Crate 5 --> TOWER FEE and Database Mapping Tests

  • Tower crate 5 covers 10 subsectors 7D - 9C
  • Procedure:
    - set HV only for eta bin 1 in all 10 subsectors
    - pulse LED with masks x02,x04,x08,x10, and x20 injecting light to subsectors A,B,C,D,and E, respectively. For each mask take separate run.
  • Expected display patterns:
    subSec masks Pattern 1
    x02 x04 x08 x10 x20
    7TD . . . X .
    7TE . . . . X
    8TA X . . . .
    8TB . X . . .
    8TC . . X . .
    8TD . . . X .
    8TE . . . . X
    9TA X . . . .
    9TB . X . . .
    9TC . . X . .
    subSec masks Pattern 2
    x20 x10 x08 x02 x01
    7TD . X . . .
    7TE X . . . .
    8TA . . . . X
    8TB . . . X .
    8TC . . X . .
    8TD . X . . .
    8TE X . . . .
    9TA . . . . X
    9TB . . . X .
    9TC . . X . .
  • Results

    Probably due to the cross crate timing issues no LED peaks in 7D & E are visible (?need to check with WJ).

    A separate plot for every eta bin is made, following the pattern of the above tables. X-axis range 0-4095. Although pedestals were subtracted, but the ped values were about week old, so 1-2 channel difference is often visible.

    Log-log scale is used so plots look funny. Two hints:
    LED signal is a narrow peak in the middle of the plot. 'Empty' spectrum has nonzero values in the ADC=0 bin.
    runs eta bin pattern plots Remarks, ignoring 7D+E
    1000-10041 1 GIF , PS OK
    1005-10092 2 GIF , PS OK
    1010-10143 1 GIF , PS OK
    1015-10194 2 GIF , PS OK
    1020-10245 1 GIF , PS OK
    1025-10296 2 GIF , PS OK
    1030-10347 1 GIF , PS 8B07 =sticky bits, 9B07=missing
    1035-10398 2 GIF , PS 8D08=missing
    1040-10449 1 GIF , PS 8D09=missing
    1045-104910 2 GIF , PS OK
    1050-105411 1 GIF , PS OK
    1055-105912 2 GIF , PS OK
    Analysis Code and Files:

  • Miniroot (ez.root) files at /star/data04/sim/balewski/miniDaqRun4/crate5Map/
  • Analysis: histograms for all towers were produced for every run. Location: /star/u/balewski/ezGames/outCrate5Map (temporary).
  • Macro used to make plots root.exe -q 'plCrate5Map.C(1000,1004,1)'