HIJ implementation details

How HIJING is implemented in package HIJ

HIJ Package Description

HIJ follows the conventional directory structure of an event generator within the STAR Library:
/src :	Source files
/inc :  include files
/lib :  Makefiles for compiling all source code
/bin :  Makefiles for linking executables
/doc :  associated documentation.
/exa :  example scripts and HIJING test scripts, reference spectra
More detail about conventions can be found in the event generator
overview document.

The librarian for HIJ is Janet Seger

Library File

$STAR_LIB/dev/sim/lib/libhij_.a: Library file containing object code for all source files in the HIJ package. Probably not generally useful. <version number> refers to the version number of the HIJING release.

Executable Files

Currently there are two executables one can run:

The <version number> refers to the version number of the HIJING release.

Source files

HIJING source files (taken directly from XN Wang):

All HIJING routines. Includes the two main subroutines HIJSET and HIJING.

Special version of PYTHIA which is used by HIJING (very slightly modified from CERN distribution of PYTHIA).

Special version of JETSET which is used by HIJING (very slightly modified, if at all, from CERN distribution of JETSET).

STAR HIJING implementation source files:

Main proram for standaloe version of HIJING. This is what people usually run when they say they are running HIJING.

Called by HIJEVT. Prompts user for name of HIJING parameters file and echoes values back to user. Also initializes the random number generator (AIX only).

Writes HIJING data to ASCII output file in a format compatible with STAR GEANT. Uses subroutine hijing_to_geant from EGZ.

hjntog.F (OBSOLETE)
HiJing TO Geant particle id code translator. Used by HIJ_WRTXT. Details about particle id translation are found under Running HIJING.

NOTE: replaced by hijing_to_geant.F in package EGZ

HIJING event analysis sources

Shell program to open one file of hijevt text output and generate reference spectra. Uses functions HIJ_RDTXT, HIJ_TEST_BOOK, HIJ_TEST_SORT and HIJ_TEST_END.

NOTE: the functionality of this program and associated routines described below has been replaced by the EGZ binary spectra.

Reads one event from a text output format file. Returns successfully if end of file is reached or full event is read into local arrays.

Modular routines which perform the usual initialization-event-end functions associated with analysis. Generic names used so that more than one test exectuable might be possible in the future using the same shell:

Details about the spectra can be found under Running HIJING.


All the makefiles of this package use the SLM makefile procedure.

hij/Makefile: builds and installs entire package. =t functionin yet.

hij/Makefile.user: modifications of SLM macros and additional macros as necessary for this package, e.g., definition of version number.

hij/lib/Makefile: rebuilds the library file from all *.F source in hij/src and installs it in sim/lib/$STAR_ARCH. Type "make usage" for list of available targets.

hij/bin/Makefile: links executable hijevt_< version number > and installs it in sim/bin/$STAR_ARCH. Uses same flags for loading as for compilation (see hij/Makefile.user). Type "make usage" for list of available targets.

Installation Procedure

This procedure should be executed only by the package librarian for installation of the package. For each architecture, type:
 > cd $STAR_ROOT/dev/sim/hij/lib
 > make clean
 > make   
 > make lib_install
 > cd $STAR_ROOT/dev/sim/hij/bin
 > make 
 > make bin_install

Last modified: 5 April 1996

Andrea Schiemann

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