Silicon Vertex Tracker description in aGSTAR


This page contains documentations of the STAR SVT geometry as it is implemented in aGSTAR simulation packages. Both the tracker and its supporting cone are described.

Authors: Pavel Nevski, Ken Wilson

Created 05 Apr 96

*  Original version: Claude Pruneau, Wayne State University, 25-jul-1993      *
*  04-nov-93 cap integrated in STAR/GEANT                                     *
*  18-Nov-93 Updated by Stathes Paganis, Spiros Margetis                      *
*  05-Apr-96 Put into AGI format by Pavel Nevski, material checked,           *
*            some overlaps fixed, supports added                              *
*  Late Apr   Modified by Ken Wilson: redid cone, end rings, etc.             *
*             Set colors to STAR convention                                   *
*  May 21 WKW changed water channel thickness from 500 to 750 microns         *
*             changed AgPd thickness from 30 to 45 microns                    *
*             added glass insulating layer                                    *
*             all based on info from David Lynn                               *
*  May 22 WKW separated waf carrier and support struct. parameters
*             from SVTG  
*  May 29 WKW added brackets between cone and water manifold                  *
*             added brackets between end rings                                *
*             checked and changed many numbers using new info from 
*             Chong-Jer
*  Jun 14 WKW added screws between end rings and end ring brackets            *
*  Jul 15 WKW added SGLA to the content list (should have been there!)        *
*  Oct 18 WKW corrected thickness of copper for cables on the support cone    *
*  Oct 24 WKW set the id of the sup. cone section 3 at 37.4 cm for ftpc 
*             group set end ring thickness to .2
*             removed the tpc support ring (which was a guess by Pavel)       *
*  Dec 15 WKW set space between wafers on ladder in z direction to 0          *
*  Feb 12/97  WKW changed the hits definition to agree with g2t, 
*             this should fix eloss problems
*  Apr 29 WKW fixed mistake in glass, O was A=8, Z=16                         *
*             changed glass density from 2.0 to 2.2 two reflect PDG value     *
*             dye thickness changed to give .11% per hybrid                   *
*             glass thickness changed from 350 to 150 microns to agree 
*             with D.L. note