QA Scalars
Peter Jacobs, July 11, 2000
This document is a first pass at documenting the content of the
scalars generated by the QA macros. It should serve as an aid for the
QA shift team, to clarify what is or is not interesting to monitor
among the large number of scalars that are generated.
- Overview of scalars
QA scalars are generated by several of the QA macros and are made
available for a given data set in autoQA via the "QA details" and
"Compare to Reference" buttons. As of September '00, the scalars are
presented by autoQA within restricted multiplicity classes for the
real data, with the classes having the same meaning. "LM" means global
track multiplicity between 50 and 500, "MM" between 500 and 2500, and
"HM" above 2500. No multiplcity classes are defined for MC data.
The scalars for a given macro and multiplicity class are displayed by
pushing the appropriately labelled button.
- bfcread_dstBranch
This macro displays quantities from the tables-based dst (i.e. not
StEvent). All scalars are for the first event in the run, except for
those labelled "avg_XXX_per_event", which are averaged over all events
in the file. The scalars from this macro are useful to look at for the
MC nightly tests to test for software stability, because every event
in the file has identical underlying physics and the same MC events
are used each night. The scalars from this macro have
much less meaning when looking at real data, because the first
event in a real data file could have a potentially wide range of
properties. For real data, it is useful to look at these scalars only
to verify that some reasonable values are present - the specific
values cannot be specified run to run.
- bfcread_eventBranch
The scalars from this macro are by far the most
important for the shift crews to look at. The quantities are
extracted from StEvent. The mean, min, max and rms are for a given
quantity are calculated over all events in the run passing the
multiplciity cut (if appropriate). The names of the scalars are
self-explanatory and are valid for both MC and real data.
- bfcread_geantBranch
Only for MC data. Shows GSTAR related quantities for the first event
in the file.
- bfcread_runcoBranch
These scalars show the production "run conditions", which are the same
for all events in the file. Their specific values for a given run are
best specified by the production crew, whom you should consult in case
of questions. Anomolies in these scalars would presumably manifest
themselves in other features of the analysis (e.g. certain
claibrations not run when they should have been), so monitoring of
these scalars is not essential.
- bfcread_tagsBranch
These scalars show quantities from the tag database, averaged over
events in the run passing a given multiplicity cut. Most of these
scalars are not useful for QA purposes and the shift crew can ignore
Peter Jacobs
Last modified: Fri Sep 8 17:34:14 EDT 2000