Hi, this year the mapping of the CTB ADC values in the L0 trigger changed with the conversion of ADC values to MIPS for the 'productionCentral' trigger setup. This change does not affect the central trigger itself, but it allows to run the topology trigger in parallel to it. For the analysis only the CTB-ADC sum as calculated from StEvent will be affected by the different mapping. So far there is no automated procedure yet to switch between ADC sum and MIP sum, since the CTB mapping is done deep down in the L0 configuartion. So this is meant to be a heads-up. Please find the details below, comments are welcome. Sorry for the inconvinience Falk ------------------------------------------ The CTB sum can be calculated from the adc values given for each slat. StCtbTriggerDetector* ctb=0; StTriggerDetectorCollection* trg = event->triggerDetectorCollection(); if ( trg ) { ctb = & trg->ctb(); } ctbSum=0; if(ctb){ for(UInt_t i=0; i < ctb->numberOfTrays(); i++){ for(UInt_t j=0; j < ctb->numberOfSlats(); j++){ ctbSum += ctb->mips(i,j,0); } } } In the 2000 data ctb->mips(i,j,0) contained an 8 bit ADC value for each slat. | 7 ...... 0| Bit zero was actually overridden by a timing bit, indicating if the leading edge of the CTB-pulse was detected within a 20 ns timing window. So more truthfully it looked like |7 ......1 | T | Which did not realy matter and so the timing bit was just summed up. For the central data in 2001 the mapping looks as follows: The 8 bit ADC value is converted to the number of Mips (a 6bit number) by the gain of the CTB (basically a division by five) and the Timing bit is conserved. Bit7 is now always 0 such that. | 7 | 6 ..(MIPS).. 1 | T | To get the correct number of MIPS used by the trigger the line in the code above has to be now ctbSum += ( ctb->mips(i,j,0) > 1 ); If this conversion is not done, i.e. the mip values are just added up as last year, the CTB ADC sum will be a factor of 2.5 smaller than last year ( /5 for gain correction *2 for timing bit shift) Falk ( ------------------------------------------------------------- Visit this STAR HyperNews message (to reply or unsubscribe) at: http://www.star.bnl.gov/HyperNews-star/get/starsoft/1076.html