Barrel EM Calorimeter description in aGSTAR


This page contains documentations of the STAR Barrel EM Calorimeter geometry as it is implemented in aGSTAR simulation packages.

Author: W. J. Llope, Rice University

Created November 17 1995

*  Revisions:
*  Version 1.1, W.J. Llope 17-Nov-96
*    - nml version...
*  Version 1.1, Pavel Nevski 25-Mar-96
*    - Modified and optimized for aGSTAR...
*  Version 2.0, W.J. Llope 16-Oct-96
*    - changed module gap from 2.0cm to 1.5 cm...
*    - changed gamma and e thresholds...
*    - removed G10 layers (by setting half-thickness to 0.0001cm)...
*    - now using 4 superlayers to allow 10/10 or 5/15 depth 
*                                             segmentations...
*    - changed 4mm scintillator to 5mm scintillator...
*    - added some more write statements, seen with 'debug on'...
*  Version 2.1, W.J. Llope 19-Oct-96
*    - fixed wrong scintillator thickness 
*         (bug inserted in previous update)...
*    - removed G10 layers (block CGTN) entirely - no longer in tree...
*    - moved g10 mixture definition from CGTN block to CSME block...
*    - double gas layer SMD (from old nml days) changed to single 
*                            gas layer (still 0.6cm thick total)...
*    - CSMA renamed to CSML, prev. CSML block commented...
*                        (HITS still in CSML block)
*    - SMD aluminum front/back plates now 2mm thick...
*    - SMD electronics G10 now 2mm thick...
*    - changed sensitive medium names for clarity...
*  Version 2.2, W.J. Llope 10-Nov-96
*    - fixed energy response