STAR Assembly Sequence

Last update of this page was 15 May, 1995

The following 3D CAD graphics depict the STAR detector and facility assembly. These images were useful for determining the correct sequence of assembly and space allocations. To see the current assembly progress click construction. The actual assembly sequence and dates changed slightly from the original plan.


Fall 1995

Shows the empty facility that STAR will occupy. The Assembly Hall and the Utilities/Magnet power supply area were scheduled to start construction in February 1995. The Operations building was moved from another BNL site: GIF Version or PostScript Version


Summer/Fall 1996

Shows the magnet being assembled and the platforms completed. The end rings and coils are stored in the Assembly Hall. Work has begun installing the magnet power supplies and buss system: GIF Version or PostScript Version


Summer 1997

Shows the magnet completed in the Assembly Hall prior to the Time Projection Chamber installation. Assembly of the electronics has begun: GIF Version or PostScript Version


March 1999

Shows the detector completed in the Wide Angle Hall: GIF Version or PostScript Version