister = colMother;
4100  }
4102  // Swap colours if radiated gluon carries momentum fraction z
4103  int colSave = colSister, acolSave = acolSister;
4104  if ( splits[name]->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_21_to_21_and_21b)) {
4105  colSister = acolMother;
4106  acolSister = colMother;
4107  colMother = acolSave;
4108  acolMother = colSave;
4109  }
4111  if (split->useForBranching) {
4112  idMotherNow= event[iDaughter].id();
4113  colMother = event[iDaughter].col();
4114  acolMother = event[iDaughter].acol();
4115  colSister = 0;
4116  acolSister = 0;
4117  // Now reset if splitting information is available.
4118  if (split->radAft()->id != 0) idMotherNow= split->radAft()->id;
4119  if (split->emtAft()->id != 0) idSister = split->emtAft()->id;
4120  if (split->radAft()->col > -1) colMother = split->radAft()->col;
4121  if (split->radAft()->acol > -1) acolMother = split->radAft()->acol;
4122  if (split->emtAft()->col > -1) colSister = split->emtAft()->col;
4123  if (split->emtAft()->acol > -1) acolSister = split->emtAft()->acol;
4124  }
4126  int colMother1, acolMother1;
4127  int colSister1, acolSister1;
4128  colMother1 = acolMother1 = colSister1 = acolSister1 = 0;
4129  if ( nEmissions == 2 ) {
4130  // Daughter color transferred to quark mother "1", sister anti-color
4131  // transferred to sister "1" color.
4132  if (idMother*idDaughterNow > 0 && idMother > 0) {
4133  colMother1 = colDaughter;
4134  acolMother1 = 0;
4135  acolSister1 = 0;
4136  colSister1 = acolSister;
4137  }
4138  // Daughter anticolor transferred to antiquark mother "1", sister color
4139  // transferred to sister "1" anticolor.
4140  if (idMother*idDaughterNow > 0 && idMother < 0) {
4141  colMother1 = 0;
4142  acolMother1 = acolDaughter;
4143  acolSister1 = colSister;
4144  colSister1 = 0;
4145  }
4146  // Sister color transferred to quark mother "1", daughter anti-color
4147  // transferred to sister "1" color.
4148  if (idMother*idDaughterNow < 0 && idMother > 0) {
4149  colMother1 = colSister;
4150  acolMother1 = 0;
4151  acolSister1 = 0;
4152  colSister1 = acolDaughter;
4153  // Reset dummy mother colours.
4154  acolMother = acolDaughter;
4155  colMother = colSister;
4156  }
4157  // Sister anticolor transferred to antiquark mother "1", daughter color
4158  // transferred to sister "1" anti-color.
4159  if (idMother*idDaughterNow < 0 && idMother < 0) {
4160  colMother1 = 0;
4161  acolMother1 = acolSister;
4162  acolSister1 = colDaughter;
4163  colSister1 = 0;
4164  // Reset dummy mother colours.
4165  acolMother = acolSister;
4166  colMother = colDaughter;
4167  }
4168  }
4170  // Indices of partons involved. Add new sister. For 1->3 splitting, replace
4171  // mother by dummy and attach "real" mother later.
4172  int iMother1 = 0;
4173  if ( nEmissions == 2 )
4174  iMother1 = event.append( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0,
4175  sqrt(pT2) );
4177  int iSister = event.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
4178  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
4179  auxevent1.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
4180  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
4181  auxevent2.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
4182  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
4184  // Second sister particle for 1->3 splitting.
4185  int iSister1 = 0;
4186  if ( nEmissions == 2 )
4187  iSister1 = event.append( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0,
4188  sqrt(pT2) );
4190  // References to the partons involved.
4191  Particle& daughter = event[iDaughter];
4192  Particle& mother = event[iMother];
4193  Particle& newRecoiler = event[iNewRecoiler];
4194  Particle& sister = event[iSister];
4195  Particle& mother1 = event[iMother1];
4196  Particle& sister1 = event[iSister1];
4198  // Replace old by new mother; update new recoiler.
4199 idMotherNow );
4200  mother.status( -41);
4201  mother.cols( colMother, acolMother);
4202  mother.p(0.,0., event[iDaughter].pz()/xCS, event[iDaughter].e()/xCS);
4203  if (mother.idAbs() == 21 || mother.idAbs() == 22) mother.pol(9);
4204  newRecoiler.status(-42);
4205  newRecoiler.p(0.,0., event[iRecoiler].pz(), event[iRecoiler].e());
4207  // Update mother and daughter pointers; also for beams.
4208  daughter.mothers( iMother, 0);
4209  mother.daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
4210  int iBeam1Dau1 = event[beamOff1].daughter1();
4211  int iBeam2Dau1 = event[beamOff2].daughter1();
4212  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
4213  event[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4214  event[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4215  }
4217  auxevent1[iMother].id( idMotherNow );
4218  auxevent1[iMother].status( -41);
4219  auxevent1[iMother].cols( colMother, acolMother);
4220  auxevent1[iMother].p(0.,0., event[iDaughter].pz()/xCS,
4221  event[iDaughter].e()/xCS);
4222  if (auxevent1[iMother].idAbs() == 21 || auxevent1[iMother].idAbs() == 22)
4223  auxevent1[iMother].pol(9);
4224  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].status(-42);
4225  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].p(0.,0., auxevent1[iRecoiler].pz(),
4226  auxevent1[iRecoiler].e());
4227  auxevent1[iDaughter].mothers( iMother, 0);
4228  auxevent1[iMother].daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
4229  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
4230  auxevent1[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4231  auxevent1[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4232  }
4234  auxevent2[iMother].id( idMotherNow );
4235  auxevent2[iMother].status( -41);
4236  auxevent2[iMother].cols( colMother, acolMother);
4237  auxevent2[iMother].p(0.,0., event[iDaughter].pz()/xCS,
4238  event[iDaughter].e()/xCS);
4239  if (auxevent2[iMother].idAbs() == 21 || auxevent2[iMother].idAbs() == 22)
4240  auxevent2[iMother].pol(9);
4241  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].status(-42);
4242  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].p(0.,0., auxevent2[iRecoiler].pz(),
4243  auxevent2[iRecoiler].e());
4244  auxevent2[iDaughter].mothers( iMother, 0);
4245  auxevent2[iMother].daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
4246  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
4247  auxevent2[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4248  auxevent2[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler );
4249  }
4251  bool doVeto = false;
4252  bool printWarnings = (!trial || forceMassiveMap);
4253  bool doMECreject = false;
4255  // Regular massive kinematics for 1+1 -> 2+1 splitting
4256  if ( nEmissions != 2 ) {
4258  // Calculate derived variables.
4259  double sab = (q2 - m2Emt)/xCS + (m2Rad+m2s) * (1-1/xCS);
4260  double saj = -vCS*(sab - m2Rad-m2s) + m2Rad + m2Emt;
4261  double zbar = (sab - m2Rad - m2s) / bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)
4262  *( (xCS + vCS) - m2s / gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)
4263  * (saj + m2Rad - m2Emt) / (sab - m2Rad - m2s));
4264  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2Rad - (1-zbar)*saj - zbar*m2Emt;
4266  // Not possible to construct kinematics if kT2 < 0.0
4267  if (kT2 < 0.) {
4268  if (printWarnings)
4269  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: Reject state "
4270  "with kinematically forbidden kT^2.");
4271  physical = false;
4272  }
4274  // Now construct radiator in lab frame.
4275  Vec4 pRad = (paj_tilde - m2Bef/gABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s)*pb_tilde)
4276  *sqrt(lABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)/lABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s))
4277  + m2Rad / gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pb_tilde;
4279  // Set momenta.
4280  mother.p(pRad);
4281  newRecoiler.p(pb_tilde);
4282  mother.m(sqrtpos(m2Rad));
4283  newRecoiler.m(sqrtpos(m2s));
4285  auxevent1[iMother].p(pRad);
4286  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].p(pb_tilde);
4287  auxevent1[iMother].m(sqrtpos(m2Rad));
4288  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].m(sqrtpos(m2s));
4290  auxevent2[iMother].p(pRad);
4291  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].p(pb_tilde);
4292  auxevent2[iMother].m(sqrtpos(m2Rad));
4293  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].m(sqrtpos(m2s));
4295  // Store momenta in case momentum construction fails.
4296  Vec4 kTilde(paj_tilde + pb_tilde);
4298  Event NewEvent = Event();
4299  NewEvent.init("(hard process-modified)", particleDataPtr);
4300  // Copy all unchanged particles to NewEvent
4301  for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
4302  NewEvent.append( event[i] );
4304  // Construct dummy overall momentum.
4305  Vec4 pSum(1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5);
4306  Vec4 pSumIn( beamAPtr->p() + beamBPtr->p() );
4308  // Now produce momenta of emitted and final state particles, and ensure
4309  // good momentum conservation. (More than one try only necessary in rare
4310  // numerical instabilities.
4311  int nTries = 0;
4312  while ( abs(pSum.px()-pSumIn.px()) > mTolErr
4313  || abs( > mTolErr ) {
4315  // Give up after too many tries.
4316  nTries++;
4317  if (nTries > 100
4318  || (nTries > 1 && split->useForBranching)) {
4319  if (printWarnings)
4320  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: Could not "
4321  "set up state after branching, thus reject.");
4322  physical = false; break;
4323  }
4325  // Now construct the transverse momentum vector in the dipole CM frame.
4326  double phi_kt = (!trial) ? 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat()
4327  : (split->kinematics()->phi < 0. ?
4328  2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat() : split->kinematics()->phi);
4330  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
4331  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
4333  double phi_kt1 = phi_kt+DPHI_II*M_PI;
4334  if (phi_kt1>2.*M_PI) phi_kt1 -= 2.*M_PI;
4335  double phi_kt2 = phi_kt-DPHI_II*M_PI;
4336  if (phi_kt2<0.) phi_kt2 += 2.*M_PI;
4337  if (phi_kt1<phi_kt2) swap(phi_kt1, phi_kt2);
4339  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
4340  // four-vectors.
4341  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pRad, pb_tilde);
4342  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
4343  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
4345  // Construct new emission momentum.
4346  Vec4 pEmt = (1-zbar) * (gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad - m2Rad*pb_tilde)
4347  / bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)
4348  + (m2Emt + kT2) / ((1-zbar)*bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s))
4349  * (pb_tilde - m2s/gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad)
4350  + kTmom;
4352  // Set all momenta.
4353  sister.p(pEmt);
4354  sister.m(sqrtpos(m2Emt));
4356  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt1)*pTvecs.first
4357  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt1)*pTvecs.second);
4358  pEmt.p( (1-zbar) * (gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad - m2Rad*pb_tilde)
4359  / bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)
4360  + (m2Emt + kT2) / ((1-zbar)*bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s))
4361  * (pb_tilde - m2s/gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad)
4362  + kTmom);
4363  auxevent1[iSister].p(pEmt);
4364  auxevent1[iSister].m(sqrtpos(m2Emt));
4366  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt2)*pTvecs.first
4367  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt2)*pTvecs.second);
4368  pEmt.p( (1-zbar) * (gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad - m2Rad*pb_tilde)
4369  / bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)
4370  + (m2Emt + kT2) / ((1-zbar)*bABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s))
4371  * (pb_tilde - m2s/gABC(sab,m2Rad,m2s)*pRad)
4372  + kTmom);
4373  auxevent2[iSister].p(pEmt);
4374  auxevent2[iSister].m(sqrtpos(m2Emt));
4376  // Gather total momentum for subsequent check that total pT vanishes.
4377  vector<int> iPos(1,iSister);
4378  pSum = sister.p();
4380  // Transform all final state momenta to distribute recoil.
4381  Vec4 k(mother.p() + newRecoiler.p() - sister.p());
4382  Vec4 kSum(kTilde + k);
4383  for ( int i = eventSizeOld + 2; i < eventSizeOld + systemSizeOld; ++i) {
4384  Vec4 pIn = NewEvent[i].p();
4385  double kSum2 = kSum.m2Calc();
4386  double k2 = k.m2Calc();
4387  double kTildeXp = kTilde*pIn;
4388  double kSumXp = kSum*pIn;
4389  Vec4 res = pIn - kSum * 2.0*( kSumXp / kSum2 )
4390  + k * 2.0 *( kTildeXp/k2);
4391  event[i].p(res);
4392  auxevent1[i].p(res);
4393  auxevent2[i].p(res);
4394  // If Lorentz transformation fails to be accurate enough, set pSum
4395  // to force another trial.
4396  if (!validMomentum(event[i].p(), event[i].id(), event[i].status()))
4397  pSum += event[i].p();
4398  iPos.push_back(i);
4399  if (event[i].status() > 0) pSum += event[i].p();
4400  }
4402  // Collect remaining final state momenta.
4403  for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
4404  if ( event[i].isFinal()
4405  && partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i,true) == iSysSelNow
4406  && find(iPos.begin(), iPos.end(), i) == iPos.end() )
4407  pSum += event[i].p();
4408  }
4410  // Check momenta.
4411  if ( !validMomentum( mother.p(), idMother, -1)
4412  || !validMomentum( sister.p(), idSister, 1)
4413  || !validMomentum( newRecoiler.p(), event[iNewRecoiler].id(), -1) )
4414  physical = false;
4416  doVeto = (( canVetoEmission && userHooksPtr->doVetoISREmission(
4417  eventSizeOld, event, iSysSelNow))
4418  || ( canMergeFirst && mergingHooksPtr->doVetoEmission(event)) );
4420  double xm = 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4422  // Test that enough beam momentum remains.
4423  double xAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
4424  ? 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
4425  : 2.*newRecoiler.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4426  double iAold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iDaughter : iRecoiler;
4427  double iAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iMother : iNewRecoiler;
4428  double xBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
4429  ? 2.*newRecoiler.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
4430  : 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4431  double iBold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iRecoiler : iDaughter;
4432  double iBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iNewRecoiler : iMother;
4433  if ( hasPDF(event[iAnew].id()) && beamAPtr->size() > 0) {
4434  double xOld = (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
4435  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAnew);
4436  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xAnew);
4437  if (beamAPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
4438  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
4439  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
4440  physical = false;
4441  }
4442  // Restore old beams.
4443  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAold);
4444  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
4445  }
4446  if ( hasPDF(event[iBnew].id()) && beamBPtr->size() > 0) {
4447  double xOld = (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
4448  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBnew);
4449  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xBnew);
4450  if (beamBPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
4451  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
4452  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
4453  physical = false;
4454  }
4455  // Restore old beams.
4456  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBold);
4457  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
4458  }
4460  // Apply ME correction if necessary.
4461  bool isHardSystem = partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(iDaughter,true) == 0
4462  && partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(iRecoiler,true) == 0;
4463  if (isHardSystem && physical && doMEcorrections
4464  && pT2 > pT2minMECs && checkSIJ(event,Q2minMECs)) {
4465  int iA = getInA(iSysSelNow);
4466  int iB = getInB(iSysSelNow);
4467  vector<int> iOut(createvector<int>(0)(0));
4468  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
4469  iOut.push_back(partonSystemsPtr->getOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2));
4470  bool motherHasPlusPz = (event[iMother].pz() > 0.);
4471  if (motherHasPlusPz) {
4472  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iMother);
4473  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler);
4474  } else {
4475  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler);
4476  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iMother);
4477  }
4478  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
4479  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2, eventSizeOld + iCopy);
4480  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
4482  if ( nFinalMaxMECs < 0
4483  || nFinalMaxMECs > partonSystemsPtr->sizeOut(iSysSelNow))
4484  doMECreject = applyMEC (event, split,
4485  createvector<Event>(auxevent1)(auxevent2));
4487  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iA);
4488  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iB);
4489  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
4490  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2, iOut[iCopy]);
4491  partonSystemsPtr->popBackOut(iSysSelNow);
4492  }
4494  // Update dipoles and beams. Note: dipEndSel no longer valid after this.
4495  if (physical && !doVeto && !trial && !doMECreject) updateAfterII(
4496  iSysSelNow, side,
4497  iDipSel, eventSizeOld, systemSizeOld, event, iDaughter, iMother, iSister,
4498  iNewRecoiler, pT2, xm);
4500  // Perform 1+1 -> 3 + 1 splitting.
4501  } else {
4503  // 1->3 splitting as one II and one FF step.
4504  double m2a = 0.0;
4505  double m2i = getMass(idMother,2);
4506  double m2j = getMass(idSister,2);
4507  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
4508  double m2aij = 0.0;
4509  double m2k = 0.0;
4510  q2 = (event[iDaughter].p()
4511  +event[iRecoiler].p()).m2Calc();
4513  // Perform II step.
4514  double za = z;
4516  // Calculate derived variables.
4517  double p2ab = q2/za + m2a + m2k;
4518  double zbar = (p2ab - m2a - m2k) / bABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)
4519  *( xa - m2k / gABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)
4520  * (m2ai + m2a - m2i) / (p2ab - m2a - m2k));
4521  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2a - (1-zbar)*m2ai - zbar*m2i;
4523  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
4524  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) physical = false;
4526  // Now construct radiator in lab frame.
4527  Vec4 pa = (paj_tilde - m2aij/gABC(q2,m2aij,m2k)*pb_tilde)
4528  *sqrt(lABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)/lABC(q2,m2aij,m2k))
4529  + m2a / gABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)*pb_tilde;
4531  // Set momenta. Mother acts purely as a dummy, since we already have the
4532  // final incoming momentum. Recoiler unchanged.
4533  mother.p(pa);
4534  mother.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
4535  mother1.p(pa);
4536  mother1.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
4537  newRecoiler.p(pb_tilde);
4539  // Now construct the transverse momentum vector in the dipole CM frame.
4540  double phi_kt = (!trial)
4541  ? ((dipEndSel->phi > 0.)
4542  ? dipEndSel->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
4543  : ((split->kinematics()->phi > 0.)
4544  ? split->kinematics()->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
4546  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
4547  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
4549  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
4550  // four-vectors
4551  Vec4 pijb(q-pa);
4553  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
4554  // four-vectors.
4555  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pa, pijb);
4556  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
4557  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
4559  // Construct new emission momentum.
4560  Vec4 pi = (1-zbar) * (gABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)*pa - m2a*pb_tilde)
4561  / bABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)
4562  + (m2i + kT2) / ((1-zbar)*bABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k))
4563  * (pb_tilde - m2k/gABC(p2ab,m2a,m2k)*pa)
4564  + kTmom;
4566  // Set all momenta.
4567  sister1.p(pi);
4568  sister1.m(sqrtpos(m2i));
4570  // Perform FF step.
4571  Vec4 pai(pa-pi);
4572  Vec4 pRadBef(pai+pb_tilde);
4573  Vec4 pRecBef(pai);
4575  double phiFF = (!trial)
4576  ? ((dipEndSel->phia1 > 0.)
4577  ? dipEndSel->phia1 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
4578  : ((split->kinematics()->phi2 > 0.)
4579  ? split->kinematics()->phi2 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
4581  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
4582  if (split->useForBranching) { phiFF = psp["phi2"]; }
4584  // Calculate CS variables.
4585  double m2rec = m2ai;
4586  double m2emt = q2;
4587  double m2rad = m2j;
4588  double zCS = pT2/xa / (q2*xa/za + 2.*m2ai);
4589  double yCS = 1. / ( 1. + (q2*xa/za + 2.*m2ai)
4590  / (q2*(xa/za - 1.) + m2ai + m2k - m2j));
4592  // Construct FF dipole momentum.
4593  Vec4 qtilde(q);
4594  double q2tilde = qtilde.m2Calc();
4595  q.p(pRadBef + pRecBef);
4596  q2 = 4.*m2ai + 2.*q2tilde*xa/za + m2k;
4598  // Calculate derived variables.
4599  double sij = yCS * (q2 - m2rec) + (1.-yCS)*(m2rad+m2emt);
4600  zbar = (q2-sij-m2rec) / bABC(q2,sij,m2rec)
4601  * (zCS - m2rec/gABC(q2,sij,m2rec)
4602  *(sij + m2rad - m2emt)/(q2-sij-m2rec));
4603  kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sij - (1.-zbar)*m2rad - zbar*m2emt;
4605  // Not possible to construct kinematics if kT2 < 0.0
4606  if (kT2 < 0.) {
4607  if (printWarnings)
4608  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: Reject state "
4609  "with kinematically forbidden kT^2.");
4610  physical = false;
4611  }
4613  // NaN kT2 can happen for a 1->3 splitting in which the g->QQ~ produces
4614  // massive quarks Q.
4615  if (physical && (kT2!=kT2 || abs(kT2-kT2) > 1e5) ) {
4616  if (printWarnings)
4617  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: Reject state "
4618  "with not-a-number kT^2 for branching " + name);
4619  physical = false;
4620  }
4622  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
4623  Vec4 pRec(pRecBef);
4624  Vec4 pij(q-pRec);
4626  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
4627  // four-vectors.
4628  pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pRec, pij);
4629  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phiFF)*pTvecs.first
4630  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phiFF)*pTvecs.second);
4632  // Construct new radiator momentum.
4633  Vec4 pj( zbar * (gABC(q2,sij,m2rec)*pij - sij*pRec) / bABC(q2,sij,m2rec)
4634  + (m2rad+kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sij,m2rec))
4635  * (pRec - m2rec/gABC(q2,sij,m2rec)*pij)
4636  + kTmom);
4638  Vec4 qnew(q-pRec-pj);
4640  // Set particle momenta.
4641  sister.p(pj);
4642  sister.m(sqrtpos(m2j));
4644  // Gather total momentum for subsequent check that total pT vanishes.
4645  vector<int> iPos(1,iSister1);
4646  iPos.push_back(iSister);
4647  Vec4 pSum = mother1.p()+newRecoiler.p()-sister1.p()-sister.p();
4649  // Transform all final state momenta to distribute recoil.
4650  Vec4 kTilde(qtilde);
4651  Vec4 k(qnew);
4652  Vec4 kSum(kTilde + k);
4653  for ( int i = eventSizeOld + 2; i < eventSizeOld + systemSizeOld; ++i) {
4654  Vec4 pIn = event[i].p();
4655  double kSum2 = kSum.m2Calc();
4656  double k2 = k.m2Calc();
4657  double kTildeXp = kTilde*pIn;
4658  double kSumXp = kSum*pIn;
4659  Vec4 res = pIn - kSum * 2.0*( kSumXp / kSum2 )
4660  + k * 2.0 *( kTildeXp/k2);
4661  event[i].p(res);
4662  if (i != iSister && i != iSister1) {
4663  pSum -= event[i].p();
4664  iPos.push_back(i);
4665  }
4666  }
4668  // Check momenta.
4669  if ( !validMomentum( mother1.p(), idMother, -1)
4670  || !validMomentum( sister.p(), idSister, 1)
4671  || !validMomentum( sister1.p(), idMother, 1)
4672  || !validMomentum( newRecoiler.p(), event[iNewRecoiler].id(), -1))
4673  physical = false;
4675  // Check invariants
4676  if ( false ) {
4677  Vec4 pk(event[iRecoiler].p());
4678  pj.p(sister.p());
4679  pi.p(sister1.p());
4680  double saix(2.*pa*pi), sakx(2.*pa*pk), sajx(2.*pa*pj), sikx(2.*pi*pk),
4681  sjkx(2.*pj*pk), sijx(2.*pi*pj);
4682  double pptt = (sajx-sijx)*(sakx-sikx)/(sakx);
4683  double ssaaii = saix;
4684  double zzaa = 2.*event[iDaughter].p()*event[iRecoiler].p()/ ( sakx );
4685  double xxaa = (sakx-sikx) / ( sakx );
4686  if ( physical &&
4687  (abs(pptt-pT2)/abs(pT2) > 1e-3 || abs(ssaaii-sai)/abs(sai) > 1e-3 ||
4688  abs(zzaa-za)/abs(za) > 1e-3 || abs(xxaa-xa)/abs(xa) > 1e-3 )) {
4689  cout << scientific << setprecision(8);
4690  cout << "Error in branch_II: Invariant masses after branching do not "
4691  << "match chosen values." << endl;
4692  cout << "Chosen: "
4693  << " Q2 " << (event[iDaughter].p()+event[iRecoiler].p()).m2Calc()
4694  << " pT2 " << pT2
4695  << " sai " << sai
4696  << " za " << z
4697  << " xa " << xa << endl;
4698  cout << "Generated: "
4699  << " Q2 " << sakx-saix-sajx+sijx-sikx-sjkx+m2a+m2i+m2j+m2k
4700  << " pT2 " << pptt
4701  << " sai " << ssaaii
4702  << " za " << zzaa
4703  << " xa " << xxaa << endl;
4704  physical = false;
4705  }
4706  }
4708  // Check that total pT vanishes.
4709  for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
4710  if ( event[i].isFinal()
4711  && partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i,true) == iSysSelNow
4712  && find(iPos.begin(), iPos.end(), i) == iPos.end() )
4713  pSum -= event[i].p();
4714  if (abs(pSum.px()) > mTolErr || abs( > mTolErr )
4715  physical = false;
4717  // Test that enough beam momentum remains.
4718  double xAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
4719  ? 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
4720  : 2.*newRecoiler.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4721  double iAold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iDaughter : iRecoiler;
4722  double iAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iMother1 : iNewRecoiler;
4723  double xBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
4724  ? 2.*newRecoiler.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
4725  : 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4726  double iBold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iRecoiler : iDaughter;
4727  double iBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iNewRecoiler : iMother1;
4728  if ( hasPDF(event[iAnew].id()) && beamAPtr->size() > 0) {
4729  double xOld = (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
4730  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAnew);
4731  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xAnew);
4732  if (beamAPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
4733  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
4734  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
4735  physical = false;
4736  }
4737  // Restore old beams.
4738  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAold);
4739  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
4740  }
4741  if ( hasPDF(event[iBnew].id()) && beamBPtr->size() > 0) {
4742  double xOld = (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
4743  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBnew);
4744  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xBnew);
4745  if (beamBPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
4746  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
4747  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
4748  physical = false;
4749  }
4750  // Restore old beams.
4751  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBold);
4752  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
4753  }
4755  // Update dipoles and beams. Note: dipEndSel no longer valid after this.
4756  double xm = 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
4757  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterII( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel,
4758  eventSizeOld, systemSizeOld, event, iDaughter, iMother, iSister,
4759  iNewRecoiler, pT2, xm);
4761  // Update flavours, colours, status.
4762 idMother);
4763  mother1.status(-41);
4764  mother1.cols(colMother1, acolMother1);
4765  mother1.daughters( iSister1, iMother);
4766  mother1.mothers( mother.mother1(), mother.mother2());
4767  mother.mothers( iMother1, 0);
4769  sister1.status(43);
4770  sister1.mothers(iMother1,0);
4771  sister1.cols(colSister1, acolSister1);
4772  sister1.scale(sqrt(pT2));
4774  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
4775  event[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother1 : iNewRecoiler );
4776  event[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother1 : iNewRecoiler );
4777  }
4779  // Update dipoles and beams. Note: dipEndSel no longer valid after this.
4780  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterII( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel, 0, 0,
4781  event, iMother, iMother1, iSister1, iNewRecoiler, pT2, xm);
4783  }
4785  physical = physical && !doVeto;
4787  // Temporarily set the daughters in the beams to zero, to
4788  // allow mother-daughter relation checks.
4789  if (iSysSelNow > 0) {
4790  if (side == 1) event[beamOff1].daughter1(0);
4791  if (side == 2) event[beamOff2].daughter1(0);
4792  }
4794  // Check if mother-daughter relations are correctly set. Check only
4795  // possible if no MPI are present.
4796  if ( physical && !trial && !doMECreject
4797  && !validMotherDaughter(event)) {
4798  if (printWarnings)
4799  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in DireSpace::branch_II: Mother-daughter "
4800  "relations after branching not valid.");
4801  physical = false;
4802  }
4804  // Restore correct daughters in the beams.
4805  if (iSysSelNow > 0) {
4806  if (side == 1) event[beamOff1].daughter1(iBeam1Dau1);
4807  if (side == 2) event[beamOff2].daughter1(iBeam2Dau1);
4808  }
4810  // Allow veto of branching. If so restore event record to before emission.
4811  if ( !physical || doMECreject) {
4812  event.popBack( event.size() - eventSizeOld);
4813  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
4814  event[beamOff1].daughter1( ev1Dau1V);
4815  event[beamOff2].daughter1( ev2Dau1V);
4816  }
4817  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
4818  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSelNow, iCopy);
4819  event[iOldCopy].status( statusV[iCopy]);
4820  event[iOldCopy].mothers( mother1V[iCopy], mother2V[iCopy]);
4821  event[iOldCopy].daughters( daughter1V[iCopy], daughter2V[iCopy]);
4822  }
4824  // This case is identical to the case where the probability to accept the
4825  // emission was indeed zero all along. In this case, neither
4826  // acceptProbability nor rejectProbability would have been filled. Thus,
4827  // remove the relevant entries from the weight container!
4828  if (!trial) {
4829  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
4830  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it){
4831  weights->eraseAcceptWeight(pT2, it->first);
4832  weights->eraseRejectWeight(pT2, it->first);
4833  }
4834  }
4836  if (!trial && doMECreject) {
4837  //weights->calcWeight(pT2);
4838  weights->calcWeight(pT2, false, true);
4839  weights->reset();
4840  // Clear accept/reject weights.
4841  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
4842  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
4843  it->second.clear();
4844  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
4845  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
4846  it->second.clear();
4847  }
4849  return false;
4850  }
4852  // Store positions of new particles.
4853  if (trial) split->storePosAfter(
4854  (nEmissions < 2) ? iMother : iMother1, iNewRecoiler,
4855  iSister, (nEmissions < 2) ? 0 : iSister1);
4857  // Set shower weight.
4858  if (!trial) {
4860  if (!doTrialNow) {
4861  weights->calcWeight(pT2);
4862  weights->reset();
4863  // Store positions of new soft particles for (FSR) evolution.
4864  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPos( iDaughter, iSister );
4865  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPosIfMatch( iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler );
4866  if (nEmissions > 1) direInfoPtr->addSoftPos( iSister1 );
4867  }
4869  // Clear accept/reject weights.
4870  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
4871  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
4872  it->second.clear();
4873  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
4874  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
4875  it->second.clear();
4876  }
4878  // Done without any errors.
4879  return true;
4881 }
4883 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
4885 void DireSpace::updateAfterII( int iSysSelNow, int sideNow, int iDipSelNow,
4886  int eventSizeOldNow, int systemSizeOldNow, Event& event, int iDaughter,
4887  int iMother, int iSister, int iNewRecoiler, double pT2, double xNew) {
4889  // Update the number of proposed emissions.
4890  if (nProposedPT.find(iSysSelNow) != nProposedPT.end())
4891  ++nProposedPT[iSysSelNow];
4893  int idMother = event[iMother].id();
4894  int idDaughterNow = event[iDaughter].id();
4895  bool motherHasPlusPz = (event[iMother].pz() > 0.);
4897  // Bookkeep shower-induced resonances.
4898  if ( direInfoPtr->isRes(iDaughter) &&
4899  event[iMother].id() != event[iDaughter].id() )
4900  direInfoPtr->removeResPos(iDaughter);
4901  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iMother].id()) ) {
4902  if ( direInfoPtr->isRes(iDaughter) )
4903  direInfoPtr->updateResPos(iDaughter,iMother);
4904  }
4905  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iNewRecoiler].id()) )
4906  direInfoPtr->addResPos(iNewRecoiler);
4907  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iSister].id()) )
4908  direInfoPtr->addResPos(iSister);
4910  // Update list of partons in system; adding newly produced one.
4911  if (motherHasPlusPz) {
4912  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iMother);
4913  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler);
4914  } else {
4915  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler);
4916  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iMother);
4917  }
4918  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOldNow; ++iCopy) {
4919  int iOut = partonSystemsPtr->getOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2);
4920  // Remember shower-induced resonances.
4921  direInfoPtr->updateResPosIfMatch ( iOut, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
4922  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPosIfMatch( iOut, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
4923  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
4924  }
4925  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
4927  // Get new center-of-mass energy
4928  int iA = getInA(iSysSelNow);
4929  int iB = getInB(iSysSelNow);
4930  double shat = (event[iA].p() + event[iB].p()).m2Calc();
4931  partonSystemsPtr->setSHat(iSysSelNow, shat);
4933  // dipEnd array may have expanded and been moved, so regenerate dipEndSel.
4934  dipEndSel = &dipEnd[iDipSelNow];
4936  // Update info on radiating dipole ends (QCD).
4937  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDip)
4938  if ( dipEnd[iDip].system == iSysSelNow) {
4939  if (abs(dipEnd[iDip].side) == sideNow) {
4940  dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator = iMother;
4941  dipEnd[iDip].iRecoiler = iNewRecoiler;
4942  if (dipEnd[iDip].colType != 0)
4943  dipEnd[iDip].colType = event[iMother].colType();
4945  // Update info on recoiling dipole ends (QCD or QED).
4946  } else {
4947  dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator = iNewRecoiler;
4948  dipEnd[iDip].iRecoiler = iMother;
4949  dipEnd[iDip].MEtype = 0;
4950  }
4951  }
4953  // Update info on beam remnants.
4954  BeamParticle& beamNow = (sideNow == 1) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
4955  beamNow[iSysSelNow].update( iMother, idMother, xNew);
4956  // Redo choice of companion kind whenever new flavour.
4957  if (idMother != idDaughterNow) {
4958  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac * pT2;
4959  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, pT2min);
4960  beamNow.xfISR( iSysSelNow, idMother, xNew, pdfScale2);
4961  beamNow.pickValSeaComp();
4962  }
4963  BeamParticle& beamRec = (sideNow == 1) ? *beamBPtr : *beamAPtr;
4964  beamRec[iSysSelNow].iPos( iNewRecoiler);
4966  // Update ISR dipoles.
4967  update(iSysSelNow,event);
4969  // Pointer to selected dipole no longer valid after update, thus unset.
4970  dipEndSel = 0;
4972  return;
4973 }
4975 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
4977 // Kinematics of branching.
4978 // Construct mother -> daughter + sister, with recoiler on other side.
4980 bool DireSpace::branch_IF( Event& event, bool trial,
4981  DireSplitInfo* split ) {
4983  Event auxevent1 = event;
4984  Event auxevent2 = event;
4986  // Side on which branching occured.
4987  int side = (!trial) ? abs(dipEndSel->side) : split->side;
4989  // Read in flavour and colour variables.
4990  int iDaughter = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->iRadiator : split->iRadBef;
4991  int iRecoiler = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->iRecoiler : split->iRecBef;
4992  int idDaughterNow = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idDaughter : split->radBef()->id;
4993  int idMother = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idMother : split->radAft()->id;
4994  int idSister = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->idSister : split->emtAft()->id;
4995  int colDaughter = event[iDaughter].col();
4996  int acolDaughter = event[iDaughter].acol();
4997  int colRecBef = event[iRecoiler].col();
4998  int acolRecBef = event[iRecoiler].acol();
4999  bool colMatch = (colRecBef == colDaughter);
5000  bool acolMatch = (acolRecBef == acolDaughter);
5001  int iSysSelNow = (!trial) ? iSysSel : 0;
5002  //int iOldOther = (side==1) ? partonSystemsPtr->getInB(iSysSelNow)
5003  // : partonSystemsPtr->getInA(iSysSelNow);
5004  int iOldOther = (side==1) ? getInB(iSysSelNow) : getInA(iSysSelNow);
5005  string name = (!trial) ? splittingSelName : split->splittingSelName;
5006  int nEmissions = splits[name]->nEmissions();
5007  if ( nEmissions == 2) idSister = -event[iDaughter].id();
5009  // Read in kinematical variables.
5010  double pT2 = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->pT2 : split->kinematics()->pT2;
5011  double z = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->z : split->kinematics()->z;
5012  splits[name]->*split);
5013  unordered_map<string,double> psp(splits[name]->getPhasespaceVars
5014  (event, partonSystemsPtr));
5015  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5016  if (split->useForBranching) { pT2 = psp["pT2"]; z = psp["z"]; }
5018  // Get particle masses.
5019  double m2Bef = 0.0;
5020  double m2r = 0.0;
5021  double m2s = 0.0;
5022  int type = (event[iRecoiler].isFinal()) ? 1 : -1;
5023  if (type == 1) {
5024  m2s = particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iRecoiler].id())
5025  ? getMass(event[iRecoiler].id(),3,
5026  event[iRecoiler].mCalc())
5027  : (event[iRecoiler].idAbs() < 6)
5028  ? getMass(event[iRecoiler].id(),2)
5029  : getMass(event[iRecoiler].id(),1);
5030  }
5032  // Emission.
5033  double m2ex = (abs(idSister) < 6) ?
5034  getMass(idSister, 2) : getMass(idSister, 1);
5035  double m2e = (!trial) ? m2ex
5036  : ( (split->kinematics()->m2EmtAft > 0.) ? split->kinematics()->m2EmtAft
5037  : m2ex);
5039  // Radiator mass.
5040  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idDaughter) == 11 || abs(idDaughter) == 13
5041  || abs(idDaughter) > 900000))
5042  m2Bef = getMass(idDaughter,1);
5043  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idMother) == 11 || abs(idMother) == 13
5044  || abs(idMother) > 900000))
5045  m2r = getMass(idMother,1);
5046  // Emission mass
5047  if ( useMassiveBeams && (abs(idSister) == 11 || abs(idSister) == 13
5048  || abs(idSister) > 900000))
5049  m2e = getMass(idSister,1);
5051  // Force emission massless by default.
5052  if (!forceMassiveMap) m2e = 0.0;
5053  // Adjust the dipole kinematical mass to accomodate masses after branching.
5054  double m2dip = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->m2Dip : split->kinematics()->m2Dip;
5055  double m2dipCorr = m2dip - m2Bef + m2r + m2e;
5056  // Calculate CS variables.
5057  double xCS = z;
5058  double uCS = (pT2/m2dipCorr)/(1-z);
5059  double sai = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->sa1 : split->kinematics()->sai;
5060  double xa = (!trial) ? dipEndSel->xa : split->kinematics()->xa;
5061  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5062  if (split->useForBranching) { sai = psp["sai"]; xa = psp["xa"]; }
5064  // Current event and subsystem size.
5065  int eventSizeOld = event.size();
5066  int systemSizeOld = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSysSelNow);
5068  // Save properties to be restored in case of user-hook veto of emission.
5069  int beamOff1 = 1 + beamOffset;
5070  int beamOff2 = 2 + beamOffset;
5071  int ev1Dau1V = event[beamOff1].daughter1();
5072  int ev2Dau1V = event[beamOff2].daughter1();
5073  vector<int> statusV, mother1V, mother2V, daughter1V, daughter2V;
5075  // Check if the first emission shoild be checked for removal
5076  bool physical = true;
5077  bool canMergeFirst = (mergingHooksPtr != 0)
5078  ? mergingHooksPtr->canVetoEmission() : false;
5080  // Keep track of the system's full final for global recoil.
5081  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
5082  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
5083  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSelNow, iCopy);
5084  statusV.push_back( event[iOldCopy].status());
5085  mother1V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].mother1());
5086  mother2V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].mother2());
5087  daughter1V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].daughter1());
5088  daughter2V.push_back( event[iOldCopy].daughter2());
5089  }
5090  }
5092  // Less book-keeping for local recoil scheme.
5093  int iDauStatusV = event[iDaughter].status();
5094  int iDauMot1V = event[iDaughter].mother1();
5095  int iDauMot2V = event[iDaughter].mother2();
5096  int iDauDau1V = event[iDaughter].daughter1();
5097  int iDauDau2V = event[iDaughter].daughter2();
5098  int iRecStatusV = event[iRecoiler].status();
5099  int iRecMot1V = event[iRecoiler].mother1();
5100  int iRecMot2V = event[iRecoiler].mother2();
5101  int iRecDau1V = event[iRecoiler].daughter1();
5102  int iRecDau2V = event[iRecoiler].daughter2();
5104  // For global recoil, take copy of existing system, to be given modified
5105  // kinematics. Incoming negative status.
5106  int iMother(0), iNewRecoiler(0), iNewOther(0);
5107  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
5108  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
5109  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSelNow, iCopy);
5110  int statusOld = event[iOldCopy].status();
5111  int statusNew = (iOldCopy == iDaughter
5112  || iOldCopy == iOldOther) ? statusOld :
5113  (iOldCopy == iRecoiler) ? 48 : 44;
5114  int iNewCopy = event.copy(iOldCopy, statusNew);
5115  if (iOldCopy == iDaughter) iMother = iNewCopy;
5116  if (iOldCopy == iRecoiler) iNewRecoiler = iNewCopy;
5117  if (iOldCopy == iOldOther) iNewOther = iNewCopy;
5118  if (statusOld < 0) event[iNewCopy].statusNeg();
5119  }
5120  }
5122  // For 1->3 splitting, intermediate mother is a gluon.
5123  int idMotherNow = idMother;
5124  if ( nEmissions == 2) idMotherNow = 21;
5126  // Define colour flow in branching.
5127  // Default corresponds to f -> f + gamma.
5128  int colMother = colDaughter;
5129  int acolMother = acolDaughter;
5130  int colSister = 0;
5131  int acolSister = 0;
5133  if (idSister == 22 || idSister == 23 || idSister == 25) ;
5135  // q -> q + g and 50% of g -> g + g; need new colour.
5136  else if (idSister == 21 && ( (idMotherNow > 0 && idMotherNow < 9)
5137  || ( idMotherNow == 21 && colMatch && acolMatch
5138  && rndmPtr->flat() < 0.5) ) ) {
5139  colMother = event.nextColTag();
5140  colSister = colMother;
5141  acolSister = colDaughter;
5142  // qbar -> qbar + g and other 50% of g -> g + g; need new colour.
5143  } else if (idSister == 21 && ( (idMotherNow < 0 && idMotherNow > -9)
5144  || ( idMotherNow == 21 && colMatch && acolMatch) ) ) {
5145  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
5146  acolSister = acolMother;
5147  colSister = acolDaughter;
5148  } else if (idMotherNow == 21 && idSister == 21 && colMatch && !acolMatch) {
5149  colMother = event.nextColTag();
5150  acolMother = acolDaughter;
5151  colSister = colMother;
5152  acolSister = colDaughter;
5153  } else if (idMotherNow == 21 && idSister == 21 && !colMatch && acolMatch) {
5154  colMother = colDaughter;
5155  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
5156  acolSister = acolMother;
5157  colSister = acolDaughter;
5158  // q -> g + q.
5159  } else if (idDaughterNow == 21 && idMotherNow > 0) {
5160  colMother = colDaughter;
5161  acolMother = 0;
5162  colSister = acolDaughter;
5163  // qbar -> g + qbar
5164  } else if (idDaughterNow == 21) {
5165  acolMother = acolDaughter;
5166  colMother = 0;
5167  acolSister = colDaughter;
5168  // g -> q + qbar.
5169  } else if (idDaughterNow > 0 && idDaughterNow < 9) {
5170  acolMother = event.nextColTag();
5171  acolSister = acolMother;
5172  // g -> qbar + q.
5173  } else if (idDaughterNow < 0 && idDaughterNow > -9) {
5174  colMother = event.nextColTag();
5175  colSister = colMother;
5176  }
5178  // Swap colours if radiated gluon carries momentum fraction z
5179  int colSave = colSister, acolSave = acolSister;
5180  if ( splits[name]->is(splittingsPtr->isrQCD_21_to_21_and_21b)) {
5181  colSister = acolMother;
5182  acolSister = colMother;
5183  colMother = acolSave;
5184  acolMother = colSave;
5185  }
5187  if (split->useForBranching) {
5188  idMotherNow= event[iDaughter].id();
5189  colMother = event[iDaughter].col();
5190  acolMother = event[iDaughter].acol();
5191  colSister = 0;
5192  acolSister = 0;
5193  // Now reset if splitting information is available.
5194  if (split->radAft()->id != 0) idMotherNow= split->radAft()->id;
5195  if (split->emtAft()->id != 0) idSister = split->emtAft()->id;
5196  if (split->radAft()->col > -1) colMother = split->radAft()->col;
5197  if (split->radAft()->acol > -1) acolMother = split->radAft()->acol;
5198  if (split->emtAft()->col > -1) colSister = split->emtAft()->col;
5199  if (split->emtAft()->acol > -1) acolSister = split->emtAft()->acol;
5200  }
5202  int colMother1, acolMother1;
5203  int colSister1, acolSister1;
5204  colMother1 = acolMother1 = colSister1 = acolSister1 = 0;
5205  if ( nEmissions == 2) {
5206  // Daughter color transferred to quark mother "1", sister anti-color
5207  // transferred to sister "1" color.
5208  if (idMother*idDaughterNow > 0 && idMother > 0) {
5209  colMother1 = colDaughter;
5210  acolMother1 = 0;
5211  acolSister1 = 0;
5212  colSister1 = acolSister;
5213  }
5214  // Daughter anticolor transferred to antiquark mother "1", sister color
5215  // transferred to sister "1" anticolor.
5216  if (idMother*idDaughterNow > 0 && idMother < 0) {
5217  colMother1 = 0;
5218  acolMother1 = acolDaughter;
5219  acolSister1 = colSister;
5220  colSister1 = 0;
5221  }
5222  // Sister color transferred to quark mother "1", daughter anti-color
5223  // transferred to sister "1" color.
5224  if (idMother*idDaughterNow < 0 && idMother > 0) {
5225  colMother1 = colSister;
5226  acolMother1 = 0;
5227  acolSister1 = 0;
5228  colSister1 = acolDaughter;
5229  // Reset dummy mother colours.
5230  acolMother = acolDaughter;
5231  colMother = colSister;
5232  }
5233  // Sister anticolor transferred to antiquark mother "1", daughter color
5234  // transferred to sister "1" anti-color.
5235  if (idMother*idDaughterNow < 0 && idMother < 0) {
5236  colMother1 = 0;
5237  acolMother1 = acolSister;
5238  acolSister1 = colDaughter;
5239  colSister1 = 0;
5240  // Reset dummy mother colours.
5241  acolMother = acolSister;
5242  colMother = colDaughter;
5243  }
5244  }
5246  // Add mother. For 1->3 splitting, attach "dummy" mother.
5247  if (!useGlobalMapIF) {iMother = event.append( idMotherNow, -41,
5248  event[iDaughter].mother1(), 0, 0, 0, colMother, acolMother,
5249  Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5250  auxevent1.append( idMotherNow, -41,
5251  event[iDaughter].mother1(), 0, 0, 0, colMother, acolMother,
5252  Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5253  auxevent2.append( idMotherNow, -41,
5254  event[iDaughter].mother1(), 0, 0, 0, colMother, acolMother,
5255  Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5256  }
5257  // Add recoiler. For 1->3 splitting, attach "dummy" recoiler.
5258  if (!useGlobalMapIF) { iNewRecoiler =
5259  event.append( event[iRecoiler].id(), 48,
5260  iRecoiler, iRecoiler, 0, 0, event[iRecoiler].col(),
5261  event[iRecoiler].acol(), Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5262  auxevent1.append( event[iRecoiler].id(), 48,
5263  iRecoiler, iRecoiler, 0, 0, event[iRecoiler].col(),
5264  event[iRecoiler].acol(), Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5265  auxevent2.append( event[iRecoiler].id(), 48,
5266  iRecoiler, iRecoiler, 0, 0, event[iRecoiler].col(),
5267  event[iRecoiler].acol(), Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5268  }
5269  // Remember other initial state.
5270  if (!useGlobalMapIF) iNewOther = iOldOther;
5271  // For 1->3 splitting, add "real" mother.
5272  int iMother1 = 0;
5273  if ( nEmissions == 2)
5274  iMother1 = event.append( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0,
5275  sqrt(pT2) );
5276  // Add new sister.
5277  int iSister = event.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
5278  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5279  auxevent1.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
5280  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5281  auxevent2.append( idSister, 43, iMother, 0, 0, 0,
5282  colSister, acolSister, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5283  // For 1->3 splitting, add "real" recoiler.
5284  int iNewRecoiler1 = 0;
5285  if ( nEmissions == 2)
5286  iNewRecoiler1 = event.append( event[iRecoiler].id(), 48, iNewRecoiler,
5287  iNewRecoiler, 0, 0, event[iRecoiler].col(), event[iRecoiler].acol(),
5288  Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0, sqrt(pT2) );
5289  // Second sister particle for 1->3 splitting.
5290  int iSister1 = 0;
5291  if ( nEmissions == 2)
5292  iSister1 = event.append( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.), 0.0,
5293  sqrt(pT2) );
5295  // References to the partons involved.
5296  Particle& daughter = event[iDaughter];
5297  Particle& mother = event[iMother];
5298  Particle& newRecoiler = event[iNewRecoiler];
5299  Particle& sister = event[iSister];
5300  Particle& mother1 = event[iMother1];
5301  Particle& newRecoiler1 = event[iNewRecoiler1];
5302  Particle& sister1 = event[iSister1];
5304  // Replace old by new mother; update old recoiler.
5305  event[iRecoiler].statusNeg();
5306  event[iRecoiler].daughters( iNewRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
5307  auxevent1[iRecoiler].statusNeg();
5308  auxevent2[iRecoiler].statusNeg();
5309  auxevent1[iRecoiler].daughters( iNewRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
5310  auxevent2[iRecoiler].daughters( iNewRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
5311  if (mother.idAbs() == 21 || mother.idAbs() == 22) mother.pol(9);
5313  // Update mother and daughter pointers; also for beams.
5314  daughter.mothers( iMother, 0);
5315  mother.daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
5316  mother.cols( colMother, acolMother);
5317 idMotherNow );
5318  int iBeam1Dau1 = event[beamOff1].daughter1();
5319  int iBeam2Dau1 = event[beamOff2].daughter1();
5320  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
5321  event[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5322  event[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5323  }
5325  auxevent1[iDaughter].mothers( iMother, 0);
5326  auxevent1[iMother].daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
5327  auxevent1[iMother].cols( colMother, acolMother);
5328  auxevent1[iMother].id( idMotherNow );
5329  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
5330  auxevent1[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5331  auxevent1[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5332  }
5334  auxevent2[iDaughter].mothers( iMother, 0);
5335  auxevent2[iMother].daughters( iSister, iDaughter);
5336  auxevent2[iMother].cols( colMother, acolMother);
5337  auxevent2[iMother].id( idMotherNow );
5338  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
5339  auxevent2[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5340  auxevent2[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother : iNewOther );
5341  }
5343  bool doVeto = false;
5344  bool printWarnings = (!trial || !forceMassiveMap);
5345  bool doMECreject = false;
5347  // Regular massive kinematics for 1+1 -> 2+1 splitting
5348  if ( nEmissions != 2) {
5350  // Massive kinematics, in two schemes.
5352  // Local scheme.
5353  if (!useGlobalMapIF) {
5355  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
5356  Vec4 paj_tilde(event[iDaughter].p());
5357  Vec4 pk_tilde(event[iRecoiler].p());
5358  Vec4 pTk_tilde(event[iRecoiler].px(),event[iRecoiler].py(),0.,0.);
5359  Vec4 q(paj_tilde-pk_tilde);
5360  Vec4 qpar(q+pTk_tilde);
5362  // Calculate derived variables.
5363  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
5364  double q2par = qpar.m2Calc();
5365  double pT2k = -pTk_tilde.m2Calc();
5366  double sjk = (1. - 1./xCS)*(q2 - m2r) + (m2e + m2s) / xCS;
5367  double zbar = (q2-sjk-m2r) / bABC(q2,sjk,m2r)
5368  *( uCS - m2r / gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)
5369  * (sjk + m2e - m2s) / (q2 - sjk - m2r));
5370  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sjk - (1-zbar)*m2e - zbar*m2s;
5372  if (kT2 < 0.) {
5373  if (printWarnings)
5374  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Reject state "
5375  "with kinematically forbidden kT^2.");
5376  physical = false;
5377  }
5379  // Now construct radiator in lab frame.
5380  Vec4 pRad( ( paj_tilde - q*paj_tilde/q2par * qpar )
5381  * sqrt( (lABC(q2,sjk,m2r) - 4.*m2r*pT2k)
5382  / (lABC(q2,m2s,m2Bef) - 4.*m2Bef*pT2k))
5383  + qpar * 0.5 * (q2 + m2r - sjk) / q2par);
5385  // Construct dummy overall momentum.
5386  Vec4 pSum(1e5,1e5,1e5,1e5);
5387  Vec4 pSumIn( beamAPtr->p() + beamBPtr->p() );
5389  // Now produce momenta of emitted and recoiling particles, and ensure
5390  // good momentum conservation. (More than one try only necessary in rare
5391  // numerical instabilities.
5392  Vec4 pRec, pEmt;
5393  Vec4 auxpRec1, auxpEmt1;
5394  Vec4 auxpRec2, auxpEmt2;
5395  int nTries = 0;
5396  while ( abs(pSum.px()-pSumIn.px()) > mTolErr
5397  || abs( > mTolErr ) {
5399  // Give up after too many tries.
5400  nTries++;
5401  if (nTries > 100) {
5402  if (printWarnings)
5403  infoPtr->errorMsg
5404  ("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Could not set up"
5405  " state after branching, thus reject.");
5406  physical = false; break;
5407  }
5409  // Now construct the transverse momentum vector in the dipole CM frame.
5410  double phi_kt = (!trial) ? 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat()
5411  : split->kinematics()->phi < 0. ?
5412  2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat() : split->kinematics()->phi;
5414  double phi_kt1 = phi_kt+DPHI_IF*M_PI;
5415  if (phi_kt1>2.*M_PI) phi_kt1 -= 2.*M_PI;
5416  double phi_kt2 = phi_kt-DPHI_IF*M_PI;
5417  if (phi_kt2<0.) phi_kt2 += 2.*M_PI;
5418  if (phi_kt1<phi_kt2) swap(phi_kt1, phi_kt2);
5420  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5421  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
5423  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
5424  Vec4 pjk(-q+pRad);
5426  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two
5427  // perpendicular four-vectors.
5428  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pRad,pjk);
5429  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
5430  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
5432  // Construct new emission momentum.
5433  pEmt.p( zbar * (gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk + sjk*pRad) / bABC(q2,sjk,m2r)
5434  - (m2e + kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sjk,m2r))
5435  * (pRad + m2r/gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk)
5436  + kTmom);
5438  // Construct recoiler momentum by momentum conservation.
5439  pRec.p(-q+pRad-pEmt);
5441  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt1)*pTvecs.first
5442  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt1)*pTvecs.second);
5443  auxpEmt1.p( zbar * (gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk + sjk*pRad) / bABC(q2,sjk,m2r)
5444  - (m2e + kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sjk,m2r))
5445  * (pRad + m2r/gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk)
5446  + kTmom);
5447  auxpRec1.p(-q+pRad-auxpEmt1);
5449  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt2)*pTvecs.first
5450  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt2)*pTvecs.second);
5451  auxpEmt2.p( zbar * (gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk + sjk*pRad) / bABC(q2,sjk,m2r)
5452  - (m2e + kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sjk,m2r))
5453  * (pRad + m2r/gABC(q2,sjk,m2r)*pjk)
5454  + kTmom);
5455  auxpRec2.p(-q+pRad-auxpEmt2);
5457  sister.p(pEmt);
5458  mother.p(pRad);
5459  newRecoiler.p(pRec);
5461  auxevent1[iSister].p(auxpEmt1);
5462  auxevent1[iMother].p(pRad);
5463  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].p(auxpRec1);
5465  auxevent2[iSister].p(auxpEmt2);
5466  auxevent2[iMother].p(pRad);
5467  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].p(auxpRec2);
5469  // Gather total momentum for subsequent check that total pT vanishes.
5470  vector<int> iPos(1,iSister);
5471  pSum = sister.p();
5472  iPos.push_back(iNewRecoiler);
5473  pSum += newRecoiler.p();
5475  // Collect remaining final state momenta.
5476  for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i)
5477  if ( event[i].isFinal()
5478  && partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i,true) == iSysSelNow
5479  && find(iPos.begin(), iPos.end(), i) == iPos.end() )
5480  pSum += event[i].p();
5481  }
5483  // Global scheme.
5484  } else {
5486  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
5487  Vec4 paj_tilde(event[iDaughter].p());
5488  Vec4 pk_tilde(event[iRecoiler].p());
5489  Vec4 q(pk_tilde-paj_tilde);
5491  // Calculate derived variables.
5492  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
5493  //double saj = uCS/xCS*(q2 - m2s) + (m2r+m2e) * (1-uCS)/xCS;
5494  double saj = uCS/xCS*(q2 - m2s) + (m2r+m2e) * (1-uCS/xCS);
5495  double zbar = (q2-saj-m2s) / bABC(q2,saj,m2s)
5496  *( (xCS - 1)/(xCS-uCS) - m2s / gABC(q2,saj,m2s)
5497  * (saj + m2e - m2r) / (q2 - saj - m2s));
5498  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*saj - (1-zbar)*m2e - zbar*m2r;
5500  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
5501  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) physical = false;
5503  // Now construct recoiler in lab frame.
5504  Vec4 pRec( (pk_tilde - q*pk_tilde/q2*q)
5505  *sqrt(lABC(q2,saj,m2s)/lABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s))
5506  + 0.5*(q2+m2s-saj)/q2*q );
5508  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
5509  Vec4 paj(-q+pRec);
5511  double phi_kt = (!trial) ? 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat()
5512  : split->kinematics()->phi < 0. ?
5513  2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat() : split->kinematics()->phi;
5515  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5516  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
5518  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
5519  // four-vectors.
5520  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(paj, pRec);
5521  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
5522  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
5524  // Construct new emission momentum.
5525  Vec4 pEmt( - zbar * (gABC(q2,saj,m2s)*paj + saj*pRec) / bABC(q2,saj,m2s)
5526  + (m2e + kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,saj,m2s))
5527  * (pRec + m2s/gABC(q2,saj,m2s)*paj)
5528  + kTmom);
5530  // Contruct radiator momentum by momentum conservation.
5531  Vec4 pRad(-q+pRec+pEmt);
5533  // Boost to realign the incoming radiator.
5534  int iOther = getInB(iSysSelNow);
5535  if (side == 2) iOther = getInA(iSysSelNow);
5537  Vec4 pOther(event[iOther].p());
5539  // Boost to rest frame of incoming particles A and B.
5540  RotBstMatrix toABCM;
5541  if (side == 1) toABCM.toCMframe( pRad, pOther);
5542  else toABCM.toCMframe( pOther, pRad);
5544  // After this, the radiator has vanishing pT.
5545  pRad.rotbst(toABCM);
5546  pOther.rotbst(toABCM);
5548  // Restore the momentum fraction of the incoming particle that
5549  // did not participate in the splitting.
5550  RotBstMatrix restoreB;
5551  restoreB.bst( pOther, event[iOther].p());
5553  // After this, the inactive beam returns to the correct energy fraction.
5554  pRad.rotbst(restoreB);
5555  pOther.rotbst(restoreB);
5557  // Set all momenta.
5558  sister.p(pEmt);
5559  mother.p(pRad);
5560  newRecoiler.p(pRec);
5562  // Rotate and boost all final state particles to absorb the pT of the
5563  // radiator.
5564  for ( int i = eventSizeOld + 2; i < eventSizeOld + systemSizeOld; ++i) {
5565  if ( event[i].isFinal()) {
5566  event[i].rotbst(toABCM);
5567  event[i].rotbst(restoreB);
5568  }
5569  }
5571  // Transform the emission to the new lab frame.
5572  sister.rotbst(toABCM);
5573  sister.rotbst(restoreB);
5575  }
5577  // Store masses.
5578  sister.m(sqrtpos(m2e));
5579  mother.m(sqrtpos(m2r));
5580  newRecoiler.m(sqrtpos(m2s));
5582  auxevent1[iSister].m(sqrtpos(m2e));
5583  auxevent1[iMother].m(sqrtpos(m2r));
5584  auxevent1[iNewRecoiler].m(sqrtpos(m2s));
5586  auxevent2[iSister].m(sqrtpos(m2e));
5587  auxevent2[iMother].m(sqrtpos(m2r));
5588  auxevent2[iNewRecoiler].m(sqrtpos(m2s));
5590  // Check momenta.
5591  if ( !validMomentum( mother.p(), idMother, -1)
5592  || !validMomentum( sister.p(), idSister, 1)
5593  || !validMomentum( newRecoiler.p(), event[iNewRecoiler].id(), 1))
5594  physical = false;
5596  // Rotate and boost all final state particles to absorb the pT of the
5597  doVeto = (( canVetoEmission && userHooksPtr->doVetoISREmission(
5598  eventSizeOld, event, iSysSelNow))
5599  || ( canMergeFirst && mergingHooksPtr->doVetoEmission(event)) );
5601  double xm = 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5603  // Test that enough beam momentum remains.
5604  int iOther = getInB(iSysSelNow);
5605  if (side == 2) iOther = getInA(iSysSelNow);
5606  double xAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
5607  ? 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
5608  : 2.*event[iOther].e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5609  double iAold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iDaughter : iOther;
5610  double iAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iMother : iOther;
5611  double xBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
5612  ? 2.*event[iOther].e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
5613  : 2.*mother.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5614  double iBold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iOther : iDaughter;
5615  double iBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iNewRecoiler : iOther;
5616  if ( hasPDF(event[iAnew].id()) && beamAPtr->size() > 0) {
5617  double xOld = (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
5618  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAnew);
5619  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xAnew);
5620  if (beamAPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
5621  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: "
5622  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
5623  physical = false;
5624  }
5625  // Restore old beams.
5626  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAold);
5627  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
5628  }
5629  if ( hasPDF(event[iBnew].id()) && beamBPtr->size() > 0) {
5630  double xOld = (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
5631  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBnew);
5632  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xBnew);
5633  if (beamBPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
5634  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: "
5635  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
5636  physical = false;
5637  }
5638  // Restore old beams.
5639  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBold);
5640  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
5641  }
5643  // Apply ME correction if necessary.
5644  bool isHardSystem = partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(iDaughter,true) == 0
5645  && partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(iRecoiler,true) == 0;
5646  if (isHardSystem && physical && doMEcorrections
5647  && pT2 > pT2minMECs && checkSIJ(event,Q2minMECs)) {
5649  int iA = getInA(iSysSelNow);
5650  int iB = getInB(iSysSelNow);
5651  // Update and add newly produced particles.
5652  vector<int> iOut(createvector<int>(0)(0));
5653  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
5654  // Add newly produced particle.
5655  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
5656  iOut.push_back(partonSystemsPtr->getOut(iSysSel, iCopy - 2));
5657  }
5659  bool motherHasPlusPz = (event[iMother].pz() > 0.);
5660  if (motherHasPlusPz) {
5661  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iMother);
5662  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iNewOther);
5663  } else {
5664  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iMother);
5665  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iNewOther);
5666  }
5668  // Update and add newly produced particles.
5669  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
5670  // Add newly produced particle.
5671  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
5672  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSel, iCopy - 2, eventSizeOld + iCopy);
5673  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
5674  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
5675  } else {
5676  // Add newly produced particle.
5677  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
5678  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
5679  }
5681  if ( nFinalMaxMECs < 0
5682  || nFinalMaxMECs > partonSystemsPtr->sizeOut(iSysSelNow))
5683  doMECreject = applyMEC (event, split,
5684  createvector<Event>(auxevent1)(auxevent2));
5686  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iA);
5687  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iB);
5688  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
5689  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy)
5690  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2, iOut[iCopy]);
5691  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler, iRecoiler);
5692  partonSystemsPtr->popBackOut(iSysSelNow);
5693  } else {
5694  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iNewRecoiler, iRecoiler);
5695  partonSystemsPtr->popBackOut(iSysSelNow);
5696  }
5697  }
5699  // Update dipoles and beams. Note: dipEndSel no longer valid after this.
5700  if (physical && !doVeto && !trial && !doMECreject) updateAfterIF(
5701  iSysSelNow, side,
5702  iDipSel, eventSizeOld, systemSizeOld, event, iDaughter, iRecoiler,
5703  iMother, iSister, iNewRecoiler, iNewOther, pT2, xm);
5705  // Perform 1+1 -> 3 + 1 splitting.
5707  } else {
5709  // Perform 1->3 splitting as two consecutive steps.
5711  // Save momenta before the splitting.
5712  Vec4 pa12_tilde(event[iDaughter].p());
5713  Vec4 pb_tilde(event[iRecoiler].p());
5715  double za = z;
5717  // Massive kinematics, in two schemes.
5719  // Local scheme.
5720  if (!useGlobalMapIF) {
5722  // 1->3 splitting as one IF and one ("recoil-less") FF step.
5723  // (aij)_tilde (k)_tilde -> (a) (i) (jk) -> (a) (i) (j) (k)
5724  // Recoiler k shifts mass in first and second step.
5726  //double m2a = getMass(idMother,2);
5727  double m2a = 0.0;
5728  double m2i = getMass(idMother,2);
5729  double m2j = getMass(idSister,2);
5730  double m2k = m2s;
5731  m2Bef = 0.0;
5732  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
5734  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
5735  Vec4 q( pa12_tilde - pb_tilde );
5736  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
5737  double m2jk = pT2/xa + q2*( 1. - xa/za) - m2ai;
5739  // Perform first IF step.
5741  // Get transverse and parallel vector.
5742  Vec4 pTk_tilde( pb_tilde.px(),, 0., 0.);
5743  Vec4 qpar( q + pTk_tilde );
5745  uCS = za*(m2ai-m2a-m2i)/q2;
5746  xCS = uCS + xa - (pT2*za)/(q2*xa);
5748  // Calculate derived variables.
5749  double q2par = qpar.m2Calc();
5750  double pT2k = -pTk_tilde.m2Calc();
5751  double s_i_jk = (1. - 1./xCS)*(q2 - m2a) + (m2i + m2jk) / xCS;
5752  double zbar = (q2-s_i_jk-m2a) / bABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
5753  *( uCS - m2a / gABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
5754  * (s_i_jk + m2i - m2jk) / (q2 - s_i_jk - m2a));
5755  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*s_i_jk - (1-zbar)*m2i - zbar*m2jk;
5757  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
5758  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) physical = false;
5760  // Now construct radiator in lab frame.
5761  Vec4 pa( ( pa12_tilde - 0.5*(q2-m2Bef-m2k)/q2par * qpar )
5762  * sqrt( (lABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a) - 4.*m2a*pT2k)
5763  / (lABC(q2,m2k,m2Bef) - 4.*m2Bef*pT2k))
5764  + qpar * 0.5 * (q2 + m2a - s_i_jk) / q2par);
5766  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
5767  Vec4 pijk(-q+pa);
5769  double phi_kt = (!trial)
5770  ? ((dipEndSel->phi > 0.)
5771  ? dipEndSel->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
5772  : ((split->kinematics()->phi > 0.)
5773  ? split->kinematics()->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
5775  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5776  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
5778  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
5779  // four-vectors.
5780  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pa, pijk);
5781  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
5782  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
5784  // Construct new emission momentum.
5785  Vec4 pi(zbar*(gABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)*pijk + s_i_jk*pa) / bABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
5786  - ((1.-zbar)*s_i_jk - m2jk + m2i) / bABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)
5787  * (pa + m2a/gABC(q2,s_i_jk,m2a)*pijk)
5788  + kTmom);
5790  // Construct recoiler momentum by momentum conservation.
5791  Vec4 pjk(-q+pa-pi);
5793  // Set particle momenta.
5794  // Mother (a) already fixed. No need to introduce dummy intermediate.
5795  mother.p(pa);
5796  mother.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
5797  mother1.p(pa);
5798  mother1.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
5800  // Second sister (i) already fixed.
5801  sister1.p(pi);
5802  sister1.m(sqrtpos(m2i));
5804  // Intermediate off-shell recoiler. To be decayed in second step.
5805  newRecoiler.p(pjk);
5806  newRecoiler.m(sqrtpos(m2jk));
5808  // Perform FF step.
5810  // Set up kinematics as 1->2 decay in pjk rest frame.
5811  Vec4 pai(pa-pi);
5813  double phiFF = (!trial)
5814  ? ((dipEndSel->phia1 > 0.)
5815  ? dipEndSel->phia1 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
5816  : ((split->kinematics()->phi2 > 0.)
5817  ? split->kinematics()->phi2 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
5819  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
5820  if (split->useForBranching) { phiFF = psp["phi2"]; }
5822  double q2tot = q2;
5823  // Construct FF dipole momentum.
5824  q.p(pai - pjk);
5825  q2 = q.m2Calc();
5826  // Calculate CS variables.
5827  double m2Emt = m2k;
5828  double m2Rad = m2j;
5829  double zCS = pT2/xa / ( pT2/xa - q2*xa/za);
5830  double yCS = (m2jk - m2Emt - m2Rad)
5831  / (m2jk - m2Emt - m2Rad + 2.*pai*pjk);
5833  q.p(pai + pjk);
5834  q2 = q.m2Calc();
5835  // Calculate derived variables.
5836  double sij = yCS * (q2 - m2ai) + (1.-yCS)*(m2Rad+m2Emt);
5837  zbar = (q2-sij-m2ai) / bABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
5838  * (zCS - m2ai/gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
5839  *(sij + m2Rad - m2Emt)/(q2-sij-m2ai));
5840  kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sij - (1.-zbar)*m2Rad - zbar*m2Emt;
5842  // Not possible to construct kinematics if kT2 < 0.0
5843  if (kT2 < 0.) {
5844  if (printWarnings)
5845  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Reject state "
5846  "with kinematically forbidden kT^2.");
5847  physical = false;
5848  }
5850  // NaN kT2 can happen for a 1->3 splitting in which the g->QQ~ produces
5851  // massive quarks Q.
5852  if (physical && (kT2!=kT2 || abs(kT2-kT2) > 1e5) ) {
5853  if (printWarnings)
5854  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Reject state "
5855  "with not-a-number kT^2 for branching " + name);
5856  physical = false;
5857  }
5859  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
5860  Vec4 pij(q-pai);
5862  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
5863  // four-vectors.
5864  pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pai, pij);
5865  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phiFF)*pTvecs.first
5866  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phiFF)*pTvecs.second);
5868  // Construct new radiator momentum.
5869  Vec4 pj( zbar * (gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)*pij - sij*pai) / bABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
5870  + (m2Rad+kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sij,m2ai))
5871  * (pai - m2ai/gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)*pij)
5872  + kTmom);
5874  // Contruct the emission momentum by momentum conservation.
5875  Vec4 pk(q-pj-pai);
5877  // Set particle momenta.
5878  sister.p(pj);
5879  sister.m(sqrtpos(m2j));
5880  newRecoiler1.p(pk);
5881  newRecoiler1.m(sqrtpos(m2k));
5883  // Check momenta.
5884  if ( !validMomentum( mother1.p(), idMother, -1)
5885  || !validMomentum( sister.p(), idSister, 1)
5886  || !validMomentum( sister1.p(), idMother, 1)
5887  || !validMomentum( newRecoiler1.p(), event[iNewRecoiler1].id(), 1))
5888  physical = false;
5890  // Check invariants.
5891  if ( false ) {
5892  double saix(2.*pa*pi), sakx(2.*pa*pk), sajx(2.*pa*pj), sikx(2.*pi*pk),
5893  sjkx(2.*pj*pk), sijx(2.*pi*pj);
5894  double pptt = (sajx-sijx)*(sakx-sikx)/(saix+sajx+sakx);
5895  double ssaaii = saix;
5896  double zzaa = -q2tot/ ( saix + sajx + sakx );
5897  double xxaa = (sakx-sikx) / ( saix + sajx + sakx );
5898  if ( physical &&
5899  (abs(pptt-pT2) > 1e-5 || abs(ssaaii-sai) > 1e-5 ||
5900  abs(zzaa-za) > 1e-5 || abs(xxaa-xa) > 1e-5) ){
5901  cout << "Error in branch_IF: Invariant masses after branching do "
5902  << "not match chosen values." << endl;
5903  cout << "Chosen: "
5904  << " Q2 " << q2tot
5905  << " pT2 " << pT2
5906  << " sai " << sai
5907  << " za " << z
5908  << " xa " << xa << endl;
5909  cout << "Generated: "
5910  << " Q2 " << saix+sajx+sakx-sijx-sikx-sjkx
5911  << " pT2 " << pptt
5912  << " sai " << ssaaii
5913  << " za " << zzaa
5914  << " xa " << xxaa << endl;
5915  physical = false;
5916  }
5917  }
5919  // Test that enough beam momentum remains.
5920  int iOther = getInB(iSysSelNow);
5921  if (side == 2) iOther = getInA(iSysSelNow);
5922  double xAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
5923  ? 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
5924  : 2.*event[iOther].e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5925  double iAold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iDaughter : iOther;
5926  double iAnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iMother1 : iOther;
5927  double xBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1)
5928  ? 2.*event[iOther].e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e())
5929  : 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5930  double iBold = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iOther : iDaughter;
5931  double iBnew = (mother.mother1() == 1) ? iOther : iMother1;
5932  if ( hasPDF(event[iAnew].id()) && beamAPtr->size() > 0) {
5933  double xOld = (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
5934  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAnew);
5935  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xAnew);
5936  if (beamAPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
5937  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
5938  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
5939  physical = false;
5940  }
5941  // Restore old beams.
5942  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iAold);
5943  (*beamAPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
5944  }
5945  if ( hasPDF(event[iBnew].id()) && beamBPtr->size() > 0) {
5946  double xOld = (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x();
5947  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBnew);
5948  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xBnew);
5949  if (beamBPtr->xMax(-1) < 0.0) {
5950  if (!trial) infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_II: "
5951  "used up beam momentum; discard splitting.");
5952  physical = false;
5953  }
5954  // Restore old beams.
5955  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].iPos(iBold);
5956  (*beamBPtr)[iSysSelNow].x(xOld);
5957  }
5959  double xm = 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
5960  // Update dipoles and beams, for first step. Note: dipEndSel no longer
5961  // valid after this.
5962  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterIF( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel,
5963  eventSizeOld, systemSizeOld, event, iDaughter, iRecoiler, iMother,
5964  iSister, iNewRecoiler, iNewOther, pT2, xm);
5966  // Update flavours, colours, status after first step.
5968  // Exempt intermediate off-shell recoiler from Pythia momentum checks.
5969  newRecoiler.status(-49);
5970  newRecoiler.statusNeg();
5971  newRecoiler.daughters( iNewRecoiler1, iNewRecoiler1);
5972 idMother);
5973  mother1.status(-41);
5974  mother1.cols(colMother1, acolMother1);
5975  mother1.daughters( iSister1, iMother);
5976  mother1.mothers( mother.mother1(), mother.mother2());
5977  mother.mothers( iMother1, 0);
5979  sister1.status(43);
5980  sister1.mothers(iMother1,0);
5981  sister1.cols(colSister1, acolSister1);
5982  sister1.scale(sqrt(pT2));
5984  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
5985  event[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother1 : iNewOther );
5986  event[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother1 : iNewOther );
5987  }
5989  // Update dipoles and beams, for second step.
5990  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterIF( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel, 0, 0,
5991  event, iMother, iNewRecoiler, iMother1, iSister1, iNewRecoiler1,
5992  iNewOther, pT2, xm);
5994  // Global scheme.
5995  } else {
5997  // 1->3 splitting as two consecutive IF steps.
5998  double m2a = 0.0;
5999  double m2i = getMass(idMother,2);
6000  double m2j = getMass(idSister,2);
6001  double m2k = m2s;
6002  double m2ai = -sai + m2a + m2i;
6003  m2Bef = 0.0;
6005  // Perform first IF step.
6007  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
6008  Vec4 q(pb_tilde-pa12_tilde);
6009  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
6011  double m2jk = pT2/xa + q2*( 1. - xa/za) - m2ai;
6012  uCS = za*(m2ai-m2a-m2i)/q2;
6013  xCS = uCS + xa - (pT2*za)/(q2*xa);
6015  // Calculate derived variables.
6016  double zbar = (q2-m2ai-m2jk) / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
6017  *( (xCS - 1)/(xCS-uCS) - m2jk / gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
6018  * (m2ai + m2i - m2a) / (q2 - m2ai - m2jk));
6019  double kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*m2ai - (1-zbar)*m2i - zbar*m2a;
6021  // Disallow kinematically impossible transverse momentum.
6022  if (kT2 < 0. || isnan(kT2)) physical = false;
6024  // Now construct recoiler in lab frame.
6025  Vec4 pjk( (pb_tilde - q*pb_tilde/q2*q)
6026  *sqrt(lABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)/lABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s))
6027  + 0.5*(q2+m2jk-m2ai)/q2*q );
6029  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
6030  Vec4 pai(-q+pjk);
6032  double phi_kt = (!trial)
6033  ? ((dipEndSel->phi > 0.)
6034  ? dipEndSel->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
6035  : ((split->kinematics()->phi > 0.)
6036  ? split->kinematics()->phi : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
6038  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
6039  if (split->useForBranching) { phi_kt = psp["phi"]; }
6041  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
6042  // four-vectors.
6043  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pai, pjk);
6044  Vec4 kTmom( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phi_kt)*pTvecs.first
6045  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phi_kt)*pTvecs.second);
6047  // Construct new emission momentum.
6048  Vec4 pi( - zbar *(gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)*pai + m2ai*pjk) / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
6049  + ( (1.-zbar)*m2ai + m2i - m2a) / bABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)
6050  * (pjk + m2jk/gABC(q2,m2ai,m2jk)*pai)
6051  + kTmom);
6053  // Contruct radiator momentum by momentum conservation.
6054  Vec4 pa(-q+pjk+pi);
6056  // Boost to realign the incoming radiator.
6057  int iOther = getInB(iSysSelNow);
6058  if (side == 2) iOther = getInA(iSysSelNow);
6059  Vec4 pOther(event[iOther].p());
6061  // Boost to rest frame of incoming particles A and B.
6062  RotBstMatrix toABCM;
6063  if (side == 1) toABCM.toCMframe( pa, pOther);
6064  else toABCM.toCMframe( pOther, pa);
6066  // After this, the radiator has vanishing pT.
6067  pa.rotbst(toABCM);
6068  pOther.rotbst(toABCM);
6070  // Restore the momentum fraction of the incoming particle that
6071  // did not participate in the splitting.
6072  RotBstMatrix restoreB;
6073  restoreB.bst( pOther, event[iOther].p());
6075  // After this, the inactive beam returns to the correct energy fraction.
6076  pa.rotbst(restoreB);
6077  pOther.rotbst(restoreB);
6079  // Boost and rotate final-state momenta.
6080  pi.rotbst(toABCM);
6081  pi.rotbst(restoreB);
6082  pjk.rotbst(toABCM);
6083  pjk.rotbst(restoreB);
6085  // Set all momenta.
6086  sister1.p(pi);
6087  sister1.m(sqrtpos(m2i));
6088  // Mother (a) already fixed. No need to introduce dummy intermediate.
6089  mother.p(pa);
6090  mother.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
6091  mother1.p(pa);
6092  mother1.m(sqrtpos(m2a));
6093  newRecoiler.p(pjk);
6095  // Rotate and boost all final state particles to absorb the pT of the
6096  // radiator.
6097  for ( int i = eventSizeOld + 2; i < eventSizeOld + systemSizeOld; ++i) {
6098  // Skip sister(i) and intermediate recoiler (jk), since
6099  // already transformed.
6100  if ( i == iSister1 || i == iNewRecoiler) continue;
6101  if ( event[i].isFinal()) {
6102  event[i].rotbst(toABCM);
6103  event[i].rotbst(restoreB);
6104  }
6105  }
6107  // Perform FF step.
6109  // Set up kinematics as 1->2 decay in pjk rest frame.
6110  pai.p(pa-pi);
6112  double phiFF = (!trial)
6113  ? ((dipEndSel->phia1 > 0.)
6114  ? dipEndSel->phia1 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat())
6115  : ((split->kinematics()->phi2 > 0.)
6116  ? split->kinematics()->phi2 : 2.*M_PI*rndmPtr->flat());
6118  // Allow splitting kernel to overwrite phase space variables.
6119  if (split->useForBranching) { phiFF = psp["phi2"]; }
6121  double q2tot = q2;
6122  // Construct FF dipole momentum.
6123  q.p(pai - pjk);
6124  q2 = q.m2Calc();
6125  // Calculate CS variables.
6126  double m2Emt = m2k;
6127  double m2Rad = m2j;
6128  double zCS = pT2/xa / ( pT2/xa - q2*xa/za);
6129  double yCS = (m2jk - m2Emt - m2Rad)
6130  / (m2jk - m2Emt - m2Rad + 2.*pai*pjk);
6132  q.p(pai + pjk);
6133  q2 = q.m2Calc();
6134  // Calculate derived variables.
6135  double sij = yCS * (q2 - m2ai) + (1.-yCS)*(m2Rad+m2Emt);
6136  zbar = (q2-sij-m2ai) / bABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
6137  * (zCS - m2ai/gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
6138  *(sij + m2Rad - m2Emt)/(q2-sij-m2ai));
6139  kT2 = zbar*(1.-zbar)*sij - (1.-zbar)*m2Rad - zbar*m2Emt;
6141  // Not possible to construct kinematics if kT2 < 0.0
6142  if (kT2 < 0.) {
6143  if (printWarnings)
6144  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Reject state "
6145  "with kinematically forbidden kT^2.");
6146  physical = false;
6147  }
6149  // NaN kT2 can happen for a 1->3 splitting in which the g->QQ~ produces
6150  // massive quarks Q.
6151  if (physical && (kT2!=kT2 || abs(kT2-kT2) > 1e5) ) {
6152  if (printWarnings)
6153  infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in DireSpace::branch_IF: Reject state "
6154  "with not-a-number kT^2 for branching " + name);
6155  physical = false;
6156  }
6158  // Construct left-over dipole momentum by momentum conservation.
6159  Vec4 pij(q-pai);
6161  // Set up transverse momentum vector by using two perpendicular
6162  // four-vectors.
6163  pTvecs = getTwoPerpendicular(pai, pij);
6164  kTmom.p( sqrt(kT2)*sin(phiFF)*pTvecs.first
6165  + sqrt(kT2)*cos(phiFF)*pTvecs.second);
6167  // Construct new radiator momentum.
6168  Vec4 pj( zbar * (gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)*pij - sij*pai) / bABC(q2,sij,m2ai)
6169  + (m2Rad+kT2) / (zbar*bABC(q2,sij,m2ai))
6170  * (pai - m2ai/gABC(q2,sij,m2ai)*pij)
6171  + kTmom);
6173  // Contruct the emission momentum by momentum conservation.
6174  Vec4 pk(q-pj-pai);
6176  // Set particle momenta.
6177  sister.p(pj);
6178  sister.m(sqrtpos(m2j));
6179  newRecoiler1.p(pk);
6180  newRecoiler1.m(sqrtpos(m2k));
6182  // Check momenta.
6183  if ( !validMomentum( mother1.p(), idMother, -1)
6184  || !validMomentum( sister.p(), idSister, 1)
6185  || !validMomentum( sister1.p(), idMother, 1)
6186  || !validMomentum( newRecoiler1.p(), event[iNewRecoiler1].id(), 1))
6187  physical = false;
6189  // Check invariants.
6190  if ( true ) {
6191  double saix(2.*pa*pi), sakx(2.*pa*pk), sajx(2.*pa*pj), sikx(2.*pi*pk),
6192  sjkx(2.*pj*pk), sijx(2.*pi*pj);
6193  double pptt = (sajx-sijx)*(sakx-sikx)/(saix+sajx+sakx);
6194  double ssaaii = saix;
6195  double zzaa = -q2tot/ ( saix + sajx + sakx );
6196  double xxaa = (sakx-sikx) / ( saix + sajx + sakx );
6197  if ( physical &&
6198  (abs(pptt-pT2) > 1e-5 || abs(ssaaii-sai) > 1e-5 ||
6199  abs(zzaa-za) > 1e-5 || abs(xxaa-xa) > 1e-5) ){
6200  cout << "Error in branch_IF: Invariant masses after branching do "
6201  << "not match chosen values." << endl;
6202  cout << "Chosen: "
6203  << " Q2 " << q2tot
6204  << " pT2 " << pT2
6205  << " sai " << sai
6206  << " za " << z
6207  << " xa " << xa << endl;
6208  cout << "Generated: "
6209  << " Q2 " << saix+sajx+sakx-sijx-sikx-sjkx
6210  << " pT2 " << pptt
6211  << " sai " << ssaaii
6212  << " za " << zzaa
6213  << " xa " << xxaa << endl;
6214  physical = false;
6215  }
6216  }
6218  double xm = 2.*mother1.e() / (beamAPtr->e() + beamBPtr->e());
6219  // Update dipoles and beams, for first step. Note: dipEndSel no longer
6220  // valid after this.
6221  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterIF( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel,
6222  eventSizeOld, systemSizeOld, event, iDaughter, iRecoiler, iMother,
6223  iSister, iNewRecoiler, iNewOther, pT2, xm);
6225  // Update flavours, colours, status after first step.
6227  // Exempt intermediate off-shell recoiler from Pythia momentum checks.
6228  newRecoiler.status(-49);
6229  newRecoiler.statusNeg();
6230  newRecoiler.daughters( iNewRecoiler1, iNewRecoiler1);
6231 idMother);
6232  mother1.status(-41);
6233  mother1.cols(colMother1, acolMother1);
6234  mother1.daughters( iSister1, iMother);
6235  mother1.mothers( mother.mother1(), mother.mother2());
6236  mother.mothers( iMother1, 0);
6238  sister1.status(43);
6239  sister1.mothers(iMother1,0);
6240  sister1.cols(colSister1, acolSister1);
6241  sister1.scale(sqrt(pT2));
6243  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
6244  event[beamOff1].daughter1( (side == 1) ? iMother1 : iNewOther );
6245  event[beamOff2].daughter1( (side == 2) ? iMother1 : iNewOther );
6246  }
6248  // Update dipoles and beams, for second step.
6249  if (physical && !trial) updateAfterIF( iSysSelNow, side, iDipSel, 0, 0,
6250  event, iMother, iNewRecoiler, iMother1, iSister1, iNewRecoiler1,
6251  iNewOther, pT2, xm);
6253  }
6255  // Done with 1->3 splitting kinematics.
6257  }
6259  physical = physical && !doVeto;
6261  // Temporarily set the daughters in the beams to zero, to
6262  // allow mother-daughter relation checks.
6263  if (iSysSelNow > 0) {
6264  if (side == 1) event[beamOff1].daughter1(0);
6265  if (side == 2) event[beamOff2].daughter1(0);
6266  }
6268  // Check if mother-daughter relations are correctly set. Check only
6269  // possible if no MPI are present.
6270  if ( physical && !trial && !doMECreject && !validMotherDaughter(event)) {
6271  if (printWarnings)
6272  infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in DireSpace::branch_IF: Mother-daughter "
6273  "relations after branching not valid.");
6274  physical = false;
6275  }
6277  // Restore correct daughters in the beams.
6278  if (iSysSelNow > 0) {
6279  if (side == 1) event[beamOff1].daughter1(iBeam1Dau1);
6280  if (side == 2) event[beamOff2].daughter1(iBeam2Dau1);
6281  }
6283  // Allow veto of branching. If so restore event record to before emission.
6284  if ( !physical || doMECreject) {
6285  event.popBack( event.size() - eventSizeOld);
6287  if (iSysSelNow == 0) {
6288  event[beamOff1].daughter1( ev1Dau1V);
6289  event[beamOff2].daughter1( ev2Dau1V);
6290  }
6292  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
6293  for ( int iCopy = 0; iCopy < systemSizeOld; ++iCopy) {
6294  int iOldCopy = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSysSel, iCopy);
6295  event[iOldCopy].status( statusV[iCopy]);
6296  event[iOldCopy].mothers( mother1V[iCopy], mother2V[iCopy]);
6297  event[iOldCopy].daughters( daughter1V[iCopy], daughter2V[iCopy]);
6298  }
6299  } else {
6300  event[iDaughter].status( iDauStatusV);
6301  event[iDaughter].mothers(iDauMot1V, iDauMot2V);
6302  event[iDaughter].daughters(iDauDau1V, iDauDau2V);
6303  event[iRecoiler].status( iRecStatusV);
6304  event[iRecoiler].mothers( iRecMot1V, iRecMot2V);
6305  event[iRecoiler].daughters( iRecDau1V, iRecDau2V);
6306  }
6308  // This case is identical to the case where the probability to accept the
6309  // emission was indeed zero all along. In this case, neither
6310  // acceptProbability nor rejectProbability would have been filled. Thus,
6311  // remove the relevant entries from the weight container!
6312  if (!trial) {
6313  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
6314  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it){
6315  weights->eraseAcceptWeight(pT2, it->first);
6316  weights->eraseRejectWeight(pT2, it->first);
6317  }
6318  }
6320  if (!trial && doMECreject) {
6321  weights->calcWeight(pT2, false, true);
6322  weights->reset();
6323  // Clear accept/reject weights.
6324  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
6325  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
6326  it->second.clear();
6327  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
6328  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
6329  it->second.clear();
6330  }
6332  return false;
6333  }
6335  // Store positions of new particles.
6336  if (trial) split->storePosAfter(
6337  (nEmissions < 2) ? iMother : iMother1,
6338  (nEmissions < 2) ? iNewRecoiler : iNewRecoiler1,
6339  iSister, (nEmissions < 2) ? 0 : iSister1);
6341  // Set shower weight.
6342  if (!trial) {
6343  if (!doTrialNow) {
6344  weights->calcWeight(pT2);
6345  weights->reset();
6347  // Store positions of new soft particles for (FSR) evolution.
6348  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPos( iDaughter, iSister );
6349  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPosIfMatch( iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler );
6350  if (nEmissions > 1) {
6351  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPosIfMatch( iNewRecoiler, iNewRecoiler1 );
6352  direInfoPtr->addSoftPos( iSister1 );
6353  }
6354  }
6356  // Clear accept/reject weights.
6357  for ( unordered_map<string, multimap<double,double> >::iterator
6358  it = rejectProbability.begin(); it != rejectProbability.end(); ++it )
6359  it->second.clear();
6360  for ( unordered_map<string, map<double,double> >::iterator
6361  it = acceptProbability.begin(); it != acceptProbability.end(); ++it )
6362  it->second.clear();
6363  }
6365  // Done without any errors.
6366  return true;
6368 }
6370 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6372 void DireSpace::updateAfterIF( int iSysSelNow, int sideNow, int iDipSelNow,
6373  int eventSizeOldNow, int systemSizeOldNow, Event& event, int iDaughter,
6374  int iRecoiler, int iMother, int iSister, int iNewRecoiler, int iNewOther,
6375  double pT2, double xNew) {
6377  // Update the number of proposed emissions.
6378  if ( nProposedPT.find(iSysSelNow) != nProposedPT.end() )
6379  ++nProposedPT[iSysSelNow];
6381  int idMother = event[iMother].id();
6382  int idDaughterNow = event[iDaughter].id();
6383  bool motherHasPlusPz = (event[iMother].pz() > 0.);
6385  // Bookkeep shower-induced resonances.
6386  if ( direInfoPtr->isRes(iDaughter) &&
6387  event[iMother].id() != event[iDaughter].id() )
6388  direInfoPtr->removeResPos(iDaughter);
6389  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iMother].id()) ) {
6390  if ( direInfoPtr->isRes(iDaughter) )
6391  direInfoPtr->updateResPos(iDaughter,iMother);
6392  }
6393  if ( direInfoPtr->isRes(iRecoiler) )
6394  direInfoPtr->updateResPos(iRecoiler,iNewRecoiler);
6395  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(event[iSister].id()) )
6396  direInfoPtr->addResPos(iSister);
6398  // Update list of partons in system; adding newly produced one.
6399  if (motherHasPlusPz) {
6400  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iMother);
6401  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iNewOther);
6402  } else {
6403  partonSystemsPtr->setInB(iSysSelNow, iMother);
6404  partonSystemsPtr->setInA(iSysSelNow, iNewOther);
6405  }
6407  // Update and add newly produced particles.
6408  if (useGlobalMapIF) {
6409  // Add newly produced particle.
6410  for (int iCopy = 2; iCopy < systemSizeOldNow; ++iCopy) {
6411  int iOut = partonSystemsPtr->getOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2);
6412  // Remember shower-induced resonances.
6413  direInfoPtr->updateResPosIfMatch ( iOut, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
6414  direInfoPtr->updateSoftPosIfMatch( iOut, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
6415  partonSystemsPtr->setOut(iSysSelNow, iCopy - 2, eventSizeOldNow + iCopy);
6416  }
6417  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
6418  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
6419  } else {
6420  // Add newly produced particle.
6421  partonSystemsPtr->addOut(iSysSelNow, iSister);
6422  partonSystemsPtr->replace(iSysSelNow, iRecoiler, iNewRecoiler);
6423  }
6425  // Get new center-of-mass energy
6426  int iA = getInA(iSysSelNow);
6427  int iB = getInB(iSysSelNow);
6428  double shat = (event[iA].p() + event[iB].p()).m2Calc();
6429  partonSystemsPtr->setSHat(iSysSelNow, shat);
6431  // dipEnd array may have expanded and been moved, so regenerate dipEndSel.
6432  dipEndSel = &dipEnd[iDipSelNow];
6434  // Update info on radiating dipole ends (QCD).
6435  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnd.size()); ++iDip)
6436  if ( dipEnd[iDip].system == iSysSelNow) {
6437  if (abs(dipEnd[iDip].side) == sideNow) {
6438  dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator = iMother;
6439  dipEnd[iDip].iRecoiler = iNewRecoiler;
6440  if (dipEnd[iDip].colType != 0)
6441  dipEnd[iDip].colType = event[iMother].colType();
6443  // Update info on recoiling dipole ends (QCD or QED).
6444  } else {
6445  dipEnd[iDip].iRadiator = iNewRecoiler;
6446  dipEnd[iDip].iRecoiler = iMother;
6447  dipEnd[iDip].MEtype = 0;
6448  }
6449  }
6451  // Update info on beam remnants.
6452  BeamParticle& beamNow = (sideNow == 1) ? *beamAPtr : *beamBPtr;
6453  beamNow[iSysSelNow].update( iMother, idMother, xNew);
6454  // Redo choice of companion kind whenever new flavour.
6455  if (idMother != idDaughterNow) {
6456  pdfScale2 = (useFixedFacScale) ? fixedFacScale2 : factorMultFac * pT2;
6457  pdfScale2 = max(pdfScale2, pT2min);
6458  beamNow.xfISR( iSysSelNow, idMother, xNew, pdfScale2);
6459  beamNow.pickValSeaComp();
6460  }
6461  BeamParticle& beamRec = (sideNow == 1) ? *beamBPtr : *beamAPtr;
6462  beamRec[iSysSelNow].iPos( iNewOther);
6464  // Update ISR dipoles.
6465  update(iSysSelNow,event);
6467  // Pointer to selected dipole no longer valid after update, thus unset.
6468  dipEndSel = 0;
6470 }
6472 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6474 pair <Event, pair<int,int> > DireSpace::clustered_internal( const Event& state,
6475  int iRad, int iEmt, int iRecAft, string name ) {
6477  // Flags for type of radiation
6478  int radType = state[iRad].isFinal() ? 1 : -1;
6479  int recType = state[iRecAft].isFinal() ? 1 : -1;
6481  // Construct the clustered event
6482  Event NewEvent = Event();
6483  NewEvent.init("(hard process-modified)", particleDataPtr);
6484  NewEvent.clear();
6485  // Copy all unchanged particles to NewEvent
6486  for (int i = 0; i < state.size(); ++i) {
6487  if ( i == iRad || i == iRecAft || i == iEmt ) continue;
6488  NewEvent.append( state[i] );
6489  }
6491  // Copy all the junctions one by one
6492  for (int i = 0; i < state.sizeJunction(); ++i)
6493  NewEvent.appendJunction( state.getJunction(i) );
6494  // Find an appropriate scale for the hard process
6495  double mu = infoPtr->QFac();
6496  // Initialise scales for new event
6497  NewEvent.saveSize();
6498  NewEvent.saveJunctionSize();
6499  NewEvent.scale(mu);
6500  NewEvent.scaleSecond(mu);
6502  // Set properties of radiator/recoiler after the clustering
6503  // Recoiler properties will be unchanged
6504  Particle RecBefore = Particle( state[iRecAft] );
6505  RecBefore.setEvtPtr(&NewEvent);
6506  RecBefore.daughters(0,0);
6507  // Find flavour of radiator before splitting
6508  int radID = splits[name]->radBefID(state[iRad].id(), state[iEmt].id());
6509  int recID = state[iRecAft].id();
6510  Particle RadBefore = Particle( state[iRad] );
6511  RadBefore.setEvtPtr(&NewEvent);
6513  RadBefore.daughters(0,0);
6514  // Put dummy values for colours
6515  RadBefore.cols(RecBefore.acol(),RecBefore.col());
6517  // Reset status if the reclustered radiator is a resonance.
6518  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(radID) && radType == 1)
6519  RadBefore.status(state[iRad].status());
6521  // Put mass for radiator and recoiler
6522  double radMass = particleDataPtr->m0(radID);
6523  double recMass = particleDataPtr->m0(recID);
6524  if (radType == 1 ) RadBefore.m(radMass);
6525  else RadBefore.m(0.0);
6526  if (recType == 1 ) RecBefore.m(recMass);
6527  else RecBefore.m(0.0);
6529  // Construct momenta and colours of clustered particles
6530  bool isClustered = false;
6531  if ( state[iRecAft].isFinal())
6532  isClustered = cluster_IF(state,iRad,iEmt,iRecAft,radID,RadBefore,
6533  RecBefore,NewEvent);
6534  else
6535  isClustered = cluster_II(state,iRad,iEmt,iRecAft,radID,RadBefore,
6536  RecBefore,NewEvent);
6538  // Clustering not possible, e.g. because not in allowed phase space.
6539  if (!isClustered) { NewEvent.clear(); return make_pair
6540  (NewEvent, make_pair(0,0));}
6542  // Put some dummy production scales for RecBefore, RadBefore
6543  RecBefore.scale(mu);
6544  RadBefore.scale(mu);
6546  // Append new recoiler and find new radiator colour
6547  NewEvent.append(RecBefore);
6549  // Assign the correct colour to re-clustered radiator.
6550  pair<int,int> cols = splits[name]->radBefCols( state[iRad].col(),
6551  state[iRad].acol(), state[iEmt].col(), state[iEmt].acol());
6552  RadBefore.cols( cols.first, cols.second );
6554  // Build the clustered event
6555  Event outState = Event();
6556  outState.init("(hard process-modified)", particleDataPtr);
6557  outState.clear();
6559  // Copy system and incoming beam particles to outState
6560  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
6561  outState.append( NewEvent[i] );
6562  // Copy all the junctions one by one
6563  for (int i = 0; i < state.sizeJunction(); ++i)
6564  outState.appendJunction( state.getJunction(i) );
6565  // Initialise scales for new event
6566  outState.saveSize();
6567  outState.saveJunctionSize();
6568  outState.scale(mu);
6569  outState.scaleSecond(mu);
6570  bool radAppended = false;
6571  bool recAppended = false;
6572  int size = int(outState.size());
6573  // Save position of radiator in new event record
6574  int radPos(0), recPos(0);
6576  // Append first incoming particle
6577  if ( RecBefore.mother1() == 1) {
6578  recPos = outState.append( RecBefore );
6579  recAppended = true;
6580  } else if ( RadBefore.mother1() == 1 ) {
6581  radPos = outState.append( RadBefore );
6582  radAppended = true;
6583  } else {
6584  // Find second incoming in input event
6585  int in1 = 0;
6586  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6587  if (state[i].mother1() == 1) in1 =i;
6588  outState.append( state[in1] );
6589  size++;
6590  }
6591  // Append second incoming particle
6592  if ( RecBefore.mother1() == 2) {
6593  recPos = outState.append( RecBefore );
6594  recAppended = true;
6595  } else if ( RadBefore.mother1() == 2 ) {
6596  radPos = outState.append( RadBefore );
6597  radAppended = true;
6598  } else {
6599  // Find second incoming in input event
6600  int in2 = 0;
6601  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6602  if (state[i].mother1() == 2) in2 =i;
6604  outState.append( state[in2] );
6605  size++;
6606  }
6608  // Append new recoiler if not done already
6609  if (!recAppended && !RecBefore.isFinal()) {
6610  recAppended = true;
6611  recPos = outState.append( RecBefore);
6612  }
6613  // Append new radiator if not done already
6614  if (!radAppended && !RadBefore.isFinal()) {
6615  radAppended = true;
6616  radPos = outState.append( RadBefore);
6617  }
6619  // Force incoming partons to have "hard event" status
6620  outState[3].status(-21);
6621  outState[4].status(-21);
6623  // Append intermediate particle
6624  // (careful not to append reclustered recoiler)
6625  for (int i = 0; i < int(NewEvent.size()-1); ++i) {
6626  if (NewEvent[i].status() != -22) continue;
6627  if ( NewEvent[i].daughter1() == NewEvent[i].daughter2()
6628  && NewEvent[i].daughter1() > 0) continue;
6629  outState.append( NewEvent[i] );
6630  }
6631  // Append final state particles, resonances first
6632  for (int i = 0; i < int(NewEvent.size()-1); ++i)
6633  if (NewEvent[i].status() == 22) outState.append( NewEvent[i] );
6634  // Then start appending partons
6635  if (!radAppended && RadBefore.statusAbs() == 22)
6636  radPos = outState.append(RadBefore);
6637  if (!recAppended)
6638  recPos = outState.append(RecBefore);
6639  if (!radAppended && RadBefore.statusAbs() != 22)
6640  radPos = outState.append(RadBefore);
6641  // Then partons (not reclustered recoiler)
6642  for(int i = 0; i < int(NewEvent.size()-1); ++i)
6643  if ( NewEvent[i].status() != 22
6644  && NewEvent[i].colType() != 0
6645  && NewEvent[i].isFinal()) {
6646  outState.append( NewEvent[i] );
6647  // Force partons to have "hard event" status
6648  int status = particleDataPtr->isResonance(NewEvent[i].id()) ? 22 : 23;
6649  outState.back().status(status);
6650  outState.back().mother1(3);
6651  outState.back().mother2(4);
6652  }
6653  // Then the rest
6654  for(int i = 0; i < int(NewEvent.size()-1); ++i)
6655  if ( NewEvent[i].status() != 22
6656  && NewEvent[i].colType() == 0
6657  && NewEvent[i].isFinal() ) {
6658  outState.append( NewEvent[i]);
6659  int status = particleDataPtr->isResonance(NewEvent[i].id()) ? 22 : 23;
6660  outState.back().status(status);
6661  outState.back().mother1(3);
6662  outState.back().mother2(4);
6663  }
6665  // Find intermediate and respective daughters
6666  vector<int> PosIntermediate;
6667  vector<int> PosDaughter1;
6668  vector<int> PosDaughter2;
6669  for(int i=0; i < int(outState.size()); ++i)
6670  if (outState[i].status() == -22) {
6671  PosIntermediate.push_back(i);
6672  int d1 = outState[i].daughter1();
6673  int d2 = outState[i].daughter2();
6674  // Find daughters in output state
6675  int daughter1 = FindParticle( state[d1], outState);
6676  int daughter2 = FindParticle( state[d2], outState);
6677  // If both daughters found, done
6678  // Else put first final particle as first daughter
6679  // and last final particle as second daughter
6680  if (daughter1 > 0)
6681  PosDaughter1.push_back( daughter1);
6682  else {
6683  daughter1 = 0;
6684  while(!outState[daughter1].isFinal() ) daughter1++;
6685  PosDaughter1.push_back( daughter1);
6686  }
6687  if (daughter2 > 0)
6688  PosDaughter2.push_back( daughter2);
6689  else {
6690  daughter2 = outState.size()-1;
6691  while(!outState[daughter2].isFinal() ) daughter2--;
6692  PosDaughter2.push_back( daughter2);
6693  }
6694  }
6695  // Set daughters and mothers
6696  for(int i=0; i < int(PosIntermediate.size()); ++i) {
6697  outState[PosIntermediate[i]].daughters(PosDaughter1[i],PosDaughter2[i]);
6698  outState[PosDaughter1[i]].mother1(PosIntermediate[i]);
6699  outState[PosDaughter2[i]].mother1(PosIntermediate[i]);
6700  outState[PosDaughter1[i]].mother2(0);
6701  outState[PosDaughter2[i]].mother2(0);
6702  }
6704  // Find range of final state partons
6705  int minParFinal = int(outState.size());
6706  int maxParFinal = 0;
6707  for(int i=0; i < int(outState.size()); ++i)
6708  if (outState[i].mother1() == 3 && outState[i].mother2() == 4) {
6709  minParFinal = min(i,minParFinal);
6710  maxParFinal = max(i,maxParFinal);
6711  }
6713  if (minParFinal == maxParFinal) maxParFinal = 0;
6714  outState[3].daughters(minParFinal,maxParFinal);
6715  outState[4].daughters(minParFinal,maxParFinal);
6717  // Update event properties
6718  outState.saveSize();
6719  outState.saveJunctionSize();
6721  // Almost there...
6722  // If an intermediate coloured parton exists which was directly
6723  // colour connected to the radiator before the splitting, and the
6724  // radiator before and after the splitting had only one colour, problems
6725  // will arise since the colour of the radiator will be changed, whereas
6726  // the intermediate parton still has the old colour. In effect, this
6727  // means that when setting up a event for trial showering, one colour will
6728  // be free.
6729  // Hence, check for an intermediate coloured triplet resonance has been
6730  // colour-connected to the "old" radiator.
6731  // Find resonance
6732  int iColRes = 0;
6733  if ( radType == -1 && state[iRad].colType() == 1) {
6734  // Find resonance connected to initial colour
6735  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6736  if ( i != iRad && i != iEmt && i != iRecAft
6737  && state[i].status() == -22
6738  && state[i].col() == state[iRad].col() )
6739  iColRes = i;
6740  } else if ( radType == -1 && state[iRad].colType() == -1) {
6741  // Find resonance connected to initial anticolour
6742  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6743  if ( i != iRad && i != iEmt && i != iRecAft
6744  && state[i].status() == -22
6745  && state[i].acol() == state[iRad].acol() )
6746  iColRes = i;
6747  } else if ( radType == 1 && state[iRad].colType() == 1) {
6748  // Find resonance connected to final state colour
6749  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6750  if ( i != iRad && i != iEmt && i != iRecAft
6751  && state[i].status() == -22
6752  && state[i].col() == state[iRad].col() )
6753  iColRes = i;
6754  } else if ( radType == 1 && state[iRad].colType() == -1) {
6755  // Find resonance connected to final state anticolour
6756  for(int i=0; i < int(state.size()); ++i)
6757  if ( i != iRad && i != iEmt && i != iRecAft
6758  && state[i].status() == -22
6759  && state[i].acol() == state[iRad].acol() )
6760  iColRes = i;
6761  }
6763  if (iColRes > 0) {
6764  // Now find this resonance in the reclustered state
6765  int iColResNow = FindParticle( state[iColRes], outState);
6767  // Find reclustered radiator colours
6768  int radCol = outState[radPos].col();
6769  int radAcl = outState[radPos].acol();
6770  // Find resonance radiator colours
6771  int resCol = outState[iColResNow].col();
6772  int resAcl = outState[iColResNow].acol();
6773  // Check if any of the reclustered radiators colours match the resonance
6774  bool matchesRes = (radCol > 0
6775  && ( radCol == resCol || radCol == resAcl))
6776  || (radAcl > 0
6777  && ( radAcl == resCol || radAcl == resAcl));
6779  // If a resonance has been found, but no colours match, change
6780  // the colour of the resonance
6781  if (!matchesRes && iColResNow > 0) {
6782  if ( radType == -1 && outState[radPos].colType() == 1)
6783  outState[iColResNow].col(radCol);
6784  else if ( radType ==-1 && outState[radPos].colType() ==-1)
6785  outState[iColResNow].acol(radAcl);
6786  else if ( radType == 1 && outState[radPos].colType() == 1)
6787  outState[iColResNow].col(radCol);
6788  else if ( radType == 1 && outState[radPos].colType() ==-1)
6789  outState[iColResNow].acol(radAcl);
6790  }
6792  // If a resonance has been found, but no colours match, and the position
6793  // of the resonance in the event record has been changed, update the
6794  // radiator mother
6795  if (!matchesRes && iColResNow > 0 && iColRes != iColResNow)
6796  outState[radPos].mother1(iColResNow);
6798  }
6800  // Now reset the beams, if necessary.
6801  int iDof1 = outState[3].mother1() == 1 ? 3 : 4;
6802  int iDof2 = outState[3].mother1() == 2 ? 3 : 4;
6804  if (outState[1].idAbs() == 11 && outState[iDof1].id() == 22 ) {
6805  outState[1].id(outState[iDof1].id());
6806  }
6807  if (outState[2].idAbs() == 11 && outState[iDof2].id() == 22 ) {
6808  outState[2].id(outState[iDof2].id());
6809  }
6810  if (outState[1].idAbs() == 11 && outState[iDof1].colType() != 0) {
6811  outState[1].id(2212);
6812  }
6813  if (outState[2].idAbs() == 11 && outState[iDof2].colType() != 0) {
6814  outState[2].id(2212);
6815  }
6817  // Now check event.
6818  for ( int i = 0; i < outState.size(); ++i) {
6819  if ( outState[i].status() == 23 && particleDataPtr->
6820  isResonance(outState[i].id())) outState[i].status(22);
6821  }
6823  // Check if the state is valid. If not, return empty state.
6824  if (!validEvent( outState, true )) { outState.clear(); }
6826  // Done
6827  return make_pair(outState, make_pair(radPos, recPos));
6829 }
6831 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6833 bool DireSpace::cluster_II( const Event& state,
6834  int iRad, int iEmt, int iRecAft, int idRadBef, Particle& radBef,
6835  Particle& recBef, Event& partial ) {
6837  if (false) cout << idRadBef;
6839  // Calculate CS variables.
6840  double pT2 = pT2_II(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
6841  double Q2 = 2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iRecAft].p()
6842  - 2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iEmt].p()
6843  - 2.*state[iEmt].p()*state[iRecAft].p();
6844  double z = z_II(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
6846  double kappa2 = pT2 / Q2;
6847  double xCS = (z*(1-z)- kappa2)/(1-z);
6849  // Get particle masses.
6850  double m2Bef = 0.0, m2r = 0.0;
6851  double m2e = state[iEmt].p().m2Calc();
6852  double m2s = state[iRecAft].p().m2Calc();
6854  // Check phase space contraints.
6855  double xNew = 2.*state[iRad].e()/state[0].m();
6856  double xOld = xNew*xCS;
6858  double xMin = (particleDataPtr->colType(idRadBef) != 0) ? xOld : 0.;
6860  if ( !inAllowedPhasespace( 1, z, pT2, Q2, xMin, -2, m2Bef, m2r, m2s, m2e) ) {
6861  return false;
6862  }
6864  // Set up kinematics.
6865  Vec4 q(state[iRad].p() - state[iEmt].p() + state[iRecAft].p());
6866  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
6867  double sab = (state[iRad].p() + state[iRecAft].p()).m2Calc();
6869  Vec4 pRad = ( state[iRad].p() - m2r/gABC(sab,m2r,m2s)*state[iRecAft].p())
6870  *sqrt(lABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s)/lABC(sab,m2r,m2s))
6871  + m2Bef / gABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s)*state[iRecAft].p();
6873  radBef.p( pRad );
6874  recBef.p( state[iRecAft].p() );
6876  // Set mass of initial recoiler to zero
6877  radBef.m( 0.0 );
6878  recBef.m( 0.0 );
6880  Vec4 kTilde(radBef.p() + recBef.p());
6881  Vec4 k(state[iRad].p() + state[iRecAft].p() - state[iEmt].p());
6882  Vec4 kSum(kTilde + k);
6883  for ( int i = 0; i < partial.size(); ++i) {
6884  if ( !partial[i].isFinal() && partial[i].statusAbs() != 22 ) continue;
6885  Vec4 pIn = partial[i].p();
6886  double kSum2 = kSum.m2Calc();
6887  double k2 = k.m2Calc();
6888  double kXp = k*pIn;
6889  double kSumXp = kSum*pIn;
6890  Vec4 res = pIn - kSum * 2.0*( kSumXp / kSum2 ) + kTilde * 2.0 *( kXp/k2);
6891  partial[i].p(res);
6892  }
6894  // Done
6895  return true;
6897 }
6899 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6901 bool DireSpace::cluster_IF( const Event& state,
6902  int iRad, int iEmt, int iRecAft, int idRadBef, Particle& radBef,
6903  Particle& recBef, Event& partial ) {
6905  if (false) cout << idRadBef;
6907  // Calculate CS variables.
6908  double pT2 = pT2_IF(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
6909  double z = z_IF(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
6910  double xCS = z;
6911  int side = (state[iRad].pz() > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
6913  // Get particle masses.
6914  double m2Bef = 0.0, m2r = 0.0;
6915  //double m2e = 0.0;
6916  double m2e = state[iEmt].m2Calc();
6917  double m2s = state[iRecAft].p().m2Calc();
6919  // Adjust the dipole kinematical mass to accomodate masses after branching.
6920  double Q2 = 2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iEmt].p()
6921  + 2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iRecAft].p()
6922  - 2.*state[iRecAft].p()*state[iEmt].p();
6923  double xNew = 2.*state[iRad].e()/state[0].m();
6924  double xOld = xNew*xCS;
6926  // Check phase space contraints.
6927  double xMin = (particleDataPtr->colType(idRadBef) != 0) ? xOld : 0.;
6929  if ( !inAllowedPhasespace( 1, z, pT2, Q2, xMin, 2, m2Bef, m2r, m2s, m2e) )
6930  return false;
6932  Vec4 pRadBef, pRecBef;
6934  // Massive kinematics, in two schemes.
6935  if (!useGlobalMapIF) {
6937  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
6938  Vec4 paj(state[iRad].p()-state[iEmt].p());
6939  Vec4 pk(state[iRecAft].p());
6940  Vec4 pTk(pk.px()+state[iEmt].px(),[iEmt].py(),0.,0.);
6941  Vec4 q(paj-pk);
6942  Vec4 qpar(q+pTk);
6944  // Calculate derived variables.
6945  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
6946  double q2par = qpar.m2Calc();
6947  double pT2k = -pTk.m2Calc();
6948  //double sjk = 2.*state[iRecAft].p()*state[iEmt].p();
6949  double sjk = ( state[iRecAft].p() + state[iEmt].p()).m2Calc();
6951  // Now construct radiator in lab frame.
6952  pRadBef = ( state[iRad].p() - q*state[iRad].p()/q2par * qpar )
6953  * sqrt( (lABC(q2,m2s,m2Bef) - 4.*m2Bef*pT2k)
6954  / (lABC(q2,sjk,m2r) - 4.*m2r*pT2k))
6955  + qpar * 0.5 * (q2 + m2Bef - m2s) / q2par;
6958  // Contruct recoiler momentum by momentum conservation.
6959  pRecBef = -q+pRadBef;
6961  radBef.p(pRadBef);
6962  recBef.p(pRecBef);
6963  radBef.m(sqrtpos(m2r));
6964  recBef.m(sqrtpos(m2s));
6966  } else {
6968  // Get dipole 4-momentum.
6969  Vec4 paj(state[iRad].p()-state[iEmt].p());
6970  Vec4 pk(state[iRecAft].p());
6971  Vec4 q(pk-paj);
6973  // Calculate derived variables.
6974  double q2 = q.m2Calc();
6975  double saj = 2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iEmt].p();
6977  // Now construct recoiler in lab frame.
6978  pRecBef = (pk - q*pk/q2*q)
6979  *sqrt(lABC(q2,m2Bef,m2s)/lABC(q2,saj,m2s))
6980  + 0.5*(q2+m2s-m2Bef)/q2*q;
6982  // Contruct radiator momentum by momentum conservation.
6983  pRadBef = -q+pRecBef;
6985  // Boost to realign the incoming radiator.
6986  int iOther = getInB(iSysSel);
6987  if (side == -1) iOther = getInA(iSysSel);
6988  Vec4 pOther(state[iOther].p());
6990  // Boost to rest frame of incoming particles A and B.
6991  RotBstMatrix toABCM;
6992  if (side == 1) toABCM.toCMframe( pRadBef, pOther);
6993  else toABCM.toCMframe( pOther, pRadBef);
6995  // After this, the radiator has vanishing pT.
6996  pRadBef.rotbst(toABCM);
6997  pOther.rotbst(toABCM);
6999  // Restore the momentum fraction of the incoming particle that
7000  // did not participate in the splitting.
7001  RotBstMatrix restoreB;
7002  restoreB.bst( pOther, state[iOther].p());
7004  // After this, the inactive beam returns to the correct energy fraction.
7005  pRadBef.rotbst(restoreB);
7006  pOther.rotbst(restoreB);
7008  // Set all momenta.
7009  radBef.p(pRadBef);
7010  recBef.p(pRecBef);
7011  radBef.m(sqrtpos(m2r));
7012  recBef.m(sqrtpos(m2s));
7014  // Rotate and boost all final state particles to absorb the pT of the
7015  // radiator.
7016  for ( int i = 0; i < partial.size(); ++i) {
7017  if ( !partial[i].isFinal() && partial[i].statusAbs() != 22 ) continue;
7018  partial[i].rotbst(toABCM);
7019  partial[i].rotbst(restoreB);
7020  }
7022  }
7024  // Done
7025  return true;
7026 }
7028 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7030 // Function to in the input event find a particle with quantum
7031 // numbers matching those of the input particle
7032 // IN Particle : Particle to be searched for
7033 // Event : Event to be searched in
7034 // OUT int : > 0 : Position of matching particle in event
7035 // < 0 : No match in event
7037 int DireSpace::FindParticle( const Particle& particle, const Event& event,
7038  bool checkStatus ) {
7040  int index = -1;
7042  for ( int i = int(event.size()) - 1; i > 0; --i )
7043  if ( event[i].id() ==
7044  && event[i].colType() == particle.colType()
7045  && event[i].chargeType() == particle.chargeType()
7046  && event[i].col() == particle.col()
7047  && event[i].acol() == particle.acol()
7048  && event[i].charge() == particle.charge() ) {
7049  index = i;
7050  break;
7051  }
7053  if ( checkStatus && event[index].status() != particle.status() )
7054  index = -1;
7056  return index;
7057 }
7059 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7061 double DireSpace::pT2_II ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7062  const Particle& rec) {
7063  double sai = -2.*rad.p()*emt.p();
7064  double sbi = -2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7065  double sab = 2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7067  return sai*sbi / sab * ( sai+sbi+sab ) / sab;
7069 }
7071 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7073 double DireSpace::pT2_IF ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7074  const Particle& rec) {
7075  double sai = -2.*rad.p()*emt.p();
7076  double sik = 2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7077  double sak = -2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7078  return sai*sik / (sai+sak) * (sai+sik+sak) / (sai+sak);
7079 }
7081 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7083 double DireSpace::z_II ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7084  const Particle& rec) {
7085  double sbi = -2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7086  double sab = 2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7087  return 1. + sbi/sab;
7088 }
7090 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7092 double DireSpace::z_IF ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7093  const Particle& rec) {
7094  double sai = -2.*rad.p()*emt.p();
7095  double sik = 2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7096  double sak = -2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7097  return 1. + sik / (sai+sak);
7098 }
7100 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7102 double DireSpace::m2dip_II ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7103  const Particle& rec) {
7104  double sai = -2.*rad.p()*emt.p();
7105  double sbi = -2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7106  double sab = 2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7107  return (sab + sai + sbi);
7108 }
7110 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7112 double DireSpace::m2dip_IF ( const Particle& rad, const Particle& emt,
7113  const Particle& rec) {
7114  double sai = -2.*rad.p()*emt.p();
7115  double sik = 2.*rec.p()*emt.p();
7116  double sak = -2.*rad.p()*rec.p();
7117  return -1.*(sai+sik+sak);
7118 }
7120 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7122 // From Pythia version 8.218 onwards.
7123 // Return the evolution variable and splitting information. See header for
7124 // more comments.
7126 map<string, double> DireSpace::getStateVariables (const Event& state,
7127  int rad, int emt, int rec, string name) {
7128  map<string,double> ret;
7130  // State variables for a shower splitting (radBef,recBef) --> (rad,emt,rec)
7131  if (rad > 0 && emt > 0 && rec > 0) {
7132  double pT2 = pT2Space ( state[rad], state[emt], state[rec]);
7133  double z = zSpace ( state[rad], state[emt], state[rec]);
7134  ret.insert(make_pair("t",pT2));
7135  ret.insert(make_pair("tRS",pT2));
7136  ret.insert(make_pair("scaleAS",pT2));
7137  ret.insert(make_pair("scaleEM",pT2));
7138  ret.insert(make_pair("scalePDF",pT2));
7139  ret.insert(make_pair("z",z));
7141  // Book-keeping for particle before emission.
7142  int radBefID
7143  = (name != "")
7144  ? (*splittingsPtr)[name]->radBefID(state[rad].id(), state[emt].id())
7145  : 0;
7146  pair<int,int> radBefCols
7147  = (name != "")
7148  ? (*splittingsPtr)[name]->radBefCols(state[rad].col(),
7149  state[rad].acol(), state[emt].col(), state[emt].acol())
7150  : make_pair(0,0);
7151  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefID", radBefID));
7152  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefCol", radBefCols.first));
7153  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefAcol", radBefCols.second));
7155  int couplingType
7156  = (name != "")
7157  ? (*splittingsPtr)[name]->couplingType(state[rad].id(), state[emt].id())
7158  : -1;
7159  double couplingValue
7160  = (name != "")
7161  ? (*splittingsPtr)[name]->coupling(z,pT2)
7162  : -1.0;
7163  ret.insert(make_pair
7164  ("scaleForCoupling " + std::to_string(couplingType), pT2));
7165  ret.insert(make_pair("couplingType",couplingType));
7166  ret.insert(make_pair("couplingValue",couplingValue));
7168  double m2dip = m2dipSpace ( state[rad], state[emt], state[rec]);
7169  ret.insert(make_pair("m2dip", m2dip));
7171  // Variables defining the PS starting scales.
7172  } else {
7174  // In this case, insert only dummy information except for PDF scale.
7175  ret.insert(make_pair("t",0.));
7176  ret.insert(make_pair("tRS",0.));
7177  ret.insert(make_pair("scaleAS",0.));
7178  ret.insert(make_pair("scaleEM",0.));
7179  ret.insert(make_pair("z",0.));
7180  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefID", 0));
7181  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefCol", 0));
7182  ret.insert(make_pair("radBefAcol", 0));
7183  ret.insert(make_pair("scaleForCoupling "+std::to_string(-1),0.));
7184  ret.insert(make_pair("couplingType",-1));
7185  ret.insert(make_pair("couplingValue",-1.));
7187  // Find the shower starting scale.
7188  // Find positions of incoming colliding partons.
7189  int in1(3), in2(4);
7190  vector<DireSpaceEnd> dipEnds;
7191  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
7192  int colTag = state[in1].col();
7193  if (colTag > 0) getQCDdip( in1, colTag, 1, state, dipEnds);
7194  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
7195  int acolTag = state[in1].acol();
7196  if (acolTag > 0) getQCDdip( in1, acolTag, -1, state, dipEnds);
7197  // Find dipole end formed by colour index.
7198  colTag = state[in2].col();
7199  if (colTag > 0) getQCDdip( in2, colTag, 1, state, dipEnds);
7200  // Find dipole end formed by anticolour index.
7201  acolTag = state[in2].acol();
7202  if (acolTag > 0) getQCDdip( in2, acolTag, -1, state, dipEnds);
7204  // Now find non-QCD dipoles and/or update the existing dipoles.
7205  getGenDip( -1, in1, state, false, dipEnds);
7206  getGenDip( -1, in2, state, false, dipEnds);
7208  // Get x for both beams.
7209  double x1 = state[3].pPos() / state[0].m();
7210  double x2 = state[4].pNeg() / state[0].m();
7212  // Store invariant masses of all dipole ends.
7213  stringstream oss;
7214  for (int iDip = 0; iDip < int(dipEnds.size()); ++iDip) {
7215  double m2 = abs(2.*state[dipEnds[iDip].iRadiator].p()
7216  *state[dipEnds[iDip].iRecoiler].p());
7217  if ( dipEnds[iDip].iRadiator == in1) m2 /= x1;
7218  if ( dipEnds[iDip].iRecoiler == in1) m2 /= x1;
7219  if ( dipEnds[iDip].iRadiator == in2) m2 /= x2;
7220  if ( dipEnds[iDip].iRecoiler == in2) m2 /= x2;
7221  oss.str("");
7222  oss << "scalePDF-" << dipEnds[iDip].iRadiator
7223  << "-" << dipEnds[iDip].iRecoiler;
7224  ret.insert(make_pair(oss.str(),m2));
7225  }
7226  }
7228  return ret;
7229 }
7231 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7233 // Compute splitting probability.
7234 // From Pythia version 8.215 onwards.
7235 double DireSpace::getSplittingProb( const Event& state, int iRad,
7236  int iEmt, int iRecAft, string name) {
7238  // Get kernel order.
7239  int order = atoi( (char*)name.substr( name.find("-",0)+1,
7240  name.size() ).c_str() );
7241  name=name.substr( 0, name.size()-2);
7243  // Do nothing if kernel says so, e.g. to avoid infinite loops
7244  // if the kernel uses the History class.
7245  if ( splits[name]->splitInfo.extras.find("unitKernel")
7246  != splits[name]->splitInfo.extras.end() ) return 1.;
7248  double z = zSpace(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
7249  double pT2 = pT2Space(state[iRad], state[iEmt], state[iRecAft]);
7250  double m2D = (state[iRecAft].isFinal())
7251  ? abs( 2.*state[iEmt].p()*state[iRad].p()
7252  -2.*state[iEmt].p()*state[iRecAft].p()
7253  +2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iRecAft].p())
7254  : abs(-2.*state[iEmt].p()*state[iRad].p()
7255  -2.*state[iEmt].p()*state[iRecAft].p()
7256  +2.*state[iRad].p()*state[iRecAft].p());
7257  int idRadBef = splits[name]->radBefID(state[iRad].id(), state[iEmt].id());
7258  double m2Bef = ( abs(idRadBef) < 6)
7259  ? getMass(idRadBef,2)
7260  : (idRadBef == state[iRad].id())
7261  ? getMass(idRadBef,3,state[iRad].mCalc())
7262  : getMass(idRadBef,2);
7263  double m2r = state[iRad].p().m2Calc();
7264  double m2e = state[iEmt].p().m2Calc();
7265  double m2s = state[iRecAft].p().m2Calc();
7266  int type = (state[iRecAft].isFinal()) ? 1 : -1;
7268  // Disallow below cut-off.
7269  if ( pT2cut(state[iEmt].id()) > pT2) return 0.;
7270  if ( !splits[name]->aboveCutoff( pT2, state[iRad], state[iRecAft], 0,
7271  partonSystemsPtr)) return 0.;
7273  // Upate type if this is a massive splitting.
7274  if (type == 1 && (m2Bef > TINYMASS || m2r > TINYMASS || m2e > TINYMASS
7275  || m2s > TINYMASS)) type = 2;
7276  if (type ==-1 && (m2Bef > TINYMASS || m2r > TINYMASS || m2e > TINYMASS
7277  || m2s > TINYMASS)) type =-2;
7279  // Adjust the dipole kinematical mass to accomodate masses after branching.
7280  double m2dipCorr = m2D;
7281  double kappa2 = pT2 / m2dipCorr;
7282  double xCS = (state[iRecAft].isFinal()
7283  ? z : (z*(1-z) - kappa2) / (1 -z));
7284  double xMot = 2.*state[iRad].e()/state[0].m();
7285  double xDau = xCS * xMot;
7287  // Check phase space contraints.
7288  double xMin = (particleDataPtr->colType(idRadBef) != 0) ? xDau : 0.;
7290  if ( !inAllowedPhasespace( 1, z, pT2, m2dipCorr, xMin, type, m2Bef, m2r, m2s,
7291  m2e) ) { return 0.0;}
7293  // Calculate splitting probability.
7294  double p = 0.;
7296  // Get phi angle.
7297  int massSign = type > 0 ? 1 : -1;
7298  pair<Vec4, Vec4> pTdirection = getTwoPerpendicular(state[iRad].p(),
7299  massSign*state[iRecAft].p()+state[iEmt].p());
7300  double px= -pTdirection.first*state[iEmt].p();
7301  double py= -pTdirection.second*state[iEmt].p();
7302  double kT2 = pow2(px)+pow2(py);
7303  double phi1 = atan2(px/sqrt(kT2), py/sqrt(kT2));
7304  if (phi1 < 0.) phi1 = 2.*M_PI+phi1;
7306  // Setup splitting information.
7307  pair <Event, pair<int,int> > born
7308  (clustered_internal( state, iRad, iEmt, iRecAft, name ));
7309  int nEmissions = splits[name]->nEmissions();
7310  double m2dipBef = abs(2.*born.first[born.second.first].p()
7311  *born.first[born.second.second].p());
7312  splits[name]->splitInfo.clear();
7313  splits[name]->splitInfo.storeInfo(name, type, 0, 0, 0,
7314  born.second.first, born.second.second,
7315  born.first, state[iEmt].id(), state[iRad].id(),
7316  nEmissions, m2dipBef, pT2, pT2, z, phi1, m2Bef, m2s,
7317  (nEmissions == 1 ? m2r : 0.0),(nEmissions == 1 ? m2e : 0.0),
7318  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, xDau, xMot);
7320  // Get splitting probability.
7321  unordered_map < string, double > kernels;
7322  // Get complete kernel.
7323  if (splits[name]->calc(born.first, order) ) kernels =
7324  splits[name]->getKernelVals();
7325  if ( kernels.find("base") != kernels.end() ) p += kernels["base"];
7326  // Reset again.
7327  splits[name]->splitInfo.clear();
7329  // Multiply with 1/pT^2. Note: No additional Jacobian factors, since for our
7330  // choice of variables, we always have
7331  // Jacobian_{mass to CS} * Jacobian_{CS to DIRE} * Propagator = 1/pT2
7332  p *= 1. / pT2;
7334  // Make splitting probability positive if ME corrections are available.
7335  bool hasME = pT2 > pT2minMECs && doMEcorrections && weights->hasME(state);
7336  if (hasME) p = abs(p);
7338  if (!dryrun && splits[name]->hasMECAft(state, pT2)) p *= KERNEL_HEADROOM;
7340  double mecover=1.;
7341  int nFinal = 0;
7342  for (int i=0; i < state.size(); ++i) if (state[i].isFinal()) nFinal++;
7343  if (!dryrun) mecover = splits[name]->overhead(m2dipBef*xDau,
7344  state[iRad].id(), nFinal-1);
7345  p *= mecover;
7347  // Note: The additional factor 1/xCS for rescaling the initial flux is NOT
7348  // included, so that we can apply PDF ratios [x1 f(x1)] / [x0 f(x0) ] later.
7350  return p;
7352 }
7354 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7356 bool DireSpace::allowedSplitting( const Event& state, int iRad, int iEmt) {
7358  bool isAP = state[iEmt].id() < 0;
7359  int idRad = state[iRad].id();
7360  int idEmt = state[iEmt].id();
7362  int colRad = state[iRad].col();
7363  int acolRad = state[iRad].acol();
7364  int colEmt = state[iEmt].col();
7365  int acolEmt = state[iEmt].acol();
7367  int colShared = (colRad > 0 && colRad == colEmt ) ? colRad
7368  : (acolRad > 0 && acolRad == acolEmt) ? acolRad : 0;
7370  // Only consider initial-state emissions.
7371  if ( state[iRad].isFinal() ) return false;
7373  // Gluon emission is allowed.
7374  if (idEmt == 21 && colShared > 0)
7375  return true;
7377  // Q -> G Q is allowed.
7378  if ( abs(idRad) < 10 && idRad == idEmt && colShared == 0)
7379  return true;
7381  // Gluon branching to quarks is allowed.
7382  if ( idRad == 21 && abs(idEmt) < 10
7383  && ( (isAP && acolEmt == acolRad) || (!isAP && colEmt == colRad) ) )
7384  return true;
7386  // Photon emission is allowed.
7387  if ( idEmt == 22 && abs(idRad) < 10)
7388  return true;
7390  // Photon emission is allowed.
7391  if ( idEmt == 22 && (abs(idRad) == 11 || abs(idRad) == 13
7392  || abs(idRad) == 15))
7393  return true;
7395  // Q -> A Q is allowed.
7396  if ( abs(idEmt) < 10 && idRad == idEmt && colShared > 0)
7397  return true;
7399  // L -> A L is allowed.
7400  if ( (abs(idEmt) == 11 || abs(idEmt) == 13 || abs(idEmt) == 15)
7401  && idRad == idEmt)
7402  return true;
7404  // Photon branching to quarks is allowed.
7405  if ( idRad == 22 && abs(idEmt) < 10 && idEmt == idRad && colShared > 0)
7406  return true;
7408  // Photon branching to leptons is allowed.
7409  if (idRad == 22 && (abs(idEmt) == 11 || abs(idEmt) == 13 || abs(idEmt) == 15)
7410  && idEmt == idRad)
7411  return true;
7413  // Z-boson emission is allowed.
7414  if ( idEmt == 23 && abs(idRad) < 10)
7415  return true;
7417  // Z-boson emission is allowed.
7418  if ( idEmt == 23 && (abs(idRad) == 11 || abs(idRad) == 13
7419  || abs(idRad) == 15))
7420  return true;
7422  return false;
7424 }
7426 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7428 vector<int> DireSpace::getRecoilers( const Event& state, int iRad, int iEmt,
7429  string name) {
7430  // List of recoilers.
7431  return splits[name]->recPositions(state, iRad, iEmt);
7432 }
7434 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7436 Event DireSpace::makeHardEvent( int iSys, const Event& state, bool isProcess) {
7438  bool hasSystems = !isProcess && partonSystemsPtr->sizeSys() > 0;
7439  int sizeSys = (hasSystems) ? partonSystemsPtr->sizeSys() : 1;
7440  Event event = Event();
7442  event.clear();
7443  event.init( "(hard process-modified)", particleDataPtr );
7444  event.clear();
7446  int in1 = 0;
7447  for ( int i = state.size()-1; i > 0; --i)
7448  if ( state[i].mother1() == 1 && state[i].mother2() == 0
7449  && (!hasSystems || partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i,true) == iSys))
7450  {in1 = i; break;}
7451  if (in1 == 0) in1 = getInA(iSys);
7452  int in2 = 0;
7453  for ( int i = state.size()-1; i > 0; --i)
7454  if ( state[i].mother1() == 2 && state[i].mother2() == 0
7455  && (!hasSystems || partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i,true) == iSys))
7456  {in2 = i; break;}
7457  if (in2 == 0) in2 = getInB(iSys);
7459  // Try to find incoming particle in other systems, i.e. if the current
7460  // system arose from a resonance decay.
7461  bool resonantIncoming = false;
7462  if ( in1 == 0 && in2 == 0 ) {
7463  int iParentInOther = 0;
7464  int nSys = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iSys);
7465  for (int iInSys = 0; iInSys < nSys; ++iInSys){
7466  int iiNow = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iSys,iInSys);
7467  bool hasOtherParent = false;
7468  for (int iOtherSys = 0; iOtherSys < sizeSys; ++iOtherSys){
7469  if (iOtherSys == iSys) continue;
7470  int nOtherSys = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iOtherSys);
7471  for (int iInOtherSys = 0; iInOtherSys < nOtherSys; ++iInOtherSys){
7472  int iOtherNow = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iOtherSys,iInOtherSys);
7473  if (state[iiNow].isAncestor(iOtherNow)) {
7474  iParentInOther = iOtherNow;
7475  hasOtherParent = true;
7476  break;
7477  }
7478  }
7479  if (hasOtherParent) break;
7480  }
7481  if (hasOtherParent) break;
7482  }
7483  in1 = iParentInOther;
7484  if (iParentInOther) resonantIncoming = true;
7485  }
7487  event.append(state[0]);
7488  event.append(state[1]);
7489  event[1].daughters(3,0);
7490  event.append(state[2]);
7491  event[2].daughters(4,0);
7493  // Attach the first incoming particle.
7494  event.append(state[in1]);
7495  event[3].mothers(1,0);
7496  if (resonantIncoming) event[3].status(-22);
7497  else event[3].status(-21);
7499  // Attach the second incoming particle.
7500  event.append(state[in2]);
7501  event[4].mothers(2,0);
7502  event[4].status(-21);
7504  for ( int i = 0; i < state.size(); ++i) {
7505  // Careful when builing the sub-events: A particle that is currently
7506  // intermediate in one system could be the pirogenitor of another
7507  // system, i.e. when resonance decays are present. In this case, the
7508  // intermediate particle in the current system should be final.
7509  bool isFin = state[i].isFinal();
7510  bool isInSys = (partonSystemsPtr->getSystemOf(i) == iSys);
7512  bool isParentOfOther = false;
7513  if (!isFin && isInSys) {
7514  for (int iOtherSys = 0; iOtherSys < sizeSys; ++iOtherSys){
7515  if (iOtherSys == iSys) continue;
7516  double nSys = partonSystemsPtr->sizeAll(iOtherSys);
7517  for (int iInSys = 0; iInSys < nSys; ++iInSys){
7518  int iiNow = partonSystemsPtr->getAll(iOtherSys,iInSys);
7519  if (state[iiNow].isAncestor(i)) {isParentOfOther=true; break;}
7520  }
7521  }
7522  }
7524  if ( (isFin || isParentOfOther) && (!hasSystems || isInSys) ) {
7525  int iN = event.append(state[i]);
7526  event[iN].daughters(0,0);
7527  event[iN].mothers(3,4);
7528  int status = (state[i].statusAbs() == 22) ? state[i].statusAbs() : 23;
7529  if ( particleDataPtr->isResonance(state[i].id()) ) status = 22;
7530  event[iN].status(status);
7531  }
7532  }
7534  // Set daughters of initial particles.
7535  event[3].daughters(5,event.size()-1);
7536  event[4].daughters(5,event.size()-1);
7538  return event;
7540 }
7542 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7544 // Check colour/flavour correctness of state.
7546 bool DireSpace::validMomentum( const Vec4& p, int id, int status) {
7548  // Check for NaNs and INFs.
7549  if (isnan(p) || isinf(p)) return false;
7551  // Check if particles is on mass shell
7552  double mNow = (status < 0) ? 0.
7553  : ((abs(id) < 6) ? getMass(id,2) : getMass(id,1));
7555  if (status < 0 && useMassiveBeams
7556  && (abs(id) == 11 || abs(id) == 13 || abs(id) > 900000))
7557  mNow = getMass(id,1);
7559  mNow = sqrt(mNow);
7561  // Do not check on-shell condition for massive intermediate (!)
7562  // resonances. Assuming all non-SM particles are heavy here!
7563  if ( abs(id) == 6 || abs(id) > 22) mNow = p.mCalc();
7564  double errMass = abs(p.mCalc() - mNow) / max( 1.0, p.e());
7565  if ( errMass > mTolErr ) return false;
7567  // Check for negative energies.
7568  if ( p.e() < 0. ) return false;
7570  // Done
7571  return true;
7573 }
7575 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7577 // Check colour/flavour correctness of state.
7579 bool DireSpace::validEvent( const Event& state, bool isProcess ) {
7581  bool validColour = true;
7582  bool validCharge = true;
7583  bool validMomenta = true;
7585  bool hasSystems = !isProcess && partonSystemsPtr->sizeSys() > 0;
7586  int sizeSys = (hasSystems) ? partonSystemsPtr->sizeSys() : 1;
7587  Event e = Event();
7589  // Check for NaNs or INFs.
7590  for ( int i = 0; i < state.size(); ++i)
7591  if (isnan(state[i].p()) || isinf(state[i].p())) return false;
7593  for (int iSys = 0; iSys < sizeSys; ++iSys) {
7595  // Done if the state is already broken.
7596  if (!validColour || !validCharge ) break;
7598  e.clear();
7599  e.init( "(hard process-modified)", particleDataPtr );
7600  e.clear();
7601  e = makeHardEvent(iSys, state, isProcess);
7603  // Check if event is coloured
7604  for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i)
7605  // Check colour of quarks
7606  if ( e[i].isFinal() && e[i].colType() == 1
7607  // No corresponding anticolour in final state
7608  && ( FindCol(e[i].col(),vector<int>(1,i),e,1) == 0
7609  // No corresponding colour in initial state
7610  && FindCol(e[i].col(),vector<int>(1,i),e,2) == 0 )) {
7611  validColour = false;
7612  break;
7613  // Check anticolour of antiquarks
7614  } else if ( e[i].isFinal() && e[i].colType() == -1
7615  // No corresponding colour in final state
7616  && ( FindCol(e[i].acol(),vector<int>(1,i),e,2) == 0
7617  // No corresponding anticolour in initial state
7618  && FindCol(e[i].acol(),vector<int>(1,i),e,1) == 0 )) {
7619  validColour = false;
7620  break;
7621  // No uncontracted colour (anticolour) charge of gluons
7622  } else if ( e[i].isFinal() && e[i].colType() == 2
7623  // No corresponding anticolour in final state
7624  && ( FindCol(e[i].col(),vector<int>(1,i),e,1) == 0
7625  // No corresponding colour in initial state
7626  && FindCol(e[i].col(),vector<int>(1,i),e,2) == 0 )
7627  // No corresponding colour in final state
7628  && ( FindCol(e[i].acol(),vector<int>(1,i),e,2) == 0
7629  // No corresponding anticolour in initial state
7630  && FindCol(e[i].acol(),vector<int>(1,i),e,1) == 0 )) {
7631  validColour = false;
7632  break;
7633  }
7635  // Check charge sum in initial and final state
7636  double initCharge = e[3].charge() + e[4].charge();
7637  double finalCharge = 0.0;
7638  for(int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i)
7639  if (e[i].isFinal()) finalCharge += e[i].charge();
7640  if (abs(initCharge-finalCharge) > 1e-12) validCharge = false;
7642  // Check if particles are on mass shell
7643  for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i) {
7644  if (i==3 || i==4 || e[i].isFinal()) {
7645  validMomenta = validMomenta
7646  && validMomentum(e[i].p(), e[i].id(), (e[i].isFinal() ? 1 : -1));
7647  }
7648  }
7650  // Check that overall pT is vanishing.
7651  Vec4 pSum(0.,0.,0.,0.);
7652  for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i) {
7653  if ( e[i].status() == -21
7654  || e[i].status() == -22 ) pSum -= e[i].p();
7655  if ( e[i].isFinal() ) pSum += e[i].p();
7656  }
7657  if ( abs(pSum.px()) > mTolErr || abs( > mTolErr)
7658  validMomenta = false;
7659  if ( e[3].status() == -21
7660  && (abs(e[3].px()) > mTolErr || abs(e[3].py()) > mTolErr))
7661  validMomenta = false;
7662  if ( e[4].status() == -21
7663  && (abs(e[4].px()) > mTolErr || abs(e[4].py()) > mTolErr))
7664  validMomenta = false;
7666  } // Done with loop over systems.
7668  return (validColour && validCharge && validMomenta);
7670 }
7672 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7674 bool DireSpace::validMotherDaughter( const Event& event ) {
7676  vector<int> noMot;
7677  vector<int> noDau;
7678  vector< pair<int,int> > noMotDau;
7680  // Loop through the event and check that there are beam particles.
7681  bool hasBeams = false;
7682  for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) {
7683  int status = event[i].status();
7684  if (abs(status) == 12) hasBeams = true;
7686  // Check that mother and daughter lists not empty where not expected to.
7687  vector<int> mList = event[i].motherList();
7688  vector<int> dList = event[i].daughterList();
7689  if (mList.size() == 0 && abs(status) != 11 && abs(status) != 12)
7690  noMot.push_back(i);
7691  if (dList.size() == 0 && status < 0 && status != -11)
7692  noDau.push_back(i);
7694  // Check that the particle appears in the daughters list of each mother.
7695  for (int j = 0; j < int(mList.size()); ++j) {
7696  if ( event[mList[j]].daughter1() <= i
7697  && event[mList[j]].daughter2() >= i ) continue;
7698  vector<int> dmList = event[mList[j]].daughterList();
7699  bool foundMatch = false;
7700  for (int k = 0; k < int(dmList.size()); ++k)
7701  if (dmList[k] == i) {
7702  foundMatch = true;
7703  break;
7704  }
7705  if (!hasBeams && mList.size() == 1 && mList[0] == 0) foundMatch = true;
7706  if (!foundMatch) {
7707  bool oldPair = false;
7708  for (int k = 0; k < int(noMotDau.size()); ++k)
7709  if (noMotDau[k].first == mList[j] && noMotDau[k].second == i) {
7710  oldPair = true;
7711  break;
7712  }
7713  if (!oldPair) noMotDau.push_back( make_pair( mList[j], i) );
7714  }
7715  }
7717  // Check that the particle appears in the mothers list of each daughter.
7718  for (int j = 0; j < int(dList.size()); ++j) {
7719  if ( event[dList[j]].statusAbs() > 80
7720  && event[dList[j]].statusAbs() < 90
7721  && event[dList[j]].mother1() <= i
7722  && event[dList[j]].mother2() >= i) continue;
7723  vector<int> mdList = event[dList[j]].motherList();
7724  bool foundMatch = false;
7725  for (int k = 0; k < int(mdList.size()); ++k)
7726  if (mdList[k] == i) {
7727  foundMatch = true;
7728  break;
7729  }
7730  if (!foundMatch) {
7731  bool oldPair = false;
7732  for (int k = 0; k < int(noMotDau.size()); ++k)
7733  if (noMotDau[k].first == i && noMotDau[k].second == dList[j]) {
7734  oldPair = true;
7735  break;
7736  }
7737  if (!oldPair) noMotDau.push_back( make_pair( i, dList[j]) );
7738  }
7739  }
7740  }
7742  // Mother-daughter relations not correct if any lists do not match.
7743  bool valid = true;
7744  if (noMot.size() > 0 || noDau.size() > 0 || noMotDau.size() > 0)
7745  valid = false;
7747  // Done.
7748  return valid;
7750 }
7752 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7754 // Find index colour partner for input colour.
7756 int DireSpace::FindCol(int col, vector<int> iExc, const Event& event,
7757  int type, int iSys) {
7759  int index = 0;
7761  int inA = 0, inB = 0;
7762  for (int i=event.size()-1; i > 0; --i) {
7763  if ( event[i].mother1() == 1 && event[i].status() != -31
7764  && event[i].status() != -34) { if (inA == 0) inA = i; }
7765  if ( event[i].mother1() == 2 && event[i].status() != -31
7766  && event[i].status() != -34) { if (inB == 0) inB = i; }
7767  }
7768  if (iSys >= 0) {inA = getInA(iSys); inB = getInB(iSys);}
7770  // Search event record for matching colour & anticolour
7771  for(int n = 0; n < event.size(); ++n) {
7772  // Skip if this index is excluded.
7773  if ( find(iExc.begin(), iExc.end(), n) != iExc.end() ) continue;
7774  if ( event[n].colType() != 0 && event[n].status() > 0 ) {
7775  if ( event[n].acol() == col ) {
7776  index = -n;
7777  break;
7778  }
7779  if ( event[n].col() == col ) {
7780  index = n;
7781  break;
7782  }
7783  }
7784  }
7785  // Search event record for matching colour & anticolour
7786  for(int n = event.size()-1; n > 0; --n) {
7787  // Skip if this index is excluded.
7788  if ( find(iExc.begin(), iExc.end(), n) != iExc.end() ) continue;
7789  if ( index == 0 && event[n].colType() != 0
7790  && ( n == inA || n == inB) ) { // Check incoming
7791  if ( event[n].acol() == col ) {
7792  index = -n;
7793  break;
7794  }
7795  if ( event[n].col() == col ) {
7796  index = n;
7797  break;
7798  }
7799  }
7800  }
7802  // if no matching colour / anticolour has been found, return false
7803  if ( type == 1 && index < 0) return abs(index);
7804  if ( type == 2 && index > 0) return abs(index);
7805  return 0;
7807 }
7809 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7811 // Print the list of dipoles.
7813 void DireSpace::list() const {
7815  // Header.
7816  cout << "\n -------- DIRE DireSpace Dipole Listing ------------------"
7817  << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
7818  << "----------\n\n"
7819  << " i sys side rad rec pTmax col "
7820  << " m2Dip siblings allowedIDs\n"
7821  << fixed << setprecision(3);
7823  // Loop over dipole list and print it.
7824  for (int i = 0; i < int(dipEnd.size()); ++i) {
7825  cout << scientific << setprecision(4)
7826  << setw(4) << i << " | "
7827  << setw(4) << dipEnd[i].system << " | "
7828  << setw(4) << dipEnd[i].side << " | "
7829  << setw(4) << dipEnd[i].iRadiator << " | "
7830  << setw(4) << dipEnd[i].iRecoiler << " | "
7831  << setw(11) << dipEnd[i].pTmax << " | "
7832  << setw(3) << dipEnd[i].colType << " | "
7833  << setw(12) << dipEnd[i].m2Dip << " | ";
7834  ostringstream os;
7835  os << dipEnd[i].iSiblings.listPos();
7836  cout << setw(15) << os.str() << " | ";
7837  os.str("");
7838  for (int j = 0; j < int(dipEnd[i].allowedEmissions.size()); ++j)
7839  os << setw(4) << dipEnd[i].allowedEmissions[j];
7840  cout << setw(15) << os.str() << endl;
7841  }
7843  // Done.
7844  cout << "\n -------- End DIRE DireSpace Dipole Listing --------------"
7845  << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
7846  << "----------" << endl;
7848  if (dryrun){
7849  for ( unordered_map<string,DireSplitting*>::const_iterator it
7850  = splits.begin(); it != splits.end(); ++it ) {
7851  multimap<double,OverheadInfo> bla = it->second->overhead_map;
7852  cout << it->first << endl;
7853  for ( multimap<double, OverheadInfo >::const_iterator itb = bla.begin();
7854  itb != bla.end(); ++itb )
7855  cout << " pT2=" << itb->first << " " << itb->second.list() << endl;
7856  }
7857  }
7859 }
7861 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7863 // Function to calculate the correct alphaS/2*Pi value, including
7864 // renormalisation scale variations + threshold matching.
7866 double DireSpace::alphasNow( double pT2, double renormMultFacNow, int iSys ) {
7868  // Get beam for PDF alphaS, if necessary.
7869  BeamParticle* beam = (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamAPtr->id()))
7870  ? beamAPtr
7871  : (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamBPtr->id()) ? beamBPtr :
7872  NULL );
7873  if (usePDFalphas && beam == NULL) beam = beamAPtr;
7874  double scale = pT2*renormMultFacNow;
7875  scale = max(scale, pT2min);
7877  // Get alphaS(k*pT^2) and subtractions.
7878  double asPT2pi = (usePDFalphas && beam != NULL)
7879  ? beam->alphaS(scale) / (2.*M_PI)
7880  : alphaS.alphaS(scale) / (2.*M_PI);
7882  // Get kernel order.
7883  int order = kernelOrder-1;
7884  // Use simple kernels for showering secondary scatterings.
7885  bool hasInA = (getInA(iSys) != 0);
7886  bool hasInB = (getInB(iSys) != 0);
7887  if (iSys != 0 && hasInA && hasInB) order = kernelOrderMPI-1;
7889  // Now find the necessary thresholds so that alphaS can be matched
7890  // correctly.
7891  double m2cNow(m2cPhys), m2bNow(m2bPhys);
7892  if ( !( (scale > m2cNow && pT2 < m2cNow)
7893  || (scale < m2cNow && pT2 > m2cNow) ) ) m2cNow = -1.;
7894  if ( !( (scale > m2bNow && pT2 < m2bNow)
7895  || (scale < m2bNow && pT2 > m2bNow) ) ) m2bNow = -1.;
7896  vector<double> scales;
7897  scales.push_back(scale);
7898  scales.push_back(pT2);
7899  if (m2cNow > 0.) scales.push_back(m2cNow);
7900  if (m2bNow > 0.) scales.push_back(m2bNow);
7901  sort( scales.begin(), scales.end());
7902  if (scale > pT2) reverse(scales.begin(), scales.end());
7904  double asPT2piCorr = asPT2pi;
7905  for ( int i = 1; i< int(scales.size()); ++i) {
7906  double NF = getNF( 0.5*(scales[i]+scales[i-1]) );
7907  double L = log( scales[i]/scales[i-1] );
7908  double subt = 0.;
7909  if (order > 0) subt += asPT2piCorr * beta0(NF) * L;
7910  if (order > 2) subt += pow2( asPT2piCorr ) * ( beta1(NF)*L
7911  - pow2(beta0(NF)*L) );
7912  if (order > 4) subt += pow( asPT2piCorr, 3) * ( beta2(NF)*L
7913  - 2.5 * beta0(NF)*beta1(NF)*L*L
7914  + pow( beta0(NF)*L, 3) );
7915  asPT2piCorr *= 1.0 - subt;
7916  }
7918  // Done.
7919  return asPT2piCorr;
7921 }
7923 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7925 // Auxiliary function to get number of flavours.
7927 double DireSpace::getNF(double pT2) {
7928  double NF = 6.;
7929  BeamParticle* beam = (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamAPtr->id()))
7930  ? beamAPtr
7931  : (particleDataPtr->isHadron(beamBPtr->id()) ? beamBPtr :
7932  NULL );
7933  // Get current number of flavours.
7934  if ( !usePDFalphas || beam == NULL ) {
7935  if ( pT2 > pow2( max(0., particleDataPtr->m0(5) ) )
7936  && pT2 < pow2( particleDataPtr->m0(6)) ) NF = 5.;
7937  else if ( pT2 > pow2( max( 0., particleDataPtr->m0(4)) ) ) NF = 4.;
7938  else if ( pT2 > pow2( max( 0., particleDataPtr->m0(3)) ) ) NF = 3.;
7939  } else {
7940  if ( pT2 > pow2( max(0., beam->mQuarkPDF(5) ) )
7941  && pT2 < pow2( particleDataPtr->m0(6)) ) NF = 5.;
7942  else if ( pT2 > pow2( max( 0., beam->mQuarkPDF(4)) ) ) NF = 4.;
7943  else if ( pT2 > pow2( max( 0., beam->mQuarkPDF(3)) ) ) NF = 3.;
7944  }
7945  return NF;
7946 }
7948 //==========================================================================
7950 } // end namespace Pythia8
Definition: beam.h:43
Definition: AgUStep.h:26