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1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * $Id: StHbtCoulomb.cxx,v 1.18 2006/08/15 21:41:41 jeromel Exp $
4  *
5  * Author: Randy Wells, Ohio State,
6  ***************************************************************************
7  *
8  * Description: part of STAR HBT Framework: StHbtMaker package
9  * This is a Coulomb correction class which
10  * 1. Reads in the dat from a file
11  * 2. Performs a linear interpolation in R and creates any array of interpolations
12  * 3. Interpolates in eta and returns the Coulomb correction to user
13  *
14  ***************************************************************************
15  *
16  * $Log: StHbtCoulomb.cxx,v $
17  * Revision 1.18 2006/08/15 21:41:41 jeromel
18  * Fix rhic ->
19  *
20  * Revision 1.17 2003/09/02 17:58:32 perev
21  * gcc 3.2 updates + WarnOff
22  *
23  * Revision 1.16 2003/02/04 21:10:31 magestro
24  * Cleaned up a couple functions
25  *
26  * Revision 1.15 2003/01/31 19:44:00 magestro
27  * Cleared up simple compiler warnings on i386_linux24
28  *
29  * Revision 1.14 2000/10/26 19:48:54 rcwells
30  * Added functionality for Coulomb correction of <qInv> in 3D correltions
31  *
32  * Revision 1.13 2000/07/16 21:38:22 laue
33  * StHbtCoulomb.cxx StHbtSectoredAnalysis.cxx : updated for standalone version
34  * StHbtV0.hh : some cast to prevent compiling warnings
35  * StHbtParticle.hh : pointers mTrack,mV0 initialized to 0
36  * : some printouts in #ifdef STHBTDEBUG
37  * : B-Field set to 0.25Tesla, we have to think about a better
38  * solution
39  *
40  * Revision 1.12 2000/05/31 20:12:53 rcwells
41  * Modified StHbtCoulomb for Id and Log entries
42  *
43  *
44  **************************************************************************/
46 #include "StHbtCoulomb.h"
47 #include "Stiostream.h"
48 #include <stdio.h>
49 #include <cassert>
50 #include "PhysicalConstants.h"
52 #ifdef __ROOT__
53 ClassImp(StHbtCoulomb)
54 #endif
56 StHbtCoulomb::StHbtCoulomb() {
57  mFile = "/afs/";
58  if (!mFile) {
59  cout << " No file, dummy!" << endl;
60  assert(0);
61  }
62  mRadius = -1.0;
63  mZ1Z2 = 1.0; // Default has been set up to be same sign charges
64  cout << "You have 1 default Coulomb correction!" << endl;
65 }
67 StHbtCoulomb::StHbtCoulomb(const char* readFile, const double& radius, const double& charge) {
68  mFile = readFile;
69  mRadius = radius;
70  CreateLookupTable(mRadius);
71  mZ1Z2 = charge;
72  cout << "You have 1 Coulomb correction!" << endl;
73 }
75 StHbtCoulomb::~StHbtCoulomb() {
77 }
79 void StHbtCoulomb::SetRadius(const double& radius) {
80  cout << " StHbtCoulomb::setRadius() " << endl;
81  mRadius = radius;
82  CreateLookupTable(mRadius);
83 }
85 double StHbtCoulomb::GetRadius() {
86  return (mRadius);
87 }
89 void StHbtCoulomb::SetFile(const char* readFile) {
90  cout << " StHbtCoulomb::SetFile() " << endl;
91  mFile = readFile;
92  // Create new lookup table since file has changed
93  if (mRadius>0.0) {
94  CreateLookupTable(mRadius);
95  }
96 }
98 void StHbtCoulomb::SetChargeProduct(const double& charge) {
99  cout << " StHbtCoulomb::SetChargeProduct() " << endl;
100  if ( mZ1Z2!=charge ) {
101  mZ1Z2 = charge;
102  if ( mZ1Z2>0 ) {
103  mFile = "/afs/";
104  }
105  else {
106  mFile = "/afs/";
107  }
108  CreateLookupTable(mRadius);
109  }
110 }
112 void StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable(const double& radius) {
113  cout << " StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable() " << endl;
114  // Read radii from mFile
115  // Create array(pair) of linear interpolation between radii
117  if (radius<0.0) {
118  cout << " StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable -> NEGATIVE RADIUS " << endl;
119  cout << " call StHbtCoulomb::SetRadius(r) with positive r " << endl;
120  cerr << " StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable -> NEGATIVE RADIUS " << endl;
121  cerr << " call StHbtCoulomb::SetRadius(r) with positive r " << endl;
122  assert(0);
123  }
124  ifstream mystream(mFile);
125  if (!mystream) {
126  cout << "Could not open file" << endl;
127  assert(0);
128  }
129  else {
130  cout << "Input correction file opened" << endl;
131  }
133  static char tempstring[2001];
134  static float radii[2000];
135  static int NRadii = 0;
136  NRadii = 0;
137  if (!mystream.getline(tempstring,2000)) {
138  cout << "Could not read radii from file" << endl;
139  assert(0);
140  }
141  for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<strlen(tempstring); ii++) {
142  while (tempstring[ii]==' ') ii++;
143  sscanf(&tempstring[ii++],"%f",&radii[++NRadii]);
144  while ( tempstring[ii]!=' ' && (ii)<strlen(tempstring) )ii++;
145  }
146  cout << " Read " << NRadii << " radii from file" << endl;
148  static double LowRadius = -1.0;
149  static double HighRadius = -1.0;
150  static int LowIndex = 0;
151  LowRadius = -1.0;
152  HighRadius = -1.0;
153  LowIndex = 0;
154  for(int iii=1; iii<=NRadii-1; iii++) { // Loop to one less than #radii
155  if ( radius >= radii[iii] && radius <= radii[iii+1] ) {
156  LowRadius = radii[iii];
157  HighRadius = radii[iii+1];
158  LowIndex = iii;
159  }
160  }
161  if ( (LowRadius < 0.0) || (HighRadius < 0.0) ) {
162  cout << "StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable --> Problem interpolating radius" << endl;
163  cout << " Check range of radii in lookup file...." << endl;
164  cerr << "StHbtCoulomb::CreateLookupTable --> Problem interpolating radius" << endl;
165  cerr << " Check range of radii in lookup file...." << endl;
166  assert(0);
167  }
169  static double corr[100]; // array of corrections ... must be > NRadii
170  mNLines = 0;
171  static double tempEta = 0;
172  tempEta = 0;
173  while (mystream >> tempEta) {
174  for (int i=1; i<=NRadii; i++) {
175  mystream >> corr[i];
176  }
177  static double LowCoulomb = 0;
178  static double HighCoulomb = 0;
179  static double nCorr = 0;
180  LowCoulomb = corr[LowIndex];
181  HighCoulomb = corr[LowIndex+1];
182  nCorr = ( (radius-LowRadius)*HighCoulomb+(HighRadius-radius)*LowCoulomb )/(HighRadius-LowRadius);
183  mEta[mNLines] = tempEta; // Eta
184  mCoulomb[mNLines] = nCorr; // Interpolated Coulomb correction for radius
185  mNLines++;
186  }
187  mystream.close();
188  cout << "Lookup Table is created with " << mNLines << " points" << endl;
189 }
191 double StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(const double& eta) {
192  // Interpolates in eta
193  if (mRadius < 0.0) {
194  cout << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> Trying to correct for negative radius!" << endl;
195  cerr << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> Trying to correct for negative radius!" << endl;
196  assert(0);
197  }
198  static int middle=0;
199  middle=int( (mNLines-1)/2 );
200  if (eta*mEta[middle]<0.0) {
201  cout << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> eta: " << eta << " has wrong sign for data file! " << endl;
202  cerr << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> eta: " << eta << " has wrong sign for data file! " << endl;
203  assert(0);
204  }
206  static double Corr = 0;
207  Corr = -1.0;
209  if ( (eta>mEta[0]) && (mEta[0]>0.0) ) {
210  Corr = mCoulomb[0];
211  return (Corr);
212  }
213  if ( (eta<mEta[mNLines-1]) && (mEta[mNLines-1]<0.0) ) {
214  Corr = mCoulomb[mNLines-1];
215  return (Corr);
216  }
217  // This is a binary search for the bracketing pair of data points
218  static int high = 0;
219  static int low = 0;
220  static int width = 0;
221  high = mNLines-1;
222  low = 0;
223  width = high-low;
224  middle = int(width/2.0); // Was instantiated above
225  while (middle > 0) {
226  if (mEta[low+middle] < eta) {
227  // eta is in the 1st half
228  high-=middle;
229  width = high-low;
230  middle = int(width/2.0);
231  }
232  else {
233  // eta is in the 2nd half
234  low+=middle;
235  width = high-low;
236  middle = int(width/2.0);
237  }
238  }
239  // Make sure we found the right one
240  if ( (mEta[low] >= eta) && (eta >= mEta[low+1]) ) {
241  static double LowEta = 0;
242  static double HighEta = 0;
243  static double LowCoulomb = 0;
244  static double HighCoulomb = 0;
245  LowEta = mEta[low];
246  HighEta = mEta[low+1];
247  LowCoulomb = mCoulomb[low];
248  HighCoulomb = mCoulomb[low+1];
249  // cout << LowEta << " *** Eta *** " << HighEta << endl;
250  // cout << LowCoulomb << " *** Coulomb *** " << HighCoulomb << endl;
251  Corr = ( (eta-LowEta)*HighCoulomb+(HighEta-eta)*LowCoulomb )/(HighEta-LowEta);
252  }
253  if (Corr<0.0) {
254  cout << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> No correction" << endl;
255  cout << " Check range of eta in file: Input eta " << eta << endl;
256  cerr << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta) --> No correction" << endl;
257  cerr << " Check range of eta in file: Input eta " << eta << endl;
258  assert(0);
259  }
260  return (Corr);
262 }
264 double StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(const double& eta,
265  const double& radius) {
266  // Checks radii ... input radius and mRadius
267  // Calls createLookupTable if neccessary
268  // Interpolate(linear) between etas in the created lookup table
270  if (radius < 0.0) {
271  if (mRadius < 0.0) {
272  // Both radii are negative
273  cout << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta,r) --> input and member radii are negative!" << endl;
274  cerr << "StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(eta,r) --> input and member radii are negative!" << endl;
275  assert(0);
276  }
277  }
278  else {
279  // radius > 0.0
280  if (radius == mRadius) {
281  // Both radii are positive and equal
282  // cout << "Radii are the same!!!" << endl;
283  }
284  else {
285  // Both radii are positive but not equal
286  mRadius = radius;
287  CreateLookupTable(mRadius);
288  }
289  }
291  // Interpolate in eta
292  return ( CoulombCorrect(eta) );
293 }
295 double StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(const StHbtPair* pair) {
296  return ( CoulombCorrect( Eta(pair) ) );;
297 }
299 double StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(const StHbtPair* pair, const double& radius) {
300  return ( CoulombCorrect( Eta(pair),radius ) );
301 }
303 double StHbtCoulomb::Eta(const StHbtPair* pair) {
304  static double px1,py1,pz1,px2,py2,pz2;
305  static double px1new,py1new,pz1new;
306  static double px2new,py2new,pz2new;
307  static double vx1cms,vy1cms,vz1cms;
308  static double vx2cms,vy2cms,vz2cms;
309  static double VcmsX,VcmsY,VcmsZ;
310  static double dv = 0.0;
311  static double e1,e2,e1new,e2new;
312  static double psi,theta;
313  static double beta,gamma;
314  static double VcmsXnew;
316  px1 = pair->track1()->FourMomentum().px();
317  py1 = pair->track1()->FourMomentum().py();
318  pz1 = pair->track1()->FourMomentum().pz();
319  e1 = pair->track1()->FourMomentum().e();
320  px2 = pair->track2()->FourMomentum().px();
321  py2 = pair->track2()->FourMomentum().py();
322  pz2 = pair->track2()->FourMomentum().pz();
323  e2 = pair->track2()->FourMomentum().e();
325  VcmsX = ( px1+px2 )/( e1+e2 );
326  VcmsY = ( py1+py2 )/( e1+e2 );
327  VcmsZ = ( pz1+pz2 )/( e1+e2 );
328  // Rotate Vcms to x-direction
329  psi = atan(VcmsY/VcmsX);
330  VcmsXnew = VcmsX*cos(psi)+VcmsY*sin(psi);
331  VcmsX = VcmsXnew;
332  theta = atan(VcmsZ/VcmsX);
333  VcmsXnew = VcmsX*cos(theta)+VcmsZ*sin(theta);
334  VcmsX = VcmsXnew;
335  // Gamma and Beta
336  beta = VcmsX;
337  gamma = 1.0/::sqrt( 1.0-beta*beta );
339  // Rotate p1 and p2 to new frame
340  px1new = px1*cos(psi)+py1*sin(psi);
341  py1new = -px1*sin(psi)+py1*cos(psi);
342  px1 = px1new;
343  px1new = px1*cos(theta)+pz1*sin(theta);
344  pz1new = -px1*sin(theta)+pz1*cos(theta);
345  px1 = px1new;
346  py1 = py1new;
347  pz1 = pz1new;
349  px2new = px2*cos(psi)+py2*sin(psi);
350  py2new = -px2*sin(psi)+py2*cos(psi);
351  px2 = px2new;
352  px2new = px2*cos(theta)+pz2*sin(theta);
353  pz2new = -px2*sin(theta)+pz2*cos(theta);
354  px2 = px2new;
355  py2 = py2new;
356  pz2 = pz2new;
358  // Lorentz transform the x component and energy
359  e1new = gamma*e1 - gamma*beta*px1;
360  px1new = -gamma*beta*e1 + gamma*px1;
361  e2new = gamma*e2 - gamma*beta*px2;
362  px2new = -gamma*beta*e2 + gamma*px2;
363  px1 = px1new;
364  px2 = px2new;
366  // New velocities
367  vx1cms = px1/e1new;
368  vy1cms = py1/e1new;
369  vz1cms = pz1/e1new;
370  vx2cms = px2/e2new;
371  vy2cms = py2/e2new;
372  vz2cms = pz2/e2new;
374  // Velocity difference in CMS frame
375  dv = ::sqrt( (vx1cms-vx2cms)*(vx1cms-vx2cms) +
376  (vy1cms-vy2cms)*(vy1cms-vy2cms) +
377  (vz1cms-vz2cms)*(vz1cms-vz2cms) );
379  return ( mZ1Z2*fine_structure_const/(dv) );
380 }
382 StHbt1DHisto* StHbtCoulomb::CorrectionHistogram(const double& mass1, const double& mass2, const int& nBins,
383  const double& low, const double& high) {
384  if ( mass1!=mass2 ) {
385  cout << "Masses not equal ... try again. No histogram created." << endl;
386  assert(0);
387  }
388  StHbt1DHisto* correction = new StHbt1DHisto("correction","Coulomb correction",nBins,low,high);
389  const double reducedMass = mass1*mass2/(mass1+mass2);
390  double qInv = low;
391  //double dQinv = (high-low)/( (double)nBins );
392  double eta;
393  for (int ii=1; ii<=nBins; ii++)
394  {
395  qInv = correction->GetBinCenter(ii);
396  eta = 2.0*mZ1Z2*reducedMass*fine_structure_const/( qInv );
397  CoulombCorrect( eta );
398  correction->Fill( qInv, CoulombCorrect(eta,mRadius) );
399  }
401  return (correction);
402 }
404 #ifdef __ROOT__
405 StHbt1DHisto* StHbtCoulomb::CorrectionHistogram(const StHbt1DHisto* histo, const double mass) {
407  StHbt1DHisto* correction = (StHbt1DHisto*) ((StHbt1DHisto*)histo)->Clone();
408  correction->Reset();
409  correction->SetDirectory(0);
410  int nBins = correction->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
411  const double reducedMass = 0.5*mass;
412  double qInv;
413  double eta;
414  for (int ii=1; ii<=nBins; ii++)
415  {
416  qInv = correction->GetBinCenter(ii);
417  eta = 2.0*mZ1Z2*reducedMass*fine_structure_const/( qInv );
418  correction->Fill( qInv, CoulombCorrect(eta,mRadius) );
419  }
421  return (correction);
422 }
424 StHbt3DHisto* StHbtCoulomb::CorrectionHistogram(const StHbt3DHisto* histo, const double mass) {
426  StHbt3DHisto* correction = (StHbt3DHisto*) ((StHbt3DHisto*)histo)->Clone();
427  correction->Reset();
428  correction->SetDirectory(0);
429  int nBinsX = correction->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
430  int nBinsY = correction->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
431  int nBinsZ = correction->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();
432  const double reducedMass = 0.5*mass;
433  double eta;
434  double qInv;
435  int binNumber;
436  for (int ii=1; ii<=nBinsX; ii++) {
437  for (int iii=1; iii<=nBinsY; iii++) {
438  for (int iv=1; iv<=nBinsZ; iv++) {
439  binNumber = histo->GetBin(ii,iii,iv);
440  qInv = histo->GetBinContent(binNumber);
441  eta = 2.0*mZ1Z2*reducedMass*fine_structure_const/( qInv );
442  correction->SetBinContent(binNumber, CoulombCorrect(eta,mRadius) );
443  }
444  }
445  }
446  return (correction);
447 }
448 #endif
450 double StHbtCoulomb::CoulombCorrect(const double& mass, const double& charge,
451  const double& radius, const double& qInv) {
452  mRadius = radius;
453  mZ1Z2 = charge;
454  const double reducedMass = 0.5*mass; // must be same mass particles
455  double eta = 2.0*mZ1Z2*reducedMass*fine_structure_const/( qInv );
456  return ( CoulombCorrect(eta,mRadius) );
457 }