EPD bias scan 2024

The MIP peak position depends on the Vbias, and we attempt to put all the MIP peaks at roughly the same ADC value, by adjusting voltages through a bias scan. 

The bias scan procedure has been discussed extensively in other places, including the following.

Maria took a set of 7 runs close to midnight 27 April 2024.  For whatever reason, some of the runs were not so great, especially the later ones which were the ones at high Vbias.  Like maybe the QT pedestal was lost or something?  Anyway, it turned out to use all 7 runs in the bias scan, and also to only use the first 5.  This is because the "right" bias voltage is found automatically by the code, but it hands you a handful (~15?) that you just have to look at yourself and make an estimate. 

These voltages were uploaded and set around 2pm 28 April 2024.