Manual generation of QA histograms
When there is a need or other interest in generating the Fast Offline QA
histograms by hand, these are the steps to follow. You will need an
account on rcf, the exact path to the hist.root files of the data you
want, and access to a web area for easy viewing of the postscript files.
1) ssh to your favorite rcas node at rcf. Note that
new login security measures are now in effect.
For complete account and login instructions see:
2) Set environment to stardev by typing "stardev"
3) Copy the QA histogram-to-ps macro to your local
working directory. The path to the macro is:
4) edit this macro in your local directory:
- Find the string "MainFile" and edit the full path name for
hist.root file you want. For run 7 the fast offline root
files are on the /star/data09 disk.
- edit the line for the ps filename to whatever you want.
- For the short QA histogram output insert "qa_shift" in the
argument of PrintList. If you want the full 90 page
output just leave the default, i.e. PrintList="" .
Here's an example of what your edited macro should look like:
void bfcread_hist_to_ps(
const Char_t *MainFile=
const Char_t *MakerHistDir="EventQA",
const Char_t *TopDirTree="bfcTree",
const Char_t *psFile="",
const Char_t *PageTitle="",
const Char_t *PrintList="qa_shift",
const Int_t ZoneH=2,
const Int_t ZoneV=3
5) Run root in batch mode by typing:
root4star -b -q bfcread_hist_to_ps.C
6) After this finishes (about 1 minute) you'll have the ps files in
your local directory.
That's all there is to it. View the QA histos however you wish and
your in business.
Created: Fri April 21 13:54:24 EDT 2006