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1 // History.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
2 // Copyright (C) 2014 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
3 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details.
4 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
6 // This file is written by Stefan Prestel.
7 // It contains the main class for matrix element merging.
8 // Header file for the Clustering and History classes.
10 #ifndef Pythia8_History_H
11 #define Pythia8_History_H
13 #include "Pythia8/Basics.h"
14 #include "Pythia8/BeamParticle.h"
15 #include "Pythia8/Event.h"
16 #include "Pythia8/Info.h"
17 #include "Pythia8/ParticleData.h"
18 #include "Pythia8/PythiaStdlib.h"
19 #include "Pythia8/Settings.h"
20 #include "Pythia8/PartonLevel.h"
22 namespace Pythia8 {
24 //==========================================================================
26 // Declaration of Clustering class.
27 // This class holds information about one radiator, recoiler, emitted system.
28 // This class is a container class for History class use.
30 class Clustering {
32 public:
34  // The emitted parton location.
35  int emitted;
36  // The emittor parton
37  int emittor;
38  // The recoiler parton.
39  int recoiler;
40  // The colour connected recoiler (Can be different for ISR)
41  int partner;
42  // The scale associated with this clustering.
43  double pTscale;
45  // Default constructor
46  Clustering(){
47  emitted = 0;
48  emittor = 0;
49  recoiler = 0;
50  partner = 0;
51  pTscale = 0.0;
52  }
54  // Default destructor
55  ~Clustering(){}
57  // Copy constructor
58  Clustering( const Clustering& inSystem ){
59  emitted = inSystem.emitted;
60  emittor = inSystem.emittor;
61  recoiler = inSystem.recoiler;
62  partner = inSystem.partner;
63  pTscale = inSystem.pTscale;
64  }
66  // Constructor with input
67  Clustering( int emtIn, int radIn, int recIn, int partnerIn,
68  double pTscaleIn ){
69  emitted = emtIn;
70  emittor = radIn;
71  recoiler = recIn;
72  partner = partnerIn;
73  pTscale = pTscaleIn;
74  }
76  // Function to return pythia pT scale of clustering
77  double pT() const { return pTscale; }
79  // print for debug
80  void list() const;
82 };
84 //==========================================================================
86 // Declaration of History class
87 //
88 // A History object represents an event in a given step in the CKKW-L
89 // clustering procedure. It defines a tree-like recursive structure,
90 // where the root node represents the state with n jets as given by
91 // the matrix element generator, and is characterized by the member
92 // variable mother being null. The leaves on the tree corresponds to a
93 // fully clustered paths where the original n-jets has been clustered
94 // down to the Born-level state. Also states which cannot be clustered
95 // down to the Born-level are possible - these will be called
96 // incomplete. The leaves are characterized by the vector of children
97 // being empty.
99 class History {
101 public:
103  // The only constructor. Default arguments are used when creating
104  // the initial history node. The \a depth is the maximum number of
105  // clusterings requested. \a scalein is the scale at which the \a
106  // statein was clustered (should be set to the merging scale for the
107  // initial history node. \a beamAIn and beamBIn are needed to
108  // calcutate PDF ratios, \a particleDataIn to have access to the
109  // correct masses of particles. If \a isOrdered is true, the previous
110  // clusterings has been ordered. \a is the PDF ratio for this
111  // clustering (=1 for FSR clusterings). \a probin is the accumulated
112  // probabilities for the previous clusterings, and \ mothin is the
113  // previous history node (null for the initial node).
114  History( int depth,
115  double scalein,
116  Event statein,
117  Clustering c,
118  MergingHooks* mergingHooksPtrIn,
119  BeamParticle beamAIn,
120  BeamParticle beamBIn,
121  ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn,
122  Info* infoPtrIn,
123  bool isOrdered,
124  bool isStronglyOrdered,
125  bool isAllowed,
126  bool isNextInInput,
127  double probin,
128  History * mothin);
130  // The destructor deletes each child.
131  ~History() {
132  for ( int i = 0, N = children.size(); i < N; ++i ) delete children[i];
133  }
135  // Function to project paths onto desired paths.
136  bool projectOntoDesiredHistories();
138  // For CKKW-L, NL3 and UMEPS:
139  // In the initial history node, select one of the paths according to
140  // the probabilities. This function should be called for the initial
141  // history node.
142  // IN trialShower* : Previously initialised trialShower object,
143  // to perform trial showering and as
144  // repository of pointers to initialise alphaS
145  // PartonSystems* : PartonSystems object needed to initialise
146  // shower objects
147  // OUT double : (Sukadov) , (alpha_S ratios) , (PDF ratios)
148  double weightTREE(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
149  AlphaStrong * asISR, double RN);
151  // For default NL3:
152  // Return weight of virtual correction and subtractive for NL3 merging
153  double weightLOOP(PartonLevel* trial, double RN);
154  // Return O(\alpha_s)-term of CKKWL-weight for NL3 merging
155  double weightFIRST(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong* asFSR,
156  AlphaStrong* asISR, double RN, Rndm* rndmPtr );
158  // For UMEPS:
159  double weight_UMEPS_TREE(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
160  AlphaStrong * asISR, double RN);
161  double weight_UMEPS_SUBT(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
162  AlphaStrong * asISR, double RN);
164  // For unitary NL3:
165  double weight_UNLOPS_TREE(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
166  AlphaStrong * asISR, double RN);
167  double weight_UNLOPS_SUBT(PartonLevel* trial, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
168  AlphaStrong * asISR, double RN);
169  double weight_UNLOPS_LOOP(PartonLevel* trial, double RN);
170  double weight_UNLOPS_SUBTNLO(PartonLevel* trial, double RN);
171  double weight_UNLOPS_CORRECTION( int order, PartonLevel* trial,
172  AlphaStrong* asFSR, AlphaStrong* asISR,
173  double RN, Rndm* rndmPtr );
175  // Function to check if any allowed histories were found
176  bool foundAllowedHistories() {
177  return (children.size() > 0 && foundAllowedPath); }
178  // Function to check if any ordered histories were found
179  bool foundOrderedHistories() {
180  return (children.size() > 0 && foundOrderedPath); }
181  // Function to check if any ordered histories were found
182  bool foundCompleteHistories() {
183  return (children.size() > 0 && foundCompletePath); }
185  // Function to set the state with complete scales for evolution
186  void getStartingConditions( const double RN, Event& outState );
187  // Function to get the state with complete scales for evolution
188  bool getClusteredEvent( const double RN, int nSteps, Event& outState);
189  // Function to get the first reclustered state above the merging scale.
190  bool getFirstClusteredEventAboveTMS( const double RN, int nDesired,
191  Event& process, int & nPerformed, bool updateProcess = true );
192  // Function to return the depth of the history (i.e. the number of
193  // reclustered splittings)
194  int nClusterings();
196  // Function to get the lowest multiplicity reclustered event
197  Event lowestMultProc( const double RN) {
198  // Return lowest multiplicity state
199  return (select(RN)->state);
200  }
202  // Calculate and return pdf ratio
203  double getPDFratio( int side, bool forSudakov, bool useHardPDF,
204  int flavNum, double xNum, double muNum,
205  int flavDen, double xDen, double muDen);
207  // Function to print the history that would be chosen from the random number
208  // RN. Mainly for debugging.
209  void printHistory( const double RN );
210  // Function to print the states in a history, starting from the hard process.
211  // Mainly for debugging.
212  void printStates();
214  // Make Pythia class friend
215  friend class Pythia;
216  // Make Merging class friend
217  friend class Merging;
219 private:
221  // Number of trial emission to use for calculating the average number of
222  // emissions
223  static const int NTRIAL;
225  // Function to set all scales in the sequence of states. This is a
226  // wrapper routine for setScales and setEventScales methods
227  void setScalesInHistory();
229  // Function to find the index (in the mother histories) of the
230  // child history, thus providing a way access the path from both
231  // initial history (mother == 0) and final history (all children == 0)
232  // IN vector<int> : The index of each child in the children vector
233  // of the current history node will be saved in
234  // this vector
235  // NO OUTPUT
236  void findPath(vector<int>& out);
238  // Functions to set the parton production scales and enforce
239  // ordering on the scales of the respective clusterings stored in
240  // the History node:
241  // Method will start from lowest multiplicity state and move to
242  // higher states, setting the production scales the shower would
243  // have used.
244  // When arriving at the highest multiplicity, the method will switch
245  // and go back in direction of lower states to check and enforce
246  // ordering for unordered histories.
247  // IN vector<int> : Vector of positions of the chosen child
248  // in the mother history to allow to move
249  // in direction initial->final along path
250  // bool : True: Move in direction low->high
251  // multiplicity and set production scales
252  // False: Move in direction high->low
253  // multiplicity and check and enforce
254  // ordering
255  // NO OUTPUT
256  void setScales( vector<int> index, bool forward);
258  // Function to find a particle in all higher multiplicity events
259  // along the history path and set its production scale to the input
260  // scale
261  // IN int iPart : Parton in refEvent to be checked / rescaled
262  // Event& refEvent : Reference event for iPart
263  // double scale : Scale to be set as production scale for
264  // unchanged copies of iPart in subsequent steps
265  void scaleCopies(int iPart, const Event& refEvent, double rho);
267  // Function to set the OVERALL EVENT SCALES [=state.scale()] to
268  // the scale of the last clustering
269  // NO INPUT
270  // NO OUTPUT
271  void setEventScales();
273  // Function to print information on the reconstructed scales in one path.
274  // For debug only.
275  void printScales() { if ( mother ) mother->printScales();
276  cout << " size " << state.size() << " scale " << scale << " clusterIn "
277  << clusterIn.pT() << " state.scale() " << state.scale() << endl; }
279  // Function to project paths onto desired paths.
280  bool trimHistories();
281  // Function to tag history for removal.
282  void remove(){ doInclude = false; }
283  // Function to return flag of allowed histories to choose from.
284  bool keep(){ return doInclude; }
285  // Function implementing checks on a paths, for deciding if the path should
286  // be considered valid or not.
287  bool keepHistory();
288  // Function to check if a path is ordered in evolution pT.
289  bool isOrderedPath( double maxscale );
291  bool followsInputPath();
293  // Function to check if all reconstucted states in a path pass the merging
294  // scale cut.
295  bool allIntermediateAboveRhoMS( double rhoms, bool good = true );
296  // Function to check if any ordered paths were found (and kept).
297  bool foundAnyOrderedPaths();
299  // Functions to return the z value of the last ISR splitting
300  // NO INPUT
301  // OUTPUT double : z value of last ISR splitting in history
302  double zISR();
304  // Functions to return the z value of the last FSR splitting
305  // NO INPUT
306  // OUTPUT double : z value of last FSR splitting in history
307  double zFSR();
309  // Functions to return the pT scale of the last ISR splitting
310  // NO INPUT
311  // OUTPUT double : pT scale of last ISR splitting in history
312  double pTISR();
314  // Functions to return the pT scale of the last FSR splitting
315  // NO INPUT
316  // OUTPUT double : pT scale of last FSR splitting in history
317  double pTFSR();
319  // Functions to return the event with nSteps additional partons
320  // INPUT int : Number of splittings in the event,
321  // as counted from core 2->2 process
322  // OUTPUT Event : event with nSteps additional partons
323  Event clusteredState( int nSteps);
325  // Function to choose a path from all paths in the tree
326  // according to their splitting probabilities
327  // IN double : Random number
328  // OUT History* : Leaf of history path chosen
329  History * select(double rnd);
331  // For a full path, find the weight calculated from the ratio of
332  // couplings, the no-emission probabilities, and possible PDF
333  // ratios. This function should only be called for the last history
334  // node of a full path.
335  // IN TimeShower : Already initialised shower object to be used as
336  // trial shower
337  // double : alpha_s value used in ME calculation
338  // double : Maximal mass scale of the problem (e.g. E_CM)
339  // AlphaStrong: Initialised shower alpha_s object for FSR alpha_s
340  // ratio calculation
341  // AlphaStrong: Initialised shower alpha_s object for ISR alpha_s
342  // ratio calculation (can be different from previous)
343  double weightTree(PartonLevel* trial, double as0, double maxscale,
344  double pdfScale, AlphaStrong * asFSR, AlphaStrong * asISR,
345  double& asWeight, double& pdfWeight);
347  // Function to return the \alpha_s-ratio part of the CKKWL weight.
348  double weightTreeALPHAS( double as0, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
349  AlphaStrong * asISR );
350  // Function to return the PDF-ratio part of the CKKWL weight.
351  double weightTreePDFs( double maxscale, double pdfScale );
352  // Function to return the no-emission probability part of the CKKWL weight.
353  double weightTreeEmissions( PartonLevel* trial, int type, int njetMax,
354  double maxscale );
356  // Function to generate the O(\alpha_s)-term of the CKKWL-weight
357  double weightFirst(PartonLevel* trial, double as0, double muR,
358  double maxscale, AlphaStrong * asFSR, AlphaStrong * asISR, Rndm* rndmPtr );
360  // Function to generate the O(\alpha_s)-term of the \alpha_s-ratios
361  // appearing in the CKKWL-weight.
362  double weightFirstALPHAS( double as0, double muR, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
363  AlphaStrong * asISR);
364  // Function to generate the O(\alpha_s)-term of the PDF-ratios
365  // appearing in the CKKWL-weight.
366  double weightFirstPDFs( double as0, double maxscale, double pdfScale,
367  Rndm* rndmPtr );
368  // Function to generate the O(\alpha_s)-term of the no-emission
369  // probabilities appearing in the CKKWL-weight.
370  double weightFirstEmissions(PartonLevel* trial, double as0, double maxscale,
371  AlphaStrong * asFSR, AlphaStrong * asISR, bool fixpdf, bool fixas );
373  // Function to return the default factorisation scale of the hard process.
374  double hardFacScale(const Event& event);
375  // Function to return the default renormalisation scale of the hard process.
376  double hardRenScale(const Event& event);
378  // Perform a trial shower using the \a pythia object between
379  // maxscale down to this scale and return the corresponding Sudakov
380  // form factor.
381  // IN trialShower : Shower object used as trial shower
382  // double : Maximum scale for trial shower branching
383  // OUT 0.0 : trial shower emission outside allowed pT range
384  // 1.0 : trial shower successful (any emission was below
385  // the minimal scale )
386  double doTrialShower(PartonLevel* trial, int type, double maxscale,
387  double minscale = 0.);
389  // Function to bookkeep the indices of weights generated in countEmissions
390  bool updateind(vector<int> & ind, int i, int N);
392  // Function to count number of emissions between two scales for NLO merging
393  vector<double> countEmissions(PartonLevel* trial, double maxscale,
394  double minscale, int showerType, double as0, AlphaStrong * asFSR,
395  AlphaStrong * asISR, int N, bool fixpdf, bool fixas);
397  // Function to integrate PDF ratios between two scales over x and t,
398  // where the PDFs are always evaluated at the lower t-integration limit
399  double monteCarloPDFratios(int flav, double x, double maxScale,
400  double minScale, double pdfScale, double asME, Rndm* rndmPtr);
402  // Default: Check if a ordered (and complete) path has been found in
403  // the initial node, in which case we will no longer be interested in
404  // any unordered paths.
405  bool onlyOrderedPaths();
407  // Check if a strongly ordered (and complete) path has been found in the
408  // initial node, in which case we will no longer be interested in
409  // any unordered paths.
410  bool onlyStronglyOrderedPaths();
412  // Check if an allowed (according to user-criterion) path has been found in
413  // the initial node, in which case we will no longer be interested in
414  // any forbidden paths.
415  bool onlyAllowedPaths();
417  // When a full path has been found, register it with the initial
418  // history node.
419  // IN History : History to be registered as path
420  // bool : Specifying if clusterings so far were ordered
421  // bool : Specifying if path is complete down to 2->2 process
422  // OUT true if History object forms a plausible path (eg prob>0 ...)
423  bool registerPath(History & l, bool isOrdered, bool isStronglyOrdered,
424  bool isAllowed, bool isComplete);
426  // For the history-defining state (and if necessary interfering
427  // states), find all possible clusterings.
428  // NO INPUT
429  // OUT vector of all (rad,rec,emt) systems
430  vector<Clustering> getAllQCDClusterings();
432  // For one given state, find all possible clusterings.
433  // IN Event : state to be investigated
434  // OUT vector of all (rad,rec,emt) systems in the state
435  vector<Clustering> getQCDClusterings( const Event& event);
437  // Function to construct (rad,rec,emt) triples from the event
438  // IN int : Position of Emitted in event record for which
439  // dipoles should be constructed
440  // int : Colour topogy to be tested
441  // 1= g -> qqbar, causing 2 -> 2 dipole splitting
442  // 2= q(bar) -> q(bar) g && g -> gg,
443  // causing a 2 -> 3 dipole splitting
444  // Event : event record to be checked for ptential partners
445  // OUT vector of all allowed radiator+recoiler+emitted triples
446  vector<Clustering> findQCDTriple (int EmtTagIn, int colTopIn,
447  const Event& event, vector<int> PosFinalPartn,
448  vector <int> PosInitPartn );
450  vector<Clustering> getAllEWClusterings();
451  vector<Clustering> getEWClusterings( const Event& event);
452  vector<Clustering> findEWTriple( int EmtTagIn, const Event& event,
453  vector<int> PosFinalPartn );
455  vector<Clustering> getAllSQCDClusterings();
456  vector<Clustering> getSQCDClusterings( const Event& event);
457  vector<Clustering> findSQCDTriple (int EmtTagIn, int colTopIn,
458  const Event& event, vector<int> PosFinalPartn,
459  vector <int> PosInitPartn );
461  // Calculate and return the probability of a clustering.
462  // IN Clustering : rad,rec,emt - System for which the splitting
463  // probability should be calcuated
464  // OUT splitting probability
465  double getProb(const Clustering & SystemIn);
467  // Set up the beams (fill the beam particles with the correct
468  // current incoming particles) to allow calculation of splitting
469  // probability.
470  // For interleaved evolution, set assignments dividing PDFs into
471  // sea and valence content. This assignment is, until a history path
472  // is chosen and a first trial shower performed, not fully correct
473  // (since content is chosen form too high x and too low scale). The
474  // assignment used for reweighting will be corrected after trial
475  // showering
476  void setupBeams();
478  // Calculate the PDF ratio used in the argument of the no-emission
479  // probability.
480  double pdfForSudakov();
482  // Calculate the hard process matrix element to include in the selection
483  // probability.
484  double hardProcessME( const Event& event);
486  // Perform the clustering of the current state and return the
487  // clustered state.
488  // IN Clustering : rad,rec,emt triple to be clustered to two partons
489  // OUT clustered state
490  Event cluster(const Clustering & inSystem);
492  // Function to get the flavour of the radiator before the splitting
493  // for clustering
494  // IN int : Position of the radiator after the splitting, in the event
495  // int : Position of the emitted after the splitting, in the event
496  // Event : Reference event
497  // OUT int : Flavour of the radiator before the splitting
498  int getRadBeforeFlav(const int RadAfter, const int EmtAfter,
499  const Event& event);
501  // Function to get the colour of the radiator before the splitting
502  // for clustering
503  // IN int : Position of the radiator after the splitting, in the event
504  // int : Position of the emitted after the splitting, in the event
505  // Event : Reference event
506  // OUT int : Colour of the radiator before the splitting
507  int getRadBeforeCol(const int RadAfter, const int EmtAfter,
508  const Event& event);
510  // Function to get the anticolour of the radiator before the splitting
511  // for clustering
512  // IN int : Position of the radiator after the splitting, in the event
513  // int : Position of the emitted after the splitting, in the event
514  // Event : Reference event
515  // OUT int : Anticolour of the radiator before the splitting
516  int getRadBeforeAcol(const int RadAfter, const int EmtAfter,
517  const Event& event);
519  // Function to get the parton connected to in by a colour line
520  // IN int : Position of parton for which partner should be found
521  // Event : Reference event
522  // OUT int : If a colour line connects the "in" parton with another
523  // parton, return the Position of the partner, else return 0
524  int getColPartner(const int in, const Event& event);
526  // Function to get the parton connected to in by an anticolour line
527  // IN int : Position of parton for which partner should be found
528  // Event : Reference event
529  // OUT int : If an anticolour line connects the "in" parton with another
530  // parton, return the Position of the partner, else return 0
531  int getAcolPartner(const int in, const Event& event);
533  // Function to get the list of partons connected to the particle
534  // formed by reclusterinf emt and rad by colour and anticolour lines
535  // IN int : Position of radiator in the clustering
536  // IN int : Position of emitted in the clustering
537  // Event : Reference event
538  // OUT vector<int> : List of positions of all partons that are connected
539  // to the parton that will be formed
540  // by clustering emt and rad.
541  vector<int> getReclusteredPartners(const int rad, const int emt,
542  const Event& event);
544  // Function to extract a chain of colour-connected partons in
545  // the event
546  // IN int : Type of parton from which to start extracting a
547  // parton chain. If the starting point is a quark
548  // i.e. flavType = 1, a chain of partons that are
549  // consecutively connected by colour-lines will be
550  // extracted. If the starting point is an antiquark
551  // i.e. flavType =-1, a chain of partons that are
552  // consecutively connected by anticolour-lines
553  // will be extracted.
554  // IN int : Position of the parton from which a
555  // colour-connected chain should be derived
556  // IN Event : Refernence event
557  // IN/OUT vector<int> : Partons that should be excluded from the search.
558  // OUT vector<int> : Positions of partons along the chain
559  // OUT bool : Found singlet / did not find singlet
560  bool getColSinglet(const int flavType, const int iParton,
561  const Event& event, vector<int>& exclude,
562  vector<int>& colSinglet);
564  // Function to check that a set of partons forms a colour singlet
565  // IN Event : Reference event
566  // IN vector<int> : Positions of the partons in the set
567  // OUT bool : Is a colour singlet / is not
568  bool isColSinglet( const Event& event, vector<int> system);
569  // Function to check that a set of partons forms a flavour singlet
570  // IN Event : Reference event
571  // IN vector<int> : Positions of the partons in the set
572  // IN int : Flavour of all the quarks in the set, if
573  // all quarks in a set should have a fixed flavour
574  // OUT bool : Is a flavour singlet / is not
575  bool isFlavSinglet( const Event& event,
576  vector<int> system, int flav=0);
578  // Function to properly colour-connect the radiator to the rest of
579  // the event, as needed during clustering
580  // IN Particle& : Particle to be connected
581  // Particle : Recoiler forming a dipole with Radiator
582  // Event : event to which Radiator shall be appended
583  // OUT true : Radiator could be connected to the event
584  // false : Radiator could not be connected to the
585  // event or the resulting event was
586  // non-valid
587  bool connectRadiator( Particle& Radiator, const int RadType,
588  const Particle& Recoiler, const int RecType,
589  const Event& event );
591  // Function to find a colour (anticolour) index in the input event
592  // IN int col : Colour tag to be investigated
593  // int iExclude1 : Identifier of first particle to be excluded
594  // from search
595  // int iExclude2 : Identifier of second particle to be excluded
596  // from search
597  // Event event : event to be searched for colour tag
598  // int type : Tag to define if col should be counted as
599  // colour (type = 1) [->find anti-colour index
600  // contracted with col]
601  // anticolour (type = 2) [->find colour index
602  // contracted with col]
603  // OUT int : Position of particle in event record
604  // contraced with col [0 if col is free tag]
605  int FindCol(int col, int iExclude1, int iExclude2,
606  const Event& event, int type, bool isHardIn);
608  // Function to in the input event find a particle with quantum
609  // numbers matching those of the input particle
610  // IN Particle : Particle to be searched for
611  // Event : Event to be searched in
612  // OUT int : > 0 : Position of matching particle in event
613  // < 0 : No match in event
614  int FindParticle( const Particle& particle, const Event& event,
615  bool checkStatus = true );
617  // Function to check if rad,emt,rec triple is allowed for clustering
618  // IN int rad,emt,rec,partner : Positions (in event record) of the three
619  // particles considered for clustering, and the
620  // correct colour-connected recoiler (=partner)
621  // Event event : Reference event
622  bool allowedClustering( int rad, int emt, int rec, int partner,
623  const Event& event );
625  // Function to check if rad,emt,rec triple is results in
626  // colour singlet radBefore+recBefore
627  // IN int rad,emt,rec : Positions (in event record) of the three
628  // particles considered for clustering
629  // Event event : Reference event
630  bool isSinglett( int rad, int emt, int rec, const Event& event );
632  // Function to check if event is sensibly constructed: Meaning
633  // that all colour indices are contracted and that the charge in
634  // initial and final states matches
635  // IN event : event to be checked
636  // OUT TRUE : event is properly construced
637  // FALSE : event not valid
638  bool validEvent( const Event& event );
640  // Function to check whether two clusterings are identical, used
641  // for finding the history path in the mother -> children direction
642  bool equalClustering( Clustering clus1 , Clustering clus2 );
644  // Chose dummy scale for event construction. By default, choose
645  // sHat for 2->Boson(->2)+ n partons processes and
646  // M_Boson for 2->Boson(->) processes
647  double choseHardScale( const Event& event ) const;
649  // If the state has an incoming hadron return the flavour of the
650  // parton entering the hard interaction. Otherwise return 0
651  int getCurrentFlav(const int) const;
653  // If the state has an incoming hadron return the x-value for the
654  // parton entering the hard interaction. Otherwise return 0.
655  double getCurrentX(const int) const;
657  double getCurrentZ(const int rad, const int rec, const int emt) const;
659  // Function to compute "pythia pT separation" from Particle input
660  double pTLund(const Particle& RadAfterBranch,const Particle& EmtAfterBranch,
661  const Particle& RecAfterBranch, int ShowerType);
663  // Function to return the position of the initial line before (or after)
664  // a single (!) splitting.
665  int posChangedIncoming(const Event& event, bool before);
667  // Function to give back the ratio of PDFs and PDF * splitting kernels
668  // needed to convert a splitting at scale pdfScale, chosen with running
669  // PDFs, to a splitting chosen with PDFs at a fixed scale mu. As needed to
670  // properly count emissions.
671  double pdfFactor( const Event& event, const int type, double pdfScale,
672  double mu );
674  // Function giving the product of splitting kernels and PDFs so that the
675  // resulting flavour is given by flav. This is used as a helper routine
676  // to dgauss
677  double integrand(int flav, double x, double scaleInt, double z);
679  //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
680  // Class members.
681  //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
683  // The state of the event correponding to this step in the
684  // reconstruction.
685  Event state;
687  // The previous step from which this step has been clustered. If
688  // null, this is the initial step with the n-jet state generated by
689  // the matrix element.
690  History * mother;
692  // The different steps corresponding to possible clusterings of this
693  // state.
694  vector<History *> children;
696  // The different paths which have been reconstructed indexed with
697  // the (incremental) corresponding probability. This map is empty
698  // unless this is the initial step (mother == 0).
699  map<double,History *> paths;
701  // The sum of the probabilities of the full paths. This is zero
702  // unless this is the initial step (mother == 0).
703  double sumpath;
705  // The different allowed paths after projection, indexed with
706  // the (incremental) corresponding probability. This map is empty
707  // unless this is the initial step (mother == 0).
708  map<double,History *> goodBranches, badBranches;
709  // The sum of the probabilities of allowed paths after projection. This is
710  // zero unless this is the initial step (mother == 0).
711  double sumGoodBranches, sumBadBranches;
713  // This is set true if an ordered (and complete) path has been found
714  // and inserted in paths.
715  bool foundOrderedPath;
717  // This is set true if a strongly ordered (and complete) path has been found
718  // and inserted in paths.
719  bool foundStronglyOrderedPath;
721  // This is set true if an allowed (according to a user criterion) path has
722  // been found and inserted in paths.
723  bool foundAllowedPath;
725  // This is set true if a complete (with the required number of
726  // clusterings) path has been found and inserted in paths.
727  bool foundCompletePath;
729  // The scale of this step, corresponding to clustering which
730  // constructed the corresponding state (or the merging scale in case
731  // mother == 0).
732  double scale;
734  // Flag indicating if a clustering in the construction of all histories is
735  // the next clustering demanded by inout clusterings in LesHouches 2.0
736  // accord.
737  bool nextInInput;
739  // The probability associated with this step and the previous steps.
740  double prob;
742  // The partons and scale of the last clustering.
743  Clustering clusterIn;
744  int iReclusteredOld, iReclusteredNew;
746  // Flag to include the path amongst allowed paths.
747  bool doInclude;
749  // Pointer to MergingHooks object to get all the settings.
750  MergingHooks* mergingHooksPtr;
752  // The default constructor is private.
753  History() {}
755  // The copy-constructor is private.
756  History(const History &) {}
758  // The assignment operator is private.
759  History & operator=(const History &) {
760  return *this;
761  }
763  // BeamParticle to get access to PDFs
764  BeamParticle beamA;
765  BeamParticle beamB;
766  // ParticleData needed to initialise the shower AND to get the
767  // correct masses of partons needed in calculation of probability
768  ParticleData* particleDataPtr;
770  // Info object to have access to all information read from LHE file
771  Info* infoPtr;
773  // Minimal scalar sum of pT used in Herwig to choose history
774  double sumScalarPT;
776 };
778 //==========================================================================
780 } // end namespace Pythia8
782 #endif // end Pythia8_History_H
Definition: AgUStep.h:26