USER -    User defined menu for GSTAR


   TYPE       C 'Type of event input' D='TX'
   INFILE1    C 'First input file name' D=' '
   INFILE2    C 'Second input file name (must be TX)' D=' '

   Possible TYPE values are:


   Opens one or two files of events as input to Geant. If read types FZ   (Zebra) or TX (Star new text format) are given, only one file of the given  type is opened using the first input filename. If read type FZTX or TXOTX  is given, two files are opened and merged within Geant. For the FZTX  option, the first filename must be an FZ file and the second filename a TX   file (new text format). For the TXOTX, the first file must be an old format  text file, and the second a TX file.  In the FZTX and TXOTX options, if the  tracks and vertices of the two files are to be disentangled again  downstream of Geant, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that they  are labelled in a unique way. One simple way to do this is to make all  vertex processes in the TX file negative.  If a file of the given type is  open at the time of this call, it will be closed before further action is   taken.


   ACTION     C 'Open or close output file' D=' '
   OUTFILE    C 'FZ output file name' D='geant.fzd'

   Possible ACTION values are:


   Opens/Closes an FZ output file.


   NTRACK     I 'Number of tracks per event' D=100
   ID         I 'Geant Particle ID' D=8
   PTLOW      R 'Lower limit of pT' D=0
   PTHIGH     R 'Upper limit of pT' D=1
   YLOW       R 'Lower limit of rapidity' D=-1
   YHIGH      R 'Upper limit of rapidity' D=1
   PHILOW     R 'Lower limit of phi' D=0
   PHIHIGH    R 'Upper limit of phi' D=6.283

   Generates flat phase space in place of input file of events.  Parameters  are Geant PID, lower and upper bounds of rapidity interval, lower and upper bounds of pT interval, and number of tracks per event. Full azimuthal   interval is used (0<phi<two pi radians).  If no parameters are given, old  values existing in the program are preserved.  Initial limits are   0<pT<10000, -10<y<+10, 0<phi<2pi.


   NTRACK     I 'Number of tracks per event' D=100
   ID         I 'Geant Particle ID' D=8
   PXLOW      R 'Lower limit of px' D=-1
   PXHIGH     R 'Upper limit of px' D=1
   PYLOW      R 'Lower limit of py' D=-1
   PYHIGH     R 'Upper limit of py' D=1
   PZLOW      R 'Lower limit of pz' D=-1
   PZHIGH     R 'Upper limit of pz' D=1

Generates uniform distribution within given 3-momentum bin in place of input file of events.  Parameters are Geant PID, lower and upper bounds of px, py and pz, and number of tracks per event.  If no parameters are given,  100 pi+ will be generated per event, distributed uniformly in the interval  -1<px<1, -1<py<1, -1<pz<1 GeV.  If px_high is less than px_low, then
   px_high will be set equal to px_low (i.e. px will have the same value for all tracks), and similarly for py and pz.


   NEVENT     I 'Number of input events to skip' D=0
   NSUBEVENT  I 'Number of subevents to skip in first processed event' D=0
   SUBRAN1    I 'First random seed at start of first processed subevent' D=0
   SUBRAN2    I 'Second random seed at start of first processed subevent' D=0

Skips the next NEVENT events of input event file. If NSUBEVENT>0, skips first NSUBEVENT subevents in first processed event, using random seeds SUBRAN1 and SUBRAN2. This allows the user to set the seeds to randomize the target position correctly at the beginning of the desired event and then skip directly to any subevent.


   PIDPARENT  I 'Geant PID of parent' D=11
   RIN        R 'Inner limit of radial interval for uniform decay' D=10
   ROUT       R 'Outer limit of radial interval for uniform decay' D=100
   PID1       I 'Geant PID of first decay daughter' D=5
   PID2       I 'Geant PID of second decay daughter' D=4
   PID3       I 'Geant PID of third decay daughter, if present' D=0

Initializes parameters for the decay of a particle with uniform probability  along its trajectory between the cylindrical surfaces R=RIN and R=ROUT.  This can be used to enhance statistics for the efficiency studies of the  reconstruction of decays. A new particle is defined, having  PIDNEW=PIDPARENT+200, and which does not have any decay modes defined in  Geant. When particle PIDPARENT appears in the input list of kinematics, its  pid is replaced by PIDNEW. It is propogated from its origin through the  surface R=ROUT, and then a decay point is chosen uniformly along its  trajectory between RIN and ROUT. GSTAR explicitly creates a new vertex at  this decay point, with 100% branching ratio for decay into the two or three  daughters defined, with kinematics defined appropriately (three-body decay  assumes scalar particles). Since the path length to the generated vertex  and the parent 4-momentum are known, the appropriate weighting factor for  the vertex due to the lifetime of the parent can be calculated.


   Obsolete command. Use GEANT/CONTROL/SPART instead


   IPART      I 'Geant PID' D=0

   Writes out decay modes for particle id IPART.


   SCND       I 'secondaraies treatment flag' D=1 R=0:2

   Controls the way how secondary particles are treated:

    0 - secondaries ignored;
    1 - secondaries are put in jstak only (standard)
    2 - some secondaries are saved in KINE bank.

This concerns decay products of particles, already existing in KINE.  Other products (than decay) of these particles are saved in KINE  only if they are produced in specially named media, which should   be different from the medium, where the parent was born.


   VX         R ' primary vertex x' D=0 R=-1000:1000
   VY         R ' primary vertex y' D=0 R=-1000:1000
   VZ         R ' primary vertex z' D=0 R=-1000:1000

   Displaces an average position of the interactions vertex in (Vx,Vy,Vz)


   VSIGT      R 'transverse vertex spread' D=0 R=0:1000
   VSIGZ      R 'longitudinal vertex spread' D=0 R=0:1000

Defines sigma if the generated vertex spread both in transverse and  longitudinal(along the beam axis) direction.

 USER/SUBEVENT NSUB [ Ntrk_max Nhit_max ]

   NSUB       I 'number of final state tracks per sub-event' D=200 R=0:10000000
   Ntrk_max   I 'maximum of tracks per single KINE bank' D=64000 R=0:10000000
   Nhit_max   I 'maximum length of a single HITS bank' D=10000000 R=0:10000000

Controls splitting of full events into a number of smaller sub-events in  the GEANT simulation phase.


   SHDO       I 'tracking flag for dense materials' D=1 R=0:1

Flag to set tracking threshold in dense materials very high.  This will  prevent showering in magnets and other dense objects, but they will still  block unphysical tracks


   CUTE       R 'electron tracking cut' D=-1 R=-1:10

Changing electron tracking cut in sensitive gases one can control  delta-electron production in detector itself.

   AGUSER -  Advanced Geant Interface menu


   Option     C 'program actions allowed' D='*'

  This command can be used to overwrite the default program actions, derived  from the nature of input data.  List of program actions, allowed in the   run, is :

    K - convertion GENZ banks to KINE
    S - Geant simulations
    D - Hit digitization
    R - reconstruction
    T - test beam data analysis.
    O - automatic output at the end of TRIG command
    * - all above is allowed


   Option     C 'call GPHYSI after geometry closing'

   Close GEANT geometry building phase. Should be done before any graphics  and/or simulations are started, otherwise ZEBRA memory problems may arise.  If any parameter is given, GPHYSI is also called to calculate  cross-sections.  In DEBUG OFF mode the output of GPHYSI is rederected into  LUN 99.

 AGUSER/GDROP [ Option ]

   Option     C 'bank drop choice' D='*'

   Drops a selected bank tree or a set of bank trees according to the  following list:

    P - Particle structure PART
    A - material structure MATE
    M - medium structure TMED  
    - - drops all three above mentioned structures
    V - Volume structures VOLUM and GPAR, Rotation matrices
    S - sets, hits and digits SETS, HITS and DIGI
    D - detector description bank DETM
    R - event raw data RAWD and reconstruction bank RECB
    E - the whole short-range event division
    * - drops all listed above except for the first three.


   PATH       C 'Path to the selected sub-branch of banks' D='/DETM'
   OPTION     C 'Dump option (F,H,C,U or 1)' D=' '

   Dumps the content of a selected sub-branch of ZEBRA banks, addressed by the  PATH.  Possible options are:

    F - dump in a file instead of the terminal. The bank name is used as   the file name with .sgml extension
    H - convert the dump file in HTML formated set of files with  apropriate hyperlinks beween them.   Each bank in the structure is described in a separate file  with the name of the bank and its top level bank as the filename   and with .html extension.
    C - dump only numbers without variable names and comments. This may    be usefull for an output intended to be read by another program.
    U - dump also banks which have no documenation (normally they are skipped),
    1 - dump also long banks (more than 1000 word - normally they are skipped).

 AGUSER/MODE Detector [ Flag Value ]

   Detector   C 'detector subsystem name' D='ALL'
   Flag       C 'control flag name'
   Value      I 'flag value'

   For a given detector subsystem (or for ALL of them) sets a control flag  value.  Possible flags and their default values are:

          PNOW  (0)             - print level for current event
          PRIN  (0)                - normal print level
          DEBU  (0)              - debug print level
          GEOM  (1)             - geometry version
          HIST  (1)                - system histogram flag
          GRAP  (1)              - system graphics level
          SIMU  (1)               - store GEANT hits flag
          DIGI  (1)                 - digitisation flag
          RECO  (1)               - reconstruction flag
          MFLD  (1)              - magnetic field flag
          ANAL  (0)              - user analysis level
          BACK  (0)              - number of pile-up bunchs to select   (relative to the trigger one)

   To change default values use GSFLAG command.

 AGUSER/DETP Detector [ NAME Value ]

   Detector   C 'detector subsystem name'
   NAME       C 'name of the selected bank or of a variable in the bank'
   Value      R 'value of the selector or new value of the variable'

   When a USE operator is called for a bank for the first time, it checks  weither the bank name and the value of its selector coincides with the one  mentioned in a DETP command for the same detector.  If this is the case, corresponding variables in the bank are replaced by the new value.  Only  one DETP command per detector is kept in the program, the next command with  the same detector name overwrites the previous one.  On the other hand, any  number of banks and their variable can be changed by a single command  (which can be expended to several lines following KUIP rules.  When data  are read from P stream, they are stripped out of old DETP commands.

    Typing rules for  DETP parameters are the following:
   - the bank selector may be given in () or with a = sign.
   - variable to change should have a trailing = sign.
   - the new value should be separated by a blank.
   - command is not case sensitive.
    DETP CALO cgeo(1).rmin= 200
    DETP CALO cgeo= 1 rmin= 200

 AGUSER/GVERTEX X_vertex Y_vertex Z_vertex

   X_vertex   R 'x of the generated vertex' D=0
   Y_vertex   R 'y of the generated vertex' D=0
   Z_vertex   R 'z of the generated vertex' D=0

   Defines an average vertex position for standalone particle generation.

  AGUSER/GSPREAD X_sigma Y_sigma Z_sigma

   X_sigma    R 'x-spread of the generated vertex' D=0
   Y_sigma    R 'y-spread of the generated vertex' D=0
   Z_sigma    R 'z-spread of the generated vertex' D=0

   Defines the vertex spread for standalone particle generation.

 AGUSER/GSFLAG Flag [ Value ]

   Flag       C 'AGI control flag' D='PRIN'
   Value      I 'flag value' D=1

   Possible Flag values are:


   Sets default value for control flags. These flags will be used to provide a  default value for all new detectors DETE (MODE) bank.  Flags mentioned here   are only a subset of all flags, available in the MODE command.

 AGUSER/GFLAG Flag [ Value ]

   Flag       C 'AGI control flag' D='PRIN'
   Value      I 'flag value' D=1

   Possible Flag values are:


   Sets default value for control flags - same as GSFLAG

AGUSER/GDEBUG Flag [ Itest ]

   Flag       I 'hard debug level' D=1
   Itest      I 'random number print flag' D=0

   Set geant IDEBUG flag to value more than 1 for hard debugging and ITEST   flag for random number printouts.


   Option     C 'automatic tracking parameter computation' D='ON'

   Possible Option values are:


   Set or reset flag for automatic tracking medium parameter computation by   GEANT.  Equivalent to the standard GEANT AUTO flag (which also works now).


   NAME       C 'Object Name'
   SET        C 'Set(subsystem) name' D='*'
   DET        C '(sensitive) detector name' D='*'

   Prints selected GEANT object (hits, digits, sets, KINE tracks, Vertices,   Particles, Materials, Media, Volumes, Rotation matrices) using its name   rather than the numeric ID.


   CSET       C 'subsystem (set) name' D='*'
   CDET       C 'User detector name' D='*'

   Prints hits using CALL AGPDIGI(cset+H,cdet).  Unlike the internal GEANT    numbering, volume numbering starts from 1.  Pseudo-divisions are decoded   into their original real values.


   CSET       C 'subsystem (set) name' D='*'
   CDET       C 'User detector name' D='*'

   Prints digits using CALL AGPDIGI(cset+D,cdet).  Unlike the internal GEANT   numbering, volume numbering starts from 1.  Pseudo-divisions are decoded   into their original real values.


   ABANDON    I 'electron stopping mode' D=0

   Low energy electrons and positrons, which have no chance to reach the   volume boundary, may be stopped using 2 different criteria.  There is no  description currently available how it is done.


   NTRACK     I 'Number of tracks per event, -1 for tape input' D=1 R=-10:10000
   ID         I 'Particle ID or number of events to skip on input' R=0:100000
   PTLOW      R 'Lower limit of pT' R=0:100000
   PTHIGH     R 'Upper limit of pT' R=0:100000
   YLOW       R 'Lower limit of rapidity' R=-10:10
   YHIGH      R 'Upper limit of rapidity' R=-10:10
   PHILOW     R 'Lower limit of Phi' R=-10:10
   PHIHIGH    R 'Upper limit of Phi' R=-10:10
   ZLOW       R 'Lower limit of Z of Vertex'
   ZHIGH      R 'Upper limit of Z of vertex'
   option     C 'choise of Geant or PDG particle ID' D='G'

   Possible option values are:


   Generates particles with flat phase space distribution (instead of input  events from a file) or to provide a particle filter parameters for external   generator input.    Parameters are number of tracks per event, Geant particle ID for    particle in-line generation. Following optional parameters are lower and   upper bounds of pT, rapidity and azimouth anlge intervals.  If no  parameters are given, a single muon will be generated per event,  distributed uniformly in the interval 0<pT<10 GeV, -10<y<10, 0<phi<2pi.  To switch to PDG particle ID instead of the GEANT one, the options P or  E can be used.   If NTRACK equal -1 events are read from P input stream instead of  been generated. In this case the second parameter is the initial event  number.  Other parameters are use as a filter to select particles fed into   simulations.


   NTRACK     I 'Number of tracks per event, -1 for tape input' D=1 R=-10:10000
   ID         I 'Geant Particle ID, first event for tape input' D=5 R=0:1000
   PxLOW      R 'Lower limit of pT' R=-10000:10000
   PxHIGH     R 'Upper limit of pT' R=-10000:10000
   PyLOW      R 'Lower limit of rapidity' R=-10000:10000
   PyHIGH     R 'Upper limit of rapidity' R=-10000:10000
   PzLOW      R 'Lower limit of Phi' R=-10000:10000
   PzHIGH     R 'Upper limit of Phi' R=-10000:10000
   ZLOW       R 'Lower limit of Z of Vertex' R=-10000:10000
   ZHIGH      R 'Upper limit of Z of vertex' R=-10000:10000
   option     C 'choise of Geant or PDG particle ID' D='G'

   Possible option values are:


    Generates particles in a given momentum bin  or to provide a particle filter parameters for external generator input.  Parameters are number of tracks per event, Geant particle ID for   particle in-line generation, or -1 and first event number for input event   stream.    Following optional parameters are   lower and upper bounds of Px, Py and Pz.  If no parameters are  given, a  single muon will be generated per event, distributed uniformely in the  interval -1<Px,Py,Px<1 GeV.  To switch to PDG particle ID instead of the   GEANT one, the options P or E can be used.   If NTRACK equal -1 events are read from P input stream instead of  been generated. In this case the second parameter is the initial event   number.  Other parameters are use as a filter to select particles fed into   simulations.

 AGUSER/GFILE [ streamtype file sets Modif num ]

   streamtype C 'I/O stream and data type combined in one word' D='P'
   file       C 'name of the file' D='ZEBRA'
   sets       C 'list of data sets to read/write' D='*'
   Modif      C 'filename modification mode' D=' '
   num        I 'numbers for filename modification'

   Open an input or output data file with events.

    Stream. Different I/O streams are:
     P      - physics events input stream
     B      - background events to pile up on top of physics events,
     I      - general input data (no geometry record in the beginning),
     O      - output data.
    Data types may be:
    ' ' - Standard GENZ Zebra format with Lrec=8100 (default),
     Z  - Standard GEANT FZ format with Lrec=900 words,
     L  - Records include Length (Fortran-type OPEN used),
     F  - Fatmen catalog used to access Zebra tapes,
     N  - special Colomn Wise Ntuple with GENZ-type events for input,
     U  - user defined data type. In this case user has to supply his own  routines AGUSREAD(ier) and to link it dinamically using gexec.   The input file is opened by default on unit 20 as FORMATTED.    For a user-specific file openning user has to provide his own    routine AGUSOPEN(file) and to link it dinamically using gexec.  

File: is the name of the data file.  It may include directory path and   wildcard characters.  Default extensions for the default file name are P, B   and O.  Sets: list of data sets to be read or written:

    G - GEANT detector geometry plus DETM bank   (unless they are already loaded or created)
    E - GENZ RUNT/EVNT banks with parton level information,
    K - Geant KINE/VERT/HEAD information,
    H - HIT banks,
    D - DIGI banks,
    R - reconstruction banks,
    S - data structure description (both include files and rz-database) is   updated automatically as it is done with the STRUCTURES commands,
    * - all above (default).

   Note that GEANT simulations are allowed ONLY if the input does not contain   hits or digits (i.e. disallowed by default list!).  Modif (to be  implemented on request):
  The way how the * wildcard character is replaced using the   numbers which follow this parameter.   Possible choice is LOOP or LIST (see software note 008).

  AGUSER/GHIST [ file directory unit ]

   file       C 'name of the file' D='atlas.his'
   directory  C 'rz-directory for n-tuples' D='SLUGRZ'
   unit       I 'logical unit number' D=33

   Open a histogram output file. This file is used to keep disk resident   N-tuples and to save all histograms at the end of run.

    Before opening a disk resident N-tuple, user should do  the following directory setting:
       Call RZCDIR('//SLUGRZ',' ')
       Call  HCDIR('//SLUGRZ',' ')
    At the end of the run you should do EXIT command to finish GEANT -   this will do the actual histogram saving.

 AGUSER/GBACK [ Nbefor Nafter BgMult BgTime BGSkip ]

   Nbefor     I 'number of bunchs to add prior to the trigger one' D=0
   Nafter     I 'number of bunchs to add after the trigger one' D=0
   BgMult     R 'Average pile-up multiplicity of bunch crossing' D=23
   BgTime     R 'Time between bunch crossings (in ns)' D=25
   BGSkip     R 'average number of skept events for randomizing' D=1

   Secondary event stream 'B' use used to put pile-up pre-simulated events on  top of a physics event.  Background data should be in GEANT or GENZ format.  Interaction time, vertex and track numbers of each secondary event are  updated upon read.


   Bank access mechanism is implemeted as it is described in Atlas note  SOFT-NO-002. The only correction to the note is the call to the REBANK  itself, which now has an additional parameter Ia:

             call REBANK (Path,IDN,Npar,Link*,Ia*)

   The returned value of Ia contains the displacement in the bank, for a  single raw request. Remember that this routine is not intended for general  usage and should be avoided - use FILL/USE operators RBSTORE/RBCOPY,   RBGET/RBPUT routines instead.


   Here we provide some general guidance in addition to the Atlas note   SOFT-NO-014, for using USE operator in the reconstruction code the complete  format of the USE operator is

    USE Path [ variable=value ] [ OPER={DELETE/UNIQUE/NEXT/ZERO} ] [
    STAT=istat ]

   All fields apart from Path are optional.

     Path : is the Unix-like path to the selected bank or a chain of banks    It may include after bank names integer indeces   If omitted, default value for index is supposed to be 1.   The Path may be absolute, i.e. starting from /DETM or /RECB, in   which case the selected bank becomes the Current Working Directory  or relative, i.e. starting from the current working directory,   selected by the previous USE operator.   Module names in the begining of the path are recognized as  the absolute path in DETM tree.  

OPER:  Different operations are :
      DELETE - deletes the selected bank from the tree AFTER copying its   content in the corresponding structure
      ZERO   - reset the bank content to ZERO (agaim AFTER coping)
     UNIQUE - moves the selected bank to the first position in the chain  and drops all other banks in this chain making a unique   version available for the further analysis.
      NEXT   - select the next bank in the chain without searching the  path again. If STAT option is used, this is done only  if the status control variable is OK [0], otherwise  a normal search in the path is done, thus allowing   to select a starting bank and its descendent in the  same USE  STAT=ISTAT returns in ISTAT the bank access status (0 if OK).   Initial value of ISTAT should be defined with a DATA statement.

 AGUSER/GEXEC file [ library ]

   file       C 'name of the *.g file'
   library    C 'additional library path and libraies' D=' '

   parse to fortran, compile, link as a shared library and execute users  program, stored in the file.g.  The file may contain several subroutines.   The one which has the same name as the file is executed.


   Option     C 'program, component or data versions' D='*'

   This command can be used to steer version dependance, which cannot be  derived from the nature of input data.  List of known program version :

    RZ95, RZ96 - Different key formats in RZ files (affects RZ/FILE)

  AGUSER/GSTAT [ key ]

   key        C 'name of the selected histogram' D='ALL'

    Book a standard set of the GEANT control histogram:
    TIME -  Time per event
    SIZE -  Space used in IXDIV per event
    MULT -  Total number of tracks per event
    NTRA -  Long life tracks per event
    STAK -  Maximum stack size per event

  AGUSER/STRUCTURES [ system type ]

   system     C 'name of the system whose structures should be dumped' D=' '
   type       C 'type of the output' D=' '

   Produce a definition file with data structure description and update the   documentation database (detm.rz) in accordance with the structures currenly   loaded in the program.  Type of the output may be
     def   - AGI preprocessor input file,
     idl   - CORBA interface definitions language,
     other - internal table format

   This output may automatically be read by the AGI parser so that user can   get access to structure description with +cde or +include statements.    CORBA idl file should be processed by STIC compiler to produce .inc and .h    files. Internal definition file is directly fed to table access module.

  AGUSER/TABLES [ system dataset ]

   system     C 'name of the system to be converted into table' D=' '
   dataset    C 'output directory' D=' '

   Makes AGI structures, which belong to a particular AGI system, visible as  StaF tables in the requested dataset. Apropriate STAF table descriptions is  derived from AGI description and actual table adresses are mapped to AGI  structures. Default value is "*" which means "all system".  A subset of  structures can also be convertes into tables by defining the path to them.  By default, all tables are created in /dui/Run, but destination can be  redirectded to another dataset.  If the dataset does not exist yet, it will   be created (but not the whole path!)

 AGUSER/GMAKE source [ name library ]

   source     C 'default path to the module source' D='.'
   name       C 'name of the makefile' D=' '
   library    C 'additional keyword parameters for make' D=' '

   Redefine default path to the source for GEXEC command, as well as the name   of the makefile to be executed by GEXEC.  Additional parameters for the   make procedure may be supplied with their keywords (examples: LIB_PATH=...    LIBS=...)

 AGUSER/ONFAULT [ fault counter handler ]

   fault      C 'name of the arithmetic fault signal flag' D='IDO'
   counter    I 'number of faults to catch' D=1
   handler    C 'name of an optional user error handler routine' D=' '

   Catch certain number of arithmetic faults of selected type and print  tracing diagnostic. To provide a meaningful diagnostic, user code should be  compiled with '-g' option  (unfortunatly, not all of the cernlib routines   are compiled with it!).  List of possible faults is computer dependant.  In   particular, HP can detect: (I) - illegal instruction, (D) - division by 0,    (O) - floating overflow, (U) - floating underflow,  and (X) - inexact    numbers.  Last two happens very often and should not be normally considered   as errors.  In addition (*) subsitutes all five flags, (+) means do not   alter flags other then mentioned in the command, which normally are reset    to IGNORE.  Counter sets the number of extended error messages to be  printed, the rest is counted in the common block /agerrorcount/   nnum(5),mmax(5), but not reported. If counter is negative, corresponding    faults are ignored.  After the message is printed, program behaviour   depends on the counter, i.e. when counter is positive, error is ignored and   execution continues, otherwise control is transfered to the kuip.  If   defined, a user handler routine is called instead of the standard CERNLIB   tracing routine.


    abort the program - the fastest possible exit