From - Wed May 21 11:29:42 2003
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Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 17:34:20 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
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To: Rene Bellwied <>, David Hardtke
 <>, Yuri Fisyak <>, James Dunlop
 <>, Jim Thomas <>, Peter Seyboth
 <>, Thomas Ullrich <>, Iwona Sakrejda
 <>, Tim Hallman <>, Claude Pruneau
Subject: ITTF review final - pass 2
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    Dear Tim, Claude & ITTF review committee members,

    First of all, I would like to thank everyone for accepting to be part,
once again, of the review pannel of the ITTF project. As a reminder,
our first pass occured in September 23rd 2002 and since, a lot has happened
as part of the project and we surely hope for this review to be a
success. The
team has worked really hard, the results looks promissing but as mentionned
last time and in my recent Email to starpwgc, the Physics working groups
committee need to "bless" this project (and subsequently the spokesman) for
us to move forward.

    The date of the current review have been set to be on June 3rd and
4th, at
Berkeley, just before the Analysis Meeting. This was set for diverse reasons
(convenience, time schedule, analysis momentum) . Please, remember
to make your travel arrangements accordingly as the review will start on
3rd in the morning.

    I am planning to send the charges for this review very soon (over the
week-end) and documentation will be assembled and hopefully delivered
a week prior to the review date.

    Thank you,


            ( o o )