QA processes are run independently of the data taking and DST production. These processes contain the accumulated knowledge of the collaboration of modes of failure of data taking and DST production, along with those physics distributions that are most sensitive to the health of the data and DST production software. The results probe the data in various ways:
STAR will produce hundreds of terabytes of data each year. Meaningful testing of the DSTs produced from these data is a daunting task, entailing an enormous amount of tedious repetition. This process must be automated to a very high degree, for reasons both of reliability and finite capacity of even the most dedicated grad student to do boring but important things. The web pages you are looking at are part of an automated framework for QA and testing, called autoQA.
The autoQA-generated web pages present these data in a heirarchical fashion, with the most important information most prominently displayed. Go to the upper frame window and choose a data class from the pulldown menu in the banner. The resulting selection menus will depend upon the data class chosen, and correpsond closely with the Offline File Catalog that is maintained by the production team. Using the pulldown menus, choose an interesting subset of all catalogued data and press the "Display Datasets" button. The datasets available in the QA database satisfying the selection are listed in reverse chronological order, with details about the run submission, status of the data on disk, and a very brief performance summary given in the first three columns. The "QA Status" and buttons on the right hand side are described below.
The scalars and histograms are generated by ROOT macros running in the standard STAR framework. Description of the QA macros run in Offline can be found here. (July 8,2000: Online macros still to be defined.) The developers responsible for the macros can be found on the QA contacts page. The autoQA cron jobs automatically run thes macros and submit them as batch jobs to RCAS under LSF for Offline, and as daughter processes on the Online cluster for Online.
The framework has been written so that the addition of new macros is straightforward. No changes to the CGI scripts are needed to introduce new macros which produce postscript files. A single PERL subroutine needs to be added for a new macro which generates an ascii file of scalars which parses the file, extracts the QA scalars and puts them into some defined PERL structures.
Two kinds of QA scalars are defined: run-based and event-based. The run-based scalars characterize the run as a whole (for instance, the mean, rms, minimum and maximum number of tracks per event in the run). The event-based scalars characterize each individual event (the number of TPC hits in each event, is such-and-such a table is present in this event, etc.) As has been pointed out by a number of people, the "scalars" may also be the result of statistical tests (such as a chisquared or Kolmogorov test) comparing a histogram from the selected run to a reference histogram.
In addition to running QA ROOT macros to generate the scalars and histograms, the Offline Software QA framework can apply Boolean tests to an arbitrarily large set of scalars generated by these macros. (This is defined above as Automated QA Evaluation.) These tests will be of greatest use in probing the self-consistency of large scale production, but can also be used to detect changing conditions in the nightly and weekly test results. The results of all tests for each QA macro applied to a given run are summarized in the run listing table under "QA Status" . Details about the scalars and tests can be displayed via the "QA details" button (explained further below). are especially welcome.
The time dependence of QA scalars can be viewed via the "Compare similar runs" button. The question of what data to compare meaningfully is non-trivial for real data, especially if multiple triggers are present in a single run (for Monte Carlo data the comparisons are more straightforward). This facility will undergo changes as we gain experience. An important future extension of this will be to develop ROOT macros to superimpose histograms from a reference run on the QA histograms for each selected run.
Functionality that modifies the QA database entries (performing updates, running the QA macros, etc.) is hidden in a password-protected Expert's page.
The Expert's Page button generates a request for the expert's pw, which in turn will display numerous buttons that control and change the DB, launch batch jobs, etc.
The button labelled "Add or Edit Comments" generates a request for your name. It will enable buttons associated with individual datasets, along with a button labelled "Add global comment". You will be able to enter comments that will be interspersed with the dataset listings. The global comments will have a specific date and time and will appear in chronological order with the datasets. These allow the user to indicate library changes, specific problems associated with a given dataset, etc. Usage of the Comment feature is quite simple and (hopefully) self-evident.
RCAS/LSF monitor: this is a link to a general utility monitoring all LSF activity on RCAS. It is a PERL/CGI wrapper around LSF commands such as "bsub" and "bpeek". Only expert users will only be able to manipulate LSF jobs,and then only jobs submitted by user "starlib".
If QA for this run has been initiated but not completed (from the Expert's page), blue text will indicate that a QA batch job is in progress.For Offline, a link will be given to "peek" at the batch job in progress. If the batch job has completed, a link will be given to the log file from the batch run (useful for diagnosing macro crashes).
The generated scalars and results from the Automated QA Evaluation can be displayed in a separate browser window (by pushing a button with an obvious label, situated below the listing of the ps files). There is a large volume of information to present here, of varying general interest and importance. The run-based scalars tend to be more important for physics QA than the event-based scalars, and so are highlighted in the order of display. QA tests that fail are likewise highlighted over those that succeed. The display is divided into several sections:
The remaining sections display:
The user is first given the option of comparing to multiple similar runs, or comparing to a predefined reference. The latter capability is not yet implemented, however, and the user will be redirected to the former. For nightly MC, "similar" currently means the same TPC simulator (tfs, tss or trs) and geometry (year_1b or year_2a). For real data, the selection criteria are not yet established (July 8, 2000).
After clicking on "Compare to Multiple Reports", the display in the lower frame shows all catalogued runs that are "similar" to the current run (which is listed first and labelled as "this run"), with check boxes to select the comparison runs. Multiple comparison runs are permitted, and judicious selection can give a useful display of the time dependence of the scalars. After selecting the comparison runs, push "do run comparison".
All comparisons runs are listed in a table and are assigned an arbitrary letter label for convenience. The remaining tables show a comparison of run-based scalars for each of the QA macros that was applied to the selected run, first the difference in value of each scalar relative to that for the selected run, and then the absolute values themselves (these tables obviously display the same information). Comparison runs with no valid entries for a given scalar value (macro wasn't run or it crashed) do not appear. If only some entries are valid, the remainder are given as "undef".
For convenience when writing the QA summary reports, the tables in this display are also written to an ASCII file, whose name is given near the top of the display.
In the near future a histogram comparison facility will be developed, automatically plotting the QA histograms for the selected run and one reference run on the same panel.
The appropriate set of tests to apply, and in the case of numerical comparisons, the actual values to compare to, are often dependent upon the specific class of event under consideration. Simulated events from event generators require different tests than cosmic ray events, and there will of course be many different classes of real data with different properties. The selection of the appropriate set of QA macros and tests to apply to a given run is done by means of a "Control File", which specifies "Macro Definition files", one for each QA macro to be applied. Each event class has a Control File. The detailed format and syntax of these files is discussed below.
# # control file for year 2a nightly MC tests # # lines with "#" in first column are comments # all other non-blank lines should contain a test file with full pathname for one macro # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_dstBranch/hc_std.year_2a.v1.test /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_eventBranch/hc_std.year_2a.v1.test /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_Branch/geantBranch.year_2a.v2.test /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_Branch/runcoBranch.year_2a.test /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_Branch/tagsBranch.v2.test /star/rcf/qa/nightly_MC/control_and_test/bfcread_hist_to_ps/QA.test the current control file for nightly MC test runs with year_2a geometry.
macro name: $STAR/StRoot/macros/analysis/QA_bfcread_dst_tables.C macro arguments: nevent=1 infile outfile input data filetype: .dst.root first starlib version: SL99a last starlib version: SL99z macro comment: Test of First Event Tables end of header: run scalars: globtrk globtrk_aux globtrk2 primtrk primtrk_aux run scalars: vertex dst_v0_vertex ev0_eval dst_xi_vertex kinkVertex run scalars: particle run scalars: point dst_dedx g2t_rch_hit run scalars: TrgDet run scalars: event_header event_summary monitor_soft BEGIN TEST: run test name: Table exists test comment: Check that table is present in first event error: globtrk .found. error: globtrk_aux .found. ... some text removed ... error: dst_dedx .found. error: monitor_soft .found. END TEST: BEGIN TEST: run test name: Row in range test comment: Check that number of rows within reasonable range error: globtrk .gt. 8600 error: globtrk .lt. 9000 error: globtrk_aux .eq. globtrk ... some text removed ... error: monitor_soft .eq. 1 error: dst_dedx .eq. globtrk END TEST: BEGIN TEST: run test name: Unexpected Tables test comment: Check for unofficial tables present (not declared as test scalars) error: nonscalar .notfound. END TEST:
The file is divided into:
error: globtrk .lt. 9000is understood as testing that the scalar value "globtrk" (the number of global tracks in the first event) is less than 9000; if it is not, an error is reported. In other words, the format is severity: string, where a failure (with the given severity) is reported if the string is false.
There are special cases built in (such as the scalar nonscalar appearing in the last test of the example), some of which are proving to be more useful than others. I will not try to give a full specification of the test language here - that would quickly become obsolete. This "metalanguage" is of course defined by the QA perl scripts themselves, and it will change and develop as needed (insert the usual boilerplate about backward compatibility here). If the existing examples are not sufficient for your application, you should contact me, but if you are at that level of detail, you probably already have done so.
sub new_macro_name{ %run_scalar_hash = (); %event_scalar_hash = (); ... do some stuff... return \%run_scalar_hash, \%event_scalar_hash; }A minimal example is sub QA_bfcread_dst_tables in, but if you don't understand PERL, you won't understand the example. A more complex example is sub doEvents in the same file, but the complexity of this routine is driven by the comparison of QAInfo reported to STDOUT by doEvents to the same lines in the logfile for the same events, and this is not applicable to other macros.
The PERL scripts have been almost completely decoupled from the specific content of the existing QA macros, making the addition of new macros to the QA processing rather easy. As noted, the only PERL programming needed to add a new macro is the addition of a single subroutine to, and only in the case that scalars are defined (i.e. a new macro that only generates a postscript file of histograms does not require any change to the PERL scripts, only to the relevant Control and Test files).
PERL is an outgrowth of the UNIX csh and ksh scripting languages you may be familiar with. It is an interpreted language, and among its other uses it is very suitable for writing the kinds of scripts that used to be written in csh and ksh. PERL scripts are also in principle portable beyond UNIX, though that in fact depends upon how you write them. PERL is much more elegant, intuitive, and pleasant to write and read than csh or ksh, and has some very clever features that can make the meaning of the code quite transparent (if you speak the lingo). In addition, it has a very nice Object Oriented extension that I found to be absolutely essential in writing the QA CGI scripts. The overhead to learn OO programming in PERL is rather modest.
I found two books to be indispensable in learning PERL and writing PERL scripts, both published by O'Reilly (the "In a Nutshell" people):
An extensive PERL module has been developed for writing CGI scripts. It is called, written by Lincoln Stein at Cold Spring Harbor Lab, just down the road from BNL. I also found this to be extremely valuable: it hides all the html details behind a very convenient interface, allowing you to, for instance, generate quite complex tables in a few program lines. The scripts are very much cleaner and have fewer bugs as a result. The web page gives a tutorial and extensive examples. There is a book by Stein called "Official Guide to Programming with", published by Wiley. I found it to be of less use than his web page.